Chereads / Highschool DxD: The Fanon Maker / Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: The Meeting

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: The Meeting

[3rd POV]

In a small reserved restaurant, in a city near Morgan's land, Morgan sat. She had been invited to this place by Sairaorg for a meeting. The entire restaurant had been reserved and bought out by Sairaorg for this meeting. What the meeting entailed, Morgan didn't know, but she had an idea that it involved his mother.

His mother was most likely the reason why he called for the meeting, and seemed so desperate. The reason as to why he was so desperate, was because his mother had the same disease that Ingvild had, the "Sleep Disease", putting her into a coma that she wouldn't wake from, at least, not for a long time.

He had not made the letter for Lord Zagan, but instead, the owner of the Mochan Potion Business. He most likely thought that she had some sort of potion, or perhaps had the knowledge required to create a potion that could heal his mother. It was a pretty sound idea, considering she did indeed have the potion and knew how to create it, thanks to the books in her family's library, one of which held the cure.

But, using that cure was a bit of an issue. As if certain families knew of it, it could cause some serious issues. Mostly because certain...factions didn't want for it to be cured, because the people it tends to infect were the higher society, for whatever reason. From what the book had hypothesised, it had a connection to the bloodline of the high class devils, and their demonic energy. Almost like their demonic energy was too much for their bodies to handle, forcing them into comas.

Either way, Morgan was going to help the man. He was one of the few devils that she actually liked, and he was also a strong one, being the Heir to the Bael family, the most powerful devil family in the Underworld. And while he didn't have the power of destruction, he did have Touki, and a Longinus of his own, in the form of Regulus Nemea.

He was probably in the same range of power as Morgan, if not stronger, but Morgan wasn't too sure about that, as she'd have to fight him all out to decide that one. She hoped to eventually spar with him, but she doubted that would be today.

At her side was Lint, who was boredly yawning, waiting for Sairaorg and his Queen, Kuisha Abaddon. Kuisha was a member of the Abaddon family, an "Extra Demon" family. She had the power of "Hole" which was a rather interesting little trait that can make "Holes" that will absorb attacks and then redirect it back at the attacker. They had some other interesting abilities that made the ability quite strong, but that was the primary one.

While Sairaorg was about as powerful as Morgan, his peerage was far weaker than her own. Ingvild alone could take down his entire peerage, and that isn't even talking about Issei, Valiana, and the others. The strongest members of his peerage is Kuisha who is "Peak" High Class, and his pawn, Regulus who was the avatar/spirit of the Longinus Regulus Nemea. The pawn in question was stronger than Kuisha, and was likely in the middle to high levels of Ultimate Class.

"They're cutting it close" Lint said, glancing at the time as it was growing closer and closer to the time that they were supposed to be here. And should they be late,'ll be rather insulting.

"Not to worry, Lint, they're here" Morgan said with a smile as the door to the restaurant opened, as a tall black haired man walked in, alongside a shorter blonde woman.

This was Sairaorg Bael.

And Kuisha Abaddon.

"I'm sorry we took so long, we had some other responsibilities we had to deal with" Kuisha apologized as Morgan waved off her apology.

"It is fine. It's nice to finally meet you, Heir Bael. I am Morgan Zagan, Lord of the House of Zagan, and owner of Mochan Potions" Morgan introduced herself, as she shook the tall man's hand.

He looked surprised at the mention of the Zagan family, as he knew about them from his studies of the different houses in the 72 pillars, and to hear that the potions business he wanted to work with, was in fact owned by the last remaining member of the Zagan family was...a shock.

"You look surprised? Although I guess I can't blame you, I'm quite...secretive with what I do" Morgan said with an amused smile as she moved and sat back down at the table, the man sitting across from her and Lint.

"I-I apologize, I was not expecting for you to be the owner" Sairaorg said with a cough, awkwardly moving past his own shock. Kuisha sighed at her king's reaction, but inwardly she was the same. Sure, she knew that Morgan had fought and obliterated Sebastian in battle, and had a longinus sacred gear of her own, but she didn't expect her to be the owner of the fastest growing business in Underworld history.

"It's okay, I don't blame you. Now, what is it you wish to speak to me about? It's not everyday that someone of your status asks for a meeting with me" Morgan asked, as she looked at the man who breathed in deeply.

"It is...about my mother. Misla Bael, she is...sick. The Sleep disease that has been ailing many devils has put her into a deep coma, and with the enemies who...are not fond of me being the Heir to the Bael family...I wish for her to be healed. Nothing has worked so far, and so, I come to you in hopes that you may have the cure, or perhaps can work on one" Sairaorg began, as Kuisha placed her hand on his arm, giving him a comforting smile.

Morgan glanced between the two with a small raise of an eyebrow, understanding what that was, before looking the man in the eyes as he continued.

"I-I will do anything if you can save my mother, even if it means losing my title as Heir, or-" "No need for any of that, Sairaorg" Morgan cut the man off.

As interesting as it was to think about having the man in her peerage, she also knew that that was...not really a good all. Zekram Bael was not someone she could mess with, not yet. Even the 4 Satans couldn't mess with the "Great King" because of his political influence. And while Morgan would eventually be dealing with that man, she couldn't yet, not before she gets more personal power, and more political power.

"But-" "As interesting as the offer is, I won't be taking it Sairaorg. This is your mother we are talking about, and it'd be wrong for me to take advantage of the fact that she is in a coma, to get something from you. Instead, all I'll ask is for you to consider me a friend, and perhaps help me with something in the future, as I will probably be needing it" Morgan responded, as the man went silent.

"Does this mean you have the cure?" Kuisha asked with wide eyes.

"My family has the greatest library in the three factions, if not the entire world. And that library houses many books that date back to before the devil species were even born. Trust me when I say that a mere disease is nothing in comparison to some of the knowledge my family houses" Morgan responded with an amused smile, before reaching into her pocket and bringing out a small vial.

"Simply inject this into your mothers bloodstream and it will do the rest. But, I do hope you will keep this a secret from others. I'd rather not have to deal with the council just yet. And before you ask, yes, I will be releasing this to the public in the future, but not until I can deal with the...problems that will arise from it" Morgan added, placing the vial onto the table and sliding to Sairaorg who took it with wide eyes.

Looking up to Morgan, the man's face broke out into a wide smile as he spoke "I swear on my name Sairaorg Bael, that I shall aid you should you ever need it, as long as it does not go against my morals and beliefs. You will find a friend in me whenever needed, as you will of my peerage, and the Bael family once I become its Lord"

"Well, I'm glad to be friends, Sairaorg. But I think it's about time you go and wake up that mother of yours, don't you think? Should I need your help, I'll send you a message" Morgan said as she got to her feet. Shaking the man's hand as he had a happy smile, they exchanged a few more words before teleported off, ready to finally wake his mother up, after years of her being unconscious.

"Are you sure that was okay, Morgan? You could have had him as a new peerage member, like a Rook" Lint asked as Morgan chuckled.

"If I want him as a peerage member, I'd much rather he come to me on his own rather than being forced into it because I have something that can cure his mother. That, and I'd rather not deal with Zekram Bael, not yet at least. The man might be weaker than me, but politically he'd crush me" Morgan replied, as she did like the idea of having Sairaorg as her Rook, but the political fallout that would cause if anyone found out, was far too much for her to handle...yet. Should she become a Satan class being on par with Serafall, THEN she would be more interested in the idea of recruiting him into her peerage.

"For now though, let's get back home, I've some other business to deal with" Morgan said, as they too left the restaurant, the meeting having gone well.


[6 Months Later]

Six months have passed since the meeting with Sairaorg, and a bit had happened in that time.

She had met up with the man a couple more times, and had even met his mother after she had gotten healthy enough to walk around, the cure working on her perfectly. She had yet to spar with the man, but their meetings were good either way. They were usually just talking as friends and some conversation about the other younger devils in devil society. The two were similar in age, so they were quickly friends.

Her research into the Naberius family had started to show some proper progress, as she had found out the man had recently been seen in the territory of the Phenex family, which was...a little concerning. From looking into it further, it seemed the man was doing some sort of underground deal with a cousin of the main family, for some Phoenix tears. And knowing what the Naberius family got up to...that was not a good sign.

She had her peerage looking further into it, but the man had left the Phenex territory before they could get to him. But, Morgan knew that she was getting closer and closer to finding him, as she had used a rather neat tracking spell that gave her the general area of where he was, and it seemed he was near Bael family territory, which was...not a good sign, she just hoped he and Zekram weren't in league with one another, as that would make things far more complicated.

Over the months, thanks to her progress in growing her family, and becoming friends with Sairaorg, she had gotten another fanon maker usage, two in fact, both of which giving her good rewards.

[Evil Fist | Technique - Evil Fist is an exclusive branch of Senjutsu that goes one step beyond and absorbs a portion of the malice and ill will that floats around the world, a consequence of inappropriate use of senjutsu by novice practitioners. Senjutsu users of strong will and Evil Fist practitioners, however, will be able to fight back the corruption and control the evil and malicious chi absorbed, using it as a weapon and enhancer, in the shape of a dark aura of pure malicious and evil chi the user will wear around their body, similar to Touki. Evil Fist practitioners will have a tremendous increase in attack, defense, and speed, even more than Touki users, and will be able to use the malicious aura cloak as a weapon, capable of melting, corrupting, decaying and even exploding anything that it touches. Evil fist has also indirect effects, such as the ability to shield or absorb proper senjutsu attacks, corrupt senjutsu and touki users with their own evil aura and even make the user exhale an extremely volatile killing intent, which can knock out weaker opponents in their presence and can even visibly age victims of a direct stare. Created by Houki Minami]

[Hubris | Item - The special thing about this book is that is changes the spells inside of the book to fit the desires of the wielder making it very unique and powerful, being considered a "magician's sacred gear" by some like Azazel. For example, someone like Gray who is a warrior/fighter the book will hold a book of fighting spells meanwhile to Asia who desires to help her friends and to protect others around her the book will appear as basic spells that boosts stats and creates barriers. The only drawback to this is that the spells can't be something illogical or too strong for the wielder to handle. For example, the spell won't give someone a list of spells on how to kill Gods if the user isn't strong enough to kill Gods meaning in order to gain access to powerful spells you have to train and push yourself to the limit. However Gray considers this to be the book's greatest strength as well and was the motivation for giving it to Asia. If the book is burned or destroyed it will reform in time through it's former user, however this process is shown to take a few days at most or even years at worse, depending on the one who destroyed it. Gray later states if the book was destroyed by a powerful God it might takes decades to repair. Created by ShatteredRose23]

Both of the rewards had been well received by Morgan, especially the grimoire which had surprisingly been absorbed into one of her sacred gears, Limen Magus, the same sacred gear that specialized in magic. This absorption granted Limen Magus all the spells and abilities of Hubris, while also requiring her to a certain level of power to use those spells, but that only applied to the spells granted by Hubris.

Evil fist on the other hand, was a bit of a complicated technique that she had to be VERY careful when using, as she hadn't practiced or used senjutsu yet, and had been solely using touki. But she had found that she could use both her touki AND Evil fist in conjunction, boosting her power massively, but it was also hard to control, and required a lot of willpower to not let herself go berserk. She hadn't tried to combine it with her demonic energy as well, as she had no idea what sort of effect that would have on it. She decided to master Evil Fist first, before moving onto trying to combine it with her sacred gears and demonic energy.

At the moment Morgan was in her living room, gazing at Serafall who was sitting across from her with a smile on her face, as Morgan deadpanned after hearing what she had just said to her.

"Cmon Mo-chan~ It'll be fun! And I'll give you a big reward too~" Serafall purred, as Morgan just deadpanned.

"Serafall, you're asking me to go to a small city in the middle of nowhere, just so I can train your sister, and keep an eye on her. Why in the hell should I do that? I've got a lot of things to do here you know" Morgan replied, as Serafall pouted.

"Because I'm your friend and I'm asking~ Plus, I wasn't lying when I said I'd reward you~" Serafall said, leaning forward as her cleavage showed clearly to Morgan, who just stared at her with a deadpan still on her face.

"Sera, we both know that won't work on me. Even if your hot as fuck, I won't get manipulated so easily. So can you really tell me why you want me to watch over your sister?" Morgan asked, as Serafall looked her in the eyes, a pout forming on her face before leaning back with a sigh.

"There's been some...movements recently. Rogue members of the Grigori have recently been sprouting up in the area, and I am...afraid of what they might be doing there. I'd interfere myself but-" "You are a Satan and it could end badly if the Grigori get word of it" Morgan interrupted as Serafall nodded.

Staring Serafall down, Morgan let out a sigh "Fine, fine, I'll watch over your sister and the Gremory Heiress, but you owe me for this, Sera"

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Serafall said, launching forward and bringing Morgan into a bone crushing hug, forcing the taller woman's face into her large breasts as Morgan just groaned at the strength of Serafall's hug.

"C-can't breathe" Morgan groaned, as Serafall blinked before pulling back with a giggle.

"Sorry Mo-chan! I'm just so happy! I'll make sure to pay you back...thoroughly~" Serafall said with a grin, as Morgan just sighed, fighting down the reaction that was beginning to show at the teasing.

"When do you want me to go there?" Morgan asked, ignoring the way Serafall was staring at her crotch while lewdly giggling.

"Hmm, 3 months? I'll have to buy you a property and make sure all the paperwork is in order! There should be enough time to get ready and make sure your business can run even without you there!" Serafall said with a smile.

Morgan just let out an inward groan, as while she planned on getting involved in Kuoh, this was a bit earlier than she had hoped. It would also mean she would need to do a lot of work in the next couple of months, and prepare Reina to be able to run the business without her, as her peerage would likely be following her, knowing them.

Leaning back, Morgan had one final thought on her mind as Serafall began to talk more about her sister.

'I...have a feeling I'm going to regret this'

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That's the end of the chapter!

There is probably one or two more chapters before Morgan makes her way to Kuoh. She'll officially get with Yasaka at that time, and might even have some smut.

Morgan has gotten her first technique! She can get more martial arts and techniques in the future, so don't be surprised. She will also be getting her first new universe she can use fanon maker on, in a couple of chapters, so be ready for that. It'll probably be either Fairy Tail or MHA.

Anyways, have a good day!