Chereads / Final Fantasy XIV: The Winter Calamity / Chapter 60 - Chapter 60 - The Color Pink

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60 - The Color Pink

Ysayle skipped down the stairs and kissed her mother on the cheek. With the recent bout of Dragon attacks, her mother had been feeling rather stressed as of late. The entire hamlet had been on edge, in truth. It was only with Winter's timely arrival that they had found a modicum of normalcy once more. The laughter of children healed many wounds and eased many more fears.

"My, aren't you in good spirits?"

How could she not be? She was able to spend the entirety of yesterday, from morning until nightfall, cradled in her man's arms, hearing his stories and learning about the wider world outside of Ishgard. She didn't even have the time nor headspace to comprehend a land beyond Aldenard. It all sounded fantastical, but Ysayle absorbed everything spoon by spoon. She had even received a magical stone that could whisk her away to his home and a linkpearl to contact him at any time. But the trip was unidirectional and the linkpearl could potentially be caught by scryers amongst the Astrologians...

'Do not use it, until you feel that you must leave Ishgard behind. And do not rush. I will be waiting for you.'

She wanted to throw her head against the wall for behaving like a fool, but she also wanted to sing and dance about how Halone had given her such an incredible blessing. Even her nightmares, the howls of Dragons and clanging of steel, had quieted. Suppressed by Winter's influence.

"Mother, how did you meet father?"

Her mother continued to wash dishes unphased by the sudden inquiry.

"Well, your father was a knight, as you know."


"After he was injured in the attack on Steel Vigil during that spring, he was placed under the care of my mother, a nurse. I went to visit her, delivering some supplies that she didn't have time to come home and receive herself, and that was how we met."

"Then, how did you end up with him after that?"


The aged woman let out an amused chuckle.

"Well, your father was complaining about pain in his leg, mind you, it was his arm that was broken. Anyways, he complained about a pain in his leg, but none of the nurses could figure out what was wrong with him. By all accounts, his leg seemed perfectly functional."


"Well, I noticed that none of them asked him how he thought he could be healed of his phantom injury. It was a rather random question looking back on it. I think I just wanted him to shut up." 

"Haha, be kind!"

"Right right... So, I walked up and asked him myself. And do you know what he said?"


"You could heal me with a kiss. Haha-ha! It was so lame!"

"But it worked?"

"Mhm. I told him that I wouldn't kiss a man that I didn't plan to marry, and he proposed right there and then in his sick bed. So he got his kiss. Within the next summer, you were born."


Her mother's story wasn't at all like hers and didn't really provide any special insights, but Ysayle enjoyed hearing it all the same.



"It's that young man, isn't it? Good catch, sweetie. Dragons mustneeds be tamed before they grow too old. Like your father."


"What? I wont tell your father~ Just don't get caught." 



Ishgard followed the teachings within their Enchiridion, a bible of sorts. All kinds of ridiculous things were written within its pages. Somewhere in there had to be complex rules that explained lineages and why the highborn deserved more than the low born. 

I had no idea where my Ysayle's family tree were tied up. Rather than touching on a taboo by letting the entire city-state know that I had claimed her, we deemed it necessary to keep things quiet.


Though it proved to be easier said than done. To say that we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves was putting it lightly. The secrecy added spice and desperate passion to our trysts. But the addictive quality between us created unnecessarily dangerous situations. 

"Is he over there?"

"I don't see him..."


I put my finger up to Ysayle's soft lips. They were slightly swollen as a result of our workout. Her eyes glowered at me like a predator whose meal was interrupted. Her rounded hips slowly grinded on me, craving something loud and messy.

"Just let them hear us...kiss"

What I had grown to understand about Ysayle was despite being in a strict theocracy, her personality was that of complete and utter disregard for rules and authority. She was almost as reckless as me!


I could only provide small lovebites to tide her over until the kids found a new hiding place. Ysayle was still coming to terms with the new type of pleasure that she earned from kissing. She didn't know what to do with her hands, alternating between stroking my face, to palming my chest and scratching my collar. I didn't mind her at all, and let her do as she pleased. 

It was obvious that we'd need to continue this elsewhere, but the walls in this town were thin. Only far out here could we meet without the threat of tattletale guards or nosey farmers that wouldn't keep their mouths shut. 

"Erma! Erma!"

"Hn? What now! I'm busy!"

"Countess Caulignont has come! You must see!"

'Geh... No shot... What was she doing here?'

Ysayle and I froze and made eye contact.

"Someone important I imagine?"

I had to be sure.

Ysayle nodded strongly.

"Yes. She's a high-priest and a member of the four noble houses. One of the more... zealous followers of the fury."

"An order you don't take kindly to I imagine?"

"More importantly, and order that wouldn't take kindly to your presence."

"Is she dangerous?"

Ysayle slowly stroked my face, thinking of something stupid no doubt. So I flicked her forehead.


"You were about to say something like, I'll distract her while you go."

Ysayle's eyes opened wide in a comical expression of shock.

"Don't be silly. I can't read your mind."

Her shock doubled, making her look even more cute.


"I was strong enough to get to Ishgard on foot wasn't I? Do you think I can't slip out of this touch of trouble?"


She forgot. Headstrong and far too brave.

"I think she's my cue to be on my way..."

Her grip tightened, perhaps without realizing it and I couldn't stop a prideful grin from spreading on my face. I put my hands onto Ysayle's cheeks and touched my forehead to hers. She was taller than any of my other women, almost matching my height easily.

"Don't rush now. If I take you away, it will be a long time before you'd be able to come back."

She likely wouldn't come back at all. Her parents were strictly Orthodox. Or at least her father was. That man wanted to die in Ishgard.

"This isn't farewell. kiss When you are ready, you put your finger on that stone I gave you. The Hearthstone will warp you into Gridania. A deep and safe forest on the eastern side of Eorzea."

I wiped a bit of a tear that started to fall from her beautiful face. Ysayle seemingly couldn't find her words, so I tried to help her along.

"Ysayle. I want to hear you say it. If you don't, then I'll let the whole of Ishgard hear us."

"...! Ah-I... Uhm...I... love you."

There it is.

"And I love you too~"

Ahhh my heart was soaked in sugar. It just wouldn't dry out.


We had traded enough words. Now she just needed a good alibi. We had made contingencies, for inquisitors suddenly coming from on high to find us. My beloved Kan-E's wisdom was not to be ignored.


There were many useless spells in the early levels of all healers. Repose was one such spell. It didn't work on targets that you had drawn into combat, it only lasted 30 seconds, and it only worked on one target at a time. But for this case, it was perfect. 

Ysayle's eyes flicked open and closed rapidly, trying to fight off the sleep. I brought her overtly feminine body into my tight embrace, inhaling the light scent of vanilla soap and squishing her soft melons into my chest. I somewhat resented being interrupted, but I wasn't horny enough to lose my sense. A regular sex schedule kept my body well behaved for the most part.

After a couple of seconds, Ysayle went limp, a slow and steady breathing being the only evidence of her still being alive. I carefully put my love down next to the tree we had been abusing all this time. 

I had long since moved my rental Chocobo out of the Falcon's Nest, instructing him to relax in a cliff face of my own design. I still had to get my bags however. 

From my inner jacket pocket, I pulled out one of my many failed Warp Marker. The Aneos variant. Unlike the lightning attuned Warp Marker, the wind attuned Warp Marker broke not just itself upon use, but its stone as well. I had a plan to throw it off of a cliff and make a Giant Toad swallow the other half instead of me, thus saving my pink ass. Luckily, I only had to fend off that asshole Slafborn instead of an insane amount of beasts. Such was the difference between having a Chocobo, and not. 

I threw the warp marker as hard as I could over the Falcon's Nest guard wall. They didn't have sentries patrolling the top of this hamlet. Wasting no time, I thumbed my normal Warpstone, flicking me across the chaos of the life stream and


Onto my bed. 


The sound of polished high heels hitting hardwood flooring. That bitch moved fast and with purpose. I never unpacked, only removing the bare minimum in preparation to kidnap Ysayle once upon a time. Was I insane?

"This one, high-priestess."

"Open it. Do not waste my time."

I slung my bag onto my back, tucked my blades under my arms and opened the desk drawer, taking out the letter that was going to inform Ysayle's parents that I had kidnapped their daughter. Or rather, that she was so excited to get a job that she forgot to notify them. Seriously, what was my problem?


I hated suspense. I shoved the letter in my pocket, took one last look at the room and tapped the disposal Warpstone. 


The prototypes almost always guaranteed that I'd land on my ass. I hadn't developed a system to sense up and down on these early models. After warping outside of Falcon's Nest, I picked up my swords, taking off my backpack and putting it back on to equip my longsword. The shortsword was a click of my belt and like magic, I was ready to go! 

'Hahaha! Goodbye, Ishgard! Ysayle, I'll be seeing you soon, no doubt about it!'


Her eyes fluttered open and her vision was greeted with a mourning sunset. She didn't move right away, instead taking the time to sort her thoughts. She missed him already and the Hearthstone in her trousers burned hot, begging to be used immediately. But it was a one way trip. She could vanish, and go be with her man at anytime. If she was careful, she could even call him. It was only by categorizing her thoughts that Ysayle could avoid bawling. 

She knew the day would come, but it always felt too soon. And this parting was too abrupt. Too sweet. Too bitter. The taste of love still lingered on her lips. When would she leave? When was it okay to chase her heart's shadow? She didn't want to leave her parents, but her mother followed her father faithfully, and her father was too stubborn to move. 

'... I mustneeds convince them. But that would be heretical...leading sheep astray from the Fury. Must we truly part? This damned war.'

Ysayle turned her eyes to the lulled afternoon sky. Caught in between worlds.


As expected, the Western Coerthas Highlands was disturbingly dangerous. On the horizon, I could see Dragoons of Ishgard, leaping high into the air, and dive-bombing, spear-first, onto the backs of flying winged serpents. 

Squadrons of Archers fired volleys of black tipped arrows, tearing through wings and flesh. Occasionally, a soldier or two would be caught out of position and yanked up into the sky by the claws of the Dravanian Horde. Their fate was not that of a gentle landing. 

If I was confident that I wouldn't accidentally tunnel into some omniscient evil, I'd rather spend 6 months digging my way to the Dravanian Hinterlands. But I was sensible. 

'Stick to the plan.'

I didn't know this Chocobo's name. Rather than the mustard yellow that most Chocobo seemed to be dyed in, this one was midnight black. In addition, he had a special hat that identified him as a Taxi Chocobo. These Taxi Chocobo were trained from a young age to return to their homes no matter where they were. 

"Dravanian Hinterlands, please."


He wasn't very cute.


Ironically enough, I found that the fighting kept my route enemy free. No one came to bother me on the 2 hour trip between Falcon's Nest and the entrance to a valley that held my objective. We still had a few hours before arriving into the Dravanian Hinterlands proper.


Ystride de Caulignont was a part of the Dark Knight quest line. Her husband had cheated on her with a dragon at some point before their daughter was born, as a result, the girl had ended up with a bit of Dragon power in her genes, giving her an unfound talent for Conjury. The logic behind it was a bit fuzzy for me as the real reason I loved that storyline was the internal problems it tackled rather than the dragon-girl subplot. 

After her Ystride found out about her husband's heresy, she did the most reasonable thing she could think of. Lock her, younger than 10 year old, daughter in a windowless room, and pray to Halone for forgiveness. 

If she was in Falcon's Nest, looking for me, then it couldn't have been for a good reason. 

As my thoughts drew to a close, I finally had eyes on the abandoned Sharlayan colony. Long and overgrown marble roads that were shrouded in darkness. The light was fading fast and I couldn't find Matoya's cave in the dark. The silhouettes of collapsed structures and dead ambitions composed the horizon.


Matoya's attention snapped to one of her many sentry marks. Something was approaching her home. An errant Dragon perhaps? Whatever it was, it'd die upon trying to ram into her home's glamour. Matoya turned her attention back to her book.


"Hello? Master Matoya?"

Master... She hadn't heard that title for just over a decade. The voice was androgynous. Young. Smooth as silk and twice as soft. It was too well spoken to be a child. Matoya was not an easy name for a child to pronounce. It certainly wasn't easy for her apprentice.

"Uhm, it's Winter Modi. I was sent by Master Louisoix."


What was that brat doing here?

What did she tell that decrepit beanstalk? He had to walk right? So he still had the gall to Teleport the boy here after all?

Matoya silently walked out of her home to greet her visitor and then trace Louisoix's trail. When she got her hands on his Aetheric signature, she'd yank him through the lifestream and drown that tall bastard in the Thaliak River with her bare hands.

"Oh! Master Matoya!"


"You're a boy-toy?"


It was the kindest way she could ask what came to mind. Surely, he was the whore of some rich noblewoman? What did a whore need blades for? Was there a new type of play going on? The star truly had left her behind.

"I'm too old, boy. Your services aren't needed here."


'Oh, was I wrong?'

"What do you want, snowball?"

"Uhm, it's Winter..."

"It is indeed."

There was a distinct lack of snow in the Ruling Quarter, but if one walked up to the Maker's Quarter of the colony, they could encounter a few snow-capped mountains during the winter months.

Matoya was confounded on two fronts. First of all, she couldn't find Louisoix's signature. No matter how she scanned the boy that named himself ice-pop, there was no evidence of tampering or Teleportation. She wouldn't forget his signature for as long as she drew breath.

"Actually Master Matoya, I'm here to ask for your guidance!"

"I can't teach you to work a pole any better than your master can."

"Guidance in magicks!"

The second thing was that the boy was too excited. She could feel his boundless energy from a distance. It was like she was being assaulted with the power of youth. Annoying was the only word that came to mind. Who in the hells would be excited to end up on her doorstep? Did he not know who she was?

From inside of his long overcoat, the boy pulled out a parcel that absolutely reeked of Louisoix.

"So you're Winter."

"...Yes! Yes ma'am!"

"Why is your hair pink?"

"I-I was born this way ma'am!"

"Isn't it obnoxiously pink?"

"...! Yes! Yes ma'am!!! Thank you!!!!"

He sounded like an idiot that suddenly found a kindred spirit...did she get infected with his stupid?

"Didn't I tell you to walk?"

"I did ma'am!"

"How far?"

"I started in Ul'dah, ran through Central Thanalan, Northern Thanalan, Mor Dhona, Central Coerthas, Ishgard, Western Coerthas, and now here ma'am!!!"

'What in the hells...'

Matoya wanted to pinch her nose. What insane drudgery was she hearing? And why did he not look like he was lying???

"How did you get through Ishgard?"

The boy suddenly pulled out a disk. Not just any disk, but a disk that identified one as the ward of one of the four noble houses. The silver runes on the edge anointed him...oh, not one of the noble houses. He had the privileges of the Pope's secret bastard. Matoya forgot his name, and didn't care to try and remember.

'If I blink hard enough, will he go away?'

She tried.


He did not disappear.

The headache was becoming stronger. Today the elder Archon was going to enjoy some tea and read her books. Why did this strange thing end up here? Could he not delay? By a few hundred years if possible. Or somewhere around the time after she died?

Matoya shuffled forward and grabbed the disgusting parcel from his hands. It reeked of that beanstalk's magic. As if begging her not to throw it away. However, that crotchety old bastard couldn't tell her what to do.

With a flick of her wrist, Matoya threw the parcel into her disposal bin. She'd burn it later today, lest the stench stick to her home.

"Here's your first lesson, brat. Clean my laboratory, and make sure it's spotless."

She just needed to tire him out. With all that energy, it might've taken a bit of time, but she was sure she could do it.

"Anything you say, Master!"

The boy scrambled into her cave and then waved his finger.


After the shine of a blinding light that irritated Matoya's senses, her vision readjusted, revealing her newly minted laboratory. It had been cleaned entirely, even the old stains from her more atrocious experiments, it was spotless. Not a single speck of dust lived long enough to tell any tales. The boy's hands were empty.



"...Stay there."

"Yes, Master!!!"

Turning away from the young man who seemed to be bouncing in place with an annoying level of excitement, Matoya shuffled back to the bin, picking up the parcel that she had previously discarded.

'What in the hells did that old beanstalk throw onto my lap?'

**End of Volume 3 - Ominous Tidings**

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