I spoke "well Kaidorix I think you should rest. You seem to have been stuck in that hole last night," lyrixa spoke. "Yeah and hope you won't get stuck again, you idiots!"
I shot Lyrixa a warning glance, but Kaidorix just chuckled.
"Hey, no need to call me an idiot, Lyrixa," Kaidorix said with a grin. "I learned my lesson. No more exploring small holes for me."
Nyxoria, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "But Kaidorix, what about the dragons you met? You said they were friendly."
Kaidorix's eyes lit up. "Oh, yeah! Corvix and his siblings. They're really nice. We should invite them over for a gathering soon."
Vyraxys, who had been lounging in the corner, suddenly sat up. "A gathering? That sounds like fun! Can we have games and food?"
Lyriath, who had been observing the conversation, spoke up. "I think it's a great idea. We can show them our hospitality and make some new friends."
I nodded, considering the idea. "It might be a good opportunity for us to build some alliances. But we should discuss this with Father first." Kaidorix rest
Kaidorix nodded, yawning. "Yeah, I think I will rest for a bit. Being stuck in that hole was exhausting."
I watched as Kaidorix settled into a comfortable position, his eyes closing almost immediately.
Lyrixa smiled and patted Kaidorix on the head. "Sleep tight, little brother."
The rest of us sat in silence for a moment, watching Kaidorix sleep. Then, Lyriath spoke up. "Tharros, let go outside!" Father spoke "Ok but don't go to far!"
I nodded, standing up. "Let's go, Lyriath. But remember, Father said not to go too far."
Lyriath grinned, already heading towards the entrance of our lair. "I know, I know. Come on, Tharros!"
I followed Lyriath outside, enjoying the warm sunlight on my scales. We spent the next few hours exploring the surrounding area, playing games, and enjoying each other's company.
As the sun began to set, I glanced back at our lair, wondering if Father had returned yet. And then, I saw something that made my heart skip a beat...
All of us except Kaidorix are playing outside
We spent the afternoon playing and laughing together, enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. Lyriath and Vyraxys were chasing each other, their scales glinting in the sunlight. Nyxoria and Lyrixa were playing a game of hide-and-seek behind the rocks. And I was watching over them all, making sure everyone was safe.
Father was keeping an eye on Kaidorix, who was still sleeping inside the lair. I could see Father sitting guard outside the entrance, his eyes scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger.
We play until it wants dark
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, we reluctantly stopped playing and started to head back to our lair. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.
"Time to go back inside," I said, nudging Lyriath and Vyraxys, who were still trying to squeeze in one last game.
Lyriath groaned, but Vyraxys just grinned and said, "I'm starving! Let's go find some dinner."
We all trooped back to the lair, chattering and laughing together. As we entered, I saw Father sitting beside Kaidorix, who was still sleeping peacefully.
"Welcome back, everyone," Father said, smiling at us. "I see you all had a good time playing outside."
Our father spoke, "Get some rest!" We nodded and went to sleep, and I slept under my father wings like always
I snuggled into my usual spot under Father's wing, feeling safe and protected. The warmth of his scales and the gentle rustle of his feathers as he settled in for the night lulled me into a peaceful sleep.
As I drifted off, I could hear the soft breathing of my siblings and the gentle hum of Father's contented sigh. It was a soothing sound, one that I had grown up with and always associated with feelings of safety and security.
I slept soundly, surrounded by the comforting presence of my family.
As morning came, I was being woke up by father. "Tharros Kaidorix got stuck in the small hole again"
I groggily opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. "What? Again?" I exclaimed, sitting up and looking at Father.
Father nodded, a mixture of amusement and exasperation on his face. "Yes, again. I think we need to find a way to block that hole or teach Kaidorix to avoid it."
I chuckled and stood up, stretching my wings. "I'll go help him out. Again."
Father smiled and nodded. "Be patient with him, Tharros. He's still learning."
I nodded and headed over to the small hole, where I could hear Kaidorix's muffled voice calling for help. I sighed and lay down beside the hole, peering into its depths.
"Kaidorix, what did I tell you about exploring small holes?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.
Kaidorix's voice was sheepish. "I know, Tharros. I just saw something shiny and I wanted to get it."
I chuckled and shook my head. "Well, you're stuck now. Hold still and I'll try to pull you out."
I carefully reached into the hole and grasped Kaidorix's claws, pulling him out slowly but surely. When he finally emerged, dusty and disheveled, I couldn't help but laugh.
"You're a mess, little brother," I said, grinning.
Kaidorix looked up at me with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, at least I got the shiny thing!" he exclaimed, holding up a small, glittering rock.
Lyrixa spoke, "You are so stupid, Kaidorix!" She yelled
Kaidorix's face fell, and he looked down at the ground, his ears folding back in embarrassment. I shot Lyrixa a warning glance.
"Lyrixa, that's not nice," I said firmly. "We don't call each other names."
Lyrixa crossed her arms, looking sulky. "He's always getting into trouble. It's so annoying."
Father, who had been watching from a distance, stepped forward. "Lyrixa, apologize to your brother. We don't speak to each other like that."
Lyrixa looked down, scuffing the ground with her foot. "Sorry, Kaidorix."
When Kaidorix got out of the hole, a small creature came out. It looked to be a panther, and it had wings and horns, and it was white and a little bit of blue
As Kaidorix emerged from the hole, a small, majestic creature tumbled out after him. It was a winged panther, with horns protruding from its forehead and a coat of shimmering white fur with hints of blue undertones.
The creature looked around, taking in its surroundings with wide, curious eyes. It spotted us staring at it and froze, its tail twitching nervously.
Kaidorix, still dusty from his ordeal, stared at the creature in wonder. "Whoa, what is that?" he breathed.
I took a step forward, fascinated by the creature's unusual appearance. "I've never seen anything like it," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Father's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed intently on the creature. "It's a Luminari," he said, his voice low and thoughtful. "A rare and ancient breed, known for their magical abilities and majestic beauty."
The creatures speak, "My name is corvix, and it seems Kaidorix is chasing me to the hole again, but he just wants to keep me!"
I raised an eyebrow, surprised by the creature's sudden ability to speak. "Corvix, you can talk?" I asked, intrigued.
Corvix nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Of course, I can. And I must say, Kaidorix here is quite the determined one. He's been chasing me for a while now, trying to keep me from leaving."
Kaidorix looked sheepish, his ears folding back in embarrassment. "I just didn't want you to go, Corvix! You're really cool!"
Corvix chuckled, his wings fluttering with amusement. "Well, I suppose I am quite charming. But I assure you, Kaidorix, I mean no harm. I'm just a curious creature, exploring the world and making new friends."
Father's expression softened, his eyes warm with interest. "Corvix, you're welcome to stay with us for a while. We'd love to learn more about you and your kind."
As time passes, we have to know a lot of corvix
As the days went by, we grew to know Corvix better. He was a curious and adventurous creature, always eager to explore and learn new things. He was also fiercely loyal and protective of those he cared about, which was evident in the way he interacted with his siblings, who soon joined him at our lair.
Corvix told us about his family and his life before meeting us. He spoke of his parents, who had been killed in a brutal attack by a rival group of creatures. He spoke of his siblings, who had been scattered and separated from him in the aftermath.
As we listened to Corvix's stories, we grew to admire and respect him more and more. He was a true survivor, and his spirit and determination were an inspiration to us all.
Father, in particular, took a keen interest in Corvix and his family. He spent many hours talking to Corvix, learning about his history and his culture. And as he did, a plan began to form in his mind, a plan that would change our lives forever.
Corvix spoke "alright I be back soon and later. Bye!" He ran back the small hole
We watched as Corvix disappeared into the small hole, his wings fluttering as he squeezed through the narrow opening.
"I wonder where he's off to," Lyrixa said, curiosity etched on her face.
Kaidorix grinned. "I'm sure he'll be back soon. He's always popping in and out of that hole."
Father nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, Corvix seems to be a bit of a free spirit. But I think we'll be seeing more of him in the future."
As we waited for Corvix to return, I couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond the small hole. What secrets was Corvix hiding, and what adventures awaited us on the other side?
I spoke, "I think he went home"
Lyrixa nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that makes sense. He probably has a family or friends waiting for him."
Kaidorix looked a bit wistful. "I'm going to miss him. He's really cool."
Father smiled. "I'm sure Corvix will be back to visit us soon. And who knows, maybe one day we'll get to visit him at his home."
We all nodded, lost in our own thoughts as we waited for Corvix to return. Little did we know, our lives were about to become even more intertwined with Corvix and his family.