Chereads / INCARNATION GONE WRONG / Chapter 4 - It's Not Only About You

Chapter 4 - It's Not Only About You

Those are Rinides and Nophus, the two moons orbiting Bastardia. After his not-so-successful suicide attempt, he expected to find himself in the realm of the dead. But here he is, still stuck in the abandoned Morbid District, the place that was once popular for its raunchy night life before it became a ghost town.


With a face as pale as a blank sheet, he immediately takes off his military uniform, which is already so dirty with almost-dried blood. To his shock, there's not a scratch on him.


"What's going on here? How am I still alive?"


After checking his nearly-broken-but-still-functioning digital watch, he realizes it's been over five hours since he tried to check out early.


Looks like he just dodged death! Unfortunately, he's not out of the woods yet. There's a good reason this place is a ghost town, and why the citizens of Fracklosk live behind towering concrete walls.


"I can't stay here for long! I'm okay with dying, but being eaten alive? Not on my bucket list!"


Everyone knows how dangerous this area is, especially at night. The great war didn't just leave ruins. It also left behind some lab-created monsters that decided to throw a never-ending party, procreating and multiplying, ruining the natural ecosystem.


Just as he's about to make a run for it, a group of Spiky-spines White Fangs approaches from behind the ruins, surrounding him like he's the main course at a dinner party.


These chimeras are a delightful mix of wolves and dogs, with teeth big enough to make a dentist weep. And don't forget the few thorny spikes on their backs. Standing as tall as an adult human, they look absolutely intimidating, with drool decorating their jaws like a gourmet sauce.


What terrible luck! He just wanted a peaceful exit without too much pain. But here he is, facing a dinner invitation he can't refuse.


"I really hate this shitty world!"


But what choice does he have? Resigned and with eyes drooping from desperation, he drops to his knees and invites them with a tone so lifeless it could put an old grandma to sleep.


"What are you waiting for? Come! Eat me to your heart's content!"


Suddenly, a mysterious voice booms, lecturing him like a cranky teacher.


<< You can't just decide that! I know your life stinks and how shitty this world is. But this is not just about you! >>


Irvine looks around, utterly puzzled. "Who's that?"


The voice sounds so close it's like someone's shouting in his ear. He glances around, spotting nothing but the confused White Fangs, who seem just as baffled. And there's this suffocating aura filling the air, definitely not the good kind.


<< Don't even think about trying to check out again while I'm around! That pathetic act is one of the top sins God despises. You'll be tortured if you make it to the realm of the dead! >>


"Are you... the Angel of Death?"


<< Angel of Death? Yes! I'm the Angel of Death! But it's not your time yet. You can't just give up. Think about your family! If you die now, who's going to protect them in this chaotic world? >>


Slowly but surely, a spark of life returns to Irvine's face. He finds the reason to stick around.

But just as he shows a hint of fear, a few of the beasts jerk and make their fierce moves. No other choice but to run! Even though he knows outrunning them is about as likely as threading a camel through the eye of a tailor's needle.


"What should I do now?"


<< Just keep running until you find someone! >>


"You're still with me?"


<< Of course! >>


"Then you're that someone! So do something!"


<< I'd love to help, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment! >>


"You're the Angel of Death, right? Can't you just zap them away?"


Irvine crawls into a tiny space under a fallen pillar, and then hides behind the door of an abandoned brothel house, waiting for the Angel of Death to work his magic.


"Please, save me! Take their souls out of their bodies!" he begs with closed eyes, holding something in his hands.




<< That's not how it works! By the way, what's that in your hands? >>




To his surprise, he's begging the Angel of Death while holding an old dildo, mistaking it for incense sticks.


"What the?!"


He quickly tosses that nasty thing away and starts prostrating. But Atniel still refuses his request.


<< Something needs to take them out before I can do my job, or God gives me a specific order to take them out. >>


<< And for the record, you shouldn't be prostrating before me! That's heresy! >>


One of the beasts jumps through the broken window and lands just a few meters away from where Irvine hides. It's useless to hide, because these beasts have a nose sharper than a bloodhound on a mission. Soon, more White Fangs start entering the house one by one.


"Shiiit! Being an Angel of Death isn't as great as the legends said!" Without a second thought, Irvine bolts into a room and leaps out of a broken window.


<< Excuse me! I can obliterate the entire solar system with just a flick of my wings. But as a loyal servant of God, I can't do anything outside my job description. >>


"God?" Irvine grimaces, panting as he runs. "How can you joke around at a time like this? There's no God in this world!"


<< Hey!!! You're chatting with the Angel of Death right now! God does exist, and you should be mindful of Him, for He is the Most Gracious and Most Merciful! >>


"Then why did He make such a miserable world for me? I've called for His help so many times. Can't He do a better job than this?"


<< Watch your mouth, young man! You're too inexperienced to question God's wisdom! >>


Suddenly, something leaps out of a broken window of another brothel house. Irvine can't do anything but welcome it with a lovely hug, though it might not the kind he was hoping for.


Sadly, this one is not a sexy chick asking for help. It's a hungry White Fang pouncing on him. It pins him to the ground, claws digging in, while its fangs sink into his shoulder.


<< Consider this a warning from God! >>


Irvine screams in agony, holding the beast's head with both hands. Despite the excruciating pain, he starts hitting the beast's head over and over.


"If I can't express my complaints, then what does God matter to me?!"