His name was spoken to him softly in such a way that felt like a father welcoming his child home, Joshua couldn't help but feel a rapturous emotion as the flame before him slowly danced in the air as it hovered in place of the voice that spoke through it."I…" Joshua tried to find the words he wanted to say to his lord, "I stand before you and await my judgment…" he said as he collapsed to his knees as he presented himself before his lord. "I come before you as a sinner…I have been humbled through flames…I have done my best to live a better life…and yet…." he announced with no ounce of bothering to tell a lie to the lord.The flame the lord's voice spoke through climbed upwards very slowly as the lord spoke calmly to Joshua, "I have seen that world crumble to man's arrogance and greed…were it not for the promise I gave to Noah, I would have drowned the world a second time!" God's voice rang out in anger in the end while the flames grew wild, before calming down."But know it makes me proud to see my people have kept the faith through the worst of times…" The flame gently curved through the air while the hue of the flames became blue, "I have watched you, like many so many others, turn their back from my covenant with man, turn their backs to me."Joshua wanted to stand up and protest, but chastised himself as he was speaking to the lord creator. "I…I do not excuse my actions, nor do I expect your-""Joshua." The lord spoke through the flames, Joshua in turn quieted in respect and beholden to the lord, "You were humbled through flames, and returned, you did your best afterwards, that is all I ask for all man, woman, and child, for the faith I hold with man is Pure and Just." "I-the White Legs." Joshua couldn't help but cringe at the animosity he held for what they did towards Zion and his people, "Even Salt-" he tried to say more, only for the lord to silence him."You forget whom you spoke to, my once lost lamb." The lord interrupted Joshua with a brief burst of the flame of fire, before calming down. "That is why I will say this…""Joshua, I am about to make a very important covenant with you, but you must choose willingly, for if you choose yes, I must send you to hell that will reflect your sins upon your body." The voice of the lord spoke through the flame with a heavy tone, "But know you will feel the love of my will when you act in truth through my will." Joshua, if he wasn't already on his knees, he would have fell to them at the mere thought of forming such a thing with his Lord, but the caveat was he'd be sent to hell that'd reflect his sins…but he was conversing with the lord, and what god was asking of him, was no doubt something of a great task that was greater than himself."I-I kneel before you lord…what is this task you will set forth for me?" Joshua asked with deep reverence.Hazbin HotelJoshua's eyes opened as he awoke to another day in hell, there was that dream again. Remembering he had a promise to keep with the Almighty, Joshua blinked his weariness away before letting out a groan of discomfort as he pulled himself up from his bed to sit on the side of it. His palms resting on the edge of his mattress, Joshua took note of the state of his bandages over his fingers and arm.He had replaced his bandage just the other night, and already they were showing signs of wear and burns from his sinner's body catching aflame from within from time to time; sure, he can control his flames to a very good extent, but there were always those times when his body would simply combust through his gauze, leaving him to replace the bandages with new ones even if he had replaced them the same day.Joshua's eyes trailed over to his lone nightstand table where a few rolls of gauze were available, before glancing over to the nearby window of his room where the red sky of Hell was ever present. After a bit of ruminating, Joshua realized it has been a month since the announcement; the announcement of heaven shortening the timeframe of the extermination by half.Rolling his shoulders for a bit, Joshua let out a groan of discomfort as he stood up to get himself ready for the day. He walked over to his simple dresser to pull out a new shirt to wear, while not far off in the corner of his room was a wooden chair where he hung his vest over on; While pulling out a fresh shirt from his dresser from the top, Joshua turned his head to glance out through his window.Not far into the distance was Pentagram City, the place was nothing short of the worldliness of humanity. The tall skyscrapers with showtime light shows and all manner of enticing adverts to lure in sinners to indulge in acts of sin, and everything in between.Joshua flapped his shirt through the air to get some creases out, before looping his arm through one sleeve, then pulling the rest of the shirt over his head and torso. He had a bit of a busy schedule ahead of him today, and the priority of which relied on him getting one of those…smartphone things…he wasn't sure what was so smart about the blasted things. Prior night.Entering through the front doors of the hotel, Joshua had come back after delivering a newly commissioned customized gun to Carmilla. The visit was a polite one between the both of them, though the Overlord had lamented Joshua wouldn't accept her offer of recruitment, he insisted that he was already under the full employ of Charlie Morningstar.While the doors shut behind Joshua, Vaggie was already storming over to him with an upset expression, "Where were you?" she asked while throwing her hands up in exasperation."Hm?" Joshua began to question as he halted in his steps and looked down at her as they stood apart from each other, "I was not aware my presence was needed today." he noted."Well duh!" Vaggie rolled her eyes at Joshua, and crossed her arms while staring angrily up at Joshua, "You don't have a phone on you! Charlie all of sudden wanted to try a new exercise of helping sinners, and you were nowhere in sight to try and help her!""I see." Joshua responded, some understanding in his eyes were shone, before he glanced off to the side, "Though, it doesn't help she didn't speak about wanting to try something early on before I left, otherwise, I'd have returned at a specified time she wanted to try whatever she had in mind with everyone present." he explained, before looking back down at Vaggie to stare back. Vaggie sighed, and palmed her face, "That's…" She sighed before calming down fully, and relaxed her arms to her sides, "A good point, she kinda has a bad habit though with being spontaneous." she remarked with a sideways look as she reminisced of the many times Charlie liked to come up with new ideas and begin right away.PresentSitting in his wooden chair, Joshua finished tying his shoelaces of his boots while finishing on remembering what had happened last night. While he had some reservations on getting a smartphone, he had agreed with Vaggie that having him on speed dial for the times he'd be out in case something happened while he was gone.Charlie spontaneous ideas and activities notwithstanding, there were many other reasons for Joshua to acquire a smartphone.Vaggie even volunteered to help him get acquainted in how to figure out how to work a smart phone was also on the table, since he wasn't that savvy with tech of such nature.With a tight pull of making a knot into his shoelaces, Joshua stood up and straightened his vest before heading out from his living quarters.Hopefully the one phone shop that was at the edge of Pentagram city was open, and he didn't have to go further into that city than he needed to to buy a phone.