Dude, I spent almost 2 whole months at home reading and learning everything in that grimoire.
Man, I really got tired of it, just staying at home doing nothing but reading and learning.
it's far beyond the word boring .....
but I obtained everything in this grimoire, all the loose ends, I learned
everything that was in that grimoire I unraveled, and the funniest thing is that I remember everything
maybe my brain just needed some stimuli to be truly activated
I feel like I have a semi-photographic memory, it's not humanly possible.
read and remember more than 1077 pages of a book/grimoire...
AHH man, I really need to cut my hair, it's huge.
Is there a hairdresser around here? Well, for now, I'll focus on that.
so after buying a cell phone, I went to the Mystic Falls police station Gabriel ...
"I was looking at myself in the mirror.... 'Hmm, it doesn't look bad at all, classes will start soon.... right now I'm 176cm tall and I've grown a lot these months, I've been training a lot too, not just studying.' Of course all my weights stayed in Reseda, I'm going to look into whether there's a gym around here.... in a month I'll be 16, and I'll finally be able to get my driver's license and my motorcycle license....
but now .... I need to find Sheila Bennett, she is the only one I know who can teach me and pass on knowledge about magic here in this city .... I walk the streets, meet people, talk to them .... trying to find out about Sheila ..., but no one gave me any information, I still have the last resort .... "Call Caroline .....
Riiing Riiing "...
Caroline); Hello ?
Me): Caroline, hi, it's Clark, I need your help to find someone...
Caroline): Clark? Hi, it's been a week since you talked to me, who do you want to find?
Me): It's a lady, her name is Sheila Bennett
Caroline):!! Grandma Sheila? Why do you want to find her?
Me): It's about my family, I need to ask her something about them....
Caroline); humm I see, her address is ...
Well, let's go now....
ring ring ...
"IT'S COMING ... Who is....😳😳 Who are you?
Hello, good afternoon, does Sheila Bennett live here?
"yes, what do you want with my grandmother?" What do you want with my grandmother?
Is she at home? could you please call her ....
"HMMM Alright, wait here"
Thoughts: great, Bonnie, the younger one, attended to me, she's actually quite cute....
"Who are you, young man?" "Who are you, boy?"
OH hello ma'am, can I talk to you for a moment?
"about what exactly?" "about what exactly?"
actually, I would like it to be in private...
"Alright, Bonie is going inside ...."
"All good, Grandma"
Sheila: So, boy, what do you want?
Good afternoon, ma'am. My name is Gabriel, and I came here to ask for your help with something.
Sheila " with what?
Actually, I came to ask for your help with magic...
Sheila: "What?" magic? Are you an idiot or what? that doesn't exist, go away kid ....
while she was about to slam the door in my face, I said
wait, ma'am, you and I know this isn't true
I have something you would really like, and you have something I want.
Why don't we talk about it?
She kept watching me intently, and then she simply grabbed my arm.
"you are not a vampire, nor do you have magic inside you, but you definitely have something special inside you"
Thought: that's interesting, she saw that there's something different about me, but I don't even know exactly what I've become in this world...
Actually, I am just a normal human being, with some knowledge.
I came to you so that you could help me channel magic for myself.
in exchange, I give you this ... "I show her the book"
she widens her eyes at that
"this is .... a grimoire and very old by the way ....
actually, this is a Bennett grimoire, which I "found" around here in Mystic Falls
for a while now, since then I have been reading what is inside it and
there are many interesting things here, especially for the Bennetts
Sheila"... do you want me to channel magic for you, in exchange you give me this grimoire?
Exactly that, I just need you to channel magic for me.
Sheila, what exactly are you going to do with this channeling of magic? what exactly do you want this for?
Thoughts: Damn, I knew she was going to ask that, now what do I say? the lie has to be convincing so that she believes me .
Actually, Mrs. Sheila, about 7 months ago my parents were killed.
I saw them being killed by a vampire...
I was sleeping, it was 2 AM, then I woke up to a noise in my parents' room.
and I saw that filthy being, ripping my mother's head off, and my father tried to fight him
and was killed, I hid behind the door, he didn't notice me and left
since then I have been researching what that thing was
and then I found several sources that confirm it was a vampire, since then I have been researching all of this
looking for a way to defend myself against these things and also to take revenge on that despicable being who killed my parents...
Sheila"... Boy, how old are you?
Me): I'm 15 years old, I'll be 16 next month....
Sheila, you are still a child. I'm very sorry, young man, for you having seen this.
come in, let's talk.....