He moped to himself as he followed behind the group of students rushing to get into the school. They entered to see the guide's directions for each rank of students on where to head to. Many were separated as their names belonged to certain classes, though once Dante received his own slip of paper showing where he'd need to go. It confused him slightly, so he asked the guide.
"Uh…excuse me miss. I don't necessarily know where "Floor D" would be…"
"Oh…you're looking for floor D…? You must be a zero star."
"Erm…yeah, I am…"
"Makes sense, I mean look at you."
She then pointed over to a direction down the hall which contained a stairway, it seemed to be slightly spiraling downward. Dante gulped seeing the ominous way as he took his slip and slowly approached the stairs. While the halls were nice and clean, the stairs seemed to have a dangerously abundant feeling of distress coming from them, Which would normally scare off the average student. But Dante stilled his will before preparing to go down the stairs.
Suddenly he felt someone's presence behind him before he took his first step. It was once again Iris, who seemed to be in somewhat of a similar situation as him. Clutched onto her paper tightly as she began to fuss to herself.
"I shouldn't even be in this class…I'm at least a two star, not a zero star!"
"You seem pretty upset…"
She quickly turned and she began to walk down the stairs in frustration at the circumstances and Dante continued down the stairs behind her. He watched as her small bag would jingle with every step she took down the wide-halled stairway. This caused some awkwardness as their steps were the only thing heard.
"This is so embarrassing…I bombed the trail completely, now I'm stuck down here…my social life is over from the get-go." She whimpered as she continued down the stairs. Dante followed after her, completely silent as he didn't know what to really say to her comments.
The two continued down the stairway until finally making it to the bottom floor. The scripted doorway wrote the words "Floor D" as the floor loomed with an ominous aura. The two shuddered as they slowly began to walk down the hall cautiously.
"I didn't know there was a floor like this in the academy…"
She continued not to speak to him as they looked at their papers, finally reaching a door that seemed to be the one they were looking for. Iris stepped back slightly, inviting Dante to be the one to open the door first. Seemingly cautious about it all in his eyes.
"Wait, you want me to open it because you're scared…?"
"Wh-what!? No! I just think it'd be better if you were to go first. I mean, since you like making entrances and all…"
"That was literally to make you feel better!"
"I didn't need that help whatsoever, thank you!"
"What? You were so in need."
"You don't know what I need!"
As they two bickered in front of the door, it began to slowly creak before suddenly pushing its way open. Slamming itself loudly against the wall, stopping the two in their tracks by surprise. A few chuckles were heard from inside of the class as there were a few students sitting around. The two peered inside to see them sitting around, waiting for the professor to arrive.