My name is Eldrador Thorne
I am a knight and King arineth oder me and my man to exterminate as much beast and monster as possible
this forest is the biggest forest in the country of Vylonia and full of powerful beast and monster
Me and my man eliminated so many monster one of my man found himself a wolf den
I order to attack and killed as many as possible amd it turns out it is a shadowwolf den we killed like 23 shadowwolf and I killed, in what seem to be a strong shadowwolf and I eliminated it
the Extermination have keep on for 1 week until I saw what seem to be a adolescent stage shadowwolf, and it look at me in full anger and tears
the adolescent shadowwolf rush to attack and I prepare the battle seem to be going on for 30 minutes until I lost forcus and get pin down by the creature it look at me in anger and it destroyed my amors and eat me alive
I scream in pain the creature is eating me and I close my eyes and I was dead
When I re open my eyes I heard a female voices in an anger tone "You're insane what were you thinking?!" I spoke "who are you?! Where am I?! How am I still alive?!"
The female voice spoke "you are dead you have been reincarnated as a western dragon and pick what do you want your identity!"
Gender choice:
Male:need a female to reproduction
Female:need a male to reproduction
Genderless:can reproduction without a mate and can pick how many baby dragons it want and the host offsprings will inherent the host strength and power and ability and also, the host personality and traits, but there's a chance that the baby dragons inherent the host family members personality and their traits.
I read the text and the word 'Genderless' caught my eyes
I spoke, "I pick Genderless!"
Genderless acquired
Scales color?
I spoke, "silver"
Silver acquired
The female voice return "not bad but you have to wait to hatch in 90 days!" I have to wait in this tight space that long?!
The female voice spoke "Don't complain about it and also I be re communicating you again in the future and see you later-!"