"Well…you seem to at least be trying your best…"
"I got this for sure, no biggie…no biggie whatsoever aha…"
Dante looked to the side to see Iris slightly looking up as the attention had been drawn off of her and onto himself, she seemed to be slightly confused at his attempts but it motivated him to at least do his best one more time. He readied his wand once more before staring intensely at the headmaster. He noticed and smiled once more, realizing that Dante was ready to try once more. He opened his mouth and spouted the words.
"Just concentrate your mana on a single point…then fire!"
"Ignis Lux."
"Ignis Lux!"
As he yelled out the spell, a small light began to shine at the tip of his wand, he realized the spell might have actually gone through until it quickly fizzled out before he could celebrate. The headmaster watched as the small light quickly went out and sighed as the projection suddenly appeared atop his head. Dante's dumbfounded face was stuck as the projection of the black star dropped onto his head, the same as the student before him did.
The crowd burst into laughter as the headmaster clapped his hands. Dante stood in place as he was shocked to have gotten the failing grade that'd place him in the lowest class possible at the academy. His eyes had shallowed at the thought of just listening to the jibs and jabs of his fellow classmates. They laughed until he reached the same flower bed as Iris with his head down. She looked at him quickly before turning her head and sighing heavily.
Not only did they both have the lowest score in the new student body, but they'd be placed in the lowest class from the get go. Dante watched as the headmaster stepped down from his platform and walked in front of the sections to announce something to the group.
"Well everyone, great job on the evaluation trail! I'm glad to see so many amazing and…less amazing displays. Your star ranking will be attached to your cloak once you arrive at your class to meet your homeroom teachers. Just follow the bricked road down this walkway and you'll reach the main school halls where you'll be directed to your homerooms to take your schedules and then to your dorms for those who have decided to stay here!"
He waved his arms as the separate groups began to walk together and follow him down the walkway to the main hall. Many bickered as he demonstrated some of the functions of the scenery they'd be seeing for the next year, Dante on the other hand seemed to be more worried about what the others would think after hearing he placed dead last on the trial.
"They're going to be so disappointed…I messed up big time…"
"At least...we both are going in together right…?"
"Don't…try to associate yourself with me…okay?"
"Wha–why not?"
"Just don't."
She then moved forward and walked quickly behind the crowd, leaving Dante alone in the back. He looked around and realized what had happened. He thought that maybe with everything that had happened between the two, they'd possibly have a chance to become friends pretty easily based on shared experience. Though that's something he clearly mistook for possible friendship, and was actually avoidance.
"Sheesh…tough crowd."