"did you two fight again?" asked the person who is dressed in a white and gold captain uniform and standing at 152 cm (5') with a sheathed saber on her left hip and a m1911 on her right.
the guardians gather in front of Aelithys , there is 6 guardian total but ''2'' of them are missing.
"sorry" panting " i couldn't find Piertear and Marteya" Nat apologized.
the guardian that are present include.
Cynthia Luna who is dressed in a white and gold captain uniform , standing at 152 cm (5') and a slim waistline , pale skin with a m1911 on her right hip and a saber on her left hip , she is the general of the CRAF (Castellum Royal Airforce) and is the gaurdian of the I-3 B, airbase and the 7th castellum floor.
Nat Flora who is dressed in a maid uniform with red markings, has a pale skin ,she have a scythe that neatly folds behind her back, she is the guardian of the 1st and 2nd floor and the colosseum.
Tsunami von tiefe who is dressed in a navy blue captain uniform , blank mask and all of his skin is covered, standing at 170 cm (5'6) with a cutless and a m1911 on his hip, he is the guardian of the O.W.W and I.W.W and is the general of the CRN (Castellum Royal Navy).
Gaiara Laira who is dressed in full plate armor with a dotted brigandine half skirt , she is a demi human fox , she stands at 220 cm (7'3) with a giant claymore on her back and a small shield on her right arm, she is the general of the CRA (Castellum Royal Army).
"alright" Aelithys clap his hands " I asked you all to come here because our serounding seem to have change, so i want you three to dispatch scouts team around the Castellum Of Pantora, you are allowed to use the gate teleportation network and set the defence readiness to 1 "Aelithys explained "any questioned?" asked Aelithys.
"no your majesty" answered Tsunamina.
"alright dismiss" Aelithys ordered as the three of them sets off to fulfill his command.
Aelithys turn around and Nat just stands there waiting for order.
"what am i suppose to do?" Asked Nat.
"ummmmm.... defend the first floor?" answered Aelithys "i'm just going to go back to the palace."
"alright" Nat saluted toward Aelithys cheerfully.
suddenly flashy effects and circles appeared infront of Aelithys before a door appeared and he opens the door that seemingly appeared to connect to the garden.
"also tell the me if there is anything interesting that they find" Aelithys said before entering the door, the door closes behide him and disappeared.
"umm.. alright!" Nat complied.
The scene switch to Luna giving commands to her Units to prepare everything.
"prepare all aircrafts for immediate response when given the command and prepare the all scout wings for reconnaissance mission" Luna commanded.
each scout wings is made up of 60 aircrafts which includes 45 Goshawks FAL-1 which is a aircrafts that look like a Junker Ju 187 with extra weapons and twin tail wing and a 15 AL-1R Vulture that look like a C-146A wolfhound with a radar dish on top.
As each squadron took off Luna knew things were about to get messy.
over at the O.W.W naval base people are running around preparing around 50 stubby looking ww2 patrol vessels that only span 24 meters in length and 10 meters wide and 22 meters tall and they are equip with what looks like the combinations of the German Mantis anti air guns and Americans Phalanx.
and over at the O.L.W military base Gaiara is commanding her troops to prepare the scouts vehicles which includes around 100 Meerkat-35s that look like Sd.Kfz. 247 with a shielded top turret that was equip with a 35 mm semi autocannon and 50 HTTT that are just Sd.Kfz. 251 but with a small shielded turret that is equip with a 15mm machine gun on top , it has a bigger flatbed that was shielded from all angles and is equip with a long range radio.
a scout squadron is flying over the Castellum.
"ah finally, the first time in years we finally get to deploy for the missions we were made for" pilot 1 in a Goshawk FAL-1 cheered.
"yeah its been almost a decade" pilot 2 in another Goshawk FAL-1 added.
"were going south east correct?" asked pilot 3 in a AL-1R Vulture.
"yes were going south east" answered the navigator in the AL-1R Vulture.
"three boogie flying in front of us" the radar operator yelled.