Dante got dragged to the dorm homes as the two walked over to the Eagle house that she'd mentioned before. The building was built out of finely layered bricks and mounted a statue of an eagle on top of the house. It seemed to be pretty big from the outside as Dante looked over its grandiose design.
"This is the oldest house, since you were able to sign up for a single room instead of having a roommate. You don't have to worry too much about privacy, plus you could always just visit me if you need anything. I made a promise to make things as easy as possible when I can!"
She smiled as giving Dante a pat on the back as he felt somewhat better with the reassurance. Even though everything didn't go the way he'd truthfully hoped for, he felt with the support of Terra and Xavien, it'd be easier to deal with the constant troubles that seemed to be presenting themselves. The two entered the building to see other students beginning to settle into their rooms, carrying varying amounts of luggage, trying to get into their rooms.
"Pretty busy here…"
"Yeah, typically more nobles and higher standing kids stay in Eagle house. Though, thanks to Rita and my godfathers contributions…we were able to land you such a good deal."
"You're right, this is good. It makes things easier!
The two then walked to the area located on his paper, it was a room on the far end of the hallway.
"E045…here it is!" Terra said as they reached the dorm, she felt on the doorknob as it had been left open for new students to move in and opened the door. She looked at Dante and let him inside of the room, it was a pretty simple design with a nice bed and desk. The walls were coated with small and scripted details for the wallpaper, giving the room a noble air to it.
Dante never had a room like this before as he sat on the bed to take it all in. He realized that this was his room. His and only his. He laid back on the bed as Terra waved to him.
"I have to go take care of some things…enjoy your room and take it easy for the rest of the day! If you ever need anything, come to room E149! That's where my room is, until then!"
She then swiftly shut the door before Dante was able to respond. He closed his eyes and laid his arms out onto his new bed, feeling the soft fabric on his back gave him a sense of comfort he hadn't felt before.
"So this is a real bed…it's soft…"
Soon, Dante had begun to ponder the many things that occurred to him since arriving in the kingdom and to the academy. From the events beforehand in the village, to the meeting of multiple people, to even his current situation at hand. He let out a small yawn as he realized he was more tired than he'd previously thought.
"Maybe…I should rest a bit…"
His eyes slowly began to close as silence was heard from his room, he slowly drifted off to sleep with a final thought.
"I'll make sure to do my best…Rita…"
The room fell silent and was soon filled with soft snores as he finally began to rest. It had been a long time coming for this type of sleep after such a hectic first day at the academy. Though he was grateful for all of the experiences he'd gained so far in his journey. The day slowly passed on as the sun began to set, time flew seamlessly as his rest was very much needed.
What will become of Dante in the future? Only one way to find out…
End of Volume 1