Chereads / BLUEFLAME (BOOK ONE-1) / Chapter 5 - (5) - STUBBORN ASS KICKS.

Chapter 5 - (5) - STUBBORN ASS KICKS.

Just a few simple words, but the tone and it's po - wer was anything but simple.The seriousness wi-th which the words were said and the darkening of his eyes prompted Mr. Adams to stop. More than out of obligation or sheer will. 

Upon turning to face the nineteen year old senior year half - African youngster, he felt another for - midable aura from him, not necessarily beneath Michael's.This youngster always had a slightly in- timidating presence with his calm and aloof per-sonality. Always saying saying few words with - out displaying much of his thoughts from his ex-pressions either. 

If nothing else, his aura could only be said to be on par with Micheal's.Only possessing more cal- mness and mysteriousness that was harder to overlook. With his calm and serious posture, he felt the youngster had something serious to talk about with him. 

" Anything Philip, tell me." Mr. Adams reassured, praying he hadn't somehow unknowingly offen - ded him, and for that, matter, his family. If that ends up being the case, he feared he would be in trouble with the school's authorities. And the school, with Philip's family - the Barons. 

Preparing himself for whatever outcome, he didn't know how close to the truth his thoughts and fears were. 

" I know what happened to to Miss Bernice." Phi - lip stated straightforwardly. His voice neither too loud nor low was enough to be heard in almost every corner of the now absolutely silent cafete- ria. 

" Damn!" Richmond whispered to no one in parti-cular, chuckling softly. " This guy is too straight for forward." 

" I guess I saw that coming."Chris whispered, sha- king his head, amusedly as he held in his laugh - ter. 

" So frightening.... " Raymond, now standing clo - ser to his brother began, only to be cutted off un-fairly and rudely; 

" Shut up! " 

Offended, Raymond could only glare at him with a grimace before going back to Mrs. Blunt at the counter, finding comfort there. 

" As much as the reason for her dismissal upsets me, I don't care much. I just don't wish for history to repeat itself....again." Philip continued, seem - ing anything but a mere student and a teenager at the moment. 

Suddenly feeling cold sweat drip down his back and forehead, Mr Adams felt his heart racing. He looked at the entrance- towards the Principal's Office, praying someone would show up and get him out of his predicament. But he was bound to be disappointed. Being so and realising he was on his own at the moment, he could only start with a little awkward laugh ;

 "I hope you would understand my situation, Philip." 

" Oh.... I do." Philip responded calmly. " And I also understand no one knows Mrs. Blunt is practica-lly part of my family. If anyone, absolutely anyone tries any 'Miss Bernice show' on her - again, I won't let it slide." He emphasised on the word - 'again', stretching it, showing he was aware of her argument with Joana the previous time.

As he finished his last sentence, his gaze swept across Joana, whose face had suddenly turn-bed pale. Beside her, Juliana was trying her best to hide behind Albert and Stacey. Her face no worse than Joana's. 

As Philip's cold gaze swept past them, they both felt as though a bucket of ice - cold water had been poured on them. 

Returning his gaze to Mr. Adams, he noticed his eyes brighten up at the same moment the cafete-ria's door opened again and and Mr. Rufford - the school's Principal came in with his assistant - Miss Elise ; a woman in her late twenties with her dyed - blonde hair held up in a neat ponytail be - hind him. 

" Micheal, Philip, Christopher, Richmond and Ray-mond, you all came today." Mr. Rufford said ca - usually as he approached with a friendly smile. Clearly he had heard of what was going on in the cafeteria and came to smooth things over. "Micheal, I was hoping you and your friends would come around my office. My laptop is giving me some technical issues I wanted you boys to check for me. The last one you checked is doing just fine. But you boys didn't even bother finding me. I thought we are friends now. "

His last words had a double meaning that the boys understood easily, but merely smiled and remained silent. Realising Philip had a point to put across and not wanting the Principal to di-ssolve things yet before Philip was done. They were friends, like brothers, and stick together to support each other. 

Sighing, Mr. Rufford turned his gaze to Mrs. Blunt behind the counter, applying an ointment on Ray-mond's arms and greeted her warmly. The conti - nued;

" I never knew you were having some problems with some of my students here, Mrs. Blunt. I'm really sorry about that." He stated. 

" Oh....that's no big issue." Mrs. Blunt replied dis-missively with a light chuckle. " It's a normal thing like this to happen. They're just kids, still growing up. Just a little correction here and there and we're all good. Philip is like that because I prac-tically helped raise him. He's just worried I'll get bullied. But I'm not that old yet. I can still give some stubborn asses some good kicks when I want to, Mr. Rufford. "

At her last remark, the whole cafeteria burst into laughter and the mood in the cafeteria brigh - tened significantly. Her cheerful personality was just so contagious. Philip couldn't help but laugh silently whilst shaking his head helplessly. 

" That's good to hear." Mr. Rufford said with a reli-eved sigh, chuckling. " I'm actually happy you're here. You can help keep these five hard nuts some good kicks when their heads gets too stu-bborn." 

" What!" Richmond exclaimed before he could stop himself. As much as he had come to like the friendly woman, he could tell she was a tough one. To have her monitoring their moves from then would be a mini-disaster! 

" What? " Mr. Rufford asked with an eyebrow rai-sed with the question, a smile tugging at the right corner of his mouth."

" No principal Rufford." Richmond replied with a dissatisfied look in his eyes. 

" Good." Mr. Rufford said in a final tone. 

" But what subjects would she be teaching us? " Raymond asked innocently, looking confusedly at Mr. Blunt. Right after he asked, his brother shot him a hard glare and he instinctively shrunk back, blinking his eyes in even more confusion- won- dering what he did wrong . 

" At that very moment, a small but loud male voice responded from a very far corner in the cafeteria ; " Subject number eleven - Stubborn grown senior ass kicks! "

" Leo! " A pleasant small voice shouted right after in repremand. The whole cafeteria burst into ano- ther round of laughter. This time the laughter was more intense than the previous. With Mr. Rufford, Mr. Adams and the female secretary trying their best to control their laughter. Their faces red-dening as a result. 

Michael and Philip were having a hard time not laughing outloud. Whilst Chris and Raymond were almost on the floor from laughing so much. It was only Richmond who was glaring in the direction of the, where a petite a petite boy with wild pale - blond hair was trying to fight off a similar - looking girl with her hand covering his mouth tightly.

" Whoever that was...." Mrs. Blunt managed to say in-between laughter. Her eyes brighter and livelier. " should come for these cookies...." She pulled up a crystal clear container filled with coo-kies. 

At that very moment, the siren went off for break- over and the boy, having finally broken free from the girl's grasp, rushed forward towards Mrs. Blunt. Not having a better choice, the girl follo-wed him, apologising as she adjusted her silver rimmed glasses. " Sorry everyone. sorry seniors, my brother can sometimes be a little hyper." 

" Alright everyone, get to your classes. Too much curiosity can be detrimental for your health." Mr. Adams said, trying to get the still lingering stu - dents to leave the cafeteria. 

" Joana! " Mr. Rufford called over the notice of the students leaving. 

" Sir! " she responded soon after, before coming closer to the Principal with her two friends, Tyler and Albert following her at a close distance. 

" Follow me to my office." He said seriously, all traces of warmth and amusement gone. Looking past her to Juliana, he added."Come with Julia."

" A...and Stacey?" Joana stuttered. 

" What!" Stacy whispher-yelled in shock, holding onto Albert's right arm tightly. Her eyes filled with shock, annoyance and a hint of hurt, she glared at Joana; " What did I do?"

" No." Mr. Rufford replied sternly before heading out the cafeteria with his assistant, Mr Adams, Joana, Juliana and Tyler following. 

Sighing in great relief, Stacey looked at Albert and whispered, her hands still grabbing onto his tightly ; " Let's go to the class." 

Humming in response with a satisfied grin, Albert led them out of the cafeteria.