Reading the second book, it started explaining what the powers was. It was called ""Being A Wizard "" There was several different wizards it explained. There was"" A hand Wizard, A Wand Wizard, Spell Wizard , And A Born Wizard where all u have to do is speak. The born Wizard is the most Powerful Wizard. There has never been one ever told of "" that lived"".
People has tried several times to have a baby, but all have died. If one should live "he would be the most powerful Wizard.
Reading this got him thinking . All I had to do was say stuff and it happened. Was I this born Wizard!! And if so that ment my parents was also a Wizard. So many different thoughts raced in his mind. Where was his Parents. Why did they leave for? Looking back at the book, he kept reading wanting to know everything he can about being a Wizard. After what seemed like an hour. He stood up looked at the lake. He put the books back in his back pack. Looked back at the lake and said ""Fishing pole"" and at that moment a pole appeared in his hand. He found some bait and began fishing.
A short time has passed and he heard a voice call out to him. It was Kenny he walked up and said how did u get it" he asked: not knowing what Kenny was saying what do u mean? The fishing pole how did u get it. Oh I found this one next to that tree. So he set down next to him"" any bites"" yet? No he proclaimed not even a bite yet.
So the two boys got up and started walking back. Kenny turned to me and asked. So u going to school tomorrow?