Chereads / Project Zen / Chapter 2 - Homeroom 106

Chapter 2 - Homeroom 106

"You're Hawk? Hawk Yuje?" A brown haired girl in a ponytail asked, as she stood before Hawk, atop the small flight of stairs that lead to the entrance of the school. Her hands, curled into fists, were at her sides. "That's right!" Hawk said, while gently placing his thumb against his chest. But the confidence he felt soon turned into confusion, as he never saw this girl throughout his attendance at Toshi Academy. "Wait… Who're you?" He then asked. The girl then introduced herself as Mikoto Shinozaki. To which she then said to Hawk, "we need you in Homeroom 106." The confusion Hawk felt would revert back to confidence, once those words were emitted from Mikoto's mouth. A wave of joy overcame Hawk, as a smile crept onto his face. 

Within the hallways of the academy, Hawk and Mikoto were in the midst of their trek to Homeroom 106, while passing by several students, which illuminated the halls with conversation and laughter amongst themselves. "You must be pretty tough to get into Homeroom 106." Mikoto told Hawk, who sighed with his mouth closed. "I kicked Pudge's ass once." Hawk boasted, much to Mikoto's deadpan face. "And I also beat Kongo in the middle of a basketball court." He added. This news was more eye-opening to Mikoto, and quite literally too, as she raised an eyebrow with intrigue. "Sometimes when it comes to a fight, the goal ain't about winning fast, it's about winning with finesse and charisma." Hawk then said, calmly yet vehemently. This was enough to bring a warm smile to Mikoto. "I like how you think." She told the boy. "Pudge is pretty notorious for shaking down unsuspecting students. So I'm glad you put him in his place." Mikoto added, much to Hawk's elation. "This might be a dumb question, but how did you become the final candidate for Homeroom 106?" She then asked. 

The two turned the corner, and walked down the hallway to the right. It felt like a solid few hours in which Hawk explained his journey to earning a spot in Homeroom 106. "The next day, my Pops got a letter, sayin' I earned a spot in Homeroom 106." Hawk said, ending his elaboration. Mikoto's brow furrowed at one small, yet transparent, detail in Hawk's story: "Wait, so you snuck into the homeroom with Nile and Li?" She asked in a soft tone, making sure no one else in the hallways was overhearing their conversation. "Yeah. Why?" Hawk said, with heavy hesitation. Shortly afterwards, Mikoto turned around to face Hawk. "And Eeno made you hide while those two got in trouble?" She asked. "Actually…" But before Hawk could finish his sentence, Mikoto diverted her eyes from Hawk, and looked diagonally downwards. "Don't get me started on that Porcupine Afro Kid." She muttered. "Him and I have always been at odds. Even at first sight." Mikoto then added. Resuming their trek to Homeroom 106, Hawk and Mikoto were about to walk down the partially crowded hallway. That was until… 

"Out of the way!" A student announced from the other end of the hallway, which prompted all of the other students to clear a path for a blue-haired girl, who sat atop the palms of four other students, legs in a pretzel-like position. "Make way for the queen!" Another student, carrying the girl, also ordered, his voice resonating throughout the halls. Suddenly, the students that carried the girl in the air stopped next to Hawk and Mikoto upon her command to "halt." The blue-haired girl looked down at the two. "Mikoto? Don't tell me you're befriending street rats." The blue-haired girl said in a condescending manner. "And who the hell are you?" Hawk asked, in defiance. "Me?" The blue-haired girl said, before introducing herself as Iris Yugen. She then went on to explain, "I am the most powerful student in all of Toshi Academy. I was born powerful, and I strive to become rich and famous." However, this fell on silence, before Hawk told her, "never heard of you," which caused Iris to pause in disgust and shock, before scoffing. "And you think you're better than me?" She asked, before turning her head in angst. Iris ordered the students who carried her to "move," as they continued to walk to Homeroom 106. Hawk and Mikoto watched for only a few seconds. "She seems like a handful." The boy then told Mikoto. "Well, she's not bluffing. She is the most powerful student here." Mikoto then explained to the boy, much to his angered grumbling, before he took several steps forward down the hallway, ahead of Mikoto. "Let's go. We're gonna be late." He then told the girl. 

Homeroom 106 was vacant, save for four other students, one of which included Iris. One, donning a blue hat, sat in a desk near the doorway, the other, being the orange-haired ronin from yesterday, sitting in a desk that stood in the corner most section in the back of the room. And the other was a pale, yellow-haired student, who drew a sigil on his desk. He sat in the front of the class, directly ahead of the ronin, who sat all the way behind him. "So, you're here too?" The hat-wearing boy asked, shuffling through his playing cards. He then launched them into the air, in a spring-like motion. The cards flew over his head, like a rainbow, before they all landed on the opposite hand. "Words of wisdom: Play your cards right, or the cards will play you." He told Hawk. But the boy paid it no mind. And Iris stood in the center of the first row of desks held within the homeroom. "Seems we're early." Hawk told Mikoto. "Let's find somewhere to sit." Mikoto then told Hawk, before she walked down the aisle of desks, and sat on Iris' right. 

Everyone present in the classroom minded their own business, with Mikoto and Iris nonchalantly talking amongst themselves, the ronin sharpening his katana, and the pale boy including more detail into the sigil that was drawn onto the wood of the desk. Then, one other student arrived into the room, with one of them being Eeno, who locked eyes with Hawk, and the boy would meet the eye contact with a smile of delight. The Esper sat next to Hawk, but not before Eeno and the boy high-fived each other. "Congrats on getting in." Eeno told Hawk. To which the boy thanked his friend. "So who're these guys?" Hawk asked, leaning sideways to ask Eeno.

"The one sitting in the way back is Koga Ichizoku." Eeno said, despite not turning to face the ronin. "His father is the head of the Ichizoku Clan. Some martial arts family that's been dead-set in their ways since the beginning, and now it's slowly dying out." He continued. "The one drawing a sigil onto the desk is Kujato Lecarde. He has a special kind of eyesight, which happened during a ritual when he was born." Hawk proceeded to turn halfway behind him to stare at the pale boy, for only brief moments, before turning back to Eeno. "And the one by the doorway is Tomalio Manilio. He's got sticky fingers. So it's best we keep our distance from him." 

"And who's this?" Hawk asked, noticing a girl just entering the homeroom. She had a red winter cap, complete with two, silver, horn-like cones at the top of the wool hat. Furthermore, she was bundled up in winter clothing, despite it being in the middle of August. "Aiko Apollo." Eeno uttered, as the girl delightfully walked to sit in a desk behind Mikoto and Iris, her footsteps were filled with joy and optimism. "Everyone calls her Delta. She wears winter clothing all day, every day, due to her Permafrost condition." Eeno then elaborated. Hawk smiled as she brushed her black and violet hair, and walked to the back of the homeroom, and sat down at the corner to the right. "Careful; She may have a warm heart, but her power is cold to the touch." Eeno then advised his friend. 

Meanwhile, in the hallway, a female student walked alongside Principal Okono, as they made their way towards Homeroom 106. The newcomer had short, black hair, and six whiskers on her face, with three on each cheek. She also donned a white handkerchief around her neck. "This academy was built for the up and coming such as yourself." Okono said to the newcomer. She looked up at Okono with an expression of concern. But the feeling of worry was somewhat trivial, as Okono would reassure the newcomer, saying to her, "have no fear. Homeroom 106 houses the strongest students throughout the academy." This was enough to prompt the newcomer to look ahead with a subtle smile. "I'm sure you'll fit in well." He then said, smiling down at her. 

Around this time, the seats within Homeroom 106 had been taken, as two more students had joined the classroom. There were two vacant seats left. Out of the 526 students that regularly attended the Toshi Martial Arts Academy, only 12 were accepted into the new homeroom after several grueling days of indecision from the staff. 

The door to Homeroom 106 opened, revealing Principal Okono, who was accompanied by the newcomer. He entered the room first, but the newcomer did not appear. Instead, she remained by the doorway, out of sight. "My optimistic and bright students of Homeroom 106…" He announced, getting everyone's attention. "This is a great step forward within the history of Toshi Academy, and I am thrilled to have all of you join us on this new and exciting journey. As you already know, this homeroom is designed to house the most powerful throughout the school, and it seems we've made the right choices. But, in spite of your strength and determination, this world can be brooding and unbridled in its trials and tribulations, so I hope that all of you are able to make the best judgements going forward." 

"Welcome to Homeroom 106!" Okono concluded his speech with positivity, spreading his arms out in a gleeful manner. After a few seconds of silence, Okono continued to speak: "We do have a newcomer joining your ranks, so I trust you'll show her some kindness and generosity." Shortly after Okono mentioned this, the newcomer in question timidly walked into the classroom after the principal motioned to the door. "This is your new best friend." He introduced to the class. "Treat her with utmost respect." Okono then instructed everyone present. 

"I am Momoko Akatsuki, born April 21, in the year 1992. I am an only child, raised in a foster home without knowing who my parents are, so embarking on this educational experience is a new and exciting journey for me. What I hope to gain from this is the expansion of my martial talent, along with my abilities, knowledge, and many more." The newcomer introduced herself to everyone, albeit with a somewhat timid tone that discreetly exuded from her mouth. 

With Momoko introducing herself to the rest of Homeroom 106, she carefully scurried her way to the back of the classroom, where she grabbed a seat near the corner desk to her right. Seconds after her introduction, Principal Okono spoke up: "And because this is a homeroom dedicated to the strongest, all of you should be taught under a potent enough teacher." The door to Homeroom 106 opened, revealing a dwarven, anthropomorphic pig, who carried a rake over his right shoulder. "This is Chi Bajie, your homeroom teacher." The principal then said with confidence. "Glad to be of service, Principal Okono." Bajie said before walking towards the desk that sat before the blackboard. With a single hop, he plopped onto the padded swivel chair, a small rumbling could be heard echoing throughout the homeroom. However, the trembling was not potent enough to create a massive earthquake, as pudgy and small as Mr. Bajie is. "So, without further ado, this is your new homeroom. I hope that you, my most trusted students, will see to it you'll become the most able-bodied mixed martial artists that this world has seen." With these words escaping Principal Okono's mouth, he bid the homeroom a farewell, before exiting the classroom. And with that, Mr. Bajie swiveled from the desk to the center of the homeroom, where he attempted to adjust the height of the seat. 

"So, as you all know, I am Chi Bajie. However, for the time being, you shall refer to me as Mr. Bajie." The pig teacher announced to Homeroom 106 before turning around to write his last name on the board with a pinky-sized piece of chalk. But, as soon as he turned around to continue his speech, he noticed one, vacant seat by the window. Bajie knew exactly who it was that was missing from the homeroom, squinting at the empty seat, before closing his eyes, and sighing in exasperation. "Where is Raphael?" He then asked the class. But none of them gave an answer. Instead, their eyes shifted with silence filling the room. "He always finds a way to slink out of school." Bajie added, breaking the silence, while shaking his head in disbelief. "Anyways, I am sure that all of you are well aware of the upcoming Initiation Trials?" The classroom then filled with silence again shortly after. The only audible sound that was made in the midst of the dead silence was Taro's yawning. But Bajie would break the silence shortly after his sigh of discontent. 

"The Initiation Trials are a series of tests where three of you are assigned to a single mentor. The objective of the tests have remained the same for two decades. There will be five teachers, each one is unique in their own right." But before Bajie could continue, the bell outside rang. And before the class could stand up to attend lunch, Bajie stopped everyone before all of them could huddle towards the door. "Don't forget: The trials begin on the 20th of August at 8:30 AM sharp. Be sure to bring your A-game to the table." 

The hallways were soon crowded with students, with several walking to their classes before they began, and others relaxing in the halls, making conversations with each other. Meanwhile, underneath the bridge that connected one part of the school to the other, Hawk was outside, by the vending machine, with Eeno beside him, as he leaned against the side of the machine. "So what's next on the list?" Eeno asked Hawk, as the boy looked through the glass of the vending machine, wondering which drink to select. "Dunno." Hawk simply said. "Well, the Initiation Trials are two days from now, and they're going to need three students to team up with one another." Eeno informed Hawk, reminding him of what Mr. Bajie had said at the end of the class period. "Got anyone in mind?" He then asked. "Honestly, I'm thinkin' we should find Mikoto." The mere mention of her name was enough to strike adrenaline within Eeno, as his body quickly, yet briefly tensed up. His face would switch from neutral to mildly irritated. "Her?" The Esper said in disbelief. "Yeah." Upon turning to face Eeno, Hawk noticed the sour mood his friend was in. "I heard you and Mikoto don't get along." Hawk then told Eeno, who lowered his tense shoulders, regaining his composure. "We don't." He said. "Any reason why?" Hawk asked. Before Eeno could explain his reasoning, he breathed a deep sigh, expressing agitation. "She knew of the grudge I had for my father, Poe… And she mocked me for it one time… Still to this day, I'm still pissed off about the comments she made. I remember that day like it was yesterday." 

"I see." Hawk said, empathetically, while looking away from Eeno. "In that case, nobody's gonna fuck with my friend. And if the academy doesn't see things the way we do, then we'll find another way. We're gonna fight this thing. Together." He then said in reassurance, clenching his right fist. "I appreciate the help, but what's the plan?" Eeno asked. Hawk placed his right hand under his chin, and looked upwards, lost in deep thought, and trying to devise a plan. But before Hawk could disclose his idea to Eeno, the bell rung, which was made more than audible through the loudspeakers outside. 

Some time had passed, and the halls had quickly become vacant, the students that hung out within the corridors scattered to their classes. The only two students that were traipsing about within the hallways were Hawk and Eeno, who were in the process of walking to Homeroom 106. Suddenly, Eeno stopped dead in his track. "You alright? What's wrong?" Hawk asked, ieventually noticing his friend was still as a statue, even bearing a nervous look. Something within the very hall the two were in made Eeno stop and think, attempting to detect whatever it was that was with them in the hall. But the feeling of being watched dissipated as quickly as it occurred, and Eeno resumed his trek to Homeroom 106. "I thought someone was behind us." Eeno conceded. Then to the left of the hall, which led to the restrooms, Momoko hid herself from the two, hoping her cover was not blown. As she peaked from behind the wall, she noticed Hawk and Eeno continuing down the hall, nonchalantly talking amongst themselves, their conversation being within earshot. "Could be the janitor." Hawk comforted Eeno. Momoko watched the two turn the corner to the left. She concentrated on them until they were out of sight. As Hawk and Eeno disappeared from Momoko's vision, she emerged from the passage to the restrooms, and began following them. 

At the school library, Hawk and Eeno resided within the last, book-crammed aisle of the room. Eeno walked down the small corridor, with Hawk beside him, as he scanned each and every book that rested within the library aisle. To counteract the uneasy feeling of being watched, both the boy and the Esper looked for a book to read as a means of easing the tension built up within them. He passed red, green, and blue spines of each book, studying their titles. From biographical novels such as "The Impact of the Impact Crisis" to even fictional works such as "Daytona Jones," Hawk and Eeno were not seeking out a particular book, like they would if they were there to study. Even years prior to the creation of Homeroom 106, Eeno would sometimes take his best friend to the library to help his vocabulary, his history, and overall understanding of the world. As they traveled to the back of the room, where the dated computers reside, they took up seating by the table next to the window, as the sun had shined bright, down on the green, healthy grass. Hawk had a book in his hand, much to Eeno's bemusement upon inspecting the novel: Zark Morgans, the fictional space pirate who travels from galaxy to galaxy in search of riches and misadventure. "You're reading that now?" He asked Hawk. "But there's not gonna be another chapter of Zark Morgans for about a week." Hawk said, playfully trying to talk his friend into letting him read the book. Eeno sighed, with a smile on his face, and then said, "alright," as he smiled, before raising another book before Hawk. "This is the good stuff." He said, as Hawk read the title: "The Tale of Monki Shaoshang." The boy recited. "Never heard of 'em." He then said to Eeno. "They say he was a real person that changed the world long before the Impact Crisis." Eeno said, briefly summarizing the synopsis of the book. 

Sitting at the table, Hawk and Eeno had been fully immersed into their respective novels. Hawk leaned forward, almost as if the pages of Zark Morgans' adventures were drawing him in closer and closer. Meanwhile, Eeno nonchalantly, yet scrupulously, analyzed every word written on the pages of The Tale of Monki Shaoshang. The Esper did not flip through the pages with his hands. Instead, through his telekinetic abilities, the pages turned on their own. "Wow!" Hawk whispered, excitedly. "So THAT is what happens to Zark's one-eyed traveling companion." Hawk quietly said to himself. Meanwhile, as Hawk and Eeno were lost in the splendor of their separate books, Momoko crept into the library, but the sound of the door creaking open almost gave her position away. 

Fully immersed in their respective storytelling, Momoko sat down directly across from Hawk and Eeno. The Esper had noticed a familiar presence sitting near them, and lowered his novel. Hawk also took notice, especially after noticing the new girl out of the corner of his eye. "Wait, you're that new girl in our homeroom, aren't you?" Hawk asked Momoko. But the new girl was too timid to answer directly. In the midst of Momoko's loss for words, Eeno then noticed the three whiskers on each side of her cheeks. She was an Aki, the type to harbor an intrinsic talent of foresight, among other optical abilities. Eventually, Momoko spoke up: "Well… I heard we're all in the same homeroom together… So I might as well get to know all of you first." But something within Eeno thought otherwise. He peered into her mind, searching for some ulterior motive. "Why are you giving me that look?" Momoko asked, in the midst of Eeno staring at her. "Give 'em a minute. He's focusing." Hawk reassured her. After detecting Momoko's thoughts, Eeno finally uncovered something. "If you're looking to buddy up for the Initiation Trials, you've come to the right guys." Eeno said, playing it coy, in an attempt to earn Momoko's trust. She looked at Eeno, surprised. She then asked, "how did you know?" Hawk then chuckled at Momoko's question. "He's what they call a Kaigun, the most powerful race of Espers in the world." The boy then proudly elaborated. "Ever heard of Psionic Techniques?" Hawk then asked Momoko. But in the middle of her bemusement, he continued: "It's pretty cool, if you ask me." Momoko looked down at her lap, her hands tightly gripping her pants. She desperately tried to think of something quick and knowledgeable, but came up short, as she timidly responded with a small, but audible, "yes." 

Momoko then looked up, and smiled, gently yet somewhat fearful. "Hopefully, they'll pair all three of us together. I get the feeling I could learn a lot from you two." She then said to Hawk and Eeno, each of whom met her anxious, half smile with a genuine one of their own. But their smiles would soon turn into serious glares, where they then looked at each other for a few seconds, and then back at Momoko. "Wait, that's why you came looking for us?" Hawk asked, in a gentle voice, so not to startle, or intimidate her. But before Momoko could speak up and answer, Hawk continued; "'Cause we were... kinda lookin' for a third partner for the Initiation, and havin' an Aki on our side would be awesome." Momoko looked up at Hawk and Eeno with a look of surprise. "Wow, that's..." She was stunned by their willingness to accept the newcomer of Toshi Academy to be a part of their group. "You have my gratitude." Momoko said, standing up from her seat, and bowing in respect towards Hawk and Eeno. "I won't live this down." She then said, finishing her bow of respect, and then turning to scurry towards the library's entrance. 

Some time had passed since Momoko had encountered Hawk and Eeno in the library. The day had ended, the halls clearing out within minutes, but the academy staff remained indoors. Outside, atop the entrance stairwell, few students sat to the far side of the stairs, conversing amongst themselves. Meanwhile, Hawk and Eeno climbed down the small flight of steps. Hawk set his sights on Nile and Li, both of whom sat by the entrance fountain, facing the steps to the academy. The fountain itself was large, yet simple, and stood in the center of three pathways, one of which led to the entrance stairwell. Furthermore, four letters were painted near the fountain, being North, East, South, and West. But amidst the spacious front yard to the academy, Nile and Li instantly took noticed of Hawk and Eeno walking towards the center, and approached them. "Wazzup, guys?" Hawk greeted Nile and Li. "I heard you two were accepted into Homeroom 106." Li said, with a subtle smile on his face. A sigh of slight distress was exhaled from Eeno's mouth. "Yeah." Hawk answered, with a hint of melancholy. But then he looked up at the two, and smiled. "But we couldn't have done it without you guys." He told Nile and Li. "We won't forget your efforts, guys." Eeno interjected. Nile and Li chuckled, with Li being the one to respond first: "You bet your asses." He told Hawk and Eeno. "Keep in mind: The stronger a person becomes, the more likely they'll lose themselves to power." Nile explained to Hawk and Eeno, almost in a foreboding manner, as if he was warning the two what lay beyond the road. However, this advice was covered by a jovial tone in his voice. "Never lose touch with the ones who raise you up." Nile added. "Yeah, and if we don't get any calls from you, we'll teach you a lesson in modesty." Li then chimed in, pounding his left fist against the opposite palm. Both Hawk and Eeno nodded their heads in affirmation, simultaneously. "Thanks a bunch, guys." Hawk said, gently connecting the knuckles of his right fist with the palm of his left hand. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Eeno then said to the two. While Hawk and Eeno walked away, soon to exit the school grounds, Li called out to them. Both the boy and the Esper turned to face them. Upon looking, they saw Li pointing at them. "You owe us for getting you into Homeroom 106." He told them. "I know a good spot around here. We'll take you there." Eeno said, promising them. 

At the edge of the school grounds, where the city sidewalk met the green grass and tiled pathway to Toshi Academy, Eeno and Hawk stopped before their feet could touch the concrete sidewalk. "You heard what Nile and Li said, right?" Eeno asked Hawk, who turned to face his friend. "Of course." Hawk said, smiling. Before explaining his next words to the boy, Eeno sighed, before looking at Hawk. "Listen, if I cross over a boundary that shouldn't be stepped over… If I lose sight of what makes me whole, my friends, what remains of my family…" But before Eeno could finish, Hawk intervened before the Esper could say, or ask, anything drastic. "We'll be fine." Hawk comforted his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder in the process. "This'll be a huge step forward for us. It's gonna be the springboard to launch us to our goals." He continued. "Remember; When you fall, tryin' to reach for the stars, you land on a cloud." Eeno smiled at Hawk's words of wisdom, to which he then thanked him. 

At home, Hawk plopped onto the floor, near the coffee table, and breathed a deep sigh of relief, and also one of fulfillment. "I take it everything is going well at school?" Ryori asked, entering the living room. "Yeah." Hawk said, leaning back, and stretching his arms upwards. "I'd like to know about your adventures, step by step." Ryori then requested. Hawk lowered his arms, and proceeded to explain the numerous events that transpired throughout his school day… 

The afternoon steadily turned to evening, with a green hue across the dark blue sky. "And that's how we met Momoko, and even got to see Nile and Li." Hawk said, finishing his recapitulation to Ryori. "It's some fun, making friends with people along your journey." The grandmaster then assured Hawk with a smile across his face. "You bet, Pops!" Hawk said, ecstatically, also with a smile etched from ear to ear. "And we're gonna make more friends too!" He added. Ryori's grin became even larger, noticing the immense elation coming from the boy. "That Nile friend of yours is quite the knowledgeable one." He told Hawk. "As a matter of fact, you have made some great friends. Including Eeno." Ryori added, as Hawk nodded his head, agreeing with the grandmaster. "Though, from what you've told me about his father in the past, I sense something… unique within him." 

"He told me somethin' about crossin' the line. But he has to stay strong, even if he's on that kinda edge." Hawk informed Ryori, who stroked his chin lightly, before agreeing with the boy through a simple and quick head nod. "Yes, that line you mentioned… It is a daunting, and tempting, one indeed." Ryori warned the boy, who listened intently, with widened eyes, and his mouth somewhat agape. He was enlightened by such a concept, indefinitely. "However, you have to remember that the limit is only as powerful and enticing as you allow it to be. Once you cross over, you cannot go back." Ryori continued. "My brother made such a mistake once. That is why I will be cautious on your endeavor." He then told Hawk. The boy's expression converted from one of enlightened, to serious and determined. "Remember: Face the abyss, but don't let it consume you."