It is night time, the sky is absolutely clear, the moon is spreading its moonlight in the sky with its full strength. Mausam says to Mayuri, isn't it a beautiful sight, the moonlight has turned the beautiful night into a moonlit morning, in this beautiful time,I want to tell you something Mayuri, yes tell me, saying this Mayuri gets shy. Then Mayuri looks down, shocked, keeps looking down like a statue, without moving, Mausam looks at Mayuri and says, what are you looking down, then Mausam also looks down and his eyes get big and throat goes dry, what are so many people doing here, it seems a fight is going to happen here, Mayuri says to Mausam softly, do you know these people, I don't know who these people are, wait, this is my friend Suan, they all live with us, but I don't understand why they have come here with weapons.Then from the other side of the ground a tall, strong man is seen entering the ground holding a girl by her hair. He has some companions with him. Then the tall, strong man drags the girl by her hair to the middle of the ground. Mayuri and Mausam are shocked to see the girl with him. What is this? This is Aurora. We all thought she was dead. Now we understand that all these people have come to save Aurora. I should also go. Mausam says no, you don't go. I am not feeling well. Anyway, all the people below know how to fight. You know how to fight. Tell me, if you go down, you will also have to save them along with Aurora. So you stay here with me and sit quietly. Then he looks down.One of the companions of that strong man brings a chair and places it in the middle of the ground. That man sits on that chair and Aurora is sitting on the ground nearby and that man is caressing her head like a person caresses a dog's head. Then that man says to Aurora, it that man says to Arora, it seems that Suan does not love you even a little. If he did, he would have come here to save you by now. I am right my love. There is something special about you. You are very beautiful, he is not worthy of you seems Suan doesn't love you even a little bit, if he did, he would have come here to save you by now, right, my love, there is something special about you, you are very beautiful, he is not worthy of you, bark as much as you want, you don't know when he comes, you will regret it a lot, you don't know how powerful he is. Then the companions standing near that man start laughing, then that man and his companions see that many people are standing surrounding them from all sides, everyone has weapons in their hands, then a person comes from the front, with his companions, seeing whom Aurora becomes happy. You are smiling, it means your he has come, right, I thought that maybe you have hidden somewhere out of fear of me and has he brought these people here to die with him, it is a good thing. Then that man pulls Aurora's hair back forcefully, Aurora starts screaming in pain, then Suan shouts and says. Uncle Yen, today you will be punished for all your crimes that you have committed till date, Suan, looking at Yen says you have become very ill-mannered, this is the upbringing your parents have given you, wait a second, now I understand why you are so ill-mannered because I have killed both of them with my own hands and when both of them are not there then who would teach you manners, right? Yen starts laughing and pulls Arora's hair back harder due to which she starts screaming in more pain.Just then Suan starts running towards Arora, just then Yen's friend stabs Arora in the neck and Suan and his friends stop, Suan shouts and says to Yen you are a coward, if you have the courage then fight with me, hearing this Yen replies, okay as you wish, but this will not be fun, let's make it easier for you. If you or any of your companions touch me then I will leave your beautiful girlfriend and if you fail to do so then I will burn your beautiful girlfriend to ashes, this is my promise to Yen.Before Yen could finish his words, Suan and his companions run towards Yen and Yen sits on his chair and Aurora is kneeling on the ground and Yen is holding her hair. Then many people with weapons in their hands run towards Suan and his companions. These are all Yen's people who fire bullets at Suan and his companions but Suan leaves behind the enemies by cutting them with his sword. His companions also run towards Yen killing the people who came from Yen's side and had guns. Yen is watching all this while sitting on his chair and drinking alcohol. It does not matter to him to see his people dying as if they do not matter to him and then Yen signals to the people who had come with him.Then one of them comes in front of Suan and punches him in his face and Suan falls on the seating area of the ground fighting with his companions and blood comes out of Suan's mouth.One of his companions who came with Suan, who has a sword in his hand, attacks the person standing in front of him. Then, suddenly, that person turns and puts his sword in his hands and his hand, which has turned into a sword, cuts him in the middle and his body falls on the ground in two parts. I had to play with him with a katana for a while. You, too, were having so much fun. Seeing that man dying, Suan angrily runs towards Yen faster than the last time.Then the things around them start getting uprooted and start gathering on Suan, but Suan does not pay attention to this in a hurry to reach Yen. As soon as those things fall on him, a monk comes right below him and stops him by raising both his hands, but the weight increases upwards. Then Suan looked towards Yen. One of his companions is standing near him and raises one hand in the air. He is turning around. Then the monk says to Suan. Go ahead, son, we have to save Aurora. Don't worry about me, I am fine. Then the monk sits on his knees. On looking up, he finds out that a mountain has formed above, and because of stopping him, blood starts coming out of the monk's mouth. Then Yen says," Suan, be careful. As soon as he looks towards Yen, something hits him on his chest with its feet, and he falls back. Light, you also would not have let me finish my sentence.Saying this, Yen starts laughing.On falling far away, Suan saw that the Sadhu had uprooted many stones, chairs and all the surrounding things with his power and were gathering on top of him. Seeing this, Suan runs fast towards the Sadhu and tells him to leave all this and go back. It is my mistake because of me that you and others are losing their lives here today. I should not have brought you all here. Saying this, tears start flowing from Suan's eyes. After my parents died, you only raised me and took care of me. I do not want to become an orphan again. Then Baba tells Suan that it is not your fault that it was our decision to come here and, as far as dying is concerned, we all die. How we live matters. Whom do we support? In a fight, we either support the right or the wrong. So do not be sad about what is happening and what will happen.Even after the monk tries to explain so much, Suan does not listen to him and tells him to move from there. There is so much weight above that it is not possible to move now. Suan, if you stay here, if you stay then you will also get killed, so you should get out from under it. Suan does not listen to the sadhu, and he sits on his knees with them and tries to help them. Then the sadhu smiles, looking at Suan and, with one hand, throws Suan away with his powers. As soon as he does this, all the stones fall on them, and they die by getting crushed under them. For some moments, Suan lies on the ground like a statue and keeps looking at them, then sits on his knees and starts screaming and punching the ground. On the other hand, Aurora is watching all this, sitting on her knees near Yen and seeing Suan breaking down like that. She also starts crying.Aurora says to Yen," I will do whatever you say. Let those who survive go. You still have not understood. All this is not for you. I want Suan, I want his powers and for this he will have to die. You are just a bait to bring him here. After the sadhu dies, Suan becomes furious and this time he runs towards Yen at a faster speed than the last time. It seems that Yen is right. Every time Suan's running speed increases. At Yen's saying, Aurora looks at Suan carefully and her heart starts glowing sometimes.On the other hand, Suan's friend Sinjo is very good at fighting. Not a single bullet fired by Yen's men hits him, and he moves forward, killing them all. Then a boy younger than him comes and stands in front of him. Sinjo, I don't want to kill you. Sinjo is not able to get his words and that boy starts hitting him from all sides in all parts of his body. His speed is so high that Sinjo is not even able to see him.He just attacks her and in the air with his weapon and, after a while, Sinjo falls unconscious on the ground. There are dagger cut marks on them. Many parts of his body are, and he is about to reach Suan Yen, then suddenly the sky becomes cloudy, and it starts raining. Then, while running, Suan feels that. As soon as he puts his feet in the water, he is lying on the ground. That water catches his feet and, in a short while, the water lying on the ground around Suan starts freezing and the water is not freezing anywhere else. Due to this, Suan's feet also freeze, and he stops there. Suan's surviving friends run towards him to save him, but the drops of rain falling on them suddenly freeze and turn into sharp weapons. It seems as if sharp daggers are raining from above and in no time Suan's surviving companions also fall to the ground. Then the surrounding water starts gathering, and an image starts forming from it. You have come Ice. You said that he has powers, but he keeps running here and there like a dog. Yen, yes, you are right. I am also feeling very embarrassed. I thought he would be brave like his father. Never mind. Then Yen asks his friend Light to bring Sun's friend Sinjo to him. Light holds his hand and drags him to Yen. Yen holds him by the neck and lifts him in the air. Suddenly, Sinjo opens his eyes and passes the sword in his hand through Yen's chest. But what is this? Nothing happens to Yen. I have made a mistake. Never mind. If you knew, you would not have done this. Let me tell you a secret. Even death is afraid of me. Saying this, Yen lets him down. Don't be afraid. I respect brave people. I am not an executioner. Go and help your friend. What happened? You don't trust me. Okay. We all step back. Saying this, everyone moves back. After a while, when Sinjo thinks that Yen is really leaving him, he turns to go towards Suan, but Yen kicks him hard on his back, due to which he goes flying in the air towards Suan.Then, suddenly Light stands in front of him with a katana and Katana instantly transforms his hand into a sword and cuts off his head from his body in a single blow. Ice kicks that flying head like a football player and freezes it in the air and the flying head falls right in front of Suan.Suan keeps looking at her head, tears do not stop flowing from his eyes, in one night all his loved ones were killed one by one in front of his eyes, what can be worse than this, maybe thinking this tears do not stop flowing from his eyes, you are a demon, you are an executioner, even after death your soul will not get peace, Aurora looks at Yen and says to him, then Yen drags Aurora by her hair and throws her in front of Suan, after that he looks at Suan and says you are just like your father, you think from your heart, you think about helping everyone, that is why you are in this condition, you are responsible for the death of all these people, only you, I told you to come alone, what did you think I am some street goon with whom you fight everyday, whom you will scare and I will run away in fear, now you understand who I am, then Yen holds Aurora by the neck and lifts her in the air and starts pressing her throat, Aurora starts struggling in the air, see what has happened to you, for which you have come here You cannot save even her. Suan is listening to Yen with his head bowed down. It seems as if he too is finding everything that Yen has said to be true. Then Yen releases Aurora in the air and she falls on the ground. Should I tell you a secret? We are made to rule the world. You know, I had told the same thing to your father. Come with me and we will rule together. But your father was possessed by the ghost of goodness. He told me that if I do not leave the path of evil, then one day I will die at his hands. After hearing this, I was left with no option but to kill him. Then Suan looks at Yen and says you were more than a friend to them, you were like a brother to them, you are right, Yen says in today's world brother kills brother for power and I was like a brother, I have the right, in today's world people make relations with the one who has money, wealth, power, everything, if you have nothing then people give more respect to the dog kept in your house than you, but there is one thing, you have disappointed me a lot.Yen looks at Ice. Ice melts the ice around Suan. After that he tells Stone to start my friend. On hearing this Stone starts raining punches on Suan. When Stone stops Suan is lying on the ground. Looking at Suan Yen says that even after getting so much beating he is still alive. There is something special about him. Let's finish him off. Saying this Yen looks at Stone. As soon as Stone starts hitting Suan again, Aurora comes on him and by the time Stone stops bleeding Aurora's mouth started bleeding. What have you done Yen says then Aurora turns and holds Suan tightly. Remove him from here. Every time this girl comes in between. Stone tries to pull Aurora away but she is holding Suan tightly. Never mind, leave them I will see both of them.But sir, there is nothing wrong with that. If he has to die with her, then it is fine. Saying this, Yen starts taking off his clothes. When he takes off all his clothes, he looks at Suan and says that, because of people like his father, he had been imprisoned in this country for so many years. You know, whether the jail is small or big, it is a jail. Yen looks at the sky and shouts. Fire starts coming out of his mouth, and slowly he turns into a dragon. His heart started glowing. When Aurora sees Yen, she gets very scared. She says that you have everything. Let us go. Aurora says to Yen that she knows that I want to rule the whole world, but I cannot go out of this country. I get very angry. I am tired of living in this jail. Saying this, Yen starts spitting fire on both of them. Both of them start screaming in pain due to the burning. After a while, when Yen stops, Yen also keeps looking at both of them along with all the people standing there.Nothing happened to both of them. In fact,nothing happened to either of them.The wounds start healing on their own.When Yen looks at Suan, Suan's heart is also shining just like his heart. Aurora opened her eyes and saw that the way Yen was breathing fire, Suan's back was towards him. Why did you do this? Aurora says," I had promised that I would protect you like you do me. What happened? Why are you looking at me like that? Suan says, your eyes. Then Suan starts screaming in pain. A circle of fire is formed all around. When everyone looks carefully, a red dragon is standing there whose eyes are black. Seeing him, Yen breathes fire with full force to attack him. Then that dragon takes Aurora and flies in the sky at the speed of lightning. Seeing this, Yen again turns into a human form and starts leaving after wearing his clothes. Sir, why did you leave him? Stone says. Yen turns back and smilingly replies," The story has just begun, my friend.