the ground reconnaissance team are looking at a burning village from over a hill, the fire has died down
"and that's our destination" the navigator announced
"aight, lets get moving" the Sargent said grimly "remember to put on your mask when we get to the location! we don't want anybody knowing us!" he reminded
The convoy took off down the road heading to the village, as the convoy arrive at the village there was only the sounds on wind , engine and crackling fire, there was no movement inside the village
"alright everybody put your mask on and grab your equipment's and search for any signs of life" the Sargent sternly announced as everybody hop out of the vehicle except the 2 drivers and 2 gunners of the meerkat-35
everybody is wearing a blank gray face mask that cover their faces and grayish green helmets to shield their heads , their uniforms are that of the ww2 soviet soldier uniform but grayish green with a armor vest and they all are holding Versa-BP that look like the p90 and AR-15 combined
"and rad! call for back up just in case!" the Sargent exclaimed
"On it!" the radio operator answered before running back into the truck
"and tell them to bring medical tents!" the Sargent added
As they searched through the rubble, and one of the private shouted
"sir! I found someone!" he shouted
the Sargent and 2 other people ran to the center of the village and they saw a girl collapsed by the well
"get her back to the truck" the Sargent ordered as the 2 soldiers picked her up and went toward the truck
"Sir! i found the rest of them..." one of the private shouted
they all rush toward the beach and they see a terrible scenery, multiple people on the ground , floating in the water and a lot of them are charred
"D-did we bring any white cloths?" the Sargent his voice wobbly
"n-no sir.." one of the private answered
the radio operator walk back to the Sargent and overheard the Sargent than saw the scene
"I-I'll go ask for some white cloths..." he announced
the Sargent collect himself and started ordering his solders
"pick up the bodies and put them at the open field" he exclaimed
the soldiers pick up the bodies and hauling them to the field while also checking if anybody is still alive with little success
"sir! the white cloths are going to be airdropped with some other tools" the radio operator reported
"how long till they arrive?" the Sargent asked
"1 minute" the radio operator answered
later a C Vulture flies over the team and dropped a crate near the field of bodies of around 50 people with the soldier still carrying more and the backup team also arrived and set up the medical tent
the patrol vessel is moving at full speed toward the 3 ships , its main gun is ready to fire
as the 3 ships come into view the 2 pirate ships look like Somalian pirates and the merchant ship is that of a 20th century merchant ship
as soon as the MP mirada saw locked on to one of the pirate ship it fired a single burst of 5 rounds that envelope the pirate ship in black smoke never to be seen again
the second pirate ship immediately broke off from the side of the merchant ship after seeing the first ship getting vaporize and tried to look where the shot came and when it saw the patrol vessel it was too late as another burst of 90s headed directly for it
the patrol vessel sailed beside the merchant ship and asked for identification
"Hello hello! we are the CRS stubby and we will demand for your identification!" the captain demanded over the loud speaker
"W-were the VVS Neptunova Milost" the Merchant ship answered they are clearly shaken from what had just happen
"Is the ship damage?!" the captain asked the VVS
"Yes!" the VSS answered
the captain look over to the radio operator who nods and asked the HQ for permission to escort the merchant ship to any nearby docks for both escort and intel gathering mission
after a short while the HQ responded
"sir, they have given us permission to continue with the mission and they are going to sent a cruiser submarine to aid us just in case anything happens" the radio operator reported
"aight" the captain reach for the microphone "we can escort you to any nearby port" he announced to the merchant ship over the loud speaker
"that would be greatly appreciated!" the merchant ship answered as the 2 ship set sail toward the south west
the girl that was found collapse early woke up on a medical bed inside a massive tent, she saw multiple people moving around the place
the girl sat up before a combat medic stop her since she is still injured and giving her some water
the girl is wearing a medical gown , her skin is white and her hair is brown , her eye color is emerald , while the combat medic is wearing grayish green soviet era uniform , a blank gray mask , their hat have a white and red pentagon and she have a white band with a red pentagon on her left arm
"w-where am i?" the girl asked
"don't worry your in safe hands, your in a medical tent" the combat medic answered
"w-where's everybody else?" the girl asked
"this.... is everybody" the combat medic answered
the girl face is filled with worry as there is only around 10 people in the tent and 3 of them are combat medics
"e-e-every... body... i-is.. d-dead??!" the girl stuttered and start hyper ventilating
"calm down calm down" the combat medic tries to calm her down but the girl stood up and ran outside of the tent, the combat medic follows her making sure she doesn't hurt her self
as she ran out of the tent she sees the open field filled with hundreds of bodies cover with white cloth, she collapse to her knees and mourned the dead as the combat medic stands beside her giving a moment of silence for the dead
meanwhile above the village there is 2 wyverns with people on them
"got any idea on who they are?" asked rider 1 who is using a binocular
"nope, their livery don't match that of any other nations" rider 2 answered, also using a binocular
"do you think they are Biesiadz special forces?" asked rider 1
"heh, why do you think they would waste their resources on a village that hold no advantage?" rider 2 scoffed
rider 2 pulled out a map
"|HQ this is Rafel Recon, we have spotted unidentified vehicles and people at... Ansir village, now awaiting further orders, over|" rider 2 reported back to HQ
"|Rafel Recon this is HQ, keep observing the subject while we send vehicles to investigate, over|" the HQ responded
"|copy that|, now we wait" rider 2 announced
over on the ground a person is manning one of the 35mm cannon on the meerkat-35 and aiming toward the wyverns and the Sargent is talking to the Lieutenant
"should we call for backup Lieutenant?" asked the Sargent
"absolutely, Radio boy! call for back up we have company!" the Lieutenant announced as the radio operator asked for back up from the HQ"
back at the castellum a landline phone rang
"ring ring.... ring ring..."
someone places down their cup of tea and picked up the phone
"Moshi Moshi" a person answered
"..... the 23rd ground scout platoon got some company,..... i think you might be interested...." someone at the other end of the phone explained and it sounds to be Gaiara