Out of the corner of her eye, Francesca noted the strange man suddenly appear out of thin air. He tumbled to the ground in a heap.
You okay?
"Ughh...I'm good..."
He didn't look good, but the Chocobo didn't give him too much thought. It was stressful, seeing a pink-radish creature suddenly barging into her nest and bribe her with gifts, but over time the pink-radish man turned out to not be so scary.
"Did anyone come by?"
If they did, would I still be here?
Francesca rolled her eyes and tucked her feathers. The road ahead was colder according to the pink-radish man. She had a nest-kin that supposedly knew a friend who knew a friend who knew a nest-mate who knew a friend that flew above the clouds. Up there it wasn't cold. It also wasn't cold below the mountain. Did these land forms create cold? Or perhaps they attracted it?
"How are you feeling today?"
The pink-radish man ran his hands over her neck feathers. It felt nice when he did that. He was a special radish that had to be protected rather than eaten.
All ready.
She felt well rested and fed. It was time to see more new things today. Yesterday, she had seen massive shiny rocks that spat out terrible gas. It was the most shocking experience she had ever received and she couldn't wait to tell her nest-kin upon returning.
The pink-radish man scurried about, packing his egg bags and opening his sudden rock nest entrance. It had shocked Francesca senseless to see him cut open the mountain like that.
The pink-radish man was truly something to behold. Though he was a bit stupid, Francesca had dealt with far dumber. The glitter woman for example. Oh how she hated the glitter woman!
While the Chocobo was lost in thought, the pink-radish man had finished packing, and hopped up on her back. Francesca held the man-rope in her beak to prevent the pink-radish man from falling off. It was better than him panicking and pulling at her feathers like the glitter woman did.
"Ok, let's keep an eye out."
For what?
A strange request to he sure. She didn't know what to expect out here. More of those rounded false-birds that she had seen with the pink-radish man?
"We should be entering Mor Dhona. It was in this place that Midgardsormr met his end and turned the lands around here into a blight of crystal."
The pink-radish man adjusted his position slightly, attempting to re-find his comfortable position.
"It is said that many powerful monsters have decides to make their homes here. If they come for us, we should outrun them. If we can't, I'll handle it."
Francesca knew of the elder Dragon. As she stepped out into the world, feeling the pink-radish man wear his new layer of bizarre feathers, it didn't take long for her to see it.
"Holy shit..."
'Perhaps I was too casual about all of this.'
That was the first and only thing I could think.
I didn't have the words in my vocabulary to describe it. The Keeper of the Lake. Midgardsormr coiled around half of an airship, caught in a pose where his wings were outstretched and casting a shadow that loomed over all of Mor Dhona.
No one else in the world knew, but I did. That thing, spanning the size of half of Thanalan, was alive. It was in there. Watching time go by. Aware of how the star spun and twisted. Dragons weren't Primals, so I didn't fear being enthralled by just being nearby. To be clear, they could enthrall someone, but it was a laborious process.
I looked away and kept my attention on the immediate surroundings. While I was in Mor Dhona, I had someone that I wanted to meet, but the more I looked around, the more obvious it became that there was no way I could find them by normal means.
"We'll have to go higher for a bit..."
Keeping my head on a swivel, I continued to swing around like a drunk lighthouse, looking past the uneven and bumpy terrain. My line of sight was interrupted by an errant hill or unassuming boulder on multiple occasions. What else could I do except for curse the developers in my head? Eorzea was massive. Everything was scaled up from what I knew in the game. Add onto that the terrible terrain that those developers slapped into 1.0 and you get a disaster of navigation. It was like I was traversing a bag of gravel as an ant. This place was hell.
Francesca continued to walk up the terrain, we kept a wide distance from the more dangerous monsters and the ones who seemed to see us, were content to not hunt us down for dinner. Perhaps they were full. Rocks, dull blue crystals, more rocks, the occasional monster, was this worse than Camp Drybone?
I could feel my impatience getting to me, but then, a lone tent swarmed in a small grouping of trees stood out amongst the dull gray and dead mossy green terrain. Red with white vertical stripes. A lone flag waving above its topper with the insignia of the Adventurers' guild flew above it.
"Over there."
We had burned almost an hour of daylight looking for the damned thing. If there wasn't a campfire burning outside of the tent, maybe I would've thought it was abandoned.
Another half an hour or so and we had finally reached the camp perimeter. The wind was chilling, I assumed it was an effect of the air being blown over the cold waters of Silvertear Lake.
"Hello? Is anyone in there?"
Almost before I finished my sentence, a titan sized Sea Wolf Roegadyn exited the tent, fully garbed in black chainmail and wielding a heavy axe. His appearance could only be called alien from my perspective. Wine red hair with a matching beard strap, dark yellow eyes, and blue-ish green skin that was common amongst most Sea Wolves. The worst part of his look was the prominent Hitler-esqe stashe that sat on his lip. I would've laughed if his heavy axe wasn't being held against my neck.
It wasn't even a question. He spoke in a tone that didn't match his appearance. Educated, but hostile. Rather than pussy-footing around or being a sarcastic ass, it was obvious what my next words had to be.
"Hello, I am Winter Modi, I've come to Camp Revenant's Toll to speak with a Mister Slafborn."
"That's me."
The axe stayed on my neck. My mind raced while I continued to speak. This guy was a veteran adventurer. If push came to shove, coming out of a fight with him would be a gamble. He was so much more easy-going in A Realm Reborn. What could be the reason behind this?
"I've come to purchase a stake."
"On whose orders."
He either didn't know the surname Modi, didn't believe who I said I was, or was up to something else. I hated gambling. Just because I could kill a beast, didn't mean I could handle a thinking and observant veteran. Ifrit was level 15. I was so much further away than the tutorial boss that I began to think I was in the negative levels!
"On my own. I represent the Daemon Company."
"Never heard of you."
His posture was slightly hunched. He was not traditionally trained as a fighter. Did he learn everything off the cuff? One of those idiots that said that they could only feel the essence of the blade in combat? He was bold enough to fool me. The bold fighters usually preferred to walk forward into attacks rather than shrink backwards to defend against them.
"Did you need to hear of us to do business?"
"What makes you think I do business."
The axe remained. A tough nut to crack. His arms were slightly longer than his legs. Incredible reach. Ironically, I was safer when I was near the handle of the axe, but even if the axe didn't have an axehead, I could still be clubbed to death with the hardwood of the axe handle. So despite his incredible wingspan, I would only be safe if I had never gotten into his attack radius to begin with.
"How did you get here."
"I walked."
Chain boots as well. He was armored to fight monsters, not men. He was fast, but I estimated that he wasn't too fast. Without incredible strength, he'd need time to put enough force into this axe to sever my throat. It wasn't sharp enough to cut me despite pressure being put onto my skin. It was dull, unattended. It was a crushing weapon rather than a cutting one.
"On Chocobo. You can see my mount just over yonder."
I tilted my head Francesca's way.
Slafborn's amber eyes left me for a fraction of a second. Against my wishes, my body moved, inadvertently taking the proposed gamble.
My shortsword, which was easier to pull out in a reverse grip, met Slafborn's axe. The pressure was obviously beyond me. I used its swinging motion to push off and slide backwards, cowardly and alive. I won my first bet, but could I win the second?
Slafborn wordlessly pursued me, pushing off the ground and leaping forward like an oversized and overly fast ghost. I couldn't stay still. Days spent honing my instincts against training dummies programmatically bore fruit.
I had enough time to draw my longsword. By time the phantom of a man made it to my location, I had swung it with a light force. The goal wasn't to hit him with this, and as predicted, he had stepped to the side slightly to evade. Slafborn's silhouette overlapped with the shadows of warriors that I had seen on the bloodsands. He wasn't foreign to me. A hunter turned warrior.
The force of my swing sent me flying backwards through the air. I still couldn't flip gracefully. Instead I was the splitting image of a bug that was almost killed by a fly swatter, except I was more vindictive than most bugs tended go be. I understood where I would land, but I didn't want to land before I was done casting, else he'd just be on me again. He was faster than many of my spells. But not all of them.
My longsword glowed with a strong and dark purple hue. While I was descending, I slashed down in Slafborn's general direction. The glow slipped out of my blade and into thin air. I didn't need to aim. Thanks for wearing chainmail, you idiot.
A thick bolt of lightning, that seemed to descend from on high, struck Slafborn. He kept a strong grip on his axe, he wasn't down for the count. Tough bastard. I knew he wouldn't be stunned for long enough that I could cast a slower spell. And now he knew what to watch out for. The same trick wouldn't work twice. I couldn't be desperate. I had to stay calm, or at least pretend I was.
I finally landed and sheathed my longsword, pulling out my Warp Marker. I hit it lightly with my shortsword, letting it arc over Slafborn's head as he shook off Thunder's stun. However, he seemingly couldn't shake off the DOT effect. Snakes of electricity wracked his body as he dodged my Warp Marker, obviously not understanding what it was. That move in itself was a needless gamble. I cringed slightly, but kept my focus.
[Cold Snap]
From the earth, sudden spears of hardened ice shot up, seeking to impale my target. However...
The Roegadyn, who shouldn't be this nimble, expertly evaded or parried every spear in a rondo of iron that never seemed to slow or pause. As a player who had seen plenty of XIV cutscenes, I had always envisioned how nonsensical the combat was after a certain level of expertise, I had plenty of time crawling around like a rat on the bloodsands and had witnessed countless champions rise and fall, but what I was witnessing in front of my very eyes was still absurd. This wasn't how beasts moved. This was the qualitative difference between a man who fought in an arena and one who fought myriad monsters in the wild. He had never seen Dynamis before, but still expected the unexpected.
Crazy shit like this was why I didn't go looking for trouble. This crazy son of a bitch wasn't even a guild master. An adventurer like this would get slaughtered by Primals. He wouldn't last a day in war against the Garleans. And yet, on this low rung of the totem pole, my spells were still dealt with fearlessly by this objective weakling. His composure was real, and he never let his eyes leave me for too long. It was slightly embarrassing. I needed Master Matoya more than I knew.
'Stop doubting yourself. You made a plan, stick to it.'
... Fine then. He could watch me as much as he pleased. Down here where whelps like us fought like dogs, I'd make him dance to my tune until he dropped dead. I wasn't some hot-blooded protagonist. If I had to fight lame, then I would.
[Cold Snap]
[Cold Snap]
[Cold Snap]
Three snaps of my right hand and a swing with the shortsword on my left. As Slafborn continued to expertly weave through my attacks, a sudden cold arc had reached within distance of him. But of course it could never be that easy.
He swung his axe from an awkward position and directly destroyed my Blizzard spell. But he wasn't done.
Slafborn threw his two-handed axe, with both of his hands. It spun like a shuriken, and if it landed, that would've been my direct death. Unluckily for him, my right hand, the one that had been casting Cold Snap, was now in my pocket. The axe moved far slower than I expected in that moment. I flicked my thumb across the Warpstone.
I reoriented myself before landing in an adrenaline fueled bout of bargin-bin acrobatics and sloppily held my shortsword against Slafborn's neck. I felt sick, why the hell did I make the Warp Marker like that?
"You lose."
I kept it held tightly against his throat, letting a bit of blood draw from just under the right side of his jaw. My gamble paid off, but if the man wanted, he could easily break out of this. I had seen the way he weaved through my spells. I shouldn't have been this close, but my options were limited.
"How did you do it."
"Not telling."
"Hmph. Fine. Keep your secrets, Winter Modi."
"Was this a test?"
"Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't. I didn't decide yet."
"Crazy fuck..."
"Gahahaha! What an interesting word that is...Fuck...GAHAHAHA!"
The errant Roegadyn laughed heartily in the first show of emotion I had seen since meeting him. I didn't remove my blade however. Crazy bastards like this guy would say something like "The test wasn't over, now die!" in various novels.
I patiently waited for him to speak, restoring my Aether with a combination of Astral Ice and Riot Blade's properties in the meanwhile. Protect was still active.
Without a weapon, if he hit me, I could gain enough distance to do another Displacement. If he tried to grab me instead, I could cast Manaward and then slap his armor with Magnetize. I could pin him to the earth and subdue him that way as well.
"Who are you to Momodi? Her lover?"
"Younger brother."
"You're rather large to be called her younger brother, don't you think?"
"You're one to talk."
"Hmph, well said... You win, Winter Modi. I apologize for my actions against you. We can talk."
I paused for a couple of seconds, and then slowly moved my sword from Slafborn's neck. I could feel a fatigue wash over my body. But I couldn't be weak, not just because I couldn't fully trust him to behave, but also because that could weaken my negotiating power.
Unfazed, Slafborn walked away to retrieve his axe. I watched him steadily as he sheathed it onto his back and came back to my attacking range.
"Heh, despite your looks, you're rather savage aren't you?"
I didn't grace his words with a response. Who was the idiot that forced me to be "savage" in the first place? This asshole came out of his tent to attack me like I was a bandit. I wasn't even wearing armor! There was nothing on me to identify me as a threat other than my swords, both sheathed and secured.
"Allow me to reintroduce myself."
He was a lot more talkative. More forthcoming. But I still felt sour. I hated fighting over nonsense. Any threat to my life or any sadness that could afflict my women was always going to be a sore spot for me. Momo-nee's tears were a trauma that I stamped onto my heart.
"I am Slafborn Rhotweitzsyn. Representative of the Mor Dhona Adventurers' guild."
'Go fuck yourself Slafborn. Brutish sack of shit. Inconsiderate motherfucker.'
"Winter Modi. I hope Mister Slafborn can excuse me for not receiving you warmly considering the circumstances."
'Eat shit and die you dumb bitch. If I didn't need you for the story, I would've thrown your stupid ass into Dravania and watched you dance in Dragonfire.'
"I'd consider you to be stranger if you could, Mister Modi."
"Right... I'll be forthright Mister Slafborn. If I were to bring this issue up to my various contacts within the Adventurers' guild, I could have your ass on a platter and served up to the Twelve. I could own Mor Dhona all on my lonesome and no one would try to stop me."
'Oh, I could do so much more than that. I could strip you bare and put you on a pillory in the middle of Limsa Lominsa for the pirates to work on. I could throw you into the pits of Ifrit and let him take your mind and then your very soul from your body.'
"But the Daemon Company don't wish to run things themselves, is that it?"
He was as sharp as he was strong. I had to restrain myself. When I was child, I had been taught that you could expel your anger by breathing it out like it was heat in your lungs. I wasn't sure which religion I had stolen it from, but I thanked them in my head. Calm emotions opened the way for smooth business. And it stopped me from throttling the man in front of me and leaving him to die on the shores of Lake Silvertear.
"That's right. We do not desire to take over Mor Dhona and prevent its original owners their freedom to operate."
Slafborn stood silently for a time, trying to divine my purpose. What could anyone want with a barren spot in a place like this? Well, my purpose wasn't this exact plot of land. I would've recognized the terrain of Mor Dhona in a heartbeat. This was not the location that the small hamlet was located in. While, it was possible that the terrain was changed by the Calamity, our proximity to Lake Silvertear was just too different than what I knew.
"You don't need to guess too much Mister Slafborn. Though you are no longer in the position to negotiate, my demands are not much. Consider it an investment."
"Investment, ey?"
A common accent slipped out of his lips. His maroon red Hitler-stache twitched a bit. Was that surprise? His eyes didn't say so. If this wasn't the true Revenant's Toll, then I needed to word my demands carefully. I carried with me, 4 separate contracts. Each of which was drawn up for one of four planned scenarios. I got lucky this time, I could put the most oppressive draft onto him with no consequences.
"Revenant's Toll, in whatever form it may occupy in the future, the Daemon Company wishes to have 50% ownership. We do not require money or even a particular political say. We just want the space and infrastructure to be penned under our name rather than your Adventurers' guild."
"...That's it?"
Slafborn squinted his eyes.
"That's right."
I pulled out a thick parchment of paper and handed it to the man that made me seem like a dwarf by comparison.
"You can read through the terms. My sister, Momodi Modi, has agreed to act as witness for this deal. Should you have any complaints, they can be taken up with her or the Order of Nald'thal after certification."
"Does Mor Dhona fall under Ul'dah's purview?"
"Of course not, Mor Dhona is independent of any city-state. However, My sister, Momodi Modi, works her branch of the Adventurers' guild in lockstep with the Order. If you have any issues, they will work together to resolve them."
I delivered my speech to the skeptical Marauder.
"But I would like to remind you Mister Slafborn, you don't really have a choice in the matter. One way or another, you must sign. I'm simply allowing you to read for your peace of mind. I wouldn't want Revenant's Toll to become despondent, thinking it's fully under my thumb."
"Is it not?"
"Everything I do is for the Daemon Company. Even if I could hold a grudge against you, I dare not without approval from on-high."
I was on-high, but there was no reason to let him know that. I would pay this grudge back after things were stable and settled.
Without any particular expression on his face, Slafborn took out a stamp from somewhere in his tent, and certified my documents.
"Thank you for your cooperation, Mister Slafborn."
"Hm, Miss Modi's brother has quite the bundle of talents. It was my pleasure to appease you."
I wasn't interested in making merry with the brutish oaf, and so I waved my hand, finally sheathed my shortsword, retrieved my Warp Marker, and hopped on Francesca's back. We wasted no time continuing our trek going north.
"Phew. What the hell man...right?"
See? Seriously! What the hell!