Chereads / The Brotherhood: Storm the Devil Queen / Chapter 8 - In the name of the Sun

Chapter 8 - In the name of the Sun

The engines start to rumble, I don't have much time to get to the jump station. It will only be a matter of time before the Halo catches on to what has happened. I get to my seat next to Bern and strap in. Angel begins the count down.

"Beginning jump in"

The engines ignite and fly through the vacuum of space. After a few brief moments, the ship comes to a halt, and the shaking stops. Bern and I remove our straps and head for the bridge. When we arrive, everyone is already scrambling around. A bright red light beams onto the bridge from all directions. Ahead was a massive star, a red giant, looming on our horizon. Rom runs to all the windows around the ship, looking for something.

"Did we loose them?" He asks.

"Scanning." Angel says, "nothing yet."

"Keep looking. There is no way we got away with this short of a jump."

I spot Oniv at the front of the ship, looking though the windows and run to him.

"What's happening?" I ask

"They defiantly caught on, we need to keep enough distance from the ship until we can find a way to by more time."

"Captain!" Angel yells, "We have a jump signature, incoming!"

"Where?" Rom asks

"Straight ahead!"

As we all turn in the same direction, we see it. Light and space stars to bend near the star. Whatever light existed in its location dissipates into darkness. Seven glowing rings appear in its space, then it all collapses in on itself. The Halo Spark appears before us, its broadside already facing us. Its 15 guns all turn in the same direction.

Oniv's eyes grow wide, and dives under the table yelling, "Everyone. take cover!"

The crew members hide behind their stations. Bern and Oniv stay behind the center console as Clara and I hide behind the captain's chair. The Halo lets out a flurry of cannon shots, some miss, but other make direct impact with the ship. Constant explosions impact the hull, shaking everything to its core and dislodging monitors. Sparks fly all over the bridge. I shield Clara from them as they bounce all over my back.

"Angel!" Rom yells

"Yes, sir?" Angel asks.

"Get us out of here!"

The engines fire up again at full blast. Everyone regains their footing. As I return to my feet, I spot the Halo turning toward us, preparing to give chase. Rom and I return to the center console where Angel awaits us.

"We need to get away from here." I said

Well we can't exactly do that if we are being chased through jump space, can we?" Rom says

"Okay, how do we get away from a ship that can track us from anywhere?"

"Guys..." Angle says

"I don't know."


"You don't know?"

"Guys!" Angel yells, grabbing our attention. "I can't see the ship."

"You can't see it?" Rom asks

"Yeah I cant see it on my sensors."

"Why not?"

"I...don't know."

Turn back toward the source of light, wonder what is even possible in order to escape this, then it hits me. I run back to the console.

"The Sun." I said.

"What?" Rom asks.

"The sun, can't the sun screw with your sensors."

"Uh yeah, I think." Angel says, "But only if we get too...oh."

"Bingo. I have an idea."

"You have an idea?" Rom says, dumbfounded by the concept.

Clara jumps in as we are talking, wonder what is going on.

"I heard we have a plan." She says

"Apparently. What is the wonderful plan of yours, Ax?"

"Well give me some credit." I say, slightly offended. "You said the sun is messing with our sensors. It has to be messing with theirs too."

"That's why we aren't getting shot at anymore." Clara says.


"So..." Rom said, trying to get to the point

"So, have you ever gone water skiing before?"

For a moment, Rom doesn't get it, but a huge grin grows across his face as it starts to click.

"I hope you know how much of a psycho you are Ax."

"The one and only."

Rom runs for the front of the console as I head for my seat and strap in.

"Ax what's going on?" Clara asks.

"Get strapped in, its going to get bumpy."

Rom begins to give out orders.

"Ok, here is what we are going to do, set a course for the the sun."

"The sun?" Angel asks.

"Yeah, we are going to ride it out of here. Send all power to shields and prepare a grid for the sun's surface."

"Yes sir!" Everyone yells

Oniv returns to his seat and also straps in, just as the ship vibrates.

"Angel, put us into single ring jump. I don't want us to get sucked into the sun."


"Everyone, hang on!"

The ship enters single ring jump as it approaches the sun's surface. It's shield build on its underside to be used like a board to ride just above the surface. Huge balls of flame fire into the sky, blinding us, until a UV shield drops down. The horror and beauty of the sun is unexplainable. The flames fly into the air like lava ejected from a geyser. It's size is 300 times the size of out ship. Rom spots the Halo following us in and has the pilot gun it. We accelerate faster across the surface, dodging balls of fire and oozing flames. Each one that is spotted on the grid is relayed to the pilot who would make the necessary adjustments. The Halo attempts to fire at us, but to no avail, I cannot aim due its systems being scrambled. However as we continue to accelerate, a new problem emerges. More sparks ignite from within the bridge, the ship cannot hold for much longer.

"Angel, light it up, seven rings."

"Stand by, beginning seven ring jump in"

The ship begins its jump, but hit is not like the others. This was violent, jumping this close to the sun is starting to rip the ship apart. More sparks fly everywhere before finally coming to a stop. The ship exits jump space and starts to shut down.

Angel starts to panic. Her breathing becomes more erratic, and her hands start to tremble. She is terrified. The lights, computer, and monitors sequentially start to shut down.

"Guys?" She says. "Help!"

Then she shuts off and all that was left was silence, in an empty, and lifeless ship.