Chereads / BLUEFLAME (BOOK ONE-1) / Chapter 4 - (4) - NOBLE BLOODED POWER.

Chapter 4 - (4) - NOBLE BLOODED POWER.

Raymond's words left Chris so shocked that he exclaimed. He just couldn't believe it! What was that idiot saying! Did he suddenly lose his memo-ries or what? Who was it that refused to get out bed this morning? And almost every other mor-ning for that matter?

" What!" Chris whispered his exclamation, his face full of disbelief.

" Idiot." Michael murmured, looking away from him with a barely visible annoyed look whilst Philip just sent him a harsh glare.

" Oh really," Mrs. Blunt asked, intrigued. " That's great! You're such a darling. Come give your old lady a hug."

Grinning, Raymond hopped off his stool towards the older lady, who was coming out from behind the counter and hugged her. However Chris sub-tly gave his left calf a kick. At the same moment, Richmond who was sitting closer and raised a hand and not so subtly gave him a controlled knock at the back of his head, causing him to cry out and jump back.

" What was that for?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head and calf. His actions getting Mrs. Blunt's attention. She quickly caught onto what happened and her mother instincts kicked in.

" What do you two think you're doing? Bullying the boy like that? " She pulled him behind her as she spoke, pointing her right index finger at the culprits; scolding sternly.

" Behind her, Raymond grinned, looking provo-kingly at his friends. Causing them to glare at him. Turning to Raymond who immediately re- turned to looking pitiful and pained. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Richmond's subtle threatening gesture.

 Instantly, a flood of memories from the beatings he had received from him and Chris after they rushed upstairs to bed the previous night filled his head. He was made to sleep on the sofa by his brother. He still bore the marks from their beatings and his neck still aches. The memories sent shivers down his spine and cold sweat to break out on his forehead.

Suddenly receiving a wave of inspiration from to a solution, he turned to Mrs. Blunt with a more pitiful look and began complaining ;

" Grandma look, their threatening to beat me up. Look at my skin...." He pulled back his sleeves to expose a few fading red marks. " Such nice smooth skin now looks like this. They beated me up last night...for just a little tiny mistake." 

"Oh my goodness gracious!" My poor boy! " The older woman exclaimed, concerned. Then turn-ing to the rest she scolded." Just because he's the youngest you bully him? You should be asha-med of yourselves! " Her fierce gaze landed on Ri-chmond and she glared at him. " And you! As his older brother have to protect him. But instead, you team up with your friends to bully him. What kind of older brother are you? "

" We're not part. " Philip defended with a tilt of his head towards Michael, who nodded in agree - ment. 

" So it's you two then. " The older woman turned back to Richmond and Chris." Come sit here. Let me check. Such a handsome grandson and you you fools want to destroy his great looks and turn him ugly." She grumbled, her brows furrowed, completely forgetting Philip. 

" What! " Richmond complained while glaring at his brother. " I'm not a fool grandma."

" Yes grandma." Chris added, offended. Imagin-ing hundreds of ways of torturing Raymond once he gets his hands on him. Of course, without ending up in jail. " It isnt that serious. He's just overreacting. We just taught him a little lesson to watch his big mouth."

" Those fools." Philip murmured in exasperation, shaking his head."

" Those idiots don't know when to close their mouths to save their lives sometimes." Michael gritted out in a low voice, his eyes moving mo - mentarily to the cafeteria, where almost every pair of eyes seemed to be watching them as they ate, chatted or just plainly watched them wide - eyed in a mixture of shock, confusion and facina-tion. 

Not surprised, he looked away. But not before noticing the heating argument that seem to be going on between the current occupants of their table. 

He understood the confusion on the students faces; first, this was the first time they were seeing them this carefree in school, that too with someone most of the students consider beneath them ; a nobody. And the second was the reason someone like her, who they with such wealthy backgrounds show that much respect to, would be working in the school's cafeteria. Enduring the disrespect and rudeness most students show her here. 

Crystal Heights Senior High being a prestigious school, ninty percent of the students here come from rich, if not wealthy families. And it's a globally known fact about most rich kids being spoilt and rude. The previous server who is now being replaced by Mrs. Blunt left unfairly due to an argument she had with Juliana, who inspite of being in the wrong threatened to get her fired. And actually stuck to her words. 

Just the previous day, Joana had had an unplea-sant exchange with Mrs. Blunt who had calmly calmly called her out on her rudeness and un - reasonable behaviour in a non-rude way. And now everyone was wondering if Joana, being the Governor's third and youngest daughter would al-so get her fired. 

But with this new development, it was very unli - kely. Even though they weren't in school when everything happened, Micheal knew about every-thing. He had his own personal reliable sources. 

 Looking back at his friends, he heard and saw just the reaction he and Philip were expecting from the lovely older woman at what Richmond and Chris just said. 

" It's not that serious and he's just overreacting? You want the poor boy to die before you know it is serious?!" Huffing in annoyance, she turned away, back behind the counter and retrieved an ointment. " Here, let me help you grandma." Rich-mond, eager to get on the older lady's good side suggested, getting down from his high stool and going closer." Let me apply it on my brother...." 

" No need!" She snapped. " You all go to your table over there. I made some cookies yesterday when I thought you troublesome boys would show up. Luckily I kept it here. I'll get it for you boys."

" Thank you Mrs. Blunt, but our table has already been occupied." Phillip replied with a light smile. 

" What nonsense are you talking about boy? That table has been empty.... " Mrs. Blunt was saying dismissively when she saw the occupied table. Her words trailed off. 

" come! " She asked, clearly confused. That table had been empty since the day she arrived a few days before. Always avoided like it had a deadly virus. What had happened during her absence the past two days during breaks. Then a sudden possibility occurring to her, the frown on her face deepened for a while before she returned to her casual self." Forget it for now. Just come back early later and reclaim it." 

Then as if suddenly remembering something, added in a very serious tone." No fighting "

 The boys just laughed and nodded. Then Micheal said casually, glancing at his cell phone expectantly; 

" Don't worry Mrs. Blunt, it seems they have a special fondness for our table, so we have deci- ded to let them have it. We're getting a new one. "

" It's just a table anyway." Philip added calmly, noticing the argument at their table had escala - ted to a loud and near - violent one where Joana and her friends were yelling at the boys. All atten- tion seemed to move to them at the moment. 

" It's all your fault! " Joana was yelling. They were all on their feet. " If it weren't for you two idiots insisting on sitting with us here, they would have been sitting here!" 

" Do you girls even hear yourselves?!" Tyler asked angrily, his heaving with anger and jealousy." 

" Let's go girls." Joana said commandingly like a queen, leaving the table. Her friends following right behind her like the good subordinates or subjects they were, silently. 

" Where to?" Albert asked, annoyed, holding sta-cy back to him by her arm. " You're not even done eating yet."His voice turned calmer." You... sit and let's finish eating first." 

" Let her go! Joana snapped, pulling her friend away from. Her eyes glaring at him. " We're all leaving to give their table back. You two need to leave." She added with a provoking smile at him and Tyler. 

Just then there was a little commotion at the cafeteria's door as it was fully opened. Every head turned curiously in the direction. 

The Assistant School Proprietor entered, direct-ing a group of professional - looking men carry-in a new five or six - people table with five chairs. Even though the furniture looked similar to the ones in the cafeteria, it was obvious at a closer look that they seemed more well - built and com-fortable ; clearly more expensive too. 

As everyone watched, the men set the table at a better place with more exclusivity under the guidance of the Asistant Proprietor. The slightly chattering in the cafeteria that had turned lower with the arrival of the Asistant Proprietor, sudden-ly turned into full fledged murmuring. 

To make matters worse, just as everyone was wondering whether the new table was really for The Unbeatable Five as Micheal had just said, saw Mr. Adams - the Asistant Proprietor approa-ched Michael who was then on his feet and mov-ing closer. At the moment, the men completed setting the table and with a nod in Micheal's dire-ction, quickly left. 

" Micheal." He said with a slight nod of his head towards the boy now standing in front of him. His voice tinged with a bit of respect. 

" Sir." Micheal answered, his voice neither too respectful nor cold. At that moment, the man could feel the natural authoritative and powerful aura the boy emmited. Even though he could tell Michael wasn't intentionally exhibiting his power but just being serious, it was too difficult not to feel a light pressure. 

Without taking into consideration the boy's powerful family, he alone had his own fair share of noble blood that operated from the inside out. Emmiting such power at nineteen, he was fright - tened just thinking about how he would turn out seven years from now. 

" Sorry for the inconvenience - Micheal. I just ceived the notice that you ordered for a new set of student's cafeteria furniture, and the security team were holding them off outside. On the be - half of the security team and the management, I apologise for it. We weren't aware of what was going on here."

" There's no problem Mr. Adams, we don't hold the school accountable for this." Michael objec-ted calmly with a faint smile, trying to lighten the mood upon noticing the older man's slight ner-vousness. He was used to it. " We were absent for days, some people felt the need to take our table because they liked it. It's partly our fault and we didn't want to trouble the school or cause a fight here because of this. We just want some peace and quiet. Sorry if our actions bothered the school in any way. "

" Sorry Sir." The boys who had gotten onto their feet in respect at a point in the conversion said in sync. 

" No need boys. " Mr. Adams said with a chuckle, dismissively. " Feel free. If you hold no grudge to the occupants of your table, do you suggest we let them be?" 

" Yes let them be." Michael replied casually. 

" Are you sure?" Mr. Adams asked, his brows furrowed. Even though most of the students in the school were from rich and powerful families, very few were from powerful wealthy families like the five boys in front of him. So far as he knew, they were the only students from such outstan-ding families in the school. And he couldn't afford to offend any of them. Even if they were quiet reasonable and respectful, he knew where the dead line was. " What they did can be seen as an intentional act to provoke a fight. It could have resulted in violence and is an offensive act. Puni-shable. 

" We're really grateful for your concern Mr. Adams. " This time Philip spoke up, calmly as usual." But there's no need." 

" Alright then....boys. " Mr. Adams said through a sigh, preparing to leave. " Take care." 

" Sir." Philip called just after the man took a few steps away, getting closer and standing beside Michael ; his expression serious and his eyes darkening." One more thing."