Here's the start of Chapter 12:
Chapter 12: Parental Concerns
I sleep peacefully, wrapped in the warmth of my father's wings, as my parents sit together nearby, their voices hushed in conversation.
Tharros Non-hearing by Tharros sleep:
Mother Thyriatrix's voice takes on a slightly worried tone. "I'm a bit concerned about Tharros. He told you he doesn't want a mate, didn't he?"
Father Aetherius nods, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, he mentioned it to me just today. I'm not sure what to make of it, to be honest. He's still so young..."
Mother Thyriatrix's voice trails off, and I can sense her concern. I sleep on, unaware of the conversation, but feeling the weight of their worry.
Aetherius spoke, "but I don't mind we'll always support him no matter what decision he is our beloved child, and we want him to be happy!" Thyriatrix nodded
Mother Thyriatrix nods in agreement, a warm smile spreading across her face. "You're right, Aetherius. We'll always support Tharros, no matter what. His happiness is all that matters to us."
Father Aetherius wraps his wings around himself, a contented sigh escaping his lips. "I'm just glad we're on the same page, my love. Now, let's let Tharros sleep. He's had a big day."
The two of them sit in comfortable silence, watching over me as I sleep peacefully, surrounded by the love and support of my family.
Aetherius spoke, "I only knew a few things about his Genderless, but still didn't. How can he possibly or if not possible for him to have children of his own he did tell me before he went to sleep that he did want a family of his own but I a bit doubt that he can have children"
Mother Thyriatrix's expression turns thoughtful, her eyes clouding with a mix of concern and uncertainty. "I've wondered about that too, Aetherius. As a genderless dragon, Tharros's reproductive possibilities are... unclear. I've never heard of a genderless dragon having children, but at the same time, I've never heard of it being impossible either."
Father Aetherius nods, his brow furrowed in concern. "I know Tharros wants a family of his own, but I worry that it might not be biologically possible for him. And even if it is, we don't know what kind of challenges he might face."
The two of them sit in silence for a moment, lost in thought as they ponder the uncertain future of their beloved child.
Father Aetherius's wings remain wrapped protectively around me, his eyes never leaving Mother Thyriatrix's face as they continue their hushed conversation. Despite their concerns, his wings remain a steady, comforting presence, a reminder that I'm safe and loved.
"I just want what's best for Tharros," Mother Thyriatrix says, her voice barely above a whisper. "If having a family of his own is what truly makes him happy, then we'll support him every step of the way."
Father Aetherius nods, his eyes shining with a deep love and devotion for me, his child. "We'll always be here for Tharros, no matter what," he says, his voice filled with conviction.
Mother Thyriatrix smiles, her eyes warm with agreement. "Together, we'll face whatever the future holds for our beloved Tharros."
The two of them sit in comfortable silence for a moment, watching over me as I sleep peacefully beneath Father Aetherius's wings.
Finally, Mother Thyriatrix stands up, her scales glinting softly in the fading light. "I'll let you keep watch over Tharros for now," she says, her voice gentle. "I'll go make sure the rest of the nest is secure for the night."
Father Aetherius nods, his eyes never leaving mine. "I'll be here," he says, his voice low and soothing. "Sleep tight, my love."