Chereads / reincarnated as a powerful dragon / Chapter 5 - meeting a healer and meeting elder Kealith

Chapter 5 - meeting a healer and meeting elder Kealith

I woke up to the warmth of the sun peeking over the horizon. My father's wings were still wrapped around me, and I felt cozy and safe. I stretched my small body and yawned, shaking off the sleep. My siblings were stirring nearby, and my mother was already up, watching over us with a gentle smile.

I gently nudged my father's side with my snout, trying to rouse him from his slumber. He stirred slightly, his wings relaxing their grip on me as he slowly came awake. His eyes blinked open, and he looked down at me with a warm, sleepy smile. "Good morning, little one," he said, his voice low and rumbling. He stretched his wings and arched his back, giving a good yawn to signal the start of his day.

My father spoke, "Today you will get a check-up with a healer. Don't be scared, alright? " I thought 'OK but it just a healer it not like a healer will kill me'

I nodded my head, trying to appear brave, but my father's words had sparked a tiny flame of anxiety within me. I pushed the feeling aside, telling myself that a healer was there to help, not harm. I mean, what's the worst that could happen, right? I thought, trying to reassure myself. But despite my efforts, a small, nagging voice in the back of my mind whispered, "What if...?"

My father seemed to sense my apprehension, and he gently nudged me with his snout. "Hey, I'll be right there with you, okay? You're not alone." He spoke softly, trying to calm my nerves. I took a deep breath and nodded again, feeling a bit better knowing that my father would be by my side. Together, we set off towards the healer's den, my heart beating just a little bit faster with anticipation.

My father spoke, "The healer just going to know how are you feeling, but I still don't know your gender"

As my father spoke, I kept my secret hidden, careful not to reveal the truth about my genderless nature. I had always known that I was different, that I didn't fit into the traditional male or female categories. And I had learned to keep this secret to myself, even from my family. I nodded along, pretending to be curious about the healer's examination, all the while keeping my true nature hidden. "Yeah, I wonder what the healer will say," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

I spoke, "Will the healer can tell us what is my gender?"

My father's expression turned thoughtful, and he replied, "I suppose the healer might be able to tell us... or at least, make an educated guess." He paused, looking at me with a curious glint in his eye. "But do you really care what the healer says, Tharros? You're still the same wonderful dragon to me, no matter what." I felt a surge of affection for my father, but I kept my secret hidden, unsure of how he would react if he knew the truth.

My father spoke, "You are still my little boy if you are a boy"

My heart skipped a beat as my father's words struck a chord within me. I felt a pang of guilt for keeping my secret hidden, but I couldn't bring myself to reveal the truth just yet. I smiled weakly, trying to play along, and said, "Yeah, Dad..." But inside, I was thinking, If only you knew...

As the sun rose higher in the sky, my siblings began to stir. Lyriath, my navy-blue brother, was the first to wake, stretching his wings and yawning widely. Vyraxys, my dark bronze brother, woke up next, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Nyxoria, my amethyst sister, and Lyrixa, my rose gold sister, woke up together, chattering softly to each other. Kaidorix, my forest green brother, was the last to wake, grumbling good-naturedly about being tired.

My father smiled, watching his brood wake up and start their day. "Good morning, everyone! Today's a special day. Tharros here is going to visit the healer for a check-up." My siblings all turned to look at me, their expressions curious. Lyriath spoke up, "Ooh, are you sick, Tharros?" I shook my head, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Nah, I'm fine. Just a routine check-up, Dad says."

I spoke, "we all will get a check-up"

My siblings all cheered and started chattering excitedly. My father smiled, pleased that we were all enthusiastic about our upcoming visit to the healer. "That's right, everyone! We'll all go together and make sure we're all healthy and happy." He looked at me specifically, his eyes warm with affection. "And we'll finally find out a little more about you, won't we, Thiammos?" I felt a flutter in my chest at the mention of my secret, but I just nodded and smiled, trying to play it cool.

When we go to the healer den and we meet healer eriol, she is a healer and elder, As we entered the healer's den, we were greeted by the warm and gentle smile of Healer Eriol. Her wise, aged eyes twinkled with kindness, and her voice was soothing as she welcomed us. My father, Aetherius, stepped forward, his albino scales glistening in the soft light of the den. "Eriol, thank you for seeing us today. I've brought all the young ones for their check-ups." Healer Eriol nodded, her gaze sweeping over us. "Of course, Aetherius. It's always a pleasure to care for your family. Which one would you like me to examine first?"

Eriol spoke, "Let start the youngest and go to the eldest!" She smiled

my father nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. "that sounds like a good plan,eriol. Kaidorix you're the youngest, so you're first!" Kaidorix, my forest green brother, looked a bit nervous, but he stepped forward bravery, healer eriol greeting him with a warm smile. "Don't worry little one this will be quick and easy just breathe deeply and relax" with that, healer eriol began the extermination, her skilled claws gently probing Kaidorix scales and wings.

Eriol also needs our gender as well, and when I was turned to be checked, the healer won't get an answer, and nobody beside me knows my gender is Genderless

As Healer Eriol finished examining Kaidorix, she smiled and said, "You're all clear, young one. Now, let's move on to the next. Lyrixa, you're next!" After Lyrixa, it was Nyxoria's turn, followed by Vyraxys, and then Lyriath.

Finally, it was my turn. Healer Eriol smiled at me and said, "And now, Tharros, it's your turn. Please, come here and let me take a look." I nodded and stepped forward, trying to appear calm.

Healer Eriol began the examination, checking my scales, wings, and overall health. As she worked, she asked my father, "And what is Tharros' gender, Aetherius?" My father hesitated, looking at me uncertainly. "Ah, well... I'm not actually sure, Eriol. We've never really... checked."

Healer Eriol's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and she looked at me with renewed interest. "I see," she said. "Well, let me take a closer look." She examined me more thoroughly, but I knew she wouldn't find any answer. Because I was Genderless, and nobody beside me knew.

Healer Eriol's expression turned thoughtful as she finished her examination. She looked at my father, then back at me, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Well, Tharros," she said, "you are certainly a unique individual. I've never seen anything like... this before."

My father leaned forward, his eyes filled with concern. "Is everything all right, Eriol? Is Tharros healthy?"

Healer Eriol nodded reassuringly. "Yes, Aetherius, Tharros is perfectly healthy. But... I must admit, I'm a bit puzzled. I've examined many dragons in my long life, but I've never seen one with... your characteristics, Tharros."

I felt a surge of anxiety, wondering what Healer Eriol had discovered. But I knew I couldn't reveal my secret, not even to my father. So I just waited, watching as Healer Eriol scribbled some notes on a piece of parchment.

Healer Eriol looked up from her notes, her eyes locked onto mine with a deep understanding. "Tharros, I think I understand what's going on here," she said gently. "You, my dear dragon, are genderless."

I felt a jolt of surprise, my heart racing with a mix of emotions. How did she know? I had kept my secret hidden for so long, and now, somehow, Healer Eriol had discovered the truth.

My father's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at me with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Genderless?" he repeated. "What do you mean, Eriol?"

Healer Eriol smiled kindly. "It means, Aetherius, that Tharros does not identify as male or female. It's a rare and wonderful thing, and I must say, I'm honored to have been entrusted with this knowledge."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me, followed by a sense of trepidation. What would my family think? Would they accept me for who I truly was?

Eriol spoke, "Don't ask me about it. I also don't know about genderless either go find somewhere else to know about genderless! Go ask Kaelith he is a smart elder and your best friends"

I thought,'This is my first time hearing his name,' my father spoke. "I will see him in person"

I thought to myself, "This is my first time hearing his name..." But before I could process this new information, my father spoke up.

"I'll go see him in person," he said, determination in his voice. "Kealith will know what to do. I'll fly out to meet him now."

My father turned to me and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Tharros. We'll get to the bottom of this. Kealith will help us understand what it means to be... genderless."

With that, my father spread his wings and took to the sky, leaving me with more questions than answers. Who was Kealith, really? And what would he say about my condition?

As we settled back into our cozy mountain cave, my father spoke up, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. "I'm going to meet Kealith tomorrow morning. He's agreed to share his knowledge with me, and I'm hoping he can help us understand... your condition, Tharros." He looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll find out everything I can and fill you in when I get back."

My mother, Thyriatrix, walked over to us, her light green scales shimmering in the soft light of the cave. She looked at me with concern and love in her eyes, and then turned to my father. "Aetherius, are you sure it's a good idea to go see Kealith alone? Maybe I should come with you."

My father's expression softened, and he smiled reassuringly at my mother. "You know he's my best friend, and he's gentle and kind. I'll be fine, Thyriatrix. Besides, I want to have a chance to talk to him one-on-one and get his honest opinion on... Tharros' situation."

The next day, father gets ready to leave to meet up with kealith

My father stood up, stretching his wings and arching his back in a gentle stretch. He looked at my mother and me, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and determination. "Well, I'm off to meet Kealith. Wish me luck, Tharros. I'll be back soon with some answers." He leaned over to nuzzle my mother, and then turned to me, his expression serious. "Take care, son. I'll see you soon." With that, he spread his wings and took to the sky, disappearing into the distance.

Pov Aetherius

I soared through the clear blue sky, my wings beating steadily as I made my way to Kealith's dwelling. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and hope. Maybe, just maybe, Kealith would have some answers about Tharros' condition.

As I flew, I thought back to my conversation with Healer Eriol. She had seemed so certain that Kealith would know what to do. And I had to admit, I had always trusted Kealith's wisdom and knowledge.

After a while, I spotted Kealith's cave in the distance. I landed outside the entrance and called out, "Kealith! My old friend! Are you home?"

There was a pause, and then Kealith's warm voice replied, "Aetherius! Come on in! I've been expecting you."

I smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. I stepped inside the cave, my eyes adjusting to the dim light within. Kealith was sitting on a pile of cushions, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he gestured for me to come closer.

"Aetherius, my friend," he said, his voice low and soothing. "I can see that you're troubled. What brings you to my humble abode today?"

I took a deep breath, launching into the story of Tharros' mysterious condition. Kealith listened intently, his expression growing more and more thoughtful as I spoke.

When I finished, Kealith nodded slowly. "I think I can help you, Aetherius," he said. "But first, I need to ask you some questions. Can you tell me more about Tharros'... feelings, I suppose, about their condition?"

I thought back to my conversations with Tharros, trying to recall every detail. "Well, Kealith, Tharros seems... uncertain, I suppose. They don't quite know what to make of their condition, or how to feel about it. They've been trying to hide it from the rest of the family, but I think they're also curious about what it means to be... genderless."

Kealith nodded thoughtfully, his eyes sparkling with interest. "I see. And have you noticed any other... unusual characteristics about Tharros? Anything that might be connected to their condition?"

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But Kealith's kind and non-judgmental expression put me at ease, and I found myself opening up to him. "Well, Kealith, Tharros has always been a bit... different. They've never quite fit in with the rest of the family, and they've always seemed to have a bit of a... unique perspective on things."

Kealith's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ah, I think I begin to understand," he said. "Tell me, Aetherius, have you ever considered that Tharros' condition might not be a curse, but a gift?"

I thought back to my conversations with Tharros, trying to recall every detail. "Well, Kealith, Tharros seems... uncertain, I suppose. He doesn't quite know what to make of his condition, or how to feel about it. He's been trying to hide it from the rest of the family, but I think he's also curious about what it means to be... genderless."

Kealith nodded thoughtfully, his eyes sparkling with interest. "I see. And have you noticed any other... unusual characteristics about Tharros? Anything that might be connected to his condition?"

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But Kealith's kind and non-judgmental expression put me at ease, and I found myself opening up to him. "Well, Kealith, Tharros has always been a bit... different. He's never quite fit in with the rest of the family, and he's always seemed to have a bit of a... unique perspective on things."

Kealith's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ah, I think I begin to understand," he said. "Tell me, Aetherius, have you ever considered that Tharros' condition might not be a curse, but a gift?"

Kealith spoke, "If Tharros is indeed a genderless dragon, then that mean their he doesn't need a mate!"

Kealith spoke, "If Tharros is indeed a genderless dragon, then that means he doesn't need a mate!"

I nodded, intrigued by Kealith's words. "That's true. And it could also mean that Tharros is free to forge his own path, without the expectations of traditional dragon society."

Kealith smiled, his eyes shining with excitement. "Exactly, Aetherius! Tharros' condition could be a blessing in disguise. He has the opportunity to create his own destiny, without being bound by the traditional roles of dragon society."

I felt a surge of hope and excitement at Kealith's words. Could it be true? Could Tharros' condition be a gift, rather than a curse? I looked at Kealith, eager to hear more of his thoughts. "What do you think we should do next, Kealith?"

Kealith spoke, "Only time will tell what come next!"

I nodded in agreement, knowing that Kealith's words were wise. "You're right, Kealith. Only time will tell what the future holds for Tharros. But for now, I'm just grateful to have you as a friend and advisor. Your guidance has been invaluable to me."

Kealith smiled, his expression warm and kind. "You're welcome, Aetherius. I'm always here to help. And I must say, I'm excited to see what the future holds for Tharros. He's a remarkable young dragon, and I have no doubt that he'll make his mark on the world."

Pov Tharros

I sat in my favorite spot, a secluded cave overlooking the vast expanse of the dragon realm. I stared out at the breathtaking view, my mind lost in thought. My father, Aetherius, had left earlier that day to meet with Kealith, seeking guidance about my... condition.

I still wasn't sure what to make of it all. Being a genderless dragon was unheard of in our society. I felt like an outcast, unsure of where I fit in. But at the same time, I felt a sense of freedom, like I didn't have to conform to the traditional expectations of dragon society.

I sighed, my scales glistening in the fading light of day. I just wished I knew what the future held. Would I be accepted by the others, or would I be shunned? And what did it mean to be a genderless dragon, anyway?

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I'd just have to wait and see what the future held. But for now, I was content to simply be, to exist in this moment, and to watch the stars twinkle to life in the night sky.

I know I'm a genderless dragon and that I can carry baby dragons and can pick how many, and I don't need a mate to do it

That's a unique aspect of being a genderless dragon. I felt a sense of empowerment and freedom knowing that I had control over my own reproductive choices. I could decide how many baby dragons I wanted to carry, and I didn't need to rely on anyone else to make it happen.

It was a strange feeling, knowing that I was capable of carrying on the family line without the need for a mate. But at the same time, it was kind of exciting. I felt like I had a special gift, one that set me apart from the other dragons.

I wondered what my parents would think when they found out. Would they be proud of me, or would they be worried about what this meant for our family's future? I didn't know, but I was determined to make the most of this unique gift.

My father had returned

I looked up to see my father, Aetherius, standing in the entrance of the cave. He had a thoughtful expression on his face, and I could tell that he had been speaking with Kealith.

"Father," I said, nodding in greeting.

Aetherius smiled and came over to me. "Tharros, my son," he said. "I've just returned from speaking with Kealith. He had some... interesting insights about your condition."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "What did he say?"

Aetherius sat down next to me, his expression serious. "Kealith believes that your condition is not a curse, but a gift. He thinks that you have the potential to be a great individual, one who can bring a new perspective to our society."

I felt a surge of surprise and curiosity. A great individual? Me? I had never thought of myself in that role before.

Aetherius continued, "Kealith also believes that you should be proud of who you are. He thinks that your uniqueness is something to be celebrated, and that you have a lot to offer our community."

I felt a warmth spread through my chest as I listened to my father's words. No one had ever made me feel like my condition was a good thing before. Usually, it was seen as a weakness or a defect. But Kealith's words, spoken through my father, made me feel like I was special, like I had a purpose.

My father spoke, "I don't know if you are able to make a family of your own!"

I looked down, feeling a pang of uncertainty. I had always assumed that I wouldn't be able to have a family of my own, that my condition made me somehow less capable of being a parent. But now, as I thought about it, I realized that I didn't actually know if that was true.

I looked up at my father, and saw the concern in his eyes. "I don't know either, Father," I said slowly. "But I do know that I want to be able to make my own choices about my life, including whether or not to have a family."

I know that I can carry my own baby dragons without a mate

I kept my secret to myself, not ready to share it with my father just yet. I simply nodded, not wanting to reveal too much.

I smiled, My father looked at me curiously, noticing the smile on my face. "What's on your mind, Tharros?" he asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity. But I kept quiet

My father's expression turned thoughtful, and he nodded slowly. "Very well, Tharros. You don't have to tell me anything you're not ready to share. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."