Not once had Winter missed the Starlight Celebration. Every year, her big little brother would scamper around the city, dragging a grumbling Thancred alongside, with a collection of small gifts in a sack on his back. Toys, knick-knacks, dolls, and small candies. This year was no different.
While those two ran amok, Momodi worked with F'lhaminn to wrap presents and leave them in one place for Winter to grab when his supplies ran low. This year, the two of them had some help from a beautiful woman named Y'shtola.
Momodi nodded her head internally. If her big little brother had brought an ugly woman back home, she would absolutely knock some sense into him.
"How is this?"
Y'shtola handed a small wooden box over to Momodi for inspection. It was obviously wrapped in a more appealing fashion than what the Lalafell could manage, but Momodi took her time looking it over to assert her dominance.
'Shut up F'lhaminn!!! I'm workin' here!'
"Hrm, tis passable!"
"Don't you worry your head too much over it, these are for youngins! They won't mind a wink here and there!"
'Stop showin' me up, or I'm telling Winter on you!!'
"I see, thank you Miss Modi."
'Hrm...ah! Wait! I got it!'
"No mind no mind! And call me Momodi plainly okay? We're practically a family now."
'Nhehehe! Gotcha!'
It wasn't easy to make this overly reserved Archon crack, but when it came to topics of intimacy...
"M-Mm. Thank you... Momodi."
The proud Quicksand owner nodded her head. She was too cute! Her brother had a good eye.
F'lhaminn obviously was thinking the same thing. A gentle smile broke out onto her face as she watched Y'shtola avoid eye contact.
"Heh, this year is your final Starlight Celebration... SANTUH!"
Thancred pushed Winter slightly and then Winter did the rest, jumping back with force and tumbling along the ground like he was hit by a runaway carriage.
The children tearfully cried for their beaten and battered hero. After a short period, he had faithfully responded to their calls. Slowly crawling back to his feet, Santuh spat out a mouthful of snow and gave his nemesis a triumphant smirk.
"Ptuh Heh. Is that the best you can do? KRAMPUS?!"
Minfilia sat to the side with all of her friends watching the annual show. Mylla always loved this part. A powerful warrior was admirable, but a weakling that didn't know how to stay down? She loved that so much more.
"Tch. You're terrible at dying y'know? Well, it's no matter..."
As Santuh stood tall, his nefarious mirror image pulled out an impossible amount of throwing knives. His intention was clear. There would never be another Starlight Celebration on his watch.
"Try this on for size!"
"Guh! S-Santuh...!!"
That last scream was Kan-E.
A barrage of blades aimed at Santuh and threatened to take him to the otherside, but-
[Spirit of Starlight]
With a wave of his hands the knives stopped in mid-air.
Santuh wore an attractive look on his face as he strutted towards Krampus. The blades followed his movements like a school of fish. Every step screamed drama and regal elegance, like a prince returning home from a successful campaign.
The children yelled and cheered once more, the dramatic sight creating a wave of fever through the audience. Or maybe that was just Minfilia.
"Hey...isn't he... somewhat dashing right now?"
"It's not just me? He's glowing more than usual, right?"
"Yeah...I feel hot."
"Eh? Hot? It's freezing out here!"
Tataru was the only one who seemingly didn't get it. The women knew what they'd be doing after this show was over. But Minfilia had an important thing that needed clearing up. Something so imperative that they had to stop watching the show to discuss it seriously.
"...Should we do it with the Santuh suit on?"
A deathly stillness hung in the air. There was something undeniably wrong about ravishing Winter while he was still technically in uniform, but the moment that the thought crossed Minfilia's mind, it stuck.
"We must."
Adal affirmed before anyone else. A determined Adal was a scary Adal. Minfilia understood that better than most.
"We... Oh my..."
Kan-E was flushed.
"What are we doing???"
The women had since long sworn to protect Tataru's innocence for as long as possible. Whenever she asked questions like that, it was best not to answer.
"We should."
Mylla nodded strongly. In her heart, Minfilia prayed for her beloved Winter. He may not be able to leave bed tomorrow.
'But it's his fault for teasing us, right?'
With her superior reasoning skills, Minfilia felt assured that Winter knew what he was doing, walking around dressed in that outfit like no one would see him. Another dastardly thought crossed her mind.
"What if we took off the inner shirt, but left the jacket on?"
Kan-E slapped her knee strongly and no one else expressed any reluctance. Their eyes glowed bright enough to light the dark and melt the snow. Predators that sat in wait for their prey to walk into their trap.
"Gaahh! Ignoring me again?!"
Their scheming had overwritten the tearful conclusion where Santuh hugged Krampus and invited him to enjoy the Starlight Celebration. Krampus turned his black coat into a dark red using a glamour prism, and begrudgingly began handing out the presents that he had stolen.
Something or other about a heart growing in size? It sounded slightly terrifying to Minfilia, but the children seemed to enjoy it.
Kan-E was obviously impatient. But the night was young. There was so much more to do before they collectively dragged Winter into a room for a small amount of excitement.
"Ahhhh, that was fun!"
"Haha, I suppose it was."
Thancred and I walked with a half full sack of presents, these were for the Ala Mhigan refugees, some were sat in the alleyways and others were stuck outside of the city walls. Our route included multiple stops around the city, delivering the goods to the children who couldn't make it to the show.
"And to think you wanted to miss this year!"
"Yes yes, you were right, okay?"
"Aren't I always?"
"Of course not."
"Geh... Krampus..."
The Starlight Celebration had very little lore attached to it, so I came up with a mock Christmas story that combined bits and pieces from my favorite Christmas movies I watched as a child.
Back when my only true spell was a snowblower, the shows I could put on were very limited in their scope and spectacle.
If my audience were a bunch of adults, with no joy in their hearts, perhaps I would've recreated the Ishgardian tale with a hint of drama, only to be pulled aside by some nerd and finger wagged at for not getting every little detail right.
Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, my audience were the youth of Ul'dah. When they grew up, they'd have the memories of these shows in their hearts and that was the only reason that I put all this time and effort into putting on a show.
It wasn't because I started off cynically planning for the generation who lived past the Calamity to actually be Daemon Company employees who would infiltrate the upper echelons of Ul'dahn society and, with the snap of my fingers, would tear the Syndicate into ribbons.
And it's not like I grew to genuinely like the show we put on, and so I started putting more emphasis on doing the show well rather than looking to stick in their minds and create a subliminal sense of loyalty to myself.
Nope. Not me. Sleeper agent? What's that? Can you eat it?
After vouching for my twisted and malevolent brother, Krampus, we began handing out presents. The children, as always were well behaved and as instructed, waited to open their presents until they were out of the line.
"Then, was that spell Magnetize?"
I assumed Thancred was referring to the Spirit of Starlight. A holiday exclusive spell that just so happened to emulate Magnetize in its appearance, but the true power was one of love and spirit.
"Nope. That was the Spirit of Starlight."
Thancred would remain unaware of my radical talent? My impossible and warped apotheosis? I have stolen the power of god to bring Christmas cheer to the children of Eorzea! How glorious must my presence be?!
Bask! Bask in my glow!
"Get off of me."
Are you not enlightened?! You fucking savage! Bear witness!
"Enjoying the festivities, Mr. Winter?"
Rowena and I had bumped into each other when the night was coming to a close. She had noticeably gained in wealth, no longer wearing those poverty stricken garments, instead wearing a simple golden color dress that cut down into her cleavage and an oversized fur coat on top of it all. It was long enough to almost cover her heels which matched her dress's gold sheen.
"You're positively glowing Miss Rowena."
I kissed the back of her hand through my gorgeous and magnificent beard.
"Hehe, you flatter me~"
We chatted on the street for while, sidestepping the topic of business. It obviously was going well. The Rowena I knew had been galvanized by divorce, hardship, betrayal and weariness. Surprisingly enough, despite this Rowena having an easier time, I could still see glimpses of the character I knew within her. Maybe her tough and paranoid personality was inherent? Well, I wasn't interested in guessing too much. Conclusions made in haste would come out in my demeanor, leaving me weak if anyone were to catch on.
For the sake of our business relations, I shoo'd the thoughts away. We chatted at length about a high class ball she was about to attend. I got the feeling that she was inviting me to join, but-
"Thank you, but parties like that are a bit too high profile for me."
"Hmm~ One day I'll see you in a suit Mr. Winter~"
"Haha, we shall see."
I woke up the next morning with my pants around my ankles, my snow boots still on my feet, and my body incapable of moving at all. I didn't think I could end up like how I did after "draining" myself of Aether last time, but here I was. In my bed. Clean once again, but alone and crippled.
I couldn't turn my head, but I could tell that it was afternoon thanks to the dark golden glow of sunlight that filtered through my room's curtains and sank deep into the sandstone walls. Moving my eyes to the right, I suddenly realized that I wasn't actually alone. Y'shtola lay there, flipping through what I assumed to be her notes on Runes. She was completely nude, letting her heavenly brown skin soak in the afternoon glow.
Her presence was comforting. Without a word, she could soothe my nerves and calm my heart into a languid pattern. I had long found that her love languages were time spent and acts of service. Such a simple and light form of love couldn't be handled by every man. Without complete faith in the relationship, women like this could stoke the fires of insecurity. Maybe if I didn't already know her, I'd feel the same?
Well, I wasn't assured of my skill in many things, but romance was not one of those pain points. I had suffered enough in my last life to understand more in this one, not everything, just enough. Men wanted to feel needed and women wanted to feel desired.
My motivation to move left my body, and suddenly staying down didn't seem like such a bad thing. We had come home after delivering presents. Following their dinner, and my half of a dinner, I ended up being dragged down into a hell of my own making. The pleasure must've scrambled my head terribly because I almost didn't remember what happened. I could still feel multiple throbbing sensations all across my body, making me think that I must've been thoroughly marked.
Cure could get me up, but it would also cure those marks, which I didn't want to do. Not only because I cherished the love shown to me, I was plenty aware that if any of them caught me walking around without bite marks and hickeys on me, the cycle would repeat until I gave in.
The least they could've done was take my boots off though...
A fine line of golden sands stretched far beyond the horizon from where I sat, high in the coliseum's spectator stands. The upper private rooms of the coliseum cost more money per seat, but in exchange, you got sheltered conditions and a bucket of Ice Crystals. Many fantastical technologies existed in Eorzea, but I had yet to encounter an air conditioner.
Even this close to the year's end, it was still hot in Ul'dah during the day. The Calamity would change the climate for many places across Eorzea, and while I hoped it would make Ul'dah more bearable, I seriously doubted that would be the case. It sure as hell wasn't like that in game, in fact I'd wager it was hotter. This year we had snow! Did we get Ul'dahn snow in game? The years had grinded my memories concerning the small things into dust. There was no way I'd know.
"Laaaadddiiieeeesss aaaaannnddd Geeentleeemeeeenn!"
The voice of the bloodsands took center stage. Bobonima. How such a deep voice came out of a Lalafell that small was a mystery. It wasn't too surprising for me, as I had also heard a Lalafell with an equally absurd voice in the Japanese Dub of XIV that made me fall out of my chair laughing.
Pipin. I wondered if he was kicking around Ul'dah somewhere? The young man should've been sold into slavery by his father to pay off his debts or something right? It was on the bloodsands that Pipin met his idol and later his adoptive father, Raubahn. Well, I'd probably see him when the Immortal Flames were rebuilt.
I was here to spectate a few fights and train my eyes. There were certain things that you just couldn't learn without seeing it in action. I didn't expect Master Matoya to help me with my swordsmanship or tell me how to fulfill my role as a quasi-tank, so I came here to take a look at Ul'dah's finest and find more inspiration.
Minfilia and Adal took Kan-E to tour their mining operations out in the middle of the desert. I already wasn't worried about their safety because Mylla had organized her most trusted Gladiators to act as protection, in addition to that, my women all held Hearthstones on their person. With the living and breathing Seedseer of Gridania walking alongside them and Minfilia's newfound combat talents, I didn't need to spare them another thought.
Mylla Swordsong, daughter of the Gladiators' guild master, sat on my lap with her arms crossed in a bout of anxious impatience. Some of the people on the bloodsands today were fellows that she had a personal hand in training. I slipped her hands into mine and felt her lovely body begin to deflate, but only slightly. She was concerned for her people, I could understand why it was difficult to calm down.
"Ooouuurrr first round!"
I was rather isolated when it came to my familiarity with fellow guildmates. No matter if it was the Gladiators' guild, the Thaumatuges' guild, or the Arcanists' "guild", people tended to stay away from me and my...oddities. The Conjurers' guild was the only exception to the rule. I didn't blame them of course, if I saw some guy walking around with pink hair, an unnatural pair of blades and a strange kind of magics, I'd just stay home and not come to the guild until that bastard was gone.
But as a result, when the swordsman with silver hair stepped onto the sands under the rabid applause of the crowd, I couldn't claim to know him. However, I did understand that he was antagonist of some sort. The slicked back evil-man hair kinda gave him away. The sword and shield he wielded looked rather standard.
His opposition was a man wielding a colorful spear that was decorated with all kinds of ornaments.
"Is that supposed to be a distraction?"
"snort Disgraceful..."
Mylla disapproved of tactics like that. Though she wasn't some pure and honor-bound warrior, she respected the blade and its legacy.
Mylla leaned backwards and into me, obviously not caring about this match in particular. I simply put my chin on top of her shoulder and continued to watch the fighters circle around each other.
The spearman had an obvious advantage when it came to distance, and normally should've been keeping the antagonist at a further distance. Yet, for some reason, he kept the obvious villain within sword distance. What was the rational here?
Suddenly, the silver haired man stepped forward strongly, keeping to the spearman's inner side. If he were to step to the outside, he'd have to contend with a sweep. Though, in this case, it may have been a hasty choice.
The spearman flicked the back end of his spear while stepping backwards. If the evil guy struck the spear here, the wielder could pivot that impact to swing the sharp end with an even greater force. If he didn't parry, then he'd be creating distance and ending up in the spear's natural striking range. But it was the spearman who brought him this close to begin with...
[Shield Bash]
The Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain threw his body in behind his shield, not directly parrying the spear end, but barreling through it recklessly.
Like a matador working with a bull, the spearman pirouetted, letting the shield slide off his spear. After the villain's wild charge went through, the spearman could stab him in the back directly.
Everything went according to plan. But after the spearman spun around the shield, letting it glance off his blade, he kept spinning until he fell over, with his head separated from his body.
"Fast Blade. Bastard held his sword in his teeth."
"Ah. So when he tucked into his shield..."
Fast Blade was one of the earliest weaponskills one learned as a Gladiator. It lacked in strength, but it predictably compensated with speed. A terrible trick or truthful practicality. There were too many people willing to argue those matters, but all that mattered to me was that yet another life was snuffed out on the bloodsands. Whatever life that man had planned for himself, it was swiftly taken, without him even noticing.
The crowd screamed with joy and worship. The villain wasn't facing me, so I couldn't read his expression. I imagined that it was as impassive as mine. I had witnessed far too many bright and hopeful meet their ends trying to seek glory in this damned place. It was just another fact of life.
As the winner waved his hand, I watched the thick red sludge that escaped the loser's head sink into the dark and discolored sand. A direct contrast to the shining gold sand outside of this coliseum.
I hugged Mylla a little harder and felt her fingers entwine with mine. Her warmth, her soft body, her deep scent, they all brought me a bit of peace. My face might've been impassive, but my heart still wasn't immune. Perhaps it never would be, and maybe that was a good thing.
"Do you need help training against that?"
"kiss Hehe, do you mind?"
"Hmph! When have I ever?"
"Mm...thank you, Mylla."
Her thin and light fingers weaved tighter with mine.
I intentionally didn't look at the villain for too long. It would be a nasty plot inconvenience to have him feel my gaze on his back, snap his attention to me and then give me a foreboding smile. That guy wasn't my job to handle. As long as he didn't bother me or my women, he could fulfill whatever plot was involved in the class storyline. The moment he tried to step out of line however...
Wait, did those developers do a Gerolt thing again? What if that's the bastard who killed Mylla's father, but then Aldis was framed for it? I felt Mylla's hands in mine. Her father and I weren't at all close, I was breeding his daughter and fucking her senseless almost everyday after all. What father could be close to a man doing such a thing to their daughter? No one told him about me apparently, which in the end, was probably a good thing. I'd still save the stranger if I could, but there was nothing I could do without putting a target on my back.
If either of those bastards targeted Mylla herself, then I'd act of course, but to ensure a certain future, these pieces on the chess board still had to move. I never claimed to be a virtuous person or a hero after all.
Hugging her even tighter, I felt Mylla's heavy breasts press into my arms as we slowly awaited the next match. I'd have to make up for all of that pain that was coming our way.