The next day came, and Kenny met me at the door of the school. First class was math so we went to class together. You see there was different kinds of kids that went to this school. You have rich kids, and poor kids, you have those that was gifted kids, and also the smart kids. Each one had their ups and downs. In this class there was 24 students and 1 teacher and teachers pet that made the class full.
As the class started for the day. The teacher asked the class to pull out their books. He paused and said turn the page to 120. Looking down on the page he can see all the math questions. At first it was hard for him to understand the math question, but now it was like a light turn on in his mind. The teacher told everyone to silently finish what they last worked on from last week.
As everyone finished the math problems, people started talking. The kids behind him was chatting on how they hunted and went swimming. 1 kid said he went to another town. And another kid said he went to the beach with his sister.
I didn't feel like chatting because who would believe him, if he told them he found a cave and now he has powers and he found his inherentance from his parents. He was now rich!
The class bell went off just as the last kid finish his work. The teacher stated see you all next year. As the day pushed on, the classes went by fast. He was glad the last day of school has reached. Summer Break has findly made it here.
Kenny, and Josh, and Bill was all sitting out front waiting for me to come out. So what's your plans for summer they asked? Me! well I have to help Pa with farming. This time each year is big. We have to get all the animals to the butcher. And we have to plow the fields, and get ready for the Fairs. Each year for 7 years now his Pa has entered the Trackers Pull. And each year he has lost due to not having the best equipment. Maybe this year can be better.
He asked back to the boys what they was doing. Kenny says he was going out of town! And Josh says he was going to his father's in Florida.
He lied to them, he wasn't helping Pa at all. He wanted to tell them but knew he couldn't. His plans was training ! He had to learn more. In the books it showed a spot in the Forrest that hasn't been explored yet. Maybe he can find some treasures, and maybe some more books to learn.
It was getting late so he told his friends he would see them all later. Then he went home.