Chereads / The Brotherhood: Storm of the Devil Queen / Chapter 11 - Celestian Waters

Chapter 11 - Celestian Waters

We arrive at the bridge where Rom is already waiting for us. He sees me and runs at me for a hug, holding my tight so I cannot move.

"Glad to see you alive and well." He says

"Yeah, good to see you, too."

He gets an eye at Angel, who is still walking around with no clothes. Everyone is staring, but she hasn't seemed to notice yet.

 "Who is that?"

"You don't recognize her?"

"I know she's not technically naked, but can you at least have her put on some clothes?"

He points to one of the female nurses still nearby who then guides her back down the hall. Confused, she looks at us like a wounded puppy asking for help. Clara nods and proceeds to follow them back down the hall. Rom laughing a little, opens the door onto the bridge of the ship. It's a small bridge. A glass dome covers the top and opens up toward the front so we can see ahead. The man I saw before is standing in the front with the pilot and the kid. He whispers something in her ear, making her giggle. He spots us and welcomes us in. The kid turns around and waves. Strange, she is in high spirits considering what has happened to her.

"Glad to see you could make it." He said.

"I thank you again for taking us in." Oniv says.

"As long as my boss gets to chat with you."

"Whatever you need."

"Very good. We just arrived."

I had for the front window next to the pilot to get a view. It is beautiful. Open, blue waters that went on into the horizon. The skies were clear, and a faint moon sat in the sky, greeting us with its presence. It was odd though, he said we were here, but I see nothing.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You said we were here, right?"

"We are."


"Look again."

I look back out into the water, and something blue starts to build up ahead. It was faint at first, but it continues to expand and brighten with each second that passes. The door to the bridge opens again as we are observing the light. Clara and Angel enter. She is full dressed now. A wonderful teal dress like her holographic representation. The top half is a much darker green color, with an opening in her chest area. It had no sleeves and the color transitions into a lighter shade of teal as it goes down. It stops at her thighs and opens up a little like a cone. Her thighs were exposed but she has on tall black boots up to her knees. She stood at the door, a little embarrassed but smiled trying to make it through. I couldn't help myself. As she walks up to me and asks what I think, I don't answer her, I just stare. I felt hypnotized. She was so beautiful I couldn't move. Clearly, I was making her uncomfortable. Clara calls out my name which snaps me out of my hypnosis.

"Sorry, sorry." I said. "I got distracted."

"Distracted? By what?" Angel asks.


Suddenly a flash of red-light fires into the sky. An explosion rocks the ship a little and the light eventually calms down. Once we are able to see, something amazing happens. The water starts to retreat, as if the beam of light is pushing it away. Thousands of tons of water are displaced in an instant and a massive tower stands in the center, revealing to be the source of the red-light. A red ball in the center of the tower vibrates with energy, spazzing out in all directions within the confined space it was put in. The water ahead drops down like a ramp, allowing The Brotherhood to be dragged down safely. As we start our decent, the rest of the city appears. The water retreated all the way down to the bottom of the ocean. A massive city sits at the base. It's not like the cities on the surface. The buildings were built into the sea floor and viewing domes were over every tall structure. Our ship peels off from the rest of the group and flies toward one of the taller towers in the city. It lands in a hangar outside the structure, which is then lowered into the ground and the door up top closes.

We exit the ship with the captain after it lands. On the other side of the hanger was a door leading into a long hall. This hallway's top and bottom halves were made of a see-through material similar to what's used on the ships. As we cross, we spot a massive ravine below us. I have no idea how deep it is. Past a certain distance, its absolute darkness. A deep rumble echoes through the walls. Suddenly the red light shuts off and a loud roar screeches into the air.

"Everyone." The man yells. "Grab on to the railing."

The water begins to collapse, caving into itself all at once. The wave of water crashes into the hall, knocking it around for a few moments before settling back down. Thousands of bubbles surround the windows until one by one, they all pop. Soon we get a view of the ocean life, as they all return at the same time. It's like they know about the waves and know exactly when they need to cross. A massive fish, kin to that of a whale-like creature, swims over the hall. Angel couldn't help but to stop and stare, amazed at all the sea creatures swimming by. A school of fish, a massive creature with hundreds of tentacles, there was nothing that could hold her attention for more than a second. Shockingly, my first thought would have been this is where I would have expected the kid to be amazed, but she just walks normally, unfazed by what has happened. Oniv orders me to grab her by the hand and catch her back with us.

Soon we arrive at the end of the hall. The next door open into a large and open octagonal space. Murals were all over the walls, depictions of what look to be wars, celebrations, and a moon. A blue hue from the ocean overtakes the room. it comes from the ceiling, which was also a glass-like dome structure, giving us more views of the fishes swimming by. A man stands in the center, his out ready to greet us. He was much older than all of us, al least in is sixties or older. His skin was pale, and hair was blonde. He wore a long robe. His feet were covered, and he walked in such a way he would look like he is floating.

"Welcome to Celestia." He says.

The man walk with us, runs ahead and speaks first.

"Great Ministor, this is the group I told you about."

"Calm down, Hatlin. "Thank you."

Hatlin nods his head and backs away allowing us to speak. Oniv takes a step forward.

"So, this is the great Brotherhood crew I heard so much about. Your reputation proceeds you."

"Thank you." Oniv says. "We don't wish to impede or anything. Our ship crash landed here, and we just need repairs and supplies."

"Please, it's fine."

"If we need to pay you we can."

"Actually. A favor is all we need for payment."


"Of course, hopefully it won't be of much hassle coming from you."

Oniv stands a bit shocked but agrees turning to us first to make sure it's alright. Honestly, I am surprised by it too. Angel shrugs her shoulders and Oniv returns his attention to the Ministor.

"What do you need?" He asks.

 "It's hopefully a simple job, follow me to my office, we can talk there."

He then walks away. The team and I follow him and as we pass through the open doors in the back, they close behind us.