Chereads / Abraxas Chronicles / Chapter 10 - I WILL NEVER TRUST WOMEN AGAIN


This country has a serious problem with the trafficking of prohibited items.

While it is in some ways too easy to get hold of dangerous items or illegal substances, which may not seem like a big deal, the real problem with these types of products is that it is very easy to move these products across the country.

This is mainly caused by a set of rather ambiguous privacy laws, corrupt law enforcement officials willing to turn a blind eye, and a highly developed trafficking network.

But this time I didn't use any of those easy options, because I didn't have enough connections, and transporting such products can have many problems, such as seizure by the authorities, because although they are mostly a bunch of incompetent and corrupt people who do more harm than good, even a squirrel can find a nut from time to time, years ago I read that the success rate of finding smuggled goods is between 10% and 15%, which explains why trafficking is such a profitable business after all the profit margin is huge and the probability of failure is quite low and can be reduced even further with some bribes and threats.


Long story short I just got back from the post office after picking up a package, and as my previous words made it seem these are not entirely legal items, but by simply splitting them into parts and sending them under different names they managed to bypass the post office filters, which shows their incompetence, but I can't complain as I'm benefiting from this incompetence, but it does feel strange and uncomfortable that it's easier to get firearms than decent medical care.

What I came to collect were weapons, but they were divided into parts and those parts were hidden as parts of different products like toys and kitchen utensils, although this time I decided not to transport bullets, it would be too annoying to find a way to get them to me without any problem without the help of some professional dealer, and it wasn't worth trying, since I could have easily ended up being discovered, and ended up arrested as soon as I claimed my packages, and it's not worth risking so much for something that could be so easily obtained by talking to a local arms dealer, the kind that sells weapons and ammunition to the local mafia and gangs.

As for why I risked bringing the weapons themselves, it is because they simply have sentimental value, in addition to being products of superior quality to those I could buy in this place, and even if I could buy some similar ones they would have an exaggerated cost that could raise suspicions, while standard ammunition can be easily purchased without raising much suspicion.

But with this, I think I can finally start moving to execute my plans, I already have all my tools, in a few hours I will have the ammunition and soon I will have an assistant who will be willing to help me in anything "voluntarily" against his judgment, will and free will, but who knows maybe he will be excited to accompany me on a suicide mission from which he will not get any benefit, I don't know what will happen after all I'm sure there's something wrong with that guy's head and the day I understand it I will be the same kind of crazy person as him, something I would prefer not to happen.


- – I know it is not possible, but these types of places should have a location on GPS,

I'm frustrated with this situation and quite worried about my sense of direction.

- – I really can't believe I got lost for an hour in such a stupid way.

This was an hour of my life wasted stupidly, an hour of my lifetime that I will never get back.

- – Maybe it's because of this frustration that I'm once again talking to myself in a creepy way in the middle of an alley that's even creepier than me.

This is quite an accomplishment considering I'm currently a guy dressed completely in black with a trench coat, a beanie, sunglasses, and a scarf covering the lower part of my face, a bunch of stuff that screams "creepy guy," who's probably trying to sell you some suspicious substances, waiting to mug some unsuspecting person or kidnap you or your child with a very conspicuous, single-colored, windowless van.

In short, I somehow ended up dressing up as the stereotypical shady guy who's planning to do shady things.

And this fell to my dear friend Anna, who I will pay for at a later date.

Well, after touching on a sensitive subject, I decided to apologize by doing something nice for her, buying her a small gift that she didn't like very much, so in some way I ended up promising that I would do anything for her.

Something that she took advantage of to take advantage of me, tarnished my honor, and humiliated me to the point that I think I will no longer be able to trust women. By the way, she gave her a stuffed animal that sang a children's song in which she apologized. I don't understand women...

And to cut to the chase, she forced me to put on makeup, but not in a way that would make me look more attractive, the way I put on makeup made me look extremely feminine, and even though I tried to resist it was in vain, and I have always believed that people should be responsible for their actions, and since I got into that trouble I had to put up with it, but the worst was what I heard in the end.

- – I had wanted to do something like this to you for years because I had my suspicions and today they were confirmed, if you fixed yourself up enough you would be a beautiful girl.

Exactly, that's what the crazy psychologist said, which made me feel even more uncomfortable, because now I can resist, well, at least enough to prevent her from forcing me to dress as a woman.

Well although I have long stopped caring about my appearance, I am quite conscious of how I look, to sum it up I have black hair that is relatively long for what would be expected of a man, something that my mother would undoubtedly disapprove of, but we are not talking about her right now, I am quite thin and harmless looking, as for my face it is something that others have described as the face of a good boy, the type that seems incapable of hurting anyone, and combined with my build and my communication problems, make it seem that I am a withdrawn and harmless type perhaps someone more unpleasant will describe me as effeminate, but I am quite willing to teach that type of person that appearances can be deceiving.

But back to my new trauma, maybe it was the combination of these characteristics that made Anna think it was a good idea to try to cross-dress me, to satisfy some fetish that I don't want to know about...

I already have enough traumas for today, I don't want to know what she will do, because maybe I won't be able to sleep at night thinking that my friend is the kind of person who would dress me as a woman and invite a man to do unspeakable things to me.

I trust my friend and I know she wouldn't do something like that to her dear friend…

- – Maybe I should go back and get some mines to prevent anyone from entering my room while I'm sleeping, or maybe I should get some high-voltage cables and a generator to create an improvised electrified network.

In short, this was a fruitful day, but at the same time, it was a day in which I was constantly frustrated and uncomfortable.

After all, it's downright awful trying to find a place you don't know in an old part of town where maps haven't been updated for years and you can't ask for directions because you're going to a place of questionable origin that most people are unaware of.

And to make matters worse I had to look for that place while it was getting dark with my suspicious guy look imagined by someone without much creativity, and underneath the most suspicious appearance you could ever find I have a male face with exaggerated feminine makeup, which due to certain circumstances could not be removed, by the way I also ended up with fake nails, which should explain the gloves.

In short, I ended up raising a lot of suspicions by going to a place where they deal weapons with a stereotypical suspicious appearance, but I prefer my suspicious appearance to allow myself to be seen in this way, because although society is willing to accept novel ideas, I am not willing to be treated like a transvestite, obviously because I am not one and besides, lately there are many perverts interested in boys with delicate appearances who dress like women, something that by pure coincidence I am at the moment.

But let's look on the bright side, thanks to this change in appearance it will be difficult for anything to be traced back to me.

Didn't I notice that I could have achieved something similar with platforms and pads? To change my complexion, of course, I noticed it, but if I don't think about the benefits of this situation I will end up crying because of how depressing this situation is.

- – How did I end up like this, what kind of decisions in my life led me to this situation?

These are the questions I must avoid thinking about, or else I will end up questioning my entire life and my choice of friends, or severely depressed knowing that it was conscious choices that brought me here, and not a small number of coincidences or seemingly harmless choices.

- – Anyway, I've already been depressed enough about this situation, I think it will be good to go home, and hope that Anna has regained her sanity.

And so I begin the simple and damned safe travel protocol which consists of giving tangled addresses to a couple of transports, to check that no one is following me home, something that over time became a habit, due to long-term international operations where care had to be taken not to expose the safe house.

And now I'm doing something similar, but only to get back to my friend's house, thanks to my new and more powerful than ever persecution delusion and imagine him, but of the cases.


- - am at home…

I enter the house after opening the door with the keys Anna gave me the day before, which makes me worry about this girl's safety.

Because let's be objective, a friend who disappeared out of nowhere in the middle of suspicious circumstances, this same friend comes back with quite a few changes, confessing that before leaving he committed an aberrant crime, but somehow when this extremely suspicious friend asked to borrow a place she accepted almost without hesitation, and the worst of the situation is that a couple of days later she decided to give the keys to her house to that suspicious guy.

Although the suspicious guy in question is me, and I would have been hurt by his distrust, his confidence and lack of concern regarding this issue are worrying.

- – Oh, what is such a pretty girl doing in a place like this?

And with that sentence, he just killed almost all the worry I had for her, it's obvious that he's enjoying this situation and the discomfort that he knows I felt all day.

And the worst of all is that he is mocking me with an overly cheerful smile while drinking something that for now I will assume is wine.

- – … You are happy

I say with a tone of evident frustration.

- – In fact, I am happy, extremely happy, but tell me, did you not feel good, did you not feel that something new was awakening inside you?

Damn, Anna, I know what you're implying and I'm starting to fear that I might need the electric fence or maybe the explosives.

- – Get away from me, wicked demon, you will not contaminate my body again.

- – You say it as if I did something horrible to you.

This is too much nerve.

- – If you don't see this as something horrible, you should get medical attention, you have a disease, a very scary one.

- – Come on, come on, stop crying like I abused you, and just tell me how it went, or this argument will keep going back and forth.

Well, he has a punch in that, especially since he was planning to retort about crying.

- –, everything went very well for me, I already received my things, I bought what I needed and I got almost all the information I needed.

- – Yay, good for you, you can now begin with your low-budget version of "Kill Bill"

I think she's starting to get drunk, so I'd better stop her.

- – I know what you mean, and I know you well enough to notice what you implied about my gender, but I'll let it go because I need something from you, I need you to take me to the district jail tomorrow.

- – Oh, so you had a moment of consciousness and decided to turn yourself into the law.

- – … 

- – …

While she gives me a look of contempt, mixed with compassion, with which one looks at someone retarded.

- – You know I have to pick up Tres, and I don't have any means of transportation, and unfortunately for both of us, you are my only option that doesn't involve public transportation.

- – I know, just call me early and I'll take you.