A few days passed since my argument with Kayden, the party had only met up a couple but it was always awkward. Between Drole and Pultra, Kayden and Me.
Well after what happened I can't be surprised about it but I wonder how this gonna affect the team going forward. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried but we're all adults…. I'm pretty sure Pultra is an adult too.
I was able to pick up my gauntlets from Bvolbaro's shop. They fit perfectly and weren't as bulky as I initially thought but that's about all I was able to test until the open quest. I'm not too worried. Bvolbaro seemed pretty confident in them so hopefully they do work.
I haven't heard Mater Flamme's voice ever since I gave my arms to her. Nothing has changed, I haven't felt any change in my arms beside the burning being stopped. The feeling in my fingers returned as well as the color.
I assume there isn't much for me to worry about now besides completing the open quest.