Chereads / Final Fantasy XIV: The Winter Calamity / Chapter 43 - Chapter 43 - Butterfly Wing

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43 - Butterfly Wing

Papalymo was packing his belongings, getting ready to make a short return trip to Sharlayan. With the coming prophecy, it was imperative that he and Yda took the time to oversee the transition for Gridania's Grand Company reformation in the coming moons and summers, but first, they had to fulfill a scheduled smuggling mission in Ala Mhigo. It would take a little less than half a summer to integrate into Ala Mhigo and then begin moving people out. They'd move as many as they could before the Empire took notice, then they would have to flee and begin their work for Gridania.

The Empire's reign was brutal on the peoples of the occupied territory. Papalymo suspected it was harsh everywhere and perhaps Ala Mhigo got off a bit light. Though, no matter how featherweight the boot, the pressure never leaves. The jagged scars and silent embers of rebellion raged within the peoples of Ala Mhigo and as long as they were willing to fight, the Circle was willing to aid their cause.

Yda in particular was very motivated to see her peoples free, though the road for that was a long way yet. For now, she had to settle with extracting pockets of Ala Mhigans and helping them re-settle. For the most part, these refugees ended up on the doorstep of Ul'dah. They arrived cold, hungry, sad, but alive and willing to live for a brighter future.

Papalymo wasn't one to crush their hopes and dreams, but it seemed unrealistic to assume that they could return home within their lifetime. The Garlean Empire had been expanding their borders, invading their neighbors, and absorbing citizens into its war as soon as they developed Magitek. The star had been sliding into their everlasting grasp ever since.

Their emperor, Solus zos Galvus, had spent almost 50 years rampaging across every continent. And now they had stopped, only by the "blessings" of the Primals. Papalymo wasn't sure exactly why they appeared, but they did, and they spooked the Empire into hiding behind their stolen walls in Ala Mhigo.

Those blasted imperials had rendered immeasurable consequences for the whole realm with their bloodthirsty actions. The Battle of Silvertear Skies was an event that took place not even 10 years ago. Those bastards considered Mor Dhona to be the center of Eorzea's Aether. The secret to how they could cast magicks.

Such a belief was foolish, as Aether was far more than just Silvertear Lake. It did concentrate in places yes, and it was true that myriad crystals existed in that place, but rather than being a blessing of Aether, Silvertear Lake was a curse.

Throw an attuned crystal onto the ground surrounding Mor Dhona, it didn't matter where. After an hour or two, the crystal would lose its element. It'd be stolen by a force that Sharlayans still argued over. Was it Midgardsormr, the father of all Dragons? Was it Hydaelyn itself? Or was there something buried underneath Mor Dhona? Something ancient that was sapping Aether for its own purposes?

The reality was not lost on Papalymo that such a thing closely matched the phenomenon described by Y'shtola. Aether absorbed by an unknown force or entity, likely in the sky somewhere. It was possible that both things were the same, else they came from the same origin. But Papalymo silenced his speculation.

'Where is my 2nd journal? Did I lend it to Y'shtola?'

The foolish Garleans invaded Mor Dhona, not understanding its nature or perhaps even thinking that they could overcome it, then met with a rude and overwhelmingly violent truth. Their dreadnought airship, the Agrius, awoke the ancient and merciless father. Midgardsormr, summoned his horde of drakes and serpents, ruthlessly destroying the invaders. The father personally took action to destroy the Agrius, coiling around its hull and blasting it with an incredible force of Dragon Fire. 

He and the airship sank, in a violent coitus of wrath, into the depths of Silvertear Lake. However, the father of all Dragons was too unrestrained in his power. It was too early to be sure, but theories danced within the halls and on the tongues of scholars about just what caused the next event to take place.

Papalymo had his theory of course. Those war machines used by the Garleans and even the airships in Eorzea sipped on a fuel called ceruleum. A glowing blue liquid, most commonly found in massive deposits within the conquered lands of Ilsabard, that's considered highly unstable and animatedly flammable. What he assumed, was that Midgardsormr's raging blaze of Dragon Fire, the Aether sapping properties of Mor Dhona, and those gargantuan tanks of ceruleum reacted with each other. The result?

An apocalyptic crystallization of Mor Dhona and all her surrounding lands. Corrupted spires of crystal jutted harshly from the ground, Lake Silvertear solidified, every flora and fauna were killed and transformed from the inside out into solid chunks of dark grey crystal. Midgardsormr, still coiled in a deadly embrace with the destroyed Agrius, sat as wide as a mountain and twice as tall, just as crystallized as the world around them. Forever stilled.

'Ah, found it... Why did I leave it there?'

He didn't. It must've been Yda.

It was this defeat, and the following Age of Calm, that likely put Eorzea into her current situation. Papalymo asked during the Circle's meeting, but received no answer. Where did the Primals suddenly come from? It wasn't as if they never existed before, however the number of them appearing now was staggering. Each Primal was a danger to anyone or anything around them, a hazard that could bring an end to the realm. And yet, the Circle had encountered more than 4 already. Where the hells did they come from?

Papalymo suspected it was this. Perhaps there was more to that explosion. Perhaps the lake held more secrets than it let on. Whatever sat beneath Mor Dhona, it likely was involved. But without proof, Papalymo dare not worry the Circle with baseless conjecture. He had other things to worry about anyways. The Prophecy was upon them. He had to do his best to give this realm a happy ending.

'Seems a bit unrealistic however...'



"slurrrr-pop You're not done with the passage already, are you?~"

"H-Hah B-Beast-kin puff are characterized by their warm blood and-"




Y'shtola meant to spend the day checking in on the various posts of the newly formed Maelstrom. With any new organization, especially one made up of brigands and outlaws, strict oversight was necessary to prevent the degradation of troop morale. Or that's what she read once. Her instruction seemed to help the lot organize properly and stand-up straight, so at the behest of Admiral Merlwyb, Y'shtola took up the role of temporary enforcer and investigator.

With the stress of the Prophecy, sleepless nights spent studying Runic magicks, and busy days where she continued her practice, Y'shtola didn't have much time to laze about like Thancred seemingly did. Today was to be no different than any other normal day. She had her tasks, and she intended to follow through on them all.

However, today her Winnie looked too cute to ignore. She was curious about the various things he did with Yda, and decided to try them out. She considered it to be a good choice.


A thick gel got somewhat caught in her throat, but Y'shtola swallowed it down with a bit more effort. Such a strange flavor, a mix between salt and sugar. It wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't unpleasant either. The real addicting part was the overpowering stench that seemed to seep into her skin and permeate her being. Even when his eyes were rolled back and his face was the signpost for euphoria, Winnie still found the time to mark her as his woman. What a possessive man~


"AHHHH!!!! W-WAIT!!!"

Y'shtola had taken Winnie's manhood in-between her breasts and strongly massaged it from both sides. The head stuck out from her girls, which she found amazing as Y'shtola was aware of her larger size, so to give it the attention it deserved she emulated Yda's work and took Winnie's hot stick into her mouth for careful succor. Within minutes, she knew exactly where to slide her tongue along the edge of his cockhead's rim and how to comfort it with her lips, pulling slightly with a suction that was now becoming familiar to her.

A scholar was never satisfied. Y'shtola wanted to know every single way she could make her beloved squirm and jump. Her instincts became demonic, they guided her to bring Winnie to orgasm again and again. She had instructed him to read a random book on her shelf while she twirled her tongue around the head of his monstrous cock and curiously drank down his thick load. All the while, she moved her breasts and pressured the sides of his manhood, slick with cum and saliva, to aid in her milking efforts.


She roughly pistoned her Winnie's sizable cock down her throat, using the back to squeeze down and extending her tongue out to slide down his suburb length. Each time she pulled her head back, the results of their love would spill more onto her already soaked breasts, increasing Winnie's pleasure and making him twitch cutely. 


'There it is.'

Winnie tried pushing her head away, but she kept a firm lock on his delicious meat stick. She refused to let go until her mate shot every drop out obediently. Y'shtola flicked her tongue and suckled on her love's cock skin, trying to abstract its flavor and demonstrate her devotion.


A wild rush of salty-sweet cum flooded her mouth with a strong pressure, while Y'shtola kept her throat open to receive it all. The first time she took his load, it got blocked and ended up coming out of her nose. An embarrassing result that she quickly learned from, though it seemed to make Winnie cum even harder. She would use it as a reward of sorts for him at another time perhaps.


The torrent was unending, she hadn't swallowed anything of this quantity before in her life. The feeling of scalding hot baby milk sat heavy in her belly. A fuzzy feeling buzzed around in her head and made her feel drunk. Was it like this for Yda as well? The taste was so addictive. She wanted this musky girth to slam into her womb, but she also wanted to swallow even more of her man's spunk. How frustrating.


'Oh god.'

I was becoming faint. Y'shtola's tongue was even rougher than my F'lhaminn's. I couldn't hold onto the book she gave me even if I tried. It felt like the light in the room bloomed into an annoying blur. My entire shaft was suffocating within the depths of her insanely soft cleavage. The top 1/3rd of my cock was being treated to a delight I had never experienced before.

Her inexperience was noticeable, but her effort despite that turned me on aplenty. That's how it was at first anyways. Now it was a hell that I couldn't escape from! I couldn't move my mouth or organize my words, yet on her own, she learned exactly how to work her mouth to bring me over the edge.

Kicking and screaming mind you.


Instinctively, I grabbed Y'shtola's head, her soft and plump lips locked firmly on my dick, so it was useless trying to move her, but I tried anyways. Her pale green hair was softer than silk sheets. Her ears flicked and coyly moved under my fingers. Her fat mocca milk jugs continued to move and squish against my meat rod, trying her best to pump everything out of my balls. The euphoric pleasure made my toes curl and my back arch back. How long had I been cumming for? There was no way I could stay aware. What an incredible woman.



I had no idea that she, or any Miqo'te for that matter could purr. Such a simple thing almost made me instantly cum again, but I held back to immerse myself further in my beloved's care. The sloppy sounds of my length being pampered along with Y'shtola's purrs sending pulsing vibrations to my core, sent strong shocks of pleasure that paralyzed my body and boiled my mind. Her rough and bumpy tongue caught on my member and pulled my skin gently. She started to twirl it around my cock head, letting it peek out of her mouth slightly while doing so.

Without letting go, Y'shtola got back to work, trying to drain my balls with her stunning titjob. I could smell the scent of her messy sex, brown sugar filled my lungs with lust and I exhaled my restraint. I wanted to reclaim dominance and bend her over, but I was too weak to move. It was as if she could sense my intent, and worked her rough tongue to keep my cock numb and submissive. It worked far too well. Her tail flicked playfully as she took me in and used her massive sticky tits to squeeze me dry.


Thancred had already left Limsa Lominsa and was digging around his old stomping grounds in Ul'dah. The Maelstrom were up and the Twin Adders were on the way. Somehow, Thancred was the only one left to struggle. The infuriating smirk on Y'shtola's face stuck out in Thancred's mind like a dagger declaring its presence.

'Fucking Syndicate!'

He found that beautiful curses from Little Winter's vocabulary easily fit his current situation. Thancred knew well enough that without blatant proof or severe losses, the Syndicate's coffers wouldn't loosen. But else could he do?

Building the Immortal Flames required gil, time, and proper planning. He couldn't wait for the very last second to act, and so Thancred began to make moves against his better judgement. If he wasn't so aware of what the future could hold, perhaps he would have taken a more passive position.

'We all have our roles to play, brother.'

He could not sit still. Was he acting according to fate? Or did Little Winter's fear become reality? Should Thancred act? Could he guarantee that what he was doing now, was how he was always meant to act? Was he messing something up?

Questions like this kept the Archon up at night. He felt the burden of forbidden knowledge, guiding his hand and whispering its will into his heart. Ultimately, the fear and anxiety that haunted Thancred's shadow spurred him to take action, then followed his steps faithfully, as he walked through the dry and bloodstained halls of Halatali.

He could hear the crazed screams and desolate groans of the various fighters. Just because you won on the bloodsands, did not mean that you'd live a happy life. To end up down here within the beast holdings, one was surely sentenced for some crime or other. For those who came willingly...Thancred preferred to think they didn't exist.

Massive hulking suits of animated armor stood strict within their cells. Despite that, Thancred could faintly hear the sudden clanking and clunking of iron ring into his ears. Dullahan, were a type of Soulkin with unknown origins, though theorized to be artificial in nature. The cage, built from thickly woven sheets of steel, could barely contain the Dullahan's size, which seemed to scrape the ceilings of Halatali's tunnels. Thancred was fully eclipsed at once point, ready to jump into action should the thing deem him worthy of death, but then Thancred once again entered into the glow of torchlight. The Dullahan did not move.

Why such a creature, let alone an entire cell block of them, was chosen to fight on the bloodsands was beyond him. However Thancred didn't question it one iota. Those crazy bastards went as far as to summon a voidsent with the close collaboration of the Order of Nald'thal. All for the purpose of driving more towards the spectator stands. Of course they would bring Dullahans by the dozen.

Thancred walked with an uncomfortable gait further into the dense atmosphere of the dungeon. Finally, he had found his quarry.

"Excuse me, are you Raubahn? Pray, I wish to have an audience."