In the kingdom of Trasia, Kac is their king. He is very aggressive and dangerous, and he is one of Nate's enemies because he was involved in the death of Marker (Nate's father). Kac has ten wives and twenty-seven children—thirteen princes and fourteen princesses. They are all very beautiful and impressive. Among them, Kac's favorite prince and princess are Dave and Prisia.

Dave is the handsome prince of Trasia. He is very intelligent and a scholar. He has no interest in warfare; although his father wants him to become a warrior like him, Dave disagrees. Prisia, on the other hand, is not only beautiful but also a fierce warrior. She has fought many battles alongside her father and has won numerous wars.

In the kingdom of Opra, Ites is meeting with the elders when Frad comes to him with a strategy to destroy the people of Trasia. Immediately, the king sends for Nate. They study the strategy, and it seems perfect. Ites orders them to go to Trasia and execute the plan.

On their way to Trasia, they encounter a group of people carrying a hecfar (a type of object on their shoulders). A group of bandits attacks them, and they fight back. Dave stays on high ground, directing his warriors to eliminate the bandits. Nate notices a lady among the people carrying the hecfar, but when he looks again, she is no longer there. He spots her fighting and says to himself:

"Wow, this lady is very impressive and skillful. She must have been trained to fight since she was a child." He asks one of the warriors about her, and the warrior responds, "She is Princess Prisia of Trasia, the most beloved princess. King Kac loves her the most because she fights alongside him."

Nate joins the fight and chases the remaining bandits into the forest. He notices that they are hiding there and throws a stick to drive them out. The bandits attack, but Nate and his warriors defeat them. Afterward, they return to the remaining Trasian warriors, and the princess asks:

"Where are you from? I've never seen your faces before. Are you from Trasia?"

Nate replies, "My princess, we are farmers from Kadoc (Land of Harvest). We came here to trade our goods and were attacked by the bandits. You saved us from them."

The princess asks, "Do you have somewhere to stay, or would you like to follow me to Trasia and work in the palace?" Just then, her brother, Dave, interrupts, "You can follow me. I'll show you everything and teach you how to fight."

They continue their journey and reach Trasia's main gate. The guards at the palace open the gate for them, and they enter.

The princess reports back to her father, and King Kac is happy to see them. He orders them to go to their chambers and rest. Nate and Frad try to hide their faces from Kac, as he might recognize them. They follow Dave around the palace as he shows them the layout, including the Sora, where they store their battle weapons, before taking them to his chamber.

The next morning, Dave asks them to join him on a hunting trip. They help him kill all the pigeons disturbing the crops. Dave shoots his arrow and kills the first pigeon, then kills another one. Prisia is surprised that her brother is such a good shot. Everyone is amazed by his skills. She climbs down from her chariot and approaches Nate, inspecting his hands. She asks:

"Your hands look like they've been involved in many wars. They resemble the marks of great destruction."

Frad interrupts, "He doesn't know anything about battle or war. He's never been to war before."

Prisia orders a worker to bring a very stubborn pigeon and asks Nate to fight it. Nate pretends to be a novice, and the pigeon wounds him.

Frad rushes to rescue him, and in the struggle, his arm is broken. They take Nate back to their chamber, where they treat his injury. Prisia is very disappointed by the incident but also feels a growing affection for Nate. Frad notices her feelings and also becomes interested in her, trying various ways to gain her trust.

Frad sends a message to Moha, instructing them to attack Trasia indirectly. The message reaches Moha, and Pac sends a reply to the Saban that they should attack Trasia immediately. The Saban prepare to attack Trasia, but Nate is unaware of this plan, as it wasn't part of their original strategy.

Nate follows Prisia outside the palace, wanting to avoid being seen by Kac. He shows his affection for her, and they spend time together in a nearby town. Prisia asks him, "What are you planning to trade here in Trasia? We have enough land here, so why would you need to trade?"

Nate replies, "I will figure out what I need to do and give you feedback soon. I'm very happy that you're willing to help me." He hugs her, and they kiss before returning to the palace.