Chereads / Highschool DxD: The Fanon Maker / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Revenge Fulfilled

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Revenge Fulfilled

[3rd POV]

With the looming move to Kuoh, Morgan had gotten busy in the next few weeks, doing a LOT to get everything ready for what she needed to do. A lot of it involved her business, which primarily boiled down to making sure it could actually run without her constant input. Reina would be the one to run it all, as she trusted the woman, and she had already been trained to be her secretary, so she'd be a good replacement for when she was gone.

The business itself was mostly run by Morgan herself, so it took a while to get Reina ready enough to be able to run the business. But thanks to the other members of the peerage that she had taken from Sebastian, they had pitched in and now helped with the numbers easily enough.

Her stores and such were also completely defended with all sorts of runes, wards, and other defenses, so that wasn't a problem, so it only came down to making sure that Reina understood that she could not accept any sort of deals or anything, not with how many of them involved stealing Morgan's business from underneath her.

Besides training Reina in the running of her business, Morgan had bought a large piece of land in Kuoh, with enough property to have a large mansion built on it, as well as a basement. The mansion in question was being built at the moment, with the basement being something she herself would work on, as at the time she moves in, it'll just be an open space and that'll be it.

As she had expected, her peerage all wanted to go with her to their new home, meaning that she also had to increase the size of the mansion in accordance with that, as well as custom order another special bed for her room.

Over the month, she had continued to hunt down the last Naberius, and finally, after months of work and looking for the bastard that had tried to kidnap Kunou, and had been a part of the suffering that her kitten had gone through, she had found him.


[2 weeks ago]

After months of her peerage searching for the man, a lot of magic spells that specialized in tracking, and even getting help from Sairaorg, Morgan stood in front of what looked to be a cave, but in fact, was the last hideout for the Naberius family.

"You ready, Kuroka?" Morgan asked Kuroka. She had brought Kuroka and Valiana with her, as Kuroka deserved her vengeance, and Valiana's sacred gear would make this a hell of a lot easier on her. As from all the research she had done into the man, he was a proper Ultimate Class, and a decently skilled one at that.

"I've never been more ready in my life" Kuroka said, all of her teasing attitude gone, a serious glint in her eyes as she would finally be able to take out the final member of the family member that had caused so much death and agony on her people, and her and sister.

"How many are in there?" Valiana asked, wanting to know what they were up against before they entered. If it was just the Naberius lord, it would be easy enough to take him out, but if there were others, it would definitely complicate things dramatically.

"Around a dozen or so, mostly high class with only one Ultimate Class, being Alexander Naberius, the Lord of the family" Morgan responded a few seconds after, scanning through the area effortlessly.

"Good, manageable. Let's get in there then!" Valiana said with a grin as they began to walk into the dark caves, towards where the group was at.

The high class devils were more than likely his peerage, and there were around 15 of them, making for a full peerage. None of them were all that impressive besides the Ultimate Class. But if they were his peerage, she had an idea she wanted to try out, but only after she got them all unconscious.

"Ah, and don't kill his peerage, just incapacitate them, I've got to get something from him first before you can kill them" Morgan said to the two as they nodded, understanding that it was probably something to do with her contracts that she could make.

'Alright, let's do this'


Walking through the caves of the large mountain near the Bael family's territory, the group of three kept close together as they grew closer and closer to where the group they were hunting was.

However, the deeper they got in, the more a stench began to assault their nostrils, before eventually, they walked into a large opening, as their eyes widened. Horror entered the eyes of Kuroka, while rage entered Morgan and Valiana.

Littering the ground were the corpses of young yokai children, ranging from what seemed to be the ages of 2 to 10. Most of them were covered in bruises, cuts, and were missing different parts of their bodies. Even more than that, each of them seemed to have their yokai traits (Like ears) cut halfway off. Making for a...gruesome sight.

"Valiana, you know how I said to hold back? Yeah, fuck that, go all out on the monsters that did this, and make sure to keep them alive, for they will wish they died once I am done with them" Morgan said coldly, as Valiana nodded.

Marching forwards, Kuroka's eyes glowed with rage as she snarled.

"Who dares intru-ACKH" The voice of a tall ugly man echoed through the room, only for a fist to slam into his stomach, launching him back, as a voice called out behind him.


"Wha-" "You thought you could just get away with this shit and no one would notice?" Morgan said with a scowl as ice crawled up the man's form. He was an Ultimate Class, but it seemed he was...absolutey awful at fighting, he simply had the power of an ultimate class.

"You-I am a Lord how dare you-!" "Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. Unless you want to die by my hand, I suggest you sign this paper right now, or I'll gut you like the little pig that you are" Morgan said, her killing intent flaring around her as the man began to sweat fiercely, as a rather gross smell began to emanate from him, before he signed the small paper.

"Good, you can take it from here Kuroka" Morgan said with a cruel smile as she walked off.

"But you said-" "I said by my hand, not hers" Morgan cut the horrid creature off, as Valiana floated in front of her, bodies slung over her large shoulders, the bodies of the currently unconscious peerage members.

"Hmm, good, keep them tied up, I'll personally be dealing with them later" Morgan said, glancing at the little things. They were all just as ugly as their master, and were all pretty pitiful, for how they had obviously been treating all of the children.

"Are you going to contact Serafall and Yasaka? This seems...big, a lot bigger than what we thought" Valiana asked, as she exited her balance breaker, ignoring the screams of the last Naberius.

"We will. But first I'm going to destroy every ounce of research that man has conducted, and then we will take care of those worms, only after that will we contact them" Morgan said, deciding that whatever that research was, it was better off gone and never touched again. Especially if it involved killing young yokai children.

"Alright Morgan, just...let's get this over with quickly, please? I-I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it together seeing all of...this" Valiana said, trying her best not to look at the corpses. There was a limit to what she could handle, even for someone like her.

"We will, once we get the bodies out of here, and I make those worms pay, we'll destroy this entire place" Morgan said softly as Valiana breathed in deeply and nodded, steeling herself as they got to work.


[Flashback End]

The death of Alexander Naberius, and the reveal of what he had done had...not gone down well with Yasaka. Morgan had never seen the woman so full of rage, to the point that even Serafall was sweating when the Nine Tailed Kitsune began to shake the surroundings with pure energy. The sight of the dead corpses of young yokai children that were missing, and the fact that this could have been Kunou, was the primary factor.

Serafall had been angry too, but more so at herself for allowing something like this to happen. She and Yasaka had grown to be friends as of recently, as she had joined in on some of the gaming nights, and enjoyed the woman's company. Not to mention the "Talk" they had involving Morgan, which Morgan had a feeling it involved seducing her, and a harem...but she wasn't complaining.

The other Satans had gotten involved as well, but quietly so as to not cause the council to notice, because if they did, they would try their damndest to make it seem a lot less severe than it actually was. And would cause a lot more harm than good, making the entire situation a hell of a lot worse.

The contract that Morgan had made the man sign, was in fact, a similar one to Sebastian's. All of Alexander's ultimate class power had flown into her thanks to it, and she gained ownership over his peerage, a peerage that soon was ripped to shreds, with their pieces being extracted from them, giving her another set of peerage pieces.

Thanks to this, she had gained fanon maker uses (and 3 more slots), even if she didn't technically still have those pieces alive. And through the absorption of the Naberius Family into her own (which was basically nothing) she had gotten a 4th use, giving her a new boost of power, only three months before canon would begin.

[Solaris Phantasm | Sacred Gear - Starting off, Solaris Phantasm only has two innate abilities to start off with. The first, and most obvious, ability is the power to manipulate the curses that Broverth had studied over the years when he was alive. The second innate ability allows Broverth's hosts to undergo a form of Dragonification, allowing them to transform their limbs such as arms or legs into claws or talons respectively, giving them slight power boosts. However, this does drain their stamina quite quickly and can only be maintained for roughly five minutes without any form of training. The more the hosts train with this ability, the less taxing it becomes on their stamina and allows them to maintain the transformations longer. When transformed, the claws and talons are coated in jet black scales with purple highlights. Solaris Phantasm takes the form of a dragon head shaped pendant that hangs around the hosts neck when summoned. The pendant itself appears to be made out of a combination of carbon steel, gold and dragon scales while their eyes appear to be amethysts. Created by Silent Sakura]

[Something like this]

[Zephyr Shift | Sacred Gear - The Zephyr Shift has the ability to generate/manipulate the element of wind, which is capable of being used as a weapon to form an unstoppable slicing wind that is capable of tearing apart anyone from almost any distance. He/She can also be used to glide through the air using the wind as a medium along with being capable of floating mid-air to the point of looking as if they're almost standing on the air. From the users' own mastery of this Sacred Gear, they can be capable of creating a powerful whirlwind, tempests or hurricanes. Or allowing them to create a powerful vacuum that allows them to suffocate with opponents, along granting them a defense against all fire and sound-based abilities, as both require atmospheric air as a medium to function, being capable of a powerful destructive implosion and a far more sharp vacuum blade. And if the user is capable of mastering this Sacred Gear, they could be capable of manipulating the atmosphere if they're capable of mastering it. Created by DevilSlayer123]

[Alphecca Tyrant (AU) | Alphecca Tyrant has the ability to generate, control and manipulate a powerful stasis field for offensive and defensive purposes in the battle. For offensive purposes, it allows the user to create a powerful stasis field that can slow down and stop the movement in its area of effect. It is also able to drain and cut down the power of his opponent's strength, and at the utmost power, it can even cause considerable damage to the surrounding environment to use for field advantage. For defensive purposes, the user can nullify and counter all offensive forces, shielding the user from enemy attacks while suppressing the life-force and power of all things within his vicinity. While the Longinus is extremely reliable due to its extremely powerful defensive and counter abilities, it does come with a few weaknesses. First, the stronger the power of the field is exerted on the outside, the more vulnerable for the user inside. Should the opponent manage to breach through the stasis field, the user could be vulnerable to a critical blow. Also, the movement of the user is limited by the power exerted on the field; the stronger the field, the less mobility the user has inside the field. Secondly, it requires considerable stamina and concentration to maintain the stasis field in the battle. Created by DxDchoi101]

[Nevermore | Item - Nevermore is a Holy Demon Sword with a Evil Beast and Dragon Slayer abilities imbued in it and also has the destructive power equivalent to that of the Gram and Durandal. As a Holy Demonic Swords, Nevermore has the qualities of both Holy Swords and Demon Swords. The main abilities of Nevermore is the ability to create hell flames and summon ravens, crows and doves capable of eating light. Created by Dr Drumkit]

The item had ended up in the hands of Lint as Morgan herself had no need for the blade, with her already having better ones.

With the death of the Naberius lord, Kuroka's teasing attitude had soon returned, but it was more...real. Before she used it to hide the pain that she felt, but it was almost always genuine, as she felt the weight lift off her shoulders, knowing that she was so very close to being able to return to her sister that she had missed for so long now.

Morgan, Valiana, and Kuroka had gone to the funerals of all the children, where Yasaka had publicly thanked the one who had found them. She didn't name names, but anyone who was in her close circle knew exactly who she was talking about, making them forever grateful to Morgan.

Thanks to the death of Alexander, Morgan now no longer needed to worry about tracking anyone down, giving her peerage a lot more free time, which allowed some of them to find their own hobbies. Which for the most part seemed to form into gaming, reading, art, cooking, and surprisingly enough, in Valiana's case, collecting Pokemon cards. Because she "thought they were cool looking" and they "looked like they'd be fun to fight". She said this, but Morgan had seen her growing collection of Eevee, so she doubted that was the truth.

At the moment Morgan was in Kyoto, as she had received a call from Yasaka who wanted to talk to her for...some reason. She wasn't sure what it was for, but she imagined it was to talk more about Alexander and what he had been up to.

Walking through the halls of Yasaka's mansion, she made her way to Yasaka's room, where they usually tended to do their little meetings. Walking up to the door, she lifted her hand and knocked.

"Yasaka? I'm here" Morgan said outside the door, as Yasaka's voice called out from inside.

"Come in!~" Yasaka's voice purred, as Morgan opened the door and walked in.

'What the-'

"I think it's time I properly pay you back for all you've done for me, don't you think, Morgan~?" Yasaka said, as Morgan's brain stopped functioning, as she stared at her. Why? Because...

Yasaka was completely naked.

When Morgan's brain began to work again, she only had one thought on her mind.

'...I love my life'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Sorry if the quality wasn't the best but...I am dead tired right now. I got like 2 hours of sleep so I'm about to go back to sleep. The next chapter will at least partially smut.

This'll be the last sacred gears for a while as she'll focus more on getting new powers once she gets a new universe she can "pull" from.

Anyways, have a good day!