Chereads / Abraxas Chronicles / Chapter 7 - RESOLVING PENDING ISSUES


Plans can barely keep up with reality.

Well, most plans usually occur in ideal scenarios where everything works.

Even if plans and countermeasures are created for unexpected factors, setbacks are almost uncontrollable and too broad a factor.

This means that a plan can fail due to a random event that could not even be considered in prior planning.

That is why every important plan must have a certain margin of error and flexibility, prioritizing the final objective, and giving little importance to how said objective is reached, which allows increasing the probability of success of a plan because by not adhering to a fixed route, other ways of reaching the objective can be found, even when it is not in the expected way.

But this whole rant is just here to say that things didn't go the way I wanted.

It all started with Tres's arrival.

He didn't seem too surprised by the task I asked him to help with, as if he had somehow expected me to do what I did. To my disappointment, he didn't seem surprised or shocked when I told him how I ended up in this situation.

The only remarkable thing was the questions he asked me, whether I cut myself, vomited, spit, or left blood, whether the ground I walked on was soft, and whether I was wearing my gloves the whole time, among other questions about how I got to the place, did I go through areas with cameras? And if I did, did I show my face? Or did I stay in the area for too long?

- _ I knew you would do something very stupid, but I didn't expect you to do it so soon, the only redeeming thing is that you didn't do the other kind of stupid thing that people do in your situation.

He seemed calm, while he admonished me as if what I had done had only been the stupid and impulsive act of a friend, as if what I had done had only been equivalent to a reckless act of those you do when you are drunk and decide to call your ex or deities to get affectionate with someone random.

- _ this is going to be a little tricky, but thank goodness you didn't make any rookie mistakes in this situation, which will help us get this sorted out relatively quickly and easily, but first help me get him into the car, grab a beer, and put one of his arms on your shoulder.

Tres' plan is simple, we just have to look like a group of friends who are taking their drunk friend who passed out back to his house.

- _ Whatever you say, after all, you are the expert.

This is going to be pretty tricky, maybe I should question my life choices because hiding a corpse in an abandoned lot seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that it has to be moved to a car that is quite far away, that idea doesn't seem so good anymore.

After all the place where I hid was difficult to access, to avoid someone passing by coincidence discovering me, and of course, it was a place where a car couldn't enter directly, in short, it was an abandoned lot with tall grass and without a passable road to it, like the typical abandoned lot in valuable areas of the city that seems to have no owner or is completely abandoned, but the owner is just waiting for the land to increase in value or keeping it for some personal reason, but without doing anything with it.

- – Let me guess, I get to go in the back with the body, right?

- – what do you eat that you guess so well

I know that I caused this situation and it's pretty nice to have a friend willing to help me out in the kind of situation where most people would at best choose not to get involved and at worst choose to hand me over to the authorities, but it's pretty uncomfortable, as the smell of the corpse has been unpleasant for a while now, and it's not because it's rotting away

- – it's been too little time for that, it's because of the post-mortem incontinence, which makes sitting next to it pretty unpleasant.

- – Let this be a lesson to you, if you do something stupid you have to deal with the consequences, and if you are not willing to deal with the consequences, learn to think before you act.

- – I know, I know, ever since you arrived you've been telling me I'm acting stupid, and that you're here to save my ass, you don't have to keep telling me that.

- – Calm down, I don't mean to bother you, I just want to remind you that things must be done right.

If you're going to do it halfway, you better not do it.

I know he's right, but I'm not interested in admitting it or letting him know it.

Anyway, while we were having that kind of conversation, we had finally completed the job, with me being in the back of the car and Tres in the front starting the car.



Nicknamed this because of his peculiar name, as he has three names, a nickname that began as a joke because his name seemed too long and it felt uncomfortable to call him by one of his names, which ended up translating into the nickname of three names, which after a while was simplified to Three.

In a way, he's my best friend.

Although we didn't always get along, when we met we were part of the same group of friends.

But we were polar opposites, he was too impulsive, with the mentality that you only live once, and worst of all, he was an attractive and charismatic bastard, which often clashed with my attitude of relaxing and accepting things as they come, avoiding any situation that could be dramatic or stressful.

He thought that I would try to treat him as if he were air and he, noticing my negative attitude, began to treat me the same way.

And while I would like to say that we became closer, it was a touching and dramatic event where we fixed our differences, the reality is that the situation is simply strange…

Well, at some point one of the group members died.

Well, he committed suicide he was dealing with a lot of family problems and a deep depression that he had been fighting for years, then one day without warning the guy who always seemed happy, who was never seen away from his friends or his partner, decided to end it all by hanging himself in his room.

There were no messages, no letters, no signs, he just one day could no longer tolerate the things he was dealing with and decided to end all his problems by eliminating himself.

Something that devastated the group in a way, because we were supposed to be his friends, but no one noticed his pain, no one was there for him.

And in the end, the group split up, it wasn't something sudden, it was something that happened gradually, little by little we stopped meeting and each one began to take their path.

By the time I realized that the group no longer existed, and we were the only ones still there, and although we could have separated like the others, in the end, we decided to stay together, and there was no discussion about our past problems and not one discussion of whether we were going to stay together or why, in the end, we stayed together as if it were something natural.

Eventually, our relationship improved enough to be considered brothers, and while I can trust several people Tres is one of the few people I would trust with my life, I would later learn that he stayed because he thought I was the same type of person as the guy who killed himself, and he figured that if he left me alone I would eventually do the same.

But Tres is not just my best friend, in a way he is quite special, as he is currently a fairly active drug dealer despite his youth, but the really important thing is that he is not entirely human.

Something the guy wasn't supposed to tell, but one time during an argument he ended up revealing the secret.

I didn't believe him, and I used that topic to make fun of him for several months until one day the guy finally got tired of my attitude.

And well, it's hard to remain skeptical when someone very angry decides to burn your jacket while wearing it, and in the process threatens to perform flame hair removal on you if you mess around with that issue again.

Ironically, that didn't change much in our dynamic, except that the guy was more brazen in threatening me when he was at a disadvantage in certain situations or discussions, but unfortunately for him, I simply became bolder when I discovered that he was not willing to follow through on his threats.

In the end, out of pure inertia, we returned to our usual dynamic, since we couldn't force ourselves to act in a different way than we were used to, and almost completely forgetting about his secret and behaving like any other pair of friends our age, since he didn't feel special enough to pretend to be a superhero or a supervillain, and for him I was still the same somewhat annoying guy who he couldn't beat in a fight, so the revelation didn't really change anything, just background information that wasn't of much use.


But many things changed on a fateful day when he would be the one to suffer a tragedy.

And this time in the form of his sister, who was raped and murdered.

Something affected him quite a bit, because although he claimed to be close to his sister and even said that they hated each other, he knew who the culprit was, who had done it was obvious, it was an ex-boyfriend with quite questionable opinions and a serious anger management problem.

But even though the evidence was overwhelming, the guy was somehow getting away with it, avoiding any blame.

Yet it was then that Tres showed what he was truly capable of. He disappeared for several months, worrying his family and friends, and finally returned one day as if nothing had happened, saying that justice had been done.

So I decided to investigate who was supporting that guy, he looked for the competition and won their help, he presented evidence, he tried to incriminate him, but he. The other side, in an attempt not to appear weak in his power struggle, continued to support a legal fight that was going nowhere.

But while the fight continued to be in vain, Three finally found a way to fix the problem in his own way.

In a moment of carelessness, he found the subject and personally took charge of doing what justice refused to do.

But these are all assumptions, as Tres never told the story of what he did or how he did it.

However, several things are known due to the relationships he had after these events, and because the guy was found as a charred corpse that according to investigations was burned while he was still alive and conscious.

But Three did not speak of him, Three simply said:

- – When they die, they're all good, But I'm not going to pretend that my sister was, But at the end of the day, she was my sister and she didn't deserve something like what that jerk did to her.

Since that day many things changed, and although Tres investigated in the end they found nothing, and no one who suspected his involvement said anything.


Maybe that's why I decided to trust three people with this issue because he would certainly understand what I did and why I did it, after all, he was in a similar situation in the past.

Well, after so many disappointments, it's pretty good to know that I'm not such a bad judge of character. After all, there are still people I can count on and trust.

And I prefer to leave with that impression, even if it is incorrect because I am not willing to face more betrayals and disappointments.