Chereads / reincarnated as a powerful dragon / Chapter 31 - A New Morning

Chapter 31 - A New Morning

I woke up to the warmth of the sun on my scales, and the sound of my father's gentle humming. I stretched my small body, yawning widely as I emerged from under my father's wing. He smiled at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Good morning, little one," he said, his voice low and rumbling. "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, still feeling a bit sleepy. But as I looked around, I saw that the day was already well underway. My siblings were playing and chasing each other, their laughter and shouts filling the air.

I watched my siblings for a moment, feeling a pang of excitement and energy. I loved playing with them, and it looked like they were having a blast. My father, sensing my interest, nudged me gently with his snout.

"Why don't you go join your siblings, Tharros?" he suggested, his voice encouraging. "I'm sure they'd love to have you play with them."

I nodded, feeling a surge of enthusiasm. I took off running, my little legs moving as fast as they could as I chased after my siblings. They welcomed me with open wings, and we spent the next few hours playing and laughing together.

As the morning wore on, I began to feel a bit hungry. My father, sensing my hunger, called out to me.

"Tharros, come here for a moment," he said, his voice gentle.

I ran back over to him, curious about what he wanted. He smiled at me, and offered me a large piece of fresh meat, almost as big as my head.

"Breakfast time, Tharros," he said, his eyes twinkling.

I took the meat from him, and began to eat eagerly. It was delicious, and I felt my hunger begin to fade. As I ate, I looked up at my father, feeling grateful for his care and provision.

"Thanks, Father," I said, my voice muffled by the meat.

My father smiled, and nuzzled me gently with his snout. "Anytime, Tharros," he said, his voice warm and loving.

As I finished eating, my stomach hurt, and I fell full, but I ignored it

I lay down next to my father, feeling a bit uncomfortable due to my overly full stomach. I let out a gentle belch, trying to relieve some of the pressure. My father chuckled and nudged me with his snout.

"Maybe you should have paced yourself, Tharros," he said, his voice teasing.

I smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed. I knew I had eaten too much, but the meat had been so delicious. I closed my eyes, trying to relax and let my stomach digest the large meal.

As I lay there, I felt my father's warm breath on my scales, and his gentle humming vibrated through his body. I felt safe and content, surrounded by my family's love and care. Despite my uncomfortable stomach, I drifted off into a peaceful nap.

But suddenly my father rubbed my belly and gas filled my stomach and it end up trapped

I groaned, feeling a sharp discomfort in my stomach. The gas that had built up inside me was now trapped, and it felt like it was going to burst out at any moment. My father's rubbing had stirred up the gas, making it worse.

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a position that would ease the discomfort. But it seemed like no matter how I moved, the gas just wouldn't budge. I let out a little whine, feeling miserable.

My father, sensing my distress, stopped rubbing my belly and looked at me with concern. "Tharros, are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.

I nodded, still feeling uncomfortable. "I...I think I just need to pass some gas, Father," I said, my voice embarrassed.

My father chuckled and nodded. "Well, go ahead then," he said, his voice encouraging. "You can't keep it inside forever."

I spoke "well I can't burp it out somehow!" But then my father started rubbing my belly again, and gas increased inside me

I groaned, feeling the gas building up even more inside me. "Father, stop! You're making it worse!" I exclaimed, trying to squirm away from his rubbing.

But my father just chuckled and continued to rub my belly, his hands moving in gentle, soothing motions. "Come on, Tharros, just let it out," he said, his voice teasing.

I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment as I tried to hold in the discomfort. The trapped gas inside my stomach was becoming increasingly painful, and I didn't know how much more I could take.

My father kept rubbing my belly, his hands moving in a steady rhythm. I let out a loud, uncomfortable groan as the trapped gas shifted inside me. I looked up at my father, pleading for relief.

"Father, please... it hurts," I said, my voice strained.

But my father just kept rubbing, his expression calm and reassuring. "It's okay, Tharros," he said. "Just relax and let your body take care of it."

I tried to relax, but it was hard when my stomach was feeling so uncomfortable. My father's rubbing was gentle, but it was also persistent, and I could feel the trapped gas inside me starting to move around.

As my father continued to rub my belly, I started to feel a bit lightheaded. The discomfort in my stomach was making me feel dizzy, and I had to close my eyes to try and focus.

My father's voice was calm and soothing, but I could sense a hint of amusement behind it. "Come on, Tharros," he said. "You can do it. Just let it out."

I took a deep breath and tried to relax, letting my father's rubbing work its magic. Slowly but surely, I started to feel the trapped gas inside me begin to shift and move...and then, suddenly, I felt a huge bubble of gas form in my stomach. It was like a giant balloon was inflating inside me, and I could feel it pressing against my insides.

My father's rubbing was still gentle, but it was also firm, and I could sense him trying to coax the gas out of me. I took another deep breath and tried to relax, feeling the bubble of gas grow bigger and bigger.

And then, just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, the bubble burst, releasing a huge amount of trapped gas inside me. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as the discomfort in my stomach began to ease.

My father smiled and continued to rub my belly, helping to ease any remaining discomfort. "Feel better, Tharros?" he asked, his voice warm and gentle.

I nodded, still feeling a bit dazed from the experience. "Y-yes, Father," I stammered, my voice still shaky.

My father chuckled and pulled me into a warm hug. "I'm glad I could help, son," he said, his voice full of love and affection. I let out a small burp

My father chuckled and smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, I think that's a good sign, Tharros," he said, his voice warm and gentle. "Your stomach is finally starting to settle down."

I smiled, feeling a bit relieved that the discomfort had passed. My father's rubbing had really helped, and I was grateful for his care and attention.

As I snuggled into his warm hug, I felt my eyelids starting to droop again. The combination of the morning's excitement and the relief from my stomach discomfort was making me feel sleepy.

My father seemed to sense my tiredness, and he gently stroked my scales with his snout. "Why don't you take a little nap, Tharros?" he suggested, his voice soft and soothing. "You can rest for a bit, and then we'll go about our day."

Father then rubbed my belly again, and another burp realese, and Father spoke, "That it Tharros let it out." he kept rubbing my belly

I felt another wave of relief wash over me as the second burp escaped. My father's rubbing was gentle but firm, and I could sense him trying to help me release any remaining discomfort in my stomach.

As he continued to rub my belly, I started to feel my muscles relax, and my breathing slowed down. The sensation of his scales against mine was soothing, and I felt my eyelids growing heavy once again.

My father's voice was a gentle hum in the background, encouraging me to let go of any remaining tension. "That's it, Tharros... let it all out," he whispered, his breath warm against my scales.

I felt myself drifting off into a peaceful doze, my father's rubbing and soothing voice lulling me into a state of deep relaxation. I kept burping

My father chuckled and continued to rub my belly, seeming to take pleasure in helping me release the trapped air. "Good boy, Tharros," he said, his voice warm and encouraging. "Get it all out."

I burped again, and again, each one feeling like a tiny explosion of relief. My father's rubbing was like magic, coaxing out the air that had been stuck inside me.

As the burps continued, my father's chuckles turned into laughter. "You're really letting it all out, aren't you?" he said, his eyes shining with amusement.

I couldn't help but laugh too, feeling a bit silly but also incredibly relieved. My father's care and attention were making me feel better with each passing moment.

As the burps continued to escape, my father's laughter grew louder, and he rubbed my belly with increasing enthusiasm. I couldn't help but join in, my own laughter mingling with his as we both enjoyed the ridiculousness of the situation.

Just when I thought I was done, another burp would escape, and my father would exclaim, "Ah, one more! Get it all out, Tharros!" His encouragement was infectious, and I found myself laughing and burping along with him.

Eventually, the burps began to slow down, and my father's rubbing became more gentle. I felt my stomach start to settle, and my laughter died down into a contented sigh.

My father smiled, his eyes warm with affection. "Feel better now, Tharros?" he asked, his voice soft.

I nodded, still feeling a bit sleepy but much more comfortable. "Yes, Father," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

My father's expression turned serious, and he leaned in close. "Remember, Tharros, it's always okay to let it out. Whether it's a burp or a problem, I'm here to help you deal with it." Father patted my head

I felt a warmth spread through my scales as my father's gentle pat on the head filled me with a sense of comfort and security. His touch was reassuring, and I leaned into it, feeling grateful for his love and care.

My father's eyes smiled down at me, and he spoke in a soft, rumbling voice, "You're a good boy, Tharros. I'm proud of you."

I looked at my siblings, and they were still playing, so I decided to join in

I slid off my father's side and padded over to my siblings, who were engaged in a lively game of chase. Lyriath, Vyraxys, and Kaidorix were darting around each other, their scales glinting in the light. Nyxoria and Lyrixa were laughing and trying to catch them.

I grinned, eager to join in on the fun. "Hey, guys! Can I play too?" I asked, my voice excited.

Lyriath, who was currently being chased by Vyraxys, veered over to me. "Tharros! Finally! We need someone to team up with!" he exclaimed, his navy-blue and dark and blood-red red scales flashing with excitement.

I chuckled and nodded. "Alright, let's do this!" I said, and together we launched ourselves into the fray, our scales shimmering as we played.

As we played, the room echoed with our laughter and the sound of our scales glinting together. My siblings and I chased each other around, our claws clicking on the floor. Nyxoria and Lyrixa were quick, darting around us with their amethyst and rose-gold scales flashing. Vyraxys and Kaidorix were a bit rougher, their dark bronze and forest green scales glinting as they tumbled and fell.

I grinned, feeling carefree and happy. This was what I loved about being part of a big family - there was always someone to play with, always something to do. Lyriath and I worked together, using our quick reflexes to dodge Vyraxys and Kaidorix's attacks.

As we played, my father watched us with a warm smile, his albino scales glowing softly in the light. My mother sat nearby, her light green scales shimmering as she watched us with a gentle gaze.

Just then, Lyriath and I managed to corner Vyraxys and Kaidorix, our scales glinting together as we formed a semi-circle around them. The two brothers looked up at us with mock fear, their dark bronze and forest green scales flashing with excitement.

Lyriath and I exchanged a mischievous glance, and then we pounced, our claws gently swatting at Vyraxys and Kaidorix. The two brothers dissolved into giggles, their scales shimmering with laughter.

My mother chuckled and shook her head, her light green scales glinting with amusement. My father, Aetherius, smiled and nodded, his albino scales glowing softly.

Nyxoria and Lyrixa, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't resist joining in on the fun. They darted into the fray, their amethyst and rose-gold scales flashing as they played.

The room was filled with the joyful sounds of our laughter and playful growls, our scales shimmering and glinting together as we tumbled and fell. My father, Aetherius, watched us with a warm smile, his albino scales glowing with happiness. My mother chuckled and shook her head, her light green scales glinting with amusement.

As we played, I felt a deep sense of connection to my family. We were all together, enjoying each other's company, and it felt amazing. I was grateful for this moment, for the love and laughter that filled our home.

Just then, Lyriath and I managed to pin Vyraxys and Kaidorix to the ground, our scales glinting together as we held them down. The two brothers laughed and struggled, their dark bronze and forest green scales flashing with excitement.

Nyxoria and Lyrixa, who had been watching us with wide eyes, couldn't resist joining in on the fun. They pounced on us, their amethyst and rose-gold scales flashing as they tried to get in on the action.

The room erupted into a joyful chaos of scales, laughter, and playful growls. My father laughed and shook his head, his albino scales glowing with amusement. My mother smiled and watched us, her light green scales glinting with warmth.

As we played, I felt carefree and happy, surrounded by my loving family. We were all together, enjoying each other's time, and it felt amazing. I was grateful for this moment, for the love and laughter that filled our home.

As the moon rose and the sun fell

The room began to transform, bathed in the soft, lunar light that streamed through the cave. My siblings and I slowed our play, our scales glinting in the gentle glow. My father's albino scales seemed to shimmer even brighter in the moonlight, while my mother's light green scales took on a soft, ethereal quality.

As we settled down, our laughter and playful growls gave way to contented sighs and happy yawns. It had been a wonderful day, filled with love, laughter, and adventure. Now, as the moon rose high in the sky, we were all ready to rest and dream of the next day's joys.

My siblings and I curled up together, our scales intertwined as we drifted off to sleep. My father settled in beside us, his gentle presence a comforting reminder of his love. My mother nestled in on the other side, her soft scales a soothing balm to our tired bodies.

As I closed my eyes, I felt grateful for this loving family of mine. We were a bundle of scales, laughter, and adventure, and I couldn't imagine anything better. The moon shone down on us, casting a silver glow over our happy, sleepy forms.

I smiled to myself, feeling my eyelids grow heavy. It was time to dream of tomorrow's escapades, surrounded by the people I loved most in the world. With a contented sigh, I let sleep claim me, my silver scales shimmering softly in the moonlight.

As I drifted off to sleep, I was vaguely aware of my siblings' gentle snores and the soft rustle of their scales. My parents' presence was a comforting hum in the background, a reminder that they were always there to protect and care for us.

My dreams were filled with visions of our next adventure, of exploring the winding caverns and hidden passageways that crisscrossed our underground world. I dreamed of discovering hidden treasures and secret gardens, of chasing after schools of glittering fish and playing hide-and-seek among the crystal formations.

As I slept, my scales shimmered and glowed, reflecting the vibrant colors of my dreams. My family's scales glowed softly around me, a gentle reminder of their presence and their love. Together, we slept, surrounded by the quiet beauty of our underground world.

But then a wolf outline appears with it eyes glowing blood red and it mouth too

As I slept, my peaceful dreams were suddenly shattered by a terrifying vision. A wolf's outline appeared before me, its eyes glowing with an eerie, blood-red light. Its mouth was open, revealing razor-sharp teeth that seemed to be dripping with an otherworldly hunger.

I felt a jolt of fear run through my body, and my scales instinctively bristled in response. My siblings and parents stirred around me, sensing my distress. But as I looked around, I realized that they were all still asleep, unaware of the horror that had invaded my dreams. I was alone in facing this terrifying apparition.

The wolf spoke, "Hello again. The last time you see me was when you were 1 day old!" It smiles terrified

I froze, my scales trembling with fear. The wolf's voice was low and raspy, sending shivers down my spine. Its words were like a punch to the gut, leaving me breathless and disoriented.

" do you know that?" I stuttered, trying to find my voice.

The wolf's smile grew wider, its blood-red eyes glinting with malevolence. "I've been watching you, little one," it growled. "I've been waiting for you to grow strong enough to fulfill your destiny."

I felt a chill run down my spine as the wolf's words echoed in my mind. What destiny? What did it want from me? I tried to ask, but my voice was caught in my throat.

The wolf took a step closer, its eyes burning with an otherworldly intensity. I felt my heart racing, my scales bristling in fear. I was paralyzed, unable to move or speak.

And then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the wolf vanished. The dream shattered, leaving me gasping for breath. I sat up, my scales trembling with fear, and looked around frantically. My family was still asleep, unaware of the terror that had just visited me.

Then I remembered I remembered I had a hallucination of a wolf and I said, "Is that you again? i thought we would never meet again! Get away!"

But instead of disappearing, the wolf's outline reappeared, its blood-red eyes gleaming with amusement. "You think I'm just a hallucination, little one?" it growled, its voice low and menacing. "I'm afraid I'm much more than that."

The wolf took a step closer, its eyes burning with an otherworldly intensity. I felt my heart racing, my scales bristling in fear. I tried to scramble backward, but my legs felt like lead, refusing to move.

"You see, I'm a part of your past, a part of your destiny," the wolf continued, its voice dripping with malice. "And I've come to collect what's owed to me."

I shook my head, trying to clear the cobwebs. What was the wolf talking about? What did it want from me? I tried to ask, but my voice was caught in my throat. The wolf launched on me with full speed

I tried to defend myself, but the wolf was too fast. Its jaws snapped shut just inches from my face, and I felt a rush of hot breath wash over me. I scrambled backward, desperate to get away from the wolf's deadly teeth.

But it was too late. The wolf's claws swiped across my scales, sending me tumbling to the ground. I landed hard, the wind knocked out of me. As I struggled to catch my breath, the wolf loomed over me, its eyes blazing with a fierce inner light.

I was trapped, helpless to defend myself against the wolf's attack. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable. But just as the wolf's jaws were about to snap shut, I heard a loud roar echoing through the cavern. The wolf's head jerked up, its ears perked up in surprise.

Then I wake up, and I'm still covering in my father albino wing

I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized it was just a dream. My father's albino wing was still wrapped protectively around me, and I felt a sense of safety and comfort. I looked up at my father, who was still fast asleep, his gentle snores a soothing sound.

I glanced around the darkened cavern, the only light coming from the soft glow of the luminescent crystals embedded in the walls. The clock on the wall read midnight, and the silence was almost palpable.

I settled back into the warmth of my father's wing, feeling grateful for the sense of security it provided. I closed my eyes, trying to shake off the lingering fear from my dream. As I drifted off to sleep once again, I felt the gentle rise and fall of my father's chest, a reminder that I was safe and protected.

I jabbed my father, My father stirred, his albino wing tightening slightly around me as he murmured incoherently in his sleep. I jabbed him again, trying to rouse him from his slumber.

This time, my father's eyes flickered open, and he looked down at me with a sleepy gaze. "Tharros?" he mumbled, his voice groggy with sleep. "What's wrong?"

Father spoke again "Tharros it is still night. Get back to sleep!" But I cried

I buried my face in my father's scales, tears streaming down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably. My father's expression softened, and he wrapped his wing more tightly around me, holding me close.

"Shh, Tharros, what's wrong?" he whispered, his voice gentle and soothing. "Was it just a bad dream?" I nodded

My father's wing tightened around me, holding me close as he stroked my scales with a gentle touch. "It's okay, son," he whispered. "You're safe now. I'm here. Just relax and go back to sleep."

I sniffled, trying to calm down as my father's soothing words washed over me. I felt my eyelids growing heavy once again, and I nestled deeper into the warmth of my father's wing, feeling safe and protected, I wimpper.

My father's grip on me tightened, and he whispered softly, "Shh, Tharros, don't cry. Everything is okay. Just sleep, son." His gentle voice and warm wing enveloped me, and I slowly calmed down, my whimpering subsiding into sniffles.

My father opened his wings and grap me by his mouth and placed me down in front of him and started to lick. I felt a sense of comfort and security as my father's warm tongue licked my scales, soothing away the lingering fear and anxiety from my bad dream. I closed my eyes, letting out a contented sigh as my father's gentle grooming calmed me down.

As he licked my scales, I felt my eyelids growing heavy once again, and I began to drift off to sleep, lulled by the soothing sound of my father's tongue and the warmth of his presence.

Father spoke calmly and gently. "Hush is OK it was just a nightmare hush"

I felt my father's warm breath on my scales as he spoke, his calm and gentle tone reassuring me that everything was okay. I opened my eyes, looking up at my father's soothing gaze, and felt my fears and worries slowly fade away.

As I listened to my father's gentle words, I felt my body relax, my scales smoothing out, and my breathing slowing down. I snuggled closer to my father, feeling safe and protected in his presence, and let out a soft sigh as I drifted off to sleep once again.

Pov Aetherius

I watched over my son, Tharros, as he slept fitfully, his scales twitching with the remnants of a bad dream. My heart went out to him, and I wrapped my wing protectively around him, holding him close.

As I gazed at my son, I couldn't help but think about the weight of our destiny. The prophecies, the ancient lore, the whispers of a great and terrible fate that awaited us. I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the present moment, on the gentle rise and fall of Tharros's chest as he breathed.

I would do anything to protect him, to keep him safe from the shadows that lurked in the darkness. I would give my life for him, without hesitation. He was my son, my precious, fragile, wonderful son. And I would defend him to the death.

As I gently grasped Tharros, he stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. I carefully lifted him and settled him back under the warmth of my wing, making sure he was comfortable and secure. My wing closed around him, enveloping him in a protective cocoon, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me. My son was safe, and that was all that mattered. I closed my eyes, feeling my own eyelids grow heavy, and let the sound of Tharros's gentle breathing lull me back to sleep.

I opened my eyes, sensing Thyriatrix's approach. She walked towards me with a gentle smile, her eyes shining with a soft, loving light. I could sense the warmth and comfort emanating from her, and I felt my heart swell with love and appreciation for my mate.

As she drew closer, I could see the concern etched on her face, her gaze flicking to Tharros, who was still sleeping peacefully under my wing. I knew she had sensed my earlier unease, and had come to check on us. I nodded to her, reassuring her that everything was okay, and she settled down beside me, her presence a comforting warmth in the darkness.

Thyriatrix spoke, "Is anything OK?" I answered "well I woke up, and Tharros started to cry, but now he is sleeping peacefully"

Thyriatrix's expression softened, and she reached out to gently stroke Tharros's scales with her claw. "Poor little one," she whispered. "He's been having a lot of bad dreams lately, hasn't he?" She looked up at me, her eyes filled with concern. "Do you think it's just normal dragonling fears, or is something bothering him?"

I answered "well I did remember of when he was 1 day old he was playing with Lyriath if I remember correctly, but while playing, Tharros, stop moving and look terrified when he came back to his senses he ran to me and later he hide under my wing and since then he feel safe and protected and calm after that very day!"

Thyronia's eyes widened in understanding, and she nodded thoughtfully. "That must have been a scary experience for him," she said. "I can see why he'd associate your wing with safety and protection after that. It's clear that he feels comforted by your presence, and that's wonderful." She paused, looking at me with a curious expression. "You've always been very perceptive when it comes to Tharros's needs. I'm glad he has you to turn to when he's feeling scared or overwhelmed."

I let out a soft sigh, feeling a mix of relief and concern. Relief that Tharros was sleeping peacefully now, but concern about the lingering fears and memories that still seemed to affect him. I wrapped my wing a bit tighter around him, holding him close as I settled in to keep watch over him, making sure he stayed safe and sound.

Thyriatrix spoke, "I should get back sleeping, and you should too!" I nodded

I nodded in agreement, and Thyriatrix leaned in to gently nuzzle me before settling back into her own resting place. I watched her for a moment, making sure she was comfortable, before turning my attention back to Tharros. I wrapped my wing a bit tighter around him, feeling his gentle breathing and the soft rise and fall of his chest. With a final glance at Thyriatrix, I closed my eyes, letting the warmth and comfort of the moment lull me back to sleep.

Pov Tharros

I stirred, still wrapped snugly under my father's wing. I felt safe and protected, the warmth of his scales and the gentle rise and fall of his chest a comforting presence. As I drifted in and out of sleep, I could sense my father's watchful gaze over me, and I knew that he would always be there to keep me safe.

As it was finally morning, I stirred under his wing a bit

My father's wing loosened its grip on me, and he gently nudged me with his snout. "Good morning, little one," he whispered, his voice low and rumbling. I blinked sleepily, looking up at him with half-closed eyes. He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and said, "Time to wake up, Tharros. The sun is shining, and a new day is waiting for us."