Students watched as their names were placed on the board, and placed alongside someone else's. Some of the students awed at the aspect of who they were working with, giving each other high fives and cheering, while others seemed annoyed or dreaded their selection. Booing the professor or groaning loudly after seeing their name placed by someone they didn't want.
There were very mixed reactions amongst the room, hearing this the two looked up to see their potential pairing, hoping that they'd have somewhat good news to come out of this all. Their eyes widened as they read the board like everyone else in class.
"Dante Dovetail x Iris Laurier"
The silence between the two seatmates sat with a violent silence as the two looked to one another with disdain in their eyes as they both stood up quickly and demanded for a change.
"There's no way I can work with him! He can barely cast a spell!"
Dante begrudgingly returned the favor.
"And she's annoying! She did just as bad as me, but is acting like she's too above me to speak to me!"
The two began to butt heads with one another as the professor sighed loudly. He walked forward to what seemed to be his stand before speaking.
"Silence you two…"
"I said, SILENCE!"
His voice boomed through the room, causing everyone to quickly quiet down, and for the two to sit quickly at the sound of his command. The room stood steady for a moment before the professor continued. He seemed pretty peeved at the two mouthing off at one another.
"You are placed by a system that judges how much one student would be able to help another, many years of research by the academy has brought the conclusion that if both sides have something the other is lacking, it'd be best to pair the two to see what new developments occur. You two seem to have a certain disdain for one another, but who knows what could come from you. Rather…any of you."
He shrugged slightly as he looked at the clock in the corner and furrowed his eyebrows.
"We will continue with your assignments next class, so take time to learn more about your partner and make sure to settle in as this new semester is going to be one to remember…"
The door suddenly forced its way open as it did before as a bell sounded through the halls. Students began to rise from their seats and prepare to head out, groaning or cheering about their previous selections. Dante and Iris rose in silence as they grabbed their belongings and walked out of the room.
They walked up the stairs in silence and walked together to the main hall. Not a word followed them as a defeated aura was placed over them by the previous happening. Iris then trailed off on her own from Dante, seemingly drained from the occurrence and leaving him to himself.
Dante watched her walk away and could do nothing but accept that he'd be stuck with her for the foreseeable future. He didn't know what to make of everything that had happened, but he sighed as a pair of hands tapped him on the shoulders. A familiar feeling from before, he turned back to see Terra happily smiling.
"Hey, hey Dante! How did everything go?"
He looked at her cloak and saw on her chest that she had three white stars. He knew she was pretty talented from her spellcasting back in the village, but seeing her ranking only puts it more into perspective how much he'd need to improve to reach the heights of three star students. He sighed as she looked at his cloak and saw his ranking.
"Hey, we both knew this would be a possibility…don't be too down about it!"
"Really…plus you can always improve so that you could get your class changed…eventually!"
She continued to try to pump him up, but his soul was more defeated by his predicament of being partnered up with such a seemingly difficult person. He turned slightly as he held the paper holding his information in hand, seeing that his dorm room was listed.
Terra peered at the paper and looked over his information before smiling widely once more. She pointed at the location and spoke out.
You're staying in the Eagle house! That's where I'm staying…so we won't be too far from each other, come on let me take you there!" She then grabbed his arm as she pulled him through the hall, excited about the prospect of being able to see each other more often than she'd previously thought.