He gets up and leaves for the kitchen. I hear the sounds of utensils. He knows how to cook? Well, too bad his personality is trash. I guess I am going to have a hard time finding a partner for him.
I take out my phone and see messages from Cena.
CENA: Babe!!
ME: What's wrong?
CENA: What do you mean by what's wrong? So? How is your new partner? The one who is going to be your matchmaker?
ME: A certified jerk.
CENA: Sheesh. Hopefully, you will survive. What's his name?
ME: I don't know...but now that I think about it, he looks..... familiar. Like I have seen him before.
You don't even know his name?
ME: Not my fault 💀 I will let you know when I find out.
CENA: Alright. Btw, what happened to your work?
ME: I will start from tomorrow.
CENA: Then, I will accompany you babe! Let me know the time!
ME: Sure.
And I jump as I hear the guy putting the plates down. Two plates. In front of two different chairs facing each other. Ok. He may not be that bad. He got me food after all! So, I quickly tell Cena that I will be leaving for dinner and hop to the table.
"Are you a rabbit?" He asks, raising one eyebrow.
"No." I answer.
"Any species which likes to jump?" He asks again. I shake my head. "What are you then?"
"Why don't you tell me yours first?" I take my sit opposite his.
"I asked first."
"Indeed. Without telling me yours. How would I know that once I tell you mine and so will you?"
"You wouldn't." He answers.
"Exactly!" I take a mouthful of food. Wow. It's so delicious!!!
"You wouldn't know mine anyway. I won't tell you." He says.
"Then, don't ask mine."
We continue eating when I feel the weight of his gaze and lift my gaze from my food to his. "Why are you staring at me?"
"Finding out your preferences in food. Your partner can't hate what you like right? I need to find a guy accordingly." He rolls his eyes.
"You look like you don't want to." I stop eating.
"Indeed. But here we are."
My heart drops. What if he sets me up with a creepy guy because he doesn't look like he wants to or will put effort into finding the right guy for me. I don't want to be stuck with a guy like that and thus won't be over until we both accept one.
I can refuse again and again but if a lot of time passes, they will randomly choose one of the guys this dude would have introduced me to or the last guy I had met because of him. It's a disaster!
"I am going to do my best for you." I say. "So, I hope you do the same for me."
He looks at me and doesn't say anything. He continues to eat. I have lost my appetite. As I am about to drop my spoon on the table and get up, I find him nodding. He answered me. Phew.
I eat but also continue to stare at him.
"You are staring at me."
"Finding out your preferences." I answer. And he continues to eat.
"Hey!" I call him out. "You are not showing any kind of emotion while eating!" I huff.
"I never do." He answers.
What the fuck?!
"Then, how the hell am I supposed to find out what you like?!" I throw my hands in the air, exasperated.
"That" he says, "sounds like a you problem."
I can't believe this guy! What the fuck! I look away and focus on eating. Fuck him. He can go to hell.
"What's your name?" He asks after a while.
"State yours first." I won't answer him. That way he will be clueless too. Why should he be the one with an advantage?
He stays quiet for a long time and finally "Yunex." And then it hits me. He is the super model and the best actor. I drop my spoon along with my jaw on the table and the floor respectively.
"Pick your jaw up." He says. "It's unsightly."
"You won't be saying that when you would be getting blowed though." I hmph.
"What do you mean-" and then he realises what I said. "Don't tell me" he waves his fork. "You are interested in giving me one?"
"Not even in your dreams." I scoff. And he smiles. For the first time, he smiles.