Chapter 180 - MANANANGGAL

ORIGIN: Filipino folklore

The Manananggal— The Nightmarish Creature of the Philippine is a beautiful woman by day but an ugly, winged monster by night. 

The legend says that the Manananggal has the ability to separate its upper torso from its lower body, then sprout bat-like wings on the back its upper body and fly through the night in search of its prey.

Its favorite preys are pregnant women and their unborn children.

The Manananggal uses its long, thread-like tongue to slip through tiny cracks in roofs and windows, and quietly begins draining the life from the sleeping victims. 

Some versions of the legend say that it also preys on lonely travelers, using its beauty to charm and deceive the men before then feasting on their flesh.

The creature's lower half always remains hidden somewherewhile it hunts, making it vulnerable. 

Sprinkling salt, garlic, or ash on its severed lower body prevents it from reattaching its upper half to it, thus causing its death when the sun rises.

The legend of the Manananggal is still deeply dug in and rooted in Filipino culture, with many rural villagers hanging garlic and holy objects to ward off the creature.