Finally, Legion alongside with the demon Lords were able to clean Drake's mess. Drake's mess of wanting to commit a great evil and turn into the heartless monster I had once been. That he had to attack the underworld.
Anyways, the remaining evil spirits who had survived Drake's rampage of a great evil, were taken back to their realm and with the help of demons from the demon realm, the underworld was finally restored back to it's former glory. Maybe except for the decreased number of the evil spirits. For sure, Legion is gonna be having grudges with my son. First of all, Drake had raped and killed Legion's mate. Legion would have fought back but, let's say, he had respect for the devil.
Secondly, Drake had almost wiped out Legion's territory all in the name of turning into a heartless monster.
Not to lie, with how many evil deeds my son has done to a lot of people, he's going to be having a lot of enemies. Enemies that wanna see my son dead for all the evil things that he had done to them. Just hope that, he would be able to defend himself when new found enemies would show up in the future, all because of evil deeds did to one person or another.
Speaking of my son, I had him locked up right after the seven demon Lords had successfully bounded him. I don't really know how he is doing cause I haven't really visited him especially since he had been unconscious. He was actually knocked unconscious by Osmond.
It's been two days since those hackus and dackus happened.
Yeah I forgot to let you all know.
In the kingdom of darkness, there is neither night nor day. It's just an endless dark sky that is always being crackled by thunderstorms. Lightnings would usually be seen in the sky.
But despite the endless dark sky, we could still determine day and night. That's only possible when dark clouds cover the dark sky.
When dark clouds cover the dark sky, we see it as night but when it's just an endless plain of dark sky, we see it as day.
So, it's been two days since my son almost turned into a monster. Like I said, it's a good thing he didn't, through the help of my mate.
Nevertheless, I was having a meeting with my subordinates once again. And I hope I wouldn't be hearing any news of my son escaping his cage and going out to attack another realm again,all in the name of turning into a heartless monster.
Last time, he almost wiped out the whole underworld and almost killed me.
I should really double the security of his cage so that he can't escape. Especially since, I haven't had a word with him.
I entered the meeting room once again and headed for the large table. As expected,all my subordinates were all seated before my arrival except for Legion. I had told him not to attend the meeting but instead, help with the rebuilding of his territory.
The seven demon Lords bowed their heads in respect before I sat down.
Once I was well balanced and comfortable on my huge throne-like chair, I looked upon the faces of my subordinates.
"So now that you all are here maybe except for Legion, I would like to congratulate you all on your effort in binding my son and bringing him back to the castle".
I spoke with a voice that held slight admiration.
"You don't need to thank us, Lord. Besides, it's wasn't really a hard job".
Osmond says while chuckling. His tone was like that of a casual tone.
I growled loudly to his hearing and he stopped chuckling.
"Last time I checked, I wasn't thanking you. I was congratulating you all. Get that into your scull, Osmond".
I spoke in a fierce tone.
Osmond immediately bowed his head in remorse but I brushed it off.
"Sorry, Lord".
I gave him a nod and my eyes moved to the other demon Lords.
"So let's get down to business. Shall we?"
I said and they all gave a nod.
"How's the situation in the underworld?"
I asked waiting for an answer from any of the demon Lords.
Leviathan was the first to speak.
"My Lord. They are recovering fast. More and more evil spirits are being born everyday to cover for the decrease in the population of the underworld".
Leviathan replied and to which I nodded.
Nasalum was the second to speak.
"My Lord. Legion had made a short decree that mates in the underworld should try to produce more young evil spirits. He said that the reason for that decree, was to increase the population of the evil spirits in the underworld".
Nasalum spoke.
"That's a smart move of him. He would actually be a good fit for an army commander".
I said with high expectations.
"Yes, my Lord" Munokim muttered in a supportive manner. "Legion has always been the best candidate for an army commander. He's skilled,smart and cunning but could be foolish sometimes".
I didn't even know when I laughed out loud at Munokim's sayings. The other demon Lords couldn't help but laugh as well. The laughter died down not long after.
"You are right, Munokim. Legion could be quite foolish sometimes".
I said earning a few chuckles.
"Anyways, Lord. Have you been able to find out what Young Lord Drake's intentions are for wanting to become a a heartless monster?"
Yakaruna who had been quiet suddenly asked the question that got the whole table quiet.
Taking a deep breath, I looked intently at Yakaruna.
"Not really, Yakaruna. It still puzzles me why my son would want to be the monster I had once been. But whatever his reason is, I hope we find out before he does something evil and becomes the monster we don't want him to be".
I answered back with a sigh.
Hearing the clearing of a throat, I looked to the direction of were it had came from. Munokim had cleared his throat, earning our attention.
"My Lord, I would like to ask if it's actually convenient with you".
Munokim said and I gave him a raised eyebrow.
I leaned leisurely on the throne-like chair while tapping my fingers on the table.
"Go on".
"If I may ask, when did young Lord Drake start to commit evil deeds to kill his heart?"
Munokim suddenly asked, getting me quite confused.
"I don't understand what you are saying".
I mumbled to his hearing.
"Yeah, elaborate more on your question".
Yecaba,who had been quiet all along, suddenly got interested in Munokim's question.
Munokim sighed and placed his arms on the table, while drawing near like he had something secret to say.
"I'm trying to say that, Young Lord Drake couldn't have been born with the need to become a heartless monster. Something could have happened to him that had made him to make such a decision".
"Is that the reason why you asked about when he had started commiting evil deeds?"
Leviathan asked and Munokim gave a nod.
"If I'm right, something could have happened to him that had made him want to become such a monster like the Lord had once been. My thinking is that, his evil deeds started from somewhere".
Munokim said, enlightening me even more.
Munokim could be right. Besides, he's the wisest amongst all my subordinates. He's the Lord of the soul demons, so he's quite the smart type.
But dwelling on what he had said, Drake couldn't have just woken up one day and decided to kill his heart. Something could have happened to him especially if we start by figuring out when he had started commiting evil deeds.
But on second thought,who could have given him the information that, commiting evil deeds could actually kill his heart?
That's one pretty big puzzle but I'm bent on solving it.
Munokim could be right for asking me that question. When had he started commiting evil deeds?
Waking up from my thinking mode, the eyes of the seven demon Lords rested on me.
"Thought about Munokim's question?"
Osmond asked in his playful manner.
I simply ignored him.
"Munokim asked a right question. He's quite wise for asking such a question".
I said, making it look somewhat like a praise.
Munokim's blue face lit up with a smile. His pride coming out for the show.
Osmond hissed. Seeing the little praise I had did for Munokim, I could feel he was jealous.
"Don't raise your shoulders like a peacock, Munokim. I don't care if you are wise, not like you got a pot of wisdom. Do you?"
Osmond mocked earning a scowl from Munokim.
I growled at Osmond, putting a certain gravity on him. Immediately the gravity had taken place, he fell, head face on the table.
The next thing that was heard was his groan in pain followed by the mocking laughter of the others. After the laughter had died down, I released Osmond from the gravity punishment. I actually did that to teach him what they call, respect.
"Lord, you haven't answered Munokim's question".
Yecaba's reminder brought me back after the heavy laughter.
"Okay then. So actually, if I am not wrong, Drake started commiting evil deeds at the age of six".
I said.
"But that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything,if he actually started commiting evil deeds at the age of six".
Yakaruna spoke with the gesture of his hand.
"True,it may mean nothing but try asking young Lord Drake what had happened to him at the age of six, for him to start commiting evil deeds".
Munokim spoke with cheer wisdom and I couldn't help but agree with him. Also did the others.
This only means I would have to talk to my son.
Then that brings me to one certain question.
What could have happened to my son at the age of six that would make him to start commiting evil deeds to kill his heart?
Such a long question.
Not long after, I dismissed the demon Lords and immediately headed for my son's prison.
Munokim's words were somehow stuck in my head. But not to lie, he's quite wise for a demon like him. Always thinking two steps forward. If not for that question he had asked, I wouldn't have been able to figure out, that something could actually have happened to my son at the age of six.
And it happened right under my nose.