Chereads / Final Fantasy XIV: The Winter Calamity / Chapter 42 - Chapter 42 - Philosophical Doom

Chapter 42 - Chapter 42 - Philosophical Doom



Yda flinched at the linkpearl in her ear. She had stepped out from working with her worshipers just now, to take a call from her precious sister.


Yda was at a loss for how to respond. Did she not already explain everything? She gained a religion called the Suns of Yda, a beloved master named Winwin, and a prophecy that heralded the end of the world. One plus one was two. What was new? Her sister, Lyse, was a bit slow at times, so Yda, forever patient and caring, decided to explain it all again.

"Well, it started when Papalymo and I touched land in Limsa Lominsa. The crisp sea air, the vast stretch of clouds-"


Three questions at once. A formidable attack on Yda's psyche, but she was ready to fight back. In her head, she flipped a three-sided coin to choose which attack she'd fend off first.


"Well, Winwin is my master and my lover~ Oh I can't wait to show him to you Lyse! He's so handsome! So smart! So strong (in bed)! And he's as obsessively caring as you are!"


"Hmph! I beg to differ! And if you must know, we tongue wrestled while we rubbed bodies, then we stripped down and had rough and tingly-"




Yes, as the elder sibling, Yda had to take the high road and take care of her dumb little sister. The poor girl lacked in the brains department, but Yda loved her dearly even so. Wasn't her heart so big? So accepting?

"What about Arcavius?! Didn't he profess his love not too long ago?"


"Oh! And Otelin! He gave you all those flowers last year!"


"And-and-and that Esmond fellow!"

Yda had no clue who these people were, but the implication seemed to be that they thought they could possess her and call themselves her master or beloved. Yda internally compared her Winwin and the seemingly random men she had seen milling about Ala Mhigo, blustering and flexing their bodies in strange ways.



She couldn't help it. If she thought on it more, she may never stop laughing, so Yda used every bit of power in her being to halt those thoughts. The wise and patient elder sister slowly explained to her younger kin.

"Winter is different, Lyse."


It came out sounding more serious than she thought it would, but it was because she meant it. She felt that way since she first laid eyes on him.

"It was love at first sight."

It was true. The thoughtful look on his face when he first locked eyes with hers. The blush that grew over his features when she got close, the way his eyes shook when she stroked his smooth but tense skin. The body of a man was truly different. She had never had that type of contact with the other side outside of beating them senseless. Who knew a man could be so...


Not to mention his ability and mental prowess. Then how good it felt when he had his way with her...Did the man have no flaws? Did the Twelve send him down to guide the world to a better tomorrow? Well, whatever the case was, Yda was beyond happy to walk alongside.

"sigh I can't believe it. My Yda has gone and found love? Before me?!"

"What are you speaking of Lyse? You can love him too! Y'shtola already does, as do...hmmm...six others?"


Six seemed correct. Two were in immediate contact and Winwin went to visit them every other day. As for the other four, Yda's instinct spoke that number to her and so she believed it. Yda felt over the moon when her beloved spoke to her, whispering-

"You're going to belong to me from now on. Even after I have wives by my side, you will still belong to me. Your heart, body, and soul. All mine."



Yda couldn't contain herself at all! He was too cool right?! Six or sixty, it made no difference at all! Yda had a man! A very special man!

"Don't worry Lyse! After I show him to you, you'll understand what I mean! I'll put in a good word for you! Then, together, we can spend our mornings on our knees and kissing his-"


Her poor sister. So dumb in matters like this, unlike Yda. But time taught all lessons. 


"If you say so~"

Yda wasn't keen on pushing her sister's mind to the breaking point. It was already feeble and malnourished. She'd need food to grow her brain to Yda's strength and size. For many years, Yda had kept a careful eye out, trying to find foods that could help her sister's crippling mental issues. The closest she got was cottage cheese, which Lyse refused to eat. So the search continued.

Yda had her eyes on finding something in Ala Mhigo during her and Papalymo's next visit. They had a mission coming up to help smuggle refugees out of the Empire's clutches. Winwin had taken plenty of time to explain to her how to use the Hearthstone, of which she obtained two for some reason. It made her feel special.

"Then, can you explain the Suns of...Yda...?"

"Well, it started when Papalymo and I touched land in Limsa Lominsa. The crisp sea air, the vast stretch of clouds-"



That part WAS THE STORY! Yda's Lyse-Translator started to function and deciphered the cipher that was her sister's insanity.

'Less words.'

"Papalymo and I walked into a tavern and after introducing ourselves, I received prayers and alms. We drank, made merry, and now I help the Suns of Yda find purpose and show them the light."


Yda rolled her eyes. Wasn't Lyse too much today? But it didn't bother her much. A lifetime of dealing with her sister had made Yda's mind sharper than the most honed blade. If she had to spend the rest of the day teaching her sister, then she would!


"This is beyond the scope of a war between Eorzea and the rancorous Empire. It involves something far worse. Bahamut, should this prophecy come to pass, would destroy not just Eorzea, but potentially all of Hydaelyn. Ladies and gentlemen, we face the threat of a Calamity. It sits upon our step and brings with it the end of the world as we know it."

"Then so it shall be. We must prepare the archives to withstand the destruction."

"Hypothetical destruction, mind you. With the word of your undoubtedly biased Circle and the testimony of 2 Astrologians, we are to believe you?"

"If this was another ploy to drag this Forum back to Eorzea, then I am afraid that you have once again failed."

"We must-"

"No, Master Leveilleur, we've had this discussion countless times. The Forum has a strict neutrality stance. We shall not interfere."

"Even at the cost of the star? Of all the lives on Hydaelyn?! Surely we can see the sense in proceeding to intervene in this instance! Without us, could anyone survive?!"

Louisoix's long suppressed anger was starting to rise. He pushed it down with force, such emotion would not benefit him in persuading the Sharlayans to move.

"Tis another piece of history that we are destined chronicle. Rather than waste that time "saving" the world as your fantasy would demand, you are better served sitting still and finding ways to ensure our knowledge is not lost."

It was incredible, the lengths that these people would go to for non-interventionism. Their pacifism was so sacred that they would standby, not just for the culling of Eorzea, but also for the 7th Calamity? Louisoix was in-between wrath and pride. Even without his hand guiding them anymore, the Forum still held debates that centered on rationalist thought and refused flights of fancy. However this rigid ideology of logic and calculated reason would bear witness, or perhaps even aid in the end all life. The 7th Calamity could end all things, just as the previous Calamities did before it.

He wanted to ask if they cared for their families. For those they would lose. But those were the exact arguments that the Forum was created to defeat. Emotion had no place in the Forum. Sharlayan's founding was steeped in deep philosophical thought, their purpose was to record and document the world. Their studies and records would be passed down to the generation after, but kept under close prohibition. 

It hadn't bothered the Sage too much before he formed the Circle of Knowing, but now this stance was his constant bane. The thorn in his side that prevented the salvation of so many lives already, and so many more to come.

Louisoix Leveilleur had little choice.

"Then I shall handle this on my own."

He could not persuade the Forum into action. Even with the prophecy staring them in the eyes, they were determined to say their goodbyes and record the scorching flames of Bahamut that would overtake all that existed.

"You'd tarnish our philosophy further? We are to chart the course of history. Not change it."

Just as Louisoix was ready to walk out of the meeting hall, he heard a voice of annoyance behind him. It demanded obedience and respect, but Louisoix was not at all required to give it. After all, his son, Fourchenault Leveilleur, could not halt his steps. No one could.

"sigh I would like to conclude this Forum meeting. I thank you all for coming and offering your thoughts."

Louisoix stood still, weary and slightly anxious, as the various Forum members shuffled out of the hall, leaving only him and his son. Louisoix had used Teleport to arrive in Sharlayan. Yet despite his haste, it seemed a bit useless now.

He desperately wanted a sweet to chew on and cursed himself for not begging his granddaughter before calling a meeting with the Forum. Now he was going to be in another extended debate with his son about Sharlayan philosophy while antsy. That'll teach him to not pay his granddaughter her dues before anything else.

Shame on Louisoix.

"Abandon this nonsense, father."

"You know I cannot and will not."

Fourchenault was an incredible scholar, but he was influenced by Sharlayan's founder, Nyunkrepf Nyunfrepfsyn far too strongly.

"Even Nyunkrepf took action to halt the Calamity of Water."

"Incorrect. He saved who he could, then left the rest behind. It was through his actions of preservation that we even know of what happened."

"And is that what you'd call our actions now? Preservation? What's there to preserve in the face of the 7th Calamity?"

"Knowledge. Our philosophy doesn't exist for nothing, father. Cease this emotional outburst and leave Eorzea to their fate. It's more than likely that your so called "7th Calamity" would not even come to pass as you imagine it would."

"So you don't believe in it."

"I've said no such thing. I'm simply pointing out that even in the wake of the 6th Calamity, the star did not die. There's nothing in any historical record nor ancient tome to support your claim what-so-ever."

"You're stepping far from the point's way. You know that this has nothing to do with historical precedent and everything to do with the loss of life."

"The loss of life that we must watch and take note of. If you require, I can give you our founder's handbook for study once more."

His son was cold and logical. His stance was iron-clad and unmoving. It was exhausting to debate on such a fundamental difference.

"Do you not have a shred of nuance within your code? Do you truly believe that Sharlayan should stand by and watch, then die along-side, the rest of the star?"

"First off, you still haven't proven that the entire star would die. You can trace the conclusions of the Scryers and Astrologians, but you cannot claim that all life would end." 

Fourchenault would not let go of that point. For Louisoix, who had just seen an example of Dynamis being used, he couldn't help but find such a thing funny. Young Winter conjured Aether from nothing at all. There was no proof of Dynamis. Nothing in the world could theorize its true purpose, and yet there it was. But Louisoix would not put the young man in the sights of the Forum. Such a thing could bring far more danger than benefit.

"Second of all, if a philosophy was loose enough to be unwound, a rule flexible enough to bend, then what is the purpose of such a philosophy? At that point would we not play everything by ear? Shall we wake up in the morning and declare what our rules of the day are?"

Twelve above, Louisoix really wanted some candy. One that had a double coating of honey. Perhaps a triple coating?

"snort I see that you've disengaged once more, old man."

"This debate is useless Fourchenault. We've had it many times before, and the answer this time shall be no different. Eorzea deserves to be saved. We are more than this philosophy that binds us."

"Hmph. Whatever nonsense you wish to believe in, keep it to yourself. And do not infect my children with your drivel."

With that last word, Fourchenault marched off.


Louisoix had too much to do. He knew well enough how bad the situation was. Without the aid of the Forum, Eorzea could only watch as their end would arrive. But Louisoix would not let such a thing happen. If push came to shove...he'd take drastic measures.

Louisoix walked out of the Rostra and onto the paradisaical streets of Sharlayan. In this place were students and teachers. Scholars and academics from all ranges and strokes. Even those who once occupied the now abandoned colony of Idyllshire, found themselves here, far away from Eorzea and her troubles.

Even this far away, the 7th Calamity threatened the people here. Some knew of it. Others did not. Louisoix was weary and stressed about the future. His fingers would twitch and his wizened mind would spin with ideas about how to change what came next, but then those ideas would turn to dust.


A mail Moogle descended from on high and rudely dropped a letter into the elder's hand with haste. Without another Kupo, it flew away. Sharlayan was fully self-sufficient and reasonably fast mail was just another one of the many luxuries they enjoyed.

Louisoix opened the letter and after reading it, almost slammed his head into the wall. It was Matoya. She demanded that her new student make his way to her, on foot.

He grew dizzy upon hearing her cynical voice practically echo into his ears.

"If that little bastard can't survive just this much, he has no place under my tutelage."

If Louisoix tried to teleport him, she'd know for sure, able to trace and recognize Louisoix's Aether at just a glance. Matoya was a brilliant mage, and that made her a valuable teacher for Winter, however her personality left much to be desired.

Louisoix calmed his nerves. He'd decide on how to inform Winter later. Right now, he desperately needed a sweet. He couldn't wait any longer. With fast steps, he marched towards his son's home to beg his granddaughter for a cure to his ails.