On First Meeting:
"I like boys, men—but cute boys like Charles are magnetic. When I first saw him, I thought he was going to be a popular boy, especially among girls, because he seemed friendly and not intimidating. However, as I observe him more, I figured that he's actually quite a loner—stubborn and not very good in social settings. At times I caught him hilariously trying to explain something but with weird gesture, that was the funniest explanation I've ever heard. I bet it must be fun to have conversation with him.
Did he ever realize that he's like a cute anime figurine, acting like a huge monstrous human eating titan? He doesn't know how soft he is, hiding it behind a tough mask, thinking the world is against him—so he always feels like he has to prove that he's strong.
That's funny.
It's like that show where a little mouse with a big brain schemes to take over the world and eliminate all the cats—but since he's just a little mouse, the nuclear weapon he creates can only blow up a flowerbed.
I think it might be fun if we had a chance to talk. I tried, though—but he didn't seem interested, too absorbed in his books, studying how to get good grades."
When he notices Charles is might be dating Jacques:
"Yep, he's gay. Obviously. The way that rugged guy treated him—it's obviously act of claims, and Charles didn't seems to mind about it.
But, wait, what?! He got flustered by that unclassy rugged mine worker named Jacques? Laughs Come on!! I can do better than Jacques!
Charles, if you like men, you need to shift your vision a little bit to the right—and yep, here I am! You deserve better than a dirty, rugged, homeless-looking dude like him. I mean, I know Jacques is strong and handsome if he'd just take care of his hygiene a bit—but seriously… if that guy can get you, so can I.
And I'm going to prove that I'm way better than what you think you deserve! But... no need to hurry. Take it easy. We'll play the long game here—because good things take time!"
"Did not expect that I'd be standing behind him while we were lining up to march to that hill. I must say, I'm enjoying it. His small stature… so cute! This isn't a teenager, this is a toddler! Okay, I'm exaggerating—but seriously, he really needs to eat more for his bone growth. He just got angry at me after I accidentally stepped on his heel. He's literally a grumpy cat! And when he slipped and fell, I could feel his body heat on my chest… ugh! I really want to know how it feels to embrace him. If I ever get that chance, I'd dominate that body in bed, for sure! Oh, he'll enjoy the experience too. But damn, the dirty hobo looked pissed that I touched his boyfriend. Relax, tough guy! I get it. He's yours—for now. But not for long, 'cause I'll make the grumpy cat choose the best for him. And let him choose well, okay?"
"So, I just figured out that the grumpy kitty apparently escapes to the library a lot because his roommate stinks. That's hilarious! Well, opportunity is mine, because guess what? The library opened a part-time job! I can study while waiting for a chance to talk to him. No need to rush, just take it easy. Law of attraction works, right? Uh-huh, that's what I'm doing. Everything has to seem natural, not forced—or else I'll look like a chaser, and that's so not alpha. All I need to do is tap into the divine feminine energy by making myself available for him to reach out and wait for the opportunity.
But holy shit! Why does he never bring back books? He just walks past me like I'm invisible! Damn! Well, it's not a complete waste of time though. At least I can avoid Danielle hanging out here and have more time to see my little grumpy cat."
Mourice when Charles finally talk to him when he about to borrow book:
"The librarian asked me to wake someone up because the library is about to close. Who's that bollocks? Oh shiiii—it's the grumpy cat! Let's enjoy this moment, looking at his cute, vulnerable sleeping face for a couple of seconds. Would it be too creepy if I snapped a picture? I really want to look at this face all the time.
Oh, I know! Make it seem like I'm taking the picture as a prank, so if they see me on CCTV, I won't look like a creep! Yep, picture's taken. I might masturbate to this pic later. Damn if someone broke my head open they'll definitely think I'm creepy. I won't blame them, though.
Yeaahhhh baby!! Finally, he approached the counter and borrowed something. I have to keep things natural and make him think it's fate instead of me placing myself here. Aaand… let's let him know that I've been watching him. I'll tell him that he doesn't like his dirty, stinky roommate.
"It works! He's shocked! That's great! Now that he got my message, it's time to see—if he stops coming to the library, that means I'm rejected. But if he starts opening up more to me after this, it means he likes me back!"
"Alright, time to maintain the illusion to hide my sexuality; ask my girlfriend to sits beside me. Just do it right, be that loving gentle boyfriend every girls dream off, and people are not going to notice that I'm gay.
Hold on, is that twinkie looking at me now?
Wow, this is so unexpected, he finally realized that I'm exist. Relax, babe, Danielle is just a cover up, so my dad wouldn't suspicious. If he knew I'm gay, he would stop funding my education, kicked me out of the household, and I might not able to see you again. Hang in there, okay? Let's give him a wink. He'll get it that it's all just a cover. Any gay knows this."
"Charles isn't avoiding me. This is good! It means he's not closed off from me. That's a good sign. Even better because he approached me in class and talked to me. We were discussing the material. As expected, talking to him was super hilarious! This guy doesn't realize how funny he is!
Probably because being a roommate with that shit is such a shit show! And oh shit, his roommate definitely didn't like it. He just confronted me and was straight-up about it!
Relax, Mourice. Play smart. You know you'll get your ribs broken or lose teeth if you ever fight with that dirty hobo—so don't use that card. Let's just gaslight him until he snaps, and if he ever lays a punch on me, other students who saw it will take my side because he's the one who threw the first punch.
Anyway, twinkie left his book. I don't know if it's on purpose or if he didn't realize it—but it doesn't matter. It's a sign that it's not over for us. Now that the hobo's scares me, I'm going to beat him. I'll snatch his dear boyfriend and make sure he gets destroyed without me even having to lift a finger. Hah!"
"This is going very well! Everything is just falling into place. The more I talk to him, the more I like him. Even in our debates, we have different opinions, but I really love his perspective. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone like me—someone who prioritizes logic over whiny feelings disguised as morality.
I definitely think that time is our enemy now. I really wish I could spend more time with him than I can right now. I wonder if he'd make a good roommate? Because Huges doesn't seem interested in me. If Charles can be a better roommate than Huges, then it's time to get rid of Huges! Well, maybe visiting his dorm would be a good idea to see whether he can be a good roommate or not.
A good roommate should be someone who can give me a sense of friendship on fire. You know what I mean? It's like living together with your boyfriend without anyone suspecting that we're a couple.
Anyway, Danielle interrupting my time with Charles is definitely a sign that I need to make him my roommate. At least when Danielle texts or calls me, I can still hold Charles in my arms.
But how to do it?
Hmm… I know. Buddy system. If I get Charles to agree to do the buddy system with me, we'll automatically become roommates. He's got great grades, doesn't he? Just a few subjects below me. We'd be a power couple!"