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Domino: young minds

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Gan2 months ago

Chapter 1 - Lively Nights

"Oi! " The bastard right there!" a boy said, running on the cobblestone road trying to chase the man.

The boy's voice pierced the silent night. The sound of the man and his pursuer echoed through the night.

The man was sweating, his adrenaline kicking in helping him get ahead of his young pursuer.

The wooden houses around them all quiet, as the residents inside slumbered.

The streetlights all out on the roads, as the city said they could not afford for a mage to reignite the lights.

Nowadays the taxes are so high that most cities used 75 percent of the money on them. There was no way the poor city of Uon could afford it.

The man bolted down the road, desperate to escape his pursuer. The man wore a torn shirt with blue jeans. The stench of beer lingered from him. He stumbled as he neared the corner.

As the man turned a corner, he was hit by what felt like a blunt wooden object. 

"Another stinky old bastard, eh?" A boy who held a cane and stood over the man said. This boy was Dominic Rein. He wore a purple coat with some black jeans and white shoes.

The other boy had now turned the corner, now trapping the man between him and Dominic.

"You really got out ran by this stinky ol' bastard?" Dominic said as his ginger hair shined in the moonlight. 

The other boy who wore a top hat scoffed. This boy was William younger brother of their gang leader. He wore a black coat and black jeans with black shoes.

"Oh yeah? You old crippled , at least I can actually run." 

Dominic glared at the other boy. Dominic had been born with one of his knee caps not functional. This meant that Dominic would never be able to run, and to even walk was a struggle.

Dominic slammed his cane making William flinch a bit.

William could tell he had struck a nerve. Dominic eyes had a certain hate as he began to speak at William.

"Watch your mouth, William, your brother may be our leader, but you shall not disrespect me. I've done far more things for the gang than you ever will. Now be a good lad and beat this bastard and steal his things" Dominic said as he snapped his finger, as if commanding a dog.

William's hands clenched in anger, his knuckles turning white by how hard he held his metal pipe.

'How dare this crippled little bitch talk to me like that!' William thought.

He had done so much killing thus far just to be insulted by Dominic.

Dominic was William's brother's most trusted guy. He hated to admit it but Dominic was probably the smartest out of all of them, despite being only 15.

Though it made sense, Dominic is the only one who ever went to school out of the gang.

As William approached the man who was on the ground he lifted the metal pipe. And with all his body weight behind it and strength he swung and hit the man in the head. 

The man hit the ground with a loud thud. The crimson-red liquid known as blood leaked from the bash.

Dominic began to sweat, his mouth becoming dry.

Quickly, Dominic looked around and saw there was a couple walking down the dark road.

They laughed and giggled unaware of the bloody scene ahead.

Dominic slammed his cane on the ground as he told William "William! Mask now! We got two people coming."

William looked and sighed.

He and Dominic reached into their pockets and pulled out capsules. The two at the same time said "Open." And the masks came from the capsules.

"Hey I guess magic items do come in handy eh?"

William said as he put on his mask. His mask shined in the night. His mask was that of a Jester. 

Dominic sighed. He knew that he was going to get scolded for this.

He put his hair back as he put on the Medico Della peste mask.

Dominic hated nights like this. How come things can't just go as planned? He wondered.

As the couple approached the corner, William smiled and held his blood pipe tightly.

Dominic leaned against his wooden cane and thought, 'another blood will fall tonight.'

Now Dominic held his breath, dragging his left leg, and he used his right leg and the cane he held in his left hand to walk forward.

Being five, two at 15 made him even look more vulnerable.

Just then, William was on the corner waiting for the couple to turn it.

He smiled and licked his lips. He hated how people could be happy in this city.

Too many crimes, too many unfair situations. So when he got the chance to ruin someone's day, he took it.

Just then, the couple turned the corner.

As the man and his girlfriend turned the corner, Dominic snapped his finger.

"Now William!" he yelled.

Just then, William took the swing at the man's head. The man was struck in the back of his head by William's metal pipe.

The lady screamed as she started to run back from where the couple had come from.

"Damn it! Hey Dominic, I'm going after her, you deal with this guy!" Before Dominic could answer, William ran toward the women.

Dominic sighed and made his way towards the man.

Just as he got by the man, a hand pulled him down and Dominic hit his head on the cobblestone.

His head was spinning from the pain. He looked to his ankle to see the man holding it.

The man then dragged Dominic towards him.

The man wrapped his hands around Dominic's neck. Dominic tried to reach for his cane, though it was out of his reach.

Dominic started to punch the man, though the man's adrenaline made him not feel the punches.

At this point, Dominic knew he had to get the man off of him.

He could feel his vision going blurry, but the Dominic refused to just die here

Dominic tried to feel his pocket to see if he had anything. Luckily for him, there in his left coat pocket was a letter opener.

Dominic stabbed the man, making the man stumble back. Dominic used this to grab his cane.

As the man looked back up Dominic swung his cane at the man's head.

He hit the man right on the nose.

Dominic continued to hit the man, over and over again. The sound of the cane hitting the man echoed through the quiet street.

Soon enough the man laid dead, laying upward, dead. The man's face was bashed in, Dominic laid on the cobblestone waiting for William to return.

It took about 15 minutes for William to return, William's clothes were covered in blood.

"What the hell took you so long, you damn fool! You fucking know I can't walk correctly! And then this fucker was still alive."

William sighed. And William reached into his pocket and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth and he lit it.

"Shit my fault had to deal with a witness you know business."

William smiled as he went over to Dominic, helping the boy with a non functional leg to get up.

As Dominic stood up by putting his hand on William's shoulder he picked up his cane.

His cane was covered in blood and had cracks all over it.

'Damn it all, gotta get a new cane' Dominic thought.

So with one hand on William's shoulder, Dominic and William walked away, to return home.