Chereads / The Tribrid :Hell vs Earth / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

"Ohh mother of hell, this is crazy. "Lucia said out loud unknownly to her as she walks aimlessly around Alex's mansion.

Speechless at the incredible combination of black slick painted glass with a texture of bright white crystal painting side twisted around the sensational bottom line of the shinning tantenium glass.

Delighted at the sight of the golden lion statue just at the corner of the mansion accompanied by the well crafted frame of a shadow slave layed beneath the statue.

"This is fûcking perfect. I've always dreamt of having a place like this. "Lucia thought to herself, as she stands still admiring the extraordinary craft manship. Its beauty is beyond anything she has ever seen.

This is definitely a reason for that asshole to be so cocky and eagletistic. "Lucia said, as she scoffs at the instant visualization of Alex's pride.

"Gossiping about me in my own house huh?

"Alex asked, standing behind Lucia.

"What the fuck are you doing here?. "Lucia asked, not wanting to elaborate on her previous gossip about Alex.

"Haven't answered my question, ain't you suppose to be busy preparing lunch for me.

"I'm starving go get something for me would you.

Lucia said as she makes her way through the entrance, she had no idea where she was going but felt the need to leave Alex presence immediately.

"Your in my house, that means you'll have to abide by my rules and do whatever I say. "Alex said as he pulls Lucia to himself leaving no room for her to loosen his grip.

"Manners maketh Man. "You may have money but you certainly lack manners.

"Lucia whispers into his ears, as she rubs her lower lips down his cheeks.

Giving him a cool chill down his spine, he looses his grip as he endoge in her touch. Lucia realize he has loosen his grip and made a run for it.

"Dammit!!! how could I be fooled by just a mear touch, but I would have loved if she kissed me though. "I'm gonna teach her a lesson "no one messes with me". "Alex said as he went after her with intentions to give her a hard time.

"Staying with Alex is going to be a hell lot of drama, I'm gonna proof to him that not everyone is an easy catch.

"So what we having for lunch?. "Lucia asked, sitting on the coach in the living room with her legs crossed starring at Alex".

"Nothing" Alex replied.

"Meaning? Lucia asked curiously.

She might be a bit playful but the expression on her face clearly stated that she was starving.

"We're going out for lunch, how does that sound?.

"Lovely" but you're such a dick head, you should have told me earlier I would have gotten dressed already.

"You can trust me when I say that you look beautiful the way you are. "If you walk on the roadside right now then guys will be tripping for you. "Alex said with a smile.

"Enough with that already, are you ready for lunch or not. "I'm gonna get all the fatty and spicy food I can have. Hurry up.

Lucia rushed to the car leaving Alex behind.

"Such a foodie. "Alex gasps and enters the car.

"Which restaurant are we going to?. "Lucia asked starring cautiously at Alex like she was going to eat him up the next second.

"The best in town. "Are you always this bossy? Or you just feel the need to be around me.

"I'm not bossy just hungry that's all. "I hope we get the best greasy and fatty foods there.

"How do you still keep fit while eating such junk food?.

"That doesn't matter, just get me food.

"Since we meet we've never had a convinent conversation before.

"I'm having this negative vibes about you but you actually seem like a nice person, I have some kind of questions I wanna ask you.

"Go on.

"Why was all your social status and information just realized by the entire world five days ago?.

"Competition purposes.

"Your filthy rich, then why school in that pile of shit?

"Low class life, sufficiency and peace. Getting away from the stress of going to work, violence and competition having to do more things that's not your will just because you have to and have no choice but to follow the rules.

"How do you live with knowing that people are aware of who you are and can be of danger to you at any moment?.

"No one dares do such, knowing who I am they are aware of my capabilities. "No one wants to be skinned alive or melted in a boiling lava over 100°c.

"What do you want from me?

"Everything, I want you and nothing more.

Alex replied twitching his eyes, giving the look that he was hiding something.

"But what?. The question Lucia battles with in her mind, but preface not to dig in too deep.

Still hoping it was all in her head and she needed more time to settle in with that fucker.

Which was the only possible reason why she's still stuck with that gut feeling about something still not right.

"For what fucking reason can I be of any use to you?. Lucia asked.

"You are unique, special, everything all in one. "You are the cause of me being here, you are the solution to another demention beyond your imagination. You are the key to a new world.

"I might have gotten you a bit occupied with my questions, seems like you need food more than I do. "Let discuss of more casual things like...

"Seems too late were here already. "Alex drives the car to the parking lot.

"I'm impressed by the designs of the restaurant already hope their food is as good as their manner of organization.

"Lucia!!!. Alex called out.

"You can't wave everything off the way you did about what I told you. "There are some certain things that just have to be done. No one is meant to be blamed for it, be it victim,accuser or betrayer everyone has there role to fulfill.

Alex words felt like a shell unfolding itself as it all sound like a long waiting answer she wanted but scattered in pieces.

Trying to portray something to her in a way he was permitted to.