Chereads / reincarnated as a powerful dragon / Chapter 30 - training&planning

Chapter 30 - training&planning

As I drifted off to sleep, I felt Father's gentle breathing and the warmth of his wing wrapped around me. The sound of his heartbeat was soothing, and I felt my own heart slow down to match his.

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for another day of training. Father was already up, stretching his wings and arching his back in a lazy yawn.

"Good morning, Tharros," he said, his voice low and rumbling. "Today we'll be working on your fire-breathing skills. Lyriath will be joining us again."

I nodded, excitement building in my chest. Fire-breathing was one of my favorite skills to practice, and I was eager to show Father and Lyriath how much I'd improved.

I spoke "well I been good with my fire breath, so what?"

Father chuckled, a low rumbling sound. "Ah, confidence, I like that. But, Tharros, there's always room for improvement. And today, we're going to take your fire-breathing skills to the next level."

Lyriath, who had been quietly observing our exchange, spoke up. "Yes, Tharros, we're going to work on precision and control. You'll need to be able to aim your flames with pinpoint accuracy and adjust the intensity to suit different situations."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of situations?"

Father smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Oh, just a few scenarios we've cooked up to test your skills. Let's just say you'll need to be able to think on your feet... or should I say, on your claws."

I grinned, eager to see what challenges Father and Lyriath had in store for me. "Bring it on!" I exclaimed, puffing out my chest.

Father and Lyriath exchanged a knowing glance, and then Father nodded. "Alright, let's get started. Lyriath, if you would?"

Lyriath stepped forward, holding a small, intricately carved stone in her claws. "This is a firestone," she explained. "It's enchanted to absorb and redirect fire. We'll use it to test your precision and control."

I watched, fascinated, as Lyriath placed the firestone on a nearby rock. Father gave me a nod. "Okay, Tharros. Show us what you've got. Try to hit the firestone with a small, controlled blast of flame."

I took a deep breath, focusing my energy. I could feel the fire building in my belly, waiting to be unleashed. With a swift flick of my tail, I sent a narrow jet of flame shooting towards the firestone.

Father grinned, his teeth glinting in the sunlight. "Now, let's try something a bit more challenging. Lyriath, if you would?"

Lyriath nodded, and then held up a small, smooth rock. "I want you to try to hit this rock with a small blast of flame, without scorching the surrounding area."

I nodded, focusing my energy. I took a deep breath, and then unleashed a tiny, precise jet of flame that struck the rock with a faint whisper of sparks. The rock cracked slightly, but the surrounding area remained unscathed.

Lyriath nodded, a hint of a smile on her face. "Good job, Tharros. Your control is impressive."

Father chuckled, his eyes shining with pride. "Yes, and your aim is getting better too. Now, let's try something even more challenging..."

"...I want you to try to hit multiple targets with a single blast of flame," Father said, his eyes glinting with excitement.

Lyriath nodded, and then began to set up a series of small rocks and sticks, arranged in a complex pattern.

"Okay, Tharros," Father said, "I want you to try to hit all of these targets with a single blast of flame. And remember, precision is key. You need to hit each target exactly, without scorching the surrounding area."

I took a deep breath, focusing my energy. I studied the pattern of targets, planning my attack. And then, with a swift flick of my tail, I unleashed a powerful blast of flame.

The flames shot out, striking each target with precision. The rocks cracked, the sticks ignited, and the surrounding area remained unscathed.

Lyriath and Father cheered, their voices echoing through the valley. I grinned, feeling proud of myself. I had done it! I had mastered the art of precision flame-throwing.

But Father's expression turned serious, his eyes narrowing. "Good job, Tharros," he said. "But now, it's time for the final test..."

"...the test of endurance," Father said, his voice low and serious. "I want you to breathe fire continuously for as long as you can. This will push your limits, Tharros, and show us what you're truly capable of."

I nodded, determination burning within me. I took a deep breath, feeling the fire build in my belly. And then, with a mighty roar, I unleashed a stream of flame that shot out into the air.

The fire poured out of me, a never-ending torrent of heat and light. I felt my energy draining, my muscles burning, but I refused to give up. I kept breathing, kept pushing, until my vision began to blur and my body trembled with exhaustion.

Finally, with a last, mighty effort, I managed to maintain the flame for a few seconds longer. And then, with a defeated roar, I collapsed to the ground, my body spent.

Father and Lyriath rushed to my side, concern etched on their faces. "Tharros, are you okay?" Father asked, his voice soft with worry.

I nodded, still gasping for breath. "Y-yes...I'm fine..."

Lyriath smiled, relief written across her face. "You did amazing, Tharros. We're all proud of you."

Father nodded, his eyes shining with pride. "Yes, you've proven yourself to be a true dragon, Tharros. Now, let's get you rested and recovered. You've earned it."

I smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me. Father and Lyriath helped me to my feet, and we made our way back to our cave.

As we walked, Lyriath turned to me with a curious expression. "Tharros, now that you've completed your training, what do you plan to do next?"

I thought for a moment, a sly grin spreading across my face. "I have other plans," I said, my voice hinting at a secret.

Father's expression turned curious, and Lyriath raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might those plans be?" Father asked, his voice teasing.

I just chuckled, enjoying the mystery. "You'll see," I said, my grin growing wider.

Father and Lyriath exchanged a knowing glance, and then Father nodded. "Very well, Tharros. We'll wait and see what you have in store for us."

I smiled to myself, thinking inwardly, "And my plan is that I can get pregnant without a mate, because I am a genderless dragon. And that my future children will inherit my powers, abilities, and strengths. They will be so powerful."

Father and Lyriath looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to share my plans. "So, Tharros, what are your plans now that you've completed your training?" Father asked.

I just grinned, keeping my thoughts to myself. "I have other plans," I said, my voice hinting at a secret.

I giggled, "and my plan will start when I'm in my sub-adult stage, and it will be a surprise!" I giggled again

Father and Lyriath exchanged a curious glance, clearly intrigued by my mysterious plans. "Well, we can't wait to see what you have in store for us, Tharros," Father said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Lyriath chuckled, her eyes sparkling with interest. "I'm sure it will be...enlightening," she said, her voice dripping with curiosity.

I just giggled again, feeling pleased with myself for keeping my secret safe.

Pov Aetherius

I watched my eldest child, Tharros, with a mixture of pride and curiosity. Tharros had always been a bit of an enigma, with a quiet confidence and a mischievous glint in their eye.

As a parent, it was gratifying to see Tharros grow and thrive, mastering their dragon abilities with ease. But I couldn't help but wonder what was going on behind those silver scales of theirs. Tharros had always been a bit of a mystery, even to me and their mother, Thyriatrix.

I glanced over at Thyriatrix, who was watching Tharros with a warm smile on her face. We exchanged a knowing glance, both of us thinking the same thing: what was Tharros planning, and when would we find out?

I spoke, "What is you planning, and when would we find out?"

Tharros answer "somewhere at my sub-adult stage and my plan well it a secret!"

I chuckled, amused by Tharros's mischievous grin. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, then," I said, exchanging a knowing glance with Thyriatrix.

Thyriatrix smiled, her light green scales glinting in the sunlight. "I'm sure it will be...interesting, whatever it is," she said, her voice dripping with amusement.

I nodded, my albino scales seeming to glow in the sunlight. "Indeed. Tharros, you've always been a bit of a surprise, even from a young age. I'm sure your sub-adult stage will be no exception."

Pov Tharros

I grinned to myself, feeling a thrill of excitement. My parents had no idea what I had planned, and I was determined to keep it a secret until the time was right.

I glanced over at my parents, father, and mother and felt a surge of love and appreciation for them. They had always been supportive of me, even when I was a bit of a handful.

I looked around at my siblings, Lyriath, Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix, and felt a sense of responsibility towards them. As the oldest, I felt like I had to set a good example, even if that meant keeping my plans to myself for now.

I took a deep breath, feeling my silver scales glinting in the sunlight. I was ready for whatever came next, and I was excited to see my plans come to fruition.

I thought,'I can't wait to show them that I can carry a baby dragons without a mate, but this has to be a surprise until that day comes'

I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of anticipation building up inside me. My secret plan was going to be a game-changer, and I couldn't wait to see the looks on my family's faces when they found out. "Hehe, they have no idea what's coming," I thought to myself, my silver scales glinting with mischief. I was going to be the first genderless dragon to carry a baby dragon without a mate in this centurys, and I was determined to make it happen. The thought sent a thrill through me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment already. "This is going to be epic," I thought, my heart racing with excitement.

I continued to bask in the thrill of my secret plan, my mind racing with possibilities. I imagined the shock and awe on my family's faces when they found out, and the pride they would feel knowing that I, Tharros, had accomplished something truly remarkable. I felt a sense of determination and focus wash over me, and I knew that I would stop at nothing to make my dream a reality. "It's going to happen," I thought to myself, my silver scales glinting with resolve. "And when it does, everyone will know that I, Tharros, am a force to be reckoned with."

Two years had passed, and I was now a rambunctious 2-year-old dragon. My siblings and I were always getting into mischief, and our parents, Aetherius and Thyriatrix, had their scales full keeping up with us.

I looked around at my siblings, who were all equally energetic and playful. Lyriath, the navy blue and dark red dragon, was chasing after Vyraxys, the dark bronze dragon, who was laughing and dodging his attacks. Nyxoria, the amethyst dragon, and Lyrixa, the rose gold dragon, were playing a game of hide-and-seek behind a nearby rock. And Kaidorix, the forest green dragon, was trying to climb up a nearby tree with limited success.

I grinned to myself, feeling happy and content. Life as a 2-year-old dragon was good. But even as I played and had fun with my siblings, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more out there for me. Something special. And I couldn't wait to see what the future held.

As I watched my siblings play, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building up inside me. I knew that I was destined for something great, something that would set me apart from the rest. And I couldn't help but feel that it was all connected to my secret plan, the one I had been thinking about for so long. I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of determination and purpose. I was going to make my dream a reality, no matter what it took. And as I looked up at the sky, I knew that the future was bright, and full of endless possibilities.

My father walked towards me and said "just a few more months remaining for your first starlight gathering event! and just a reminder the starlight gathering is a place where all dragons in the clan meet one another and have a good or bad relationship with each other and I know damn well you will hide under my wing for the most of the meeting" he giggled and I nodded

I looked up at my father and smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. The Starlight Gathering was a big deal, and I had heard stories about how it was a time for dragons to form alliances, settle disputes, and show off their skills. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew it would be an adventure. My father's teasing comment about hiding under his wing made me chuckle, and I nodded in agreement. Yeah, it was probably going to take some time for me to warm up to all the new dragons. But with my father by my side, I felt like I could handle anything.

My father, Aetherius, smiled back at me, his eyes warm with amusement and affection. "I'll be right there with you, Tharros," he said, his voice reassuring. "And who knows, you might just surprise me and make some new friends." He chuckled, his albino scales glinting in the sunlight. I felt a surge of gratitude towards him, knowing that he would always be there to support and protect me.

Father smiled and grap me by his mouth and placed me in front of him, and he started to lick my silver scales and said "even if you get scared and hide under my wing you be the cutest dragons in the event!" He kept licking my silver scales

I giggled and squirmed with delight, enjoying the gentle sensation of my father's tongue on my silver scales. It was a comforting and soothing feeling, and I felt my nervousness about the Starlight Gathering start to melt away. I looked up at my father, seeing the warmth and affection in his eyes, and felt grateful for his love and support. "Hehe, thanks Father," I said, my voice happy and content. I leaned into his licks, feeling like the luckiest dragon in the world.

As my father continued to lick my scales, I felt my eyes start to droop, and I let out a happy sigh. It was one of my favorite feelings in the world, and I could have stayed there forever. My father's gentle licks were like a warm hug, wrapping me in a sense of safety and security.

After a while, my father stopped licking my scales and gently spread his wings, inviting me to snuggle underneath. I nodded sleepily and crawled under the warm, protective canopy of his wings. As I settled into the familiar, cozy space, I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and I let out a contented sigh.

My father wrapped his wings around me, holding me close as I drifted off to sleep. I felt safe and protected, knowing that I was under his wing, surrounded by his love and care. As I fell asleep, I knew that I was exactly where I belonged.

Father spoke, "Sleep tight, my precious little child"

I smiled softly in my sleep, feeling my father's warm breath on my scales as he whispered his gentle goodnight. His words filled me with a sense of comfort and security, and I snuggled deeper under his wing, feeling grateful for his love and protection. As I drifted off into a peaceful slumber, I could feel my father's heartbeat steady and strong, a reassuring presence that wrapped around me like a warm hug.