Patting himself down as he checked his pockets, Joshua made sure he had his essentials ready as he made his way down the main stairway of the hotel, his boots making a soft thump with each step he took down the way. Once his boots reached the bottom floor of the foyer, Joshua reached into the inside of his vest and took out his relatively new M1911 pistol.Relatively new being that it was not his pistol from his life on earth, he had to remake the gun from scratch with what he could find on hand, and from there he had perfected the barrel and grip; while he couldn't recreate the automatic aspec, it didn't mean he couldn't almost match the speed with a fast trigger finger.Pulling out his pistol from his vest, Joshua ejected the magazine out and caught it in his other hand to check the ammo; seeing that the mag was full, Joshua flipped the gun so that he could hold it by the barrel and check the innards for any discrepancies of the rifling or anything else.Seeing that everything was in order, Joshua flipped his M1911 pistol back around so that he held it by its grip, and inserted the magazine back into its place; with the mag now in its slot, Joshua pulled the slide back to chamber a bullet and made sure the safety was on before putting his gun back inside his vest."That was sooo coool!" Niffty said as her single eye and face filled Joshua's vision, the little gremlin sinner smiled excitedly as she dangled her body over Joshua's head to talk with him.Joshua eyes focused back into Niffty's own eye, leveling her with a deadpan look, both neither trading a blink; after a few moment's passed between Joshua's even stare and Niffty's frozen look of hanging over Joshua's head to stare back at him with her single eye upside down and ever present sharp smile, Joshua was the first to move as he reach up and pulled Niffty by the scruff of her shirt.As he pulled the little gremlin off from standing on his shoulder and around to hold her out in front of him to stare back at him right side up, Niffty giggled as she tried to reach out towards Joshua. "Let me try, let me try! I wanna try that!" she said while her fingers clawed through the air.Joshua simply dropped Niffty to the floor before responding while she landed onto her rear end, "Some other time…with an unloaded gun." He spoke simply in an even tone, before turning towards the front twin doors to take his leave, "I have errands to run today however, but perhaps later today if there is still time." Joshua added with a calm tone as he walked towards the front doors."Wait!" Niffty yelled in giddiness as she bounded up from the floor to stand on her two feet, and zoomed off to a nearby closet, "The hotel is out of cleaning supplies!" she said as she made a ruckus while digging through the closet to grab whatever she needed. "Just hang on a minute!" Niffty's voice was muffled as she hopped into the closet before the door shut her inside of it."..." Joshua halted as he reached out for the doorknob, and turned around to glance over his shoulder to witness the closet door bend and buckle as Niffty was…well, being herself evidently. Sure, he could have denied her to come with him, but if the hotel needed supplies, it was best he'd allow the little sinner to join along to save some time.That, and it was better than letting the little gremlin go alone into the city, and not for the sole reason of Niffty being the one in danger…Joshua's eyes drifted to the side in thought, if anything, he had the distinct feeling the other sinners would be the ones in danger around Niffty than herself surrounded by the sinners of the city."Hehe, there you are my precious needle! Now where'd my best scissors go?" Niffty's voice echoed through the closet door, "Ah, oh wait, I'm holding it! Hahaha!" Niffty giggled some more, before the closet door fell down to the floor, presenting Niffty back to the world outside."I'm ready!" she cheered while holding a spiked parasol and resting it on her shoulder, while on her other shoulder was a small handbag. Niffty's eye zeroed over on Joshua, and noted he had waited on her, and skittered over to him."So how long are we going out?" she asked in an anxious tone, while bouncing on the toes of her feet and craning her head to look straight up at Joshua as she stood before him, "Cause, I got this list-" She drawled out while reaching into her small handbag, and pulled out a piece of paper that rolled down to reach the floor.As Niffty began mumbling out cleaning products from her list and other things she wanted to get, Joshua spoke aloud while grabbing her attention and making her pause, "I was simply heading out to buy a new phone." He began with saying while his eyes leveled downwards to stare back at Niffty's own eye, "But know that if you require cleaning products, I expect that to be the only thing on that list of yours." he warned.Niffty's eye trailed from Joshua's eyes, and slowly down to her long list, and noted she had written daggers, knives, and everything else that counted as small and sharp "uh...okay!" She then quickly stuffed the list into her hand bag, making some of it dangle out of the handbag in the process.With a quick smile and giggle, she looked back up at Joshua's wrapped face to grin sharply and reply, "Ready!" she cheered while standing at attention for the burnt man."..hmph." Joshua exhaled and opened the door, allowing Niffty out first before exiting out next and shutting the door behind him, leaving the Foyer silent save for the sound of Niffty's voice as it trailed off."First, I'll need to stop at Dynomite Cleaners for the oxymint air freshers, then…" Nifty's voice echoed animatedly from outside and off into the distance.After several moments passed in the main foyer, Angel slowly picked himself from lying on the sofa, and hung over the backrest with a bottle of booze in hand, "...did…uh…what the shit just happened?" he asked drowsily, it was evident he was experiencing a hangover judging by the wincing of his eyes and him reaching up to massage his scalp.From behind the bar, Husk was in the process of making something with gin, raw egg yolks, some hot sauce and pepper. "Eh, beats me." he replied back, not bothering to get worked up over it, "Niff went with bible man to run some errands, pretty sure everything will be fine." Husk explained nonchalantly as he made a mix of the ingredients together with a shaker.Angel plopped back around to sit correctly on the sofa, and responded back to Husk as he pointed at the other sinner with his empty bottle of booze, "Whatcha making there?" he asked with some curiosity laced in his tone."Eh." Husk shrugged as he poured the mix into two glasses, "Some old recipe I remembered, supposed to help hangovers." he explained while shoving one of the glasses aside for Angel to grab, "Drink up."Angel lifted a brow and asked, "What's it called?"Husk simply answered, "Prairie oyster." Before downing his glass in one go, before using his arm to wipe his mouth dry from any residue of the drink.Pentagram CityAs unfortunate as the circumstances were, the nearest phone store outside the limits of the city was not in fact intact from the last time he stopped by to look through the windows. From what Joshua could gather after speaking with a few…willing and pleasant sinners, with…some help from Niffty…After trying a few times in asking a few passing sinners, only to be ignored or be on the receiving end of an attempted murder……he was in Hell, he really wasn't sure what he was expecting from some random strangers to gain any info from, other than violence or anything else shy of hate or annoyance.After a few more attempts, Niffty had seen fit to try and 'help' by tackling the next sinner, and dragged him over screaming after she bludgeoned him over the head in response to the sinner pulling a gun on her after being tackled.Never let it be said he hadn't thought of attempting the same thing…save for the bludgeoning part. He'd have forcefully pulled the next sinner aside and demanded answers, but he supposed Niffty's help was far enough.After a bit of asking some questions, the sinner was released from his captivity and went screaming his lungs off into the distance.While Niffty excitedly waved bye to the sinner as he did his best to escape the two of them, Joshua glanced back at the ruined phone store. From what was said from the sinner, a Crime Mob Family of Imps had come and demanded protection money that was owed from the owners.Joshua's eyes glanced further into the broken window of the store, from what he could gather, the Imp Mob took everything of value.Exhaling an annoyed breath, Joshua turned to face the inner parts of the city while Niffty walked back and around to stand in front of him to point off into the direction of a tall building with a bomb billboard, "Ooh, look, there's Dynamite Cleaners!" she urged while hopping on her toes, before blitzing off, leaving him alone to his thoughts.After a bit of quick reflection, Joshua erred on keeping his wits about him, and followed after Niffty.Hopefully, he'd find another phone store. Preferably one that had models with ease of use and were sturdy. If memory serves him right, he saw an ad for a store that sold a phone called Nokia. It'd boasted the brand as a nigh indestructible phone, and could be attached to a handle if one wanted to use it as a bludgeoning tool as well.He wasn't sure of the veracity of needing a phone that could survive being used in such a way, but so long as it could weather a beating, Joshua wouldn't mind such a durable phone.Dynamite CleanersJoshua kept his arms at his sides as he walked in through the sliding doors of what seemed like a bomb-esque store, Niffty already having gone in ahead of him and gotten a cart from the outside before zooming in with as much energy as…He really wasn't sure what to compare Niffty to…she was just Niffty being herself, Joshua supposed.As he stood just outside one of the aisles with shelves of what looked like bottles of liquid on one side, and all manner of bombs on the other side, Joshua turned to look around as a soft drone music tone filled the store while various sinners and hellborn shopped through the…odd store.Joshua couldn't fathom a reason for a store to sell two different types of objects that were as far removed from each other for various reasons, then again, he remembered from his old life that people would scrounge up chemicals together to create their own bombs from scratch…"Hey bud, ya looking for something?" An Imp asked as said hellborn creature walked up to him. The Imp smirked up at him as he stood apart from Joshua, "Let me guess, first time at my 'fine' establishment?" the Imp asked while putting his hands on his hips in pride.Joshua glanced down at the Imp momentarily, "You would be right." he started with saying, before looking up to watch as a blur of Niffty zoomed past an aisle with a cart full of bottle sprayers. "Though, I came in here with someone as company, but now she's off…buying whatever she needs…"The Imp manager smirked at Joshua, "Well, just so you know, we got a clearance on pipe bomb ingredients, fifty percent off for the first ten packages you buy!" he offered.Joshua slowly looked back down at the Imp with some interest written in his eyes, "...I'm listening, do you have any more deals in this store?" he asked."Buddy!" the Imp introduced himself, "The Name's Kipster, and so long as you buy bulk from this store, I treat you right like I do with my other good customers." Kipster motioned for Joshua to follow him, "Come on, let me show ya my other deals like my D.I.Y. kits for mines!"Joshua glanced once more over his shoulder to see another sight of Niffty zooming through the store with a more filled cart, before focusing back on Kipster and following the Imp to other deals. "Do you have any kits for proximity mines?" Joshua asked Kipster as he followed the manager deeper into the store."Haha. buddy, I think I likes ya already! Here, let me show you our deals on molotov kits too!" Kipsters said as the two of them traveled deeper into the store.