Shadow why did you want this book Yen asks Shadow. This is not an ordinary book, the monks of the monastery have got powers by practicing the mantras written in this book. This book is given to the senior monk of the monastery from generation to generation, no one else in the monastery has the right to read this book, says Shadow. Let us also see what is there in this book, Saito says with curiosity. Shadow opened the book to read it, what is this, all the pages of this book are blank, nothing is written in it, Saito says looking at the book. How did this happen? This is not possible. I have secretly seen Senior monks reading this book at night and practicing powers. Saying this, Shadow turns every page of the book and throws the book on the ground in anger. Yen picks up the book and says, if only the Senior monks of the monastery can read this book, then there must be some special way to read it. You should understand this much. Who knows, maybe someone from the monastery whom we have captured can help us. You are right, Shadow says. Then okay, Shadow and I will go to Cyrus. Saito and Jinsuk, you both go hunting. Katana and Half Face will take care of all the work here. It has been a long time since Seung and his friends have been practicing in the monastery and they have all become very powerful now. Lama asks Yama, what happened to the work I asked you to do? In response, Yama says, we searched the entire monastery but I did not find that book. It seems that they have taken that book with them. So it has happened as I had thought, some monk of that monastery was involved with those people, he must have told them about the invisible circle for that book, Lama says while stroking his long white beard. If that is so then it is not a good thing, if that monk used that book then it will be very difficult to defeat them, Yama says looking at Lama. No, it is not like that, there is a special way to read that book which is known only to the senior monk of the monastery, no matter how much any other person tries, for him it is nothing but a blank book, anyway that book is divided into four parts, out of which only one part is with him, the other three are with us three senior monks, yes but he is lucky that he has the first part of the book, Lama says while taking a deep breath.You are crazy that you went there to fight, see how badly you are injured, what would I have done if something had happened to you, in the name of family you are the only one of my own in this world whom I can trust, saying this tears come in Irish's eyes and she gently hits Sikandar's wound. Ah sister, it is hurting, says Sikandar jokingly. I am sorry, we did not know that there would be so much danger there, Katana says looking at Irish. No no, it is not your fault. When it comes to me, this idiot does not use his brain at all, says Irish smiling. By the way, I want to tell you one thing, now you people cannot even go to your relatives, so why don't you stay with us, you seem to be educated too, if you want, you can teach children in our school and for this you will get money as well as all the necessary facilities, so what do you say, you think about it and tell me, there is no hurry, I have some work right now, we will meet later, saying this Katana quickly leaves from there. Yen and Shadow reach Cyrus, so how are you Head Master, how is everything going here, what is all this, says Yen looking at the books. These are books for children, Cyrus replies. You are crazy, prepare all of them for war only, train all these children in such a way that they can kill anyone for me and can also give their own life, that too without delaying for a moment, did you understand or not, Yen says staring at Cyrus. By the way, we have to meet the prisoners, let's go down, Yen says to Cyrus. Cyrus takes Yen and Shadow with him to his office, there he pulls back a book from the bookcase, due to which the bookcase slides and there is a lift in front, in which all three people climb and reach down. As soon as they reach down, the sound of people shouting is heard, we are making women pregnant here with the sperm taken from Saito and Jinsuk and we are also using the blood of the people you have brought who have powers, here we have reached, Cyrus says. I want to ask you people a question, whoever answers it correctly will be released, Yen shows the book and says, among you Who knows how to read this book, if you know anything about this book then tell us, saying so Yen starts looking towards them but no one says anything, what is it, even after all this, there is no fear in your eyes, Yen says looking towards the monks of the monastery, bring one child from that prison here, Yen says to Cyrus standing nearby and Cyrus is dragging a girl from the children's prison and that girl is screaming with pain.Cyrus brings that girl to Yen. Don't cry, son, keep quiet, Yen says while wiping her tears. You are hungry, right? Take this apple and eat it, Yen says while giving the apple to the girl. Then Yen pulls the girl's hair back, due to which her head gets pulled back and Yen cuts her stretched neck with his knife. When the girl is screaming in pain, he stuffs an apple in her mouth to silence her and then takes her to the prison bars, due to which the blood flowing from her cut neck reaches the monks locked in the jail. Stop, stop this brutality, I will tell you everything you need to know but if you kill anyone else here then I will not tell you anything and remember one thing only I know about this book, no one else can help you except me, a fifteen year old boy in jail shouts to Yen. Okay whatever you want but if your words are proved wrong then I will make this ground on which you are sitting red with the blood of those children, this is my promise, saying this then Yen takes out a big knife from the waist of the guard standing nearby and cuts the head of that girl in one stroke and separates it from her body. Shadow take out the apple from her mouth, Yen says looking at Shadow, Shadow takes out the apple, now give it to our dear monk to eat, Yen says looking at Shadow. Eat this apple so that I will believe your words, hurry up, Yen says looking at that little monk, the monk says with folded hands, O God give peace to the soul of this girl and Saying thank you for this food, the monk starts eating the apple, everyone is surprised to see him eating the apple, after that he is taken out of the prison. Let's all go upstairs, Yen says looking at Cyrus and Shadow. Seung, where were you, I have been looking for you for so long, come quickly, I have made something new for you, what is it, Chan Seung says. Chan is the same famous cook of the monastery, whose food brought a strange smile on Seung's face after eating it for the first time. After that both of them became very good friends, Chan cooks something new for Seung everyday and feeds him, sometimes he makes it very delicious and sometimes he makes something which makes Seung sick. To be precise, Chan keeps experimenting with his food on Seung and because of this both of them have become very good friends because Seung is also fond of eating new things, Chan is married, his wife's name is Juhi, come on, hurry up Seung, we have reached.Take this and tell me after eating it, this is a new kind of sweet. Seung smells it with his nose before eating it, it smells of saffron, cardamom and rose, then he eats it, this is really delicious, says Seung. Are you saying the truth, Chan says looking at Seung. Yes I am telling the truth, Seung says while eating the sweet once again. By the way I want to tell you something, yesterday a letter came from my wife, she is pregnant, says Seung. Really this is a matter of joy, take this and eat more, saying so Chan feeds him more sweets. Seung I want that our friendship turns into a new relationship, Chan says looking at Seung. What do you want to say, Seung says, we will get our children married to each other, so that our friendship will turn into a relationship, Chan says. Okay as you wish my friend, saying so both hug each other. Yen, Shadow and Cyrus come upstairs with the younger monk. What is your name, the child asks Yen, my name is John, after my father's death my mother got married again and my step father sold me to a rich family, in whose house I was treated like an animal. One day senior monk saw me at his house, after that I don't know why he brought me with him, I have been living with them for seven years, they taught me everything, I don't know how to read this book but I know one thing, this book has three parts. And it is in the monastery built in three directions and all these books have immense powers, John says. Tell me one thing, have you ever seen the senior monk reading this book? Yen asks, yes I have seen, he used to read it at night. John answers Yen's question, can you tell me in which direction he used to pick up this book and read it? Yen asks again, then John lifts the book and shows it. Okay, from now on you will stay upstairs, I saw you fighting, you fight much better than others, so you will teach all the people living here to fight, as long as you listen to us, no one will die, Yen says looking at John. What are you saying, this skinny kid will train them, I think if a strong gust of wind comes, he will fly away, Shadow says pulling John's cheek. So okay why not have a fight, if you win then I will do as I said, Yen says looking at John and if Shadow wins then one of his wishes will be fulfilled, the winner will be the one who stands on his feet till the end, Yen says. My wish is to kill your loved ones with my own hands in front of your eyes, Shadow says looking at John.Shadow and John stand facing each other in the school ground. Shadow runs towards John at a fast speed to punch him on his face, but just as Shadow's punch is about to hit John, John suddenly disappears from there and stands behind Shadow. Shadow attacks John many times in the same way, but none of his attacks hit John. John escapes from all his attacks by running here and there. What is your problem, do you think you can escape from me like this? Then John attacks Shadow, his speed is so fast that Shadow does not even realize when he hits the boundary of the school behind. He is very fast, if I had not stopped his attack with both my hands, then two-three ribs of my chest would have broken, Shadow thinks in his mind. This is all the strength you have, Shadow says looking at John, but John looks at him and smiles. Let's have a bet on who wins, whoever you put your money on you can choose whoever you want Yen says looking at Cyrus. I bet on Shadow, says Cyrus. Then okay, I bet on John, says Yen. Then Shadow angrily runs towards John at a faster speed and as soon as John comes after him, Shadow jumps in the air and goes behind John and punches him hard. Due to which dust starts flying around, after that when Shadow sees, he cannot believe that even after getting such a strong punch, John is standing at the same place. Seeing this, Shadow shouts and rains punches on John with both his hands, but Shadow sees that John stops all his punches with his one hand only, as if he knows from where Shadow will attack. Then John again attacks Shadow's chest, this time Shadow is not able to stop his attack and he falls far away. When he gets up, blood comes out of his mouth, then he realizes that some ribs of his chest are broken. Seeing himself losing, Shadow gets very angry and looks towards the sun in the sky. He starts looking at it. His body again transforms into his devil form and his shadow-cutting sword appears in his hand. He attacks John with that sword but stops midway. Seeing him doing so, Cyrus says, why has he stopped. Then Yen says, his sword cuts human shadows, so what happened, Cyrus says looking at Yen, look over there, Yen says pointing towards John. This is impossible, how can this be possible, that child doesn't even have a shadow, Cyrus says looking at John in surprise. I won the bet, Yen says, but the fight is still left, Cyrus says, no, the fight is over, Yen says looking at Cyrus.If your attention is diverted while fighting your enemy, then understand that your defeat is certain, the same has happened with Shadow, Yen says looking at Shadow. On the other hand, as soon as Shadow stops after seeing John, John disappears and reaches Shadow and punches him hard on the jaw, due to which Shadow rises above the ground, then John again punches him hard in the chest, due to which Shadow breaks the boundary of the school and falls far away and becomes unconscious. Some guards go to take Shadow. He is very powerful, Cyrus says looking at John. Yes you are right so do one thing, put a small bomb in the strap around the neck of all the prisoners, make three remote controls and give them to the three guards here and tell them that if anyone tries to escape from here or attacks here then first of all any one of them should press that remote, due to which the heads of all the prisoners locked down will burst like watermelons, did you understand or not, Yen says looking at Cyrus. Yes I understood, Cyrus replies looking at Yen. So hurry up and go make it, your life is in your hands only, Yen says. I knew you are different from others, so as I promised I will keep my promise but there is a problem, you will teach people to fight, this will benefit me but you will talk to them, this can harm me a lot, you know, my father used to say that there is no weapon more powerful than words, so tell me if you have any solution to this problem of mine, if you don't have it then I cannot fulfill my promise, let's go inside and talk. Yen says looking at John. Then John takes out a knife from the waist of the guard standing near him and cuts his tongue, why all this, to save those weak people, Yen says and John smiles looking at him. Just then Cyrus comes there, what happened, Cyrus says looking at Yen. Nothing, take him inside, treat him and when he regains consciousness, put him to work, Yen says looking at Cyrus. How is Shadow, Yen asks, it will take two-three days for him to recover, Cyrus replies. Ok I am going back, I am taking the book with me as well, tell him, Yen says. It has been a month since Seung and his friends have been practicing in the monastery. Today they are all going back to the village, looking at them no one can say that these are the same people who came to the monastery a month ago, now they all look like warriors. Seung tells Chan to come to his house with his wife, I have to introduce both of you to my mother and wife, you come back tomorrow. Chan tells Seung to wait I will take permission, Chan starts running and then he meets Yama and he stops. Chan greets Yama by bowing his head and then says I want a day off, I want to go down with Seung to his village, okay you can go, Yama immediately replies. Seung, Chan, Juhi and all his friends leave together towards the village.You came, did you find out how the book can be read, Half Face says looking at Yen. Yes and no, we found out that there are three more parts of this book and those three parts are in the monasteries built in the east, north and south direction, but to get those books we will have to destroy the remaining monasteries and as far as I believe, the senior monks of all the monasteries must have come to know what happened in the monastery in the west direction, they must have become alert due to this, you will also agree that the monks living in the monastery are very powerful, we cannot lose our people like this, Yen says looking at Half Face. I have a plan which will cause us minimum loss, Half Face says. Yen says tell me also what is that plan, in response Half Face says no if the plan is successful then you will know it yourself, further Half Face looks at Yen and asks then tell me which direction's monastery do you have to destroy this time, in response Yen says south direction What to do? Just then Katana comes running and quietly stands in front of Yen. What happened, do you want something? Yen says looking at Katana, no, why did you think that I need something, Katana says. My friends have as much right on anything here as I have, you don't need to ask me, Yen says putting his hand on Katana's shoulder. Ok then I will leave. Katana goes running and stops in front of Irish, come let me show you your house, Katana says to Irish and if you want, you can go to teach in the school from tomorrow itself, saying this Irish, his brother Sikandar follows Katana. When Katana is going out of the palace with Irish and Sikandar, Yen smiles and winks at him and says Katana I have brought a gift for you, go to the garage and see it, saying so Yen throws the key towards Katana. Katana goes to the garage with Irish and Sikandar and presses the button on the key, which makes a sound come from a car covered with a red cloth, as soon as Katana pulls that cloth, there is a sound of thudding around and the people standing there are saying Happy Birthday to You and Katana stands with both his hands turned into swords, seeing him in such a condition everyone including Irish starts laughing and later Katana also starts laughing.After that Katana looks at Yen and says, you remembered. Of course I remembered, what did you think I would forget, look at your gift, Yen looks at Katana and says. Katana removes the red cloth and gets emotional seeing his gift. What did you think my friend, I will forget my promise, this is the same car that you saw on your birthday five years ago and I promised you that one day I will gift this car to you on your birthday, now go and have fun, today is your day, hearing this Katana sits in the car, Irish and Sikandar also sit with him and he leaves from there. Half Face you start your work, Yen says looking at him. Today a celebration is held in the village to celebrate the arrival of Seung and his companions, there Seung introduces Chan and Juhi to his mother and wife and tells them everything about them, as well as what happened in the Western Monastery and forbids them to tell anyone else. Seung come out, let's go to the celebration, Master is calling him from below, let's go, Seung says and Seung's Everyone goes to the party together. Do you think this will be enough to stop them, Yama says looking at Lama. Nothing is ever enough in our life, no matter how much we try we cannot avoid death, problems will keep on coming but let them sleep peacefully tonight, these people have worked very hard for the last one month, Lama says. What do you think which monastery will they attack this time, as far as I think they will attack the North or South Monastery, Yama again looks at Lama and asks him. Why this, they can do it here also, Lama answers his question. No, this cannot happen, because they have attacked the monastery in the west, so our monastery is the farthest from there, so they will not attack our monastery, Yama says again. Who knows, they may also be thinking the same as you, one should not consider his enemy a fool, saying this, Lama starts to falter, what happened to you, then Lama faints and the monks of the monastery come and pick him up and take him to the hospital. Yen takes the book to the roof of the palace at midnight. The sky is completely clear, he stands in the direction of the moonlight holding the book upside down, due to which his shadow falls on the book but nothing happens. He is standing exactly as John had told him. I am forgetting something or John has hidden something from me. Yen is thinking in his mind, then the moonlight falls on a page of the book, due to which the letters on the other page which is in the dark are clearly visible, but when Yen's full shadow falls on the book, those letters disappear again and when the moonlight falls on the entire book, even then no letters are visible on the book. Seeing this, Yen understands how it is read and he starts laughing loudly while thanking John.