Despite the growing unity among dragons, external threats loomed. Elves, known for their ancient magic, launched a preemptive strike against Solaria to prevent dragons from regaining dominance. Their army, armed with enchanted weaponry, attacked under the cover of night.
In a breathtaking battle, Erlan demonstrated the full extent of his power. Cosmic Inferno incinerated the elven frontlines, while Void Collapse neutralized their magical constructs. The elves retreated, but their leader left a chilling warning of an impending catastrophe: the rise of a "Betrayer Dragon," a dark entity poised to rival Erlan's ∞ Element.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Erlan resolved to prepare for this shadowy adversary. He sought to uncover the whereabouts of the mythical artifact, "The Heart of Eternity," rumored to grant the bearer strength to challenge the gods themselves.