Both me and Cena enter the company. I had called her to meet me here since not only was I late so was she. So, we met up at the entrance and now here we are. Approaching Bell who is looking at the watch impatiently. She looks like she is about to tear her hair off.
"Good morning, Bell." I greet her beaming. And so does, Cena.
"Good morning!!?" She shouts. "Good morning, my ass!!" She huffs and grabs her hair almost in a frenzy.
"Well, you have a good one." I say, still smiling. She pauses and processes my words. Then, she starts grinning. "I know." And then she goes behind me and slaps my ass.
"Owww!!!" That slap brought me to tears!
"Don't think you can buy me like this!" She humphs. "Anyway, I have secured some auditions for you." She says. "Get ready."
I nod in response. Then, she greets Cena and they chat happily and then I crack some jokes and we all break out in laughter.
"By the way." Bell says. "Who's your matchmaker?"
"Oh oh oh!!!" Cena jumps. "You won't believe it!"
"What do you mean?" Bell asks looking at me. I sigh. "It's...Yunex." and Bell stays frozen for a few minutes. "YUNEX?! MY IDOL?! WITH YOU?!" She suddenly grabs me by my shoulders.
"Is it true? Like really?" She is jumping now and I am trying to get out of her death grip. "Yep." I say. She is one of the many crazy fans of Yunex.
"How about you set me up with him?" She asks, hopefully. Cena is also a fan, but not a crazy one like Bell. "I will try." I nod. "I need to find out what his type is first. I tried to find his food preferences and got nothing." I roll my eyes.
"Why do you look annoyed by him?" She raises an eyebrow and lets me go.
"Because he is annoying. A jerk-" shit. I blurted that out. She won't kill me, right? She looks at me, glaring and her mouth twitches.
"You know -" she says. "Had you not been my friend, I would have killed you right here."
"Well, I am glad I am one." I say. "But I am telling the truth."
"He must have been in a bad mood." She says. "Did something happen?" She raises an eyebrow at me. I look at her with contempt. "He told me to move in, so I did and as soon as I entered his house he started bullshiting me." I spit out and hmph.
Bell sighs. "Eh. Don't worry." She pats by shoulder. "Maybe someone pissed him off and so he wasn't in the mood."
"Hopefully." I exhale.
"Nah. I am sure of it." Bell says seriously.
"Alright. Alright. We got it, Bell." Cena intercepts. "Let's go, we have work to do." We all nod at that. "Gotta go, then, babes! Will meet you soon!" Cena waves as she leaves and we wave back at her.
"Shall we go, then?" I turn to Bell and she nods. "Let's go." And as we were discussing things and making out way to our office. Then -
"You have some nerve!"