Friday night was nothing short of restlessness for Hawk, as he tossed and turned in his bed, anxious about the incipient battle between him and Pudge. He finally laid facing up, as his head slowly sunk into his pillow, and stared up at the rotating ceiling fan. Surprisingly, there was no blasting music, from across the street, that blared throughout the night. If anything, it was a peaceful night, save for the late night cars along the roads, driving home from their places of work, or other, personal activities. Even after Eeno, Mikoto, and Raphael stayed at Hawk's home for an after school hangout, the boy's heart felt heavy, as the promise to beat Pudge to a pulp was like an increasingly pressing weight on his chest. Hawk sat up from his laying position as a means of deeply inhaling, before releasing that very same breath of air from his mouth with a sigh.
The night was fairly young, with the time being around 10:00 PM. Hawk successfully made it down the steps to the kitchen area of the house, and crept his way towards the refrigerator. He steadily opened the refrigerator door, as the light within the ice cold storage compartment was dim. As Hawk studied each of the contents within the refrigerator, he could feel his eyes growing heavier, as well as his eyelids stealthily closing. But the boy caught himself by quickly blinking twice. He reached into the far back of the refrigerator where he latched onto a can of soda, specifically of the Sprint brand. Hawk looked around, in spite of the area being nearly pitch black, and gingerly cracked open the can of soda, before taking a sip from it.
Some several hours went by, and Hawk woke up to the feeling of Ryori lightly shaking him. The boy had passed out on the couch in the middle of the night. "Another sleepless night, my boy?" Ryori asked, looking down at Hawk with a smile. The boy shot upwards from laying on the couch. "What's the time? What's the date?" He asked, frantically looking around for a nearby clock. "You're still in 2002, that's for certain." Ryori chuckled, as Hawk sported a grimace in the wake of Pops' joke. "Gee, thanks. Never woulda thought." He said, sarcastically.
"Well, it is 10:02 AM." Ryori then conceded. As Hawk readied himself to stand up from laying on the couch, Ryori stopped him before he could rush out the door. "Cool your jets, turbo." He calmly reassured Hawk. "About that little… banter with Pudge…" As Ryori paused, Hawk waited with bated breath to listen to what Pops had to say next. However, the boy could not contain his excitement any longer. "I gotta teach that kid a lesson. It's the only way he's ever gonna learn." He said, attempting to persuade Ryori, almost in a beguiling tone. The grandmaster raised an eyebrow at the boy for a few seconds before chuckling aloud. "Then it seems I'll have to polish that fighting style of yours." The grandmaster told him, as Hawk let out a silent sigh of relief. "I knew you'd see it my way." The boy said, smiling. "Of course." Ryori agreed. "But understand this: You must know your limits, especially in fighting." He then advised Hawk. While the boy looked at Ryori with an enlightened expression, it would soon convert into one of confusion, as he had some difficulty processing Pops' words of wisdom. "Wait a sec… Whaddya mean by that?" He then asked. "It's a lesson you should experience firsthand. But, for the time being, I shall say only this much: To restrain yourself is to maintain the self." Ryori briefly elaborated. A few seconds of silence went by, with a wide-eyed, spaced out look on Hawk's face. "Restrain to maintain…" He muttered. But then he snapped out of his daze, Ryori's words finally clicked within his head.
On the streets of Central Toshi City, Hawk and Ryori walked down the street. As they exited the alleyway, the two took a right, which would take them to an intersection, should they continue further down. Hawk and Ryori walked down the sidewalk, in the direction of the near distant intersection, where their intended destination lay. The grandmaster had a pair of small, round-framed sunglasses, which rested on the bridge of his nose. Furthermore, Ryori also wore a black kimono, which was draped over his shoulders, almost like a cape, and a bowler hat. Nearby, on the corner sidewalk, was the Garden Street Dojo, and as Hawk and Ryori continued to walk down the sidewalk, they turned the corner, where Hawk stood before the red entrance doors to the dojo. He looked up at the red sign with a smile, as the words, "Garden Street Dojo," were written in a scarlet, sharp font, complete with two cylindrical lanterns on each side of the sign, both of which had the kanji for dragon on the front.
Inside, the Garden Street Dojo was fairly spacious, with several punching bags and treadmills organized into rows, and weights, all of which laid on a rack in front of a wide mirror, which stretched from one side of the room to the other. But the one thing that immediately caught Hawk's eye was the large, elevated boxing ring in the center of the dojo, with a few people gathered around the ring itself, as two combatants were in the middle of a fierce bout. However, the two sparring partners temporarily stopped their match upon noticing Hawk and Ryori out of the corner of their eyes. A man, standing at the same height as Hawk (4'7 ft-130.70 cm), approached the two. He had grey, slicked-back hair, and wore a green robe, which was inscribed with the name "Grazi" on the left side. There was no doubt about it: He was the grandmaster, and proprietor of the dojo. "Come to cause more trouble, Ryori?" He asked. "Even in your old age, your senses are as astute as ever, Helio." Ryori said, raising his hand halfway above his body, in the form of a greeting. "You are one to talk about age when you're nearing your 60s yourself." From Ryori and Helio's banter, it was clear that the two had a sordid history, predating well into their youth. "Come on, Bro. Don't trip me up like that." Ryori said, chuckling, as his words were carried by a hint of waggishness. He continued to laugh, but Helio remained stoic and unbothered, even in the face of Pops' joking front. "What are you here for?" He asked, in all seriousness. "I'm here to train my boy." Ryori responded with, as his laughter died down. He placed a hand on Hawk's left shoulder. "Well, you see, Hawk here needs to be trained some more, just a little polishing on his fighting style." He explained to Helio. "I thought you trained him enough." A young man from within the ring asked Ryori. "Is your age catching up to you already?" He then asked. "That's enough out of you." Helio commanded the youth, turning his head to partially face him. He turned his head back to Hawk and Ryori, returning to his initial conversation. "I can have him spar with Raion." He told Ryori while pointing at the young man with his thumb. The young man leaned against the ropes of the ring. Hawk faced up at the young man who was mouthing off earlier. The youth met Hawk's eyes with a more fierce glare. And Hawk met his intimidating stare with a smile. "Though, I will suggest to be careful." Helio motioned to Hawk. "That boy has all the ferocity of a pitbull, both inside, and outside, of the ring."
Hawk stepped inside of the ring, and stood directly in front of Raion. The youth, who stood at 5'9 (175.26 cm), looked down at the boy with a grimace, as they stood face-to-face. While standing before Raion, Hawk could feel a heat emanating from the young man's body. Though it was mild, the boy had also noticed heatwaves, which were pulsating from Raion's body, like a drum emitting a shockwave with every beat. The palpitation of the heat was rapid as well, almost as if Raion's heartbeat was visible to the naked eye. Helio then stepped into the ring, and stood in between the two combatants. "I want a clean fight. No cheap tricks, no killing." He instructed both Hawk and Raion. "And that goes double for you." Helio then motioned to Raion. "We don't need to drag another one of your sparring partners to the hospital." Shortly afterwards, Helio turned around, and walked to the steps to the ring, out of the way of the impending fight. Both Hawk and Raion stepped away from each other, only taking two steps backwards. The youth hopped up and down, in a Southpaw-like stance, and tilted his head left and right, alleviating what little stiffness was in his neck.
Raion quickly closed the distance with Hawk, and threw a straight punch aimed at his face. But the boy leaned backwards, narrowly avoiding the attack. In retaliation, Hawk threw a low kick, which nearly connected into Raion's left ankle. However, the youth slid his left foot back, causing Hawk himself to almost lose his footing. The slip-up gave Raion enough time to throw two punches in quick succession, with one hitting Hawk in his left forearm, and the other having been evaded by the boy, who ducked underneath the second blow. Then, Raion threw a fast uppercut with his right arm, which Hawk then swerved his upper body to the right. The boy sought to open the distance with another low kick, as he briefly crouched, and swung his left leg out, forming a half-circle. But Raion hopped backwards, only to take a small leap forward as soon as Hawk stood up from his foot sweep. Raion took another step forward, and threw a feinting elbow, which caused Hawk to pause in motion, as soon as he stepped in to close the distance on Raion. The young man threw a right hook, hitting Hawk across the face. The boy threw a right hook of his own at Raion, who guarded with his left wrist. The youth then threw another right hook, and Hawk would block the attack with his left wrist as well. The two staggered backwards, only for Hawk to spin in the air, and throw a reverse roundhouse kick into the side of Raion's head. But Grazi swerved underneath the boy's aerial attack, and as soon as he landed on both feet, Raion threw two punches, each with his left fist, as they connected into Hawk's chest. But he then threw a third punch into the boy's forehead, causing Hawk to stagger backwards in a temporary daze. His vision became blurred, and it felt as if the entire dojo was spinning. But this only lasted for five seconds. However, five seconds was all Raion needed, as he used this opportunity to take one step forward, then pivoted his foot to where he instantaneously, and succinctly, switched stances, also allowing him to appear beside Hawk. Grazi threw a punch across Hawk's face. Though the jab was quick, to Hawk, it felt like an hour had passed, with Raion's fist brushing against Hawk's cheek, as the boy then staggered backwards, where he was near the ropes of the ring. Hawk wiped his blood with his left forearm, which gushed from his nostrils. "C'mon, go in for that kill." Raion muttered in anticipation, assuming Hawk's next move before he made it. The Grazi dashed forth, but to Hawk's eyes, the young man did not move his feet at all. It was as if he disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only small winds, and residual scorch marks from his soles, behind. Hawk looked down for a millisecond, as he noticed the fresh, burning marks were sideways, like an equal sign etched on the ring floor. As Hawk looked to his right, Raion appeared with a readied, right jab. The boy ducked, and shot his right fist outward, hitting Raion in the stomach. This had managed to stall the Grazi within a significantly short window of time, which Hawk utilized to his advantage. He finally tripped Raion off of his feet with a drop sweep directly after striking the youth in the stomach. Raion struggled to get up, as Hawk stepped backwards, away from him, opening the distance again. Raion finally landed back on his feet, and threw a cross punch, which hit Hawk directly in the face, and then a low blow with his left hand, striking Hawk in his stomach, almost knocking the wind out of him. Then, in the midst of Raion winding his right fist back to finish off Hawk, the boy noticed a red and black, flame-like substance emanating from his opponent's fist.
Even Ryori and Helio noticed, as the two watched Hawk quickstep to the side of the attack, followed by a few, short skips towards the center of the ring. As Raion threw the punch, arm completely outstretched, a loud bang erupted throughout the dojo, as fierce winds kicked up, which managed to breeze into Ryori and Helio's direction. Both of them stood still in the face of the red winds, with Ryori holding the top of his head, keeping his hat atop his head. "Your boy knows the ways of Sha Qi?" Ryori asked, as the winds finally died down. "Raion is a wild card." Helio said, unable to break his gaze from the fight. Raion stared Hawk down, as the latter began to catch his breath. The Grazi would do the same, but the same red flames billowed from his mouth with each exhale, like residual fire from the maw of a dragon. "I wasn't exaggerating when I called him a pitbull, nor are there any faults in his title: The Pitbull of the Grazi Family, is what they call him." Helio continued, his eyes still glued to the fight, watching to see what happens next. "No kidding." Ryori told him. "Even from here, the heat coming from Raion's Sha Qi is… menacing, almost petrifying, too." He then said, much to Helio's smirk in response to Pops' description. "They say; Sha Qi is like an addiction in which no true fighter wishes to rehabilitate." Helio said. "Even his older brother, Royce, knows of Sha Qi. However, in terms of restraint and discipline, Raion does not need a leash. He never sought the use of one." The elder Grazi added.
After the staredown between Hawk and Raion, and the short respite at the same time, the two were ready to trade blows yet again. They charged forth at each other, but knowing Raion had amplified the power in his punches, thanks to his Sha Qi, Hawk had to play the rest of the bout with a tactical mindset of his own. He threw a roundhouse kick with his right leg, followed by another with his opposite leg. The first kick managed to hit Raion in his upper left thigh, while the left kick collided into the young man's right hip. The boy finalized his barrage of attacks with a left hook to open the distance. However, Raion parried the hook with an opposing hook of his own. The force of Raion's Sha Qi-laced punch, threw Hawk's left arm out of its intended direction, almost akin to swatting a fly away. Hawk launched another drop sweep, which Raion easily evaded by raising his right leg. However, the boy hopped into the air with a kick to the Grazi's chest, knocking him back, but he caught himself on his hands and a single knee. Raion dashed with a low punch, as he aimed for Hawk's ankles, and the boy would somersault over him, before landing behind Raion. The youth turned around, and threw a hook, which Hawk swerved under. The boy would step to the side to throw a high crescent kick, as Raion swerved under his opponent's attack, before throwing a punch across Hawk's face, causing him to spin in the air before falling on his back. But Hawk would get back up as quickly as he was knocked onto the ring mat. He threw a reverse roundhouse kick with his left foot upon getting back up, which Raion stepped back from, as the heel of Hawk's foot nearly bent the bridge of Raion's nose. Noticing his opponent hunching over out of breath, Hawk closed the distance with a cartwheel, in spite of his left arm beginning to hurt, and threw a straight kick into Raion's arms, which were raised as a pre-emptive guard. The attack only caused Raion to stagger backwards, but even this was enough for Hawk to utilize a unique maneuver. As Raion bobbed and weaved towards Hawk, before throwing a hook upon getting close, the boy squatted down, ducking under the attack at precisely the right time. Hawk would then spring upwards, throwing himself backwards with a kick to Raion's head, as the Grazi was flung back, hitting the ground, as he let out a heavy grunt. Meanwhile, Hawk landed on both feet upon completion of his attack, but soon crumbled to his knees.
On the outside of the ring, Hawk and Raion sat on a bench in front of the ring, wide enough to fit three people. Hawk tended to the swollen bruise on his cheek with an ice pack, which he rested against his face. His left arm was bandaged from his wrist, leading all the way up to his upper bicep. Beside him, Raion looked down at his lap. He had a bandage across his nose, and wiped the dried blood from his upper lip and nostrils. There were more blood stains on his chin, which were wiped, but some of it remained. Hawk glanced at Raion, and then back down at the floor. "You're good." Raion said, catching Hawk's full attention, as the boy turned his head to listen. "I know." Hawk said with a smile. "Don't get too comfortable, though." Raion then advised Hawk. A brief moment of silence, with only the sound of weights lifting, and punching bags being struck echoed throughout the dojo, then Raion turned to ask the boy a question: "That fighting style of yours… What's it supposed to be, anyway?" It took a while for Hawk to come up with an answer, as he scrambled, trying to come up with an answer. He then responded honestly. "I made it up when I was 6." Hawk answered, though it did not meet the answer that Raion was expecting. "I meant what kinda fighting style is it?" He then specified his initial question. "I made it so it's a mix of kickboxin' and finesse." Hawk then admitted. "A kickboxing and aerial-based style of fighting. Interesting combination."
"Ever thought of another name for yourself?" Raion then asked Hawk. "Like a nickname?" Hawk also asked. "I wanna have a name like The Crushing Palm, or The Steel Hawk." He proceeded to conjecture on different titles for himself while punching the air. "Gotta admit: Those two sound awesome." He then said, motioning to Raion. The young man looked down at his lap while stroking his chin, seemingly unbothered by Hawk's theatrics. "The Flying Monkey." He then said, pointing to the boy. Hawk studied the epithet. He was surprised, which further lead into curiosity as to why Raion chose that particular title. The title alone was something Hawk did not think to be extravagant, nor did it sound intimidating to him. "Why's that?" He asked Raion. "It suits you well." The young man told Hawk. "You have all the agility of a monkey, and you soar freely across the battlefield, almost effortlessly." He then said.
Meanwhile, outside of the dojo, Helio stood on the edge of the curb, over a small grate in the street. And Ryori stood by the entrance door, behind his friend. The elder Grazi had his arms folded, and his hands tucked inside his green robe. "You know why I summoned you out here, yes?" Helio asked Ryori, looking at the passing cars on the road. One turned the corner, as Helio's robe bellowed in the winds that picked up after the vehicle steered the corner. "Is this about your boy using Sha Qi on Hawk?" Ryori guessed, raising an eyebrow. "Precisely." Helio said, closing his eyes. "Listen, my youngest is a firebrand, and as foolish as they come. He thinks using Sha Qi is no big deal, like it's some kind of modifier to his martial talent." He turned around to face Ryori, with his eyes open again. The hem of his green robe was lifted a second time, being from a smaller gust of wind. "The last thing I want from Hawk is for him to ascertain the ways of Sha Qi, even at his lowest." Helio firmly told Ryori. "We both know that boy seeks to be the best mixed martial artist in the world… And we both know the extreme lengths he will go to make such a goal become a reality."
"You're telling me he shouldn't grow stronger?" Ryori asked, in a lighthearted tone, the confusion he expressed being nothing more than a facade, a way to mask the responsibility being burdened on him by his long-time friend. "You don't know Hawk like I do. He's a determined bunch. You can kick his ass up and down the street, but he will always get back up. Every time." Helio vigorously walked up to Ryori, and even pointing his finger at him. "Enough of this evasiveness from you." He told Ryori. "You know full well that I'm asking you to keep a close eye on your kid." Helio's index finger touched Ryori's chest as soon as he got close to him. He stared Pops down with a certain seriousness in his gaze. "No, I am not saying you should keep him from becoming stronger… But you cannot afford to have him fall prey to ill intents of the world… That includes Sha Qi." Helio informed Ryori. "This much, I hope you understand." He then said. Ryori sighed, as his commitment became clear. He then looked up at Helio with eyes as fierce as his friend's, and nodded his head in affirmation. "He will take it the wrong way, I'm sure of this." Helio said. "But you have to tell him sooner or later, or you will lose him forever." He then ordered Ryori. "What unfolds in the dark will eventually be brought to the light."
The doors to the Garden Street Dojo opened, with Hawk stepping outside. "What's goin' on, Pops?" He asked Ryori, only to be met with silence, prompting Hawk to remain quiet as well. Ryori still had his back facing the boy, but turned his head halfway to face Hawk with a smile. "Just some catching up between old friends." Ryori said. Helio then walked around Ryori, but stopped beside Hawk, standing on his right. "And let's not forget: Your portion of the rent is due." Helio said, turning his head back, as his gaze, still as fierce as before, remained locked on Ryori, who turned around in full to face both him and Hawk. Helio then turned around, opening the doors to the dojo, and closing them shut afterwards. "Aw, come on." Ryori said, almost sounding dejected, but tried to cover it up in a joking tone of voice. He even scratched the back of his head, as few, nervous drops of sweat poured from the side of his brow. "Let's go home, my boy." Ryori politely said to Hawk, as the two began to walk home. "W-wait, but what about a bite to eat or somethin' like that?" Hawk asked, stopping Ryori in his steps. "I heard Wing Dynasty has 50% off on Ass Blaster Nuggets." He then said, in a coaxing manner. "Later." Ryori sighed, as Hawk's arms dropped while saying, "aw man," in dejection. "I'd like some too, but important matters have come up." Ryori continued to walk home, with Hawk following suit shortly afterwards.
Hawk and Ryori entered the alleyway, where the grandmaster placed both feet atop the first of the small flight of stairs. But he stopped himself just as he placed his left foot on the second step. "Pops." Hawk said, concerned, halting Ryori. The grandmaster turned to look down at the boy, while his left foot stayed on the second step, and with one hand on the railing. Meanwhile, Hawk remained on the pavement of the alley, looking up at Ryori. "If you and Helio were talkin' about me, then I needa know." He said with a firm expression. Ryori sighed, but the boy caught him in the midst of his exhalation. "He said somethin' that changed your tune, and I gotta know." Hawk added. "We'll talk inside." Ryori told him. "Out here is not the most ideal place to discuss things."
Inside the house, Hawk and Ryori sat by the coffee table. The two sat across from each other, with Hawk giving the grandmaster a solidified glare. Ryori, on the other hand, exhaled through his nostrils, the tension in his breath could be heard from across the table. "Listen, my boy: Sha Qi is an addiction in which no true fighter wishes to rehabilitate." Ryori said, reciting the same words in which Helio said to him back at the dojo. "Sha Qi? As in The Killing Energy?" Hawk asked. "Precisely." Ryori nodded his head, confirming Hawk's suspicions. "Is that what you and Helio were talkin' about?" Hawk then asked. "'Cause I gotta tell you, I'm more than capable of holdin' my own against anyone usin' Sha Qi." The boy then boasted, shrugging his shoulders. "Hawk, you don't understand." Ryori strongly told the boy, as he tightly clenched his left hand. "This world can be an unforgiving place. There will be dangerous people living in every corner of the continent, powerful foes the likes of which will take time for you to defeat." He elaborated. "Some who harness Sha Qi… And others who harness destructive powers that are equal to, or identical to, Sha Qi itself." As Ryori further explained himself, he closed his eyes, as sordid visions flashed before the very darkness in which his sights were enveloped in. Visions of his past, most of which included battling various, destructive challengers, who could easily trounce the fighters of the New Age, or even resurrect the Dark Age in which Ouranos was once privy to in the distant past. Ryori's face twisted painfully at the prospect, before he opened his eyes again, and his past had faded back within his mind. "Sometimes, even the best of us are not immune to hatred." He said to Hawk. Even the boy sensed Ryori's visible frustration, and the subsequent anguish that followed. He anxiously sat in silence, waiting for the grandmaster's next words.
Rather than saying anything else at the coffee table, Ryori instead stood up from his seated position, now looking down at Hawk. "It pains me to say this, but… You are not ready yet." Ryori said, truthfully. Confused, Hawk stood up from his seated position as well, slamming his hands on the wood of the small table. "Whaddya mean I'm not ready?!" He asked, confused and angry, with Ryori turning his back to the boy. "You can't fucking do this to me! I thought you were on my side!" Hawk shouted. "I am on your side." Ryori calmly said, his back still facing Hawk. Defeated, the boy dropped dropped down on one knee, lowering his head in the process. "Fuckin' shit." He growled, as Ryori began to walk towards the stairs. And as Pops climbed up the steps to the second floor, Hawk fell backwards, facing up at the ceiling with the fan turning slowly, yet fast enough to keep the room air conditioned. "I gotta get stronger… Somehow, someway." He thought with a sullen face. "I'll take on whatever's ahead, no backin' out." Hawk then balled his hand tightly, as he moved his right fist in front of the ceiling fan, obstructing the hypnotic churning of the fan.
Upstairs, Ryori sat at his desk within his bedroom, which lay across from Hawk's room. Ryori's bedroom had tan walls and a cream colored carpeting. All seemed minimalist within Pops' room, and everything was spaced, with the grandmaster's desk stood directly across from the low bed that lay in the corner. His room was enough to fit ten to twelve people inside. The only thing that stood on Ryori's desk were a stack of blank papers to his left, and a medium-sized globe of Ouranos on the right. There was also a small lamp in the middle. Nevertheless, Ryori jotted down, on a blank piece of paper, his words to Helio, as well as an update on what he had told Hawk…
"My friend, as you have predicted, Hawk did not take your advice, passed onto me, very well. By the time I've finished this letter, my boy may think I have betrayed him, believing I had went against his wishes and aspirations. However, I will tell you this; That is far from the case. He is like a son to me, always will be. And as you've said, I seek above all else to train Hawk as diligently as possible, and make him both headstrong in the pursuit of martial prowess, and steadfast in his endeavors. The truth, even in this case, is not like a soft touch, but rather a callous sting, and I think with optimism that, in time, it will heal, and not leave a lasting scar. This much, I hope you understand… Ryori."
As Ryori finished writing the last of his thoughts onto the paper, he gently placed the red fountain pen down, mere centimeters beside the finished letter. And as Ryori looked outside of his bedroom window, he noticed the sun had begun to set into the ground, and the evening would soon commence.
Back downstairs, Hawk sat up from his laying position, standing up seconds after. He looked down at his right fist, which had now opened up, revealing his palm. He stared blankly into that very same, empty hand, pondering on the vow he had proposed to Raphael. In the midst of reflecting upon this, the boy had realized the deadline was drawing near for his fight with Pudge. His voice echoing "Saturday" in his mind, which nearly grew unbearable, like the continuous sound of a dog's bark, or the non-stop partying from the building right beside Hawk's bedroom. He then looked up, breaking his gaze from his hand. "Keep holdin' on, guys. 'Cause I'm gonna make things right. For all of us." He said, before tightly clenching his fist, now set on challenging the school bully tomorrow.