"What the f**ck" Lucia said to herself since Alex was too far to hear her, who the hell does he think he his? I'm really going to be a gonner by the time I stay with him for an entire month. "Jezz what I've I gotten myself into".
" Alex was jobless or probably didn't find any better thing to do this morning but to come spoil my mood, like who in the hell teases someone at this time. "Lucia thought to herself as she waits impatiently for the waiter to get her meal.
"Waitress!!!" Please hurry up I'm in a hurry to leave. "Lucia said calmly thinking she had lost control of herself and screamed a little bit loud the first time.
"My sincere apologies, there was an emergency that needed urgent attention and I'm the only one on duty.
"The waitress apologized as she drops the meal on the table and instantly the atmosphere was surrounded with a delightful aroma that makes Lucia salivate and forget all the issues bordering her.
"The aroma reminds her of Oliver and how her meals attracted her attention quidtruple, she stares plainly at the mindset that she far from home.
"Smiling unknownly to herself at the thought that she was the one hellbent of leaving the home she has been in for the past 17 years of her life and wants to go back just two days apart, there's no please like home indeed. "She mutters to herself, quite enough for no one to hear.
"Are you okay?
"Yeah, thanks" the meal is very delicious and lovely. Lucia smiled, which reminds the waitress that she has done her job and needs to attend to something else.
"Lucia immediately munch's on the food repeatedly till there was nothing left.
"Filled with satisfaction and no longer have the feeling of hunger anymore, she ordered some hamburgers to go, payed and left the restaurant.
"Today already seems very drastic and it is yet to begin, it's gonna be so frustrating since Alex with be with me the entire time.
"Shit" my life's been a living hell since the very day I saw that mother fucker, best hopes I get to see a more better side of him while I'm at his house. "She thought to herself".
"Suddenly she remembered she hadn't packaged her luggages that will be needed in some few hours to time. "She quickly hasten her steps to ensure she gets to the hostel soon enough to prepare her things.
"She was different from Olivia. "Unique in her own way, perfect body shape always up for guys, reeling your shit to you no matter how cramp it is she just had some kind of magnetic force that pulls literally everyone to her.
"She enters the hostel room and is shocked to see Cam staring at her phone with total attention, Dan reading as always and Deb still snoring like a wild cat.
"The drink must have dozed her up badly.
"Lucia thought, as she entered the room unnoticed.
"I'm back girls so what's up the atmosphere seems too dull right now. "Lucia said, wanting to cheer them up, coz and the look of things it seems they was a fight, at least she thought so.
"You don't get to say that when you've stuffed yourself in some tasty meal what ever it was. "Cam said, posing the nature indirectly that she was starving.
"I knew you'll say such coz you're a tank, you never get satisfied. " So I bought you all some hamburger from our favorite restaurant.
"Yay!!!!" Cam yelled happily, jumping on the bed filled with excitement as she suddenly sighted the paper bag Lucia was holding.
"She pulled the bag from Lucia's hand immediately, not waiting for another from Lucia.
"If had kept on starving for a minute more, I swear to God I would have collapsed and you all would be blamed for it. "Cam said, staring at both of them with no definite expression.
"It seemed like she was happy that she had finally gotten food and angry that she didn't get it in time, she wasn't expecting it from Lucia by the way but she just needed to establish her anger.
"Pipe down, you should be grateful at least. "You won't have killed her if she didn't brought breakfast for us . And why you whining?, you're the one meant to prepare breakfast but you're such a lazy ass. "Dan said, trying to remind Cam that she's the cause of her own hunger.
"Oh please, you are well aware I don't like cooking yet you work me up to it. "It's not my fault you despise me so much, you won't let me breath even if you had the chance. "Not everyone wants to be a responsible and a smart ass like you are.
"Leave me with my shit please".
"You said you're starving right, then start eating already. I have more better things to attend to. "Dan said, as she diverted her attention to Lucia.
"So about what you said yesterday, you were kidding right?. "Dan asked.
"Nope, I was fucking serious. "I'll be moving out in some hours to stay with that eagletistic dick head.
"But you still have a decision to stay or go, isn't there a way for you to woo him over?, what you going to say to your sister?. "Dan asked, anxiously awaiting for a positive response from Lucia".
"If there was a way to woo him over, trust me I would have handled this issue a long time ago. But I'm afraid I have to go, and as for Olivia when that problem comes I'll find a way to handle it".