Glossary - Vol. II



City Governors:

Nevio Pérsico, praetor of Seguno. Current affiliation: Asians.

Pertinax Leptis, praefectus of Cirveste. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Fortimbrio Hario, monsignor of Hamlia, very old… Current affiliation: Oriens.

Prisco Rufo, praefectus and head of the council of Anko. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Tito Lépido, praefectus and head of the council of Raecum. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Salustio Luperco, praefectus of Chiro. Current affiliation: Asians.

Nonio Varo, adopted son of Joaquinos, left in charge of the self-appropriated territory of Araquia.

Espurnio Longino, praefectus of Bintus (mentioned on the map). Current affiliation: Asians.

Elio Macro, praefectus of Karatázar (mentioned on the map). Current affiliation: Oriens.

Baldwinus Inerio, praefectus of Nirmun and magister defensionosis Ireologist. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Cneo Nobilior, praefectus of Circe and magister defensionis moenium. Current affiliation: Oriens.



Iqab bin Saif, general from the outskirts of Araquia. Current affiliation: Asians.

Subrio Frontón, general of the legions stationed in Raecum. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Druso Lupus, veteran of the tribal war, betrayed, adoptive father of María Lupus, husband of Didia, and translator of the Daros. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Ulpio Marcelo, former general of Urso, now a rebel. Current affiliation: Polarucia.

Calpurnio Helvio, former general of Urso, now a rebel. Participated in the expedition to Araquia under Philipart. Current affiliation: Polarucia.

Publio Succeso, former general of Urso, now a rebel. Current affiliation: Polarucia.

Joaquinos Detanio, magister peditum of Crásico. Current affiliation: Asians.

Aulo Atratino, general loyal to Salustio. Current affiliation: Asians.



Tricosto Rufo, princeps senatus. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Adino Lenas, senator. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Amarico Corvo, senator. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Alexirico Longo, senator. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Tricostus Ebucio, senator. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Augusio Cepión, senator. Current affiliation: Oriens.



Kazet Noman, in charge of the Moenia wall and commander of the Protection Corps. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Adrijo Dusa, in charge of the Ireólogo wall. Current affiliation: Asians.

Geganio Fuso, in charge of the Jatany wall. Current affiliation: Afriki.



Philipart Cynther, imperator of Afriki, husband of Nazly, father of Agatón Sirius and the late Alter Cynther. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Andrio Canrrio Crasico, dominus of Asians and temporary magister equitum. Current affiliation: Asians.

Lanato Arcadio Agrícola, prince of Oriens, imperium proconsular and tribunicia potestas, husband of Ivette, and father of Tarvel. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Ariamiro, king of the Maros. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Argantonio, king of the Daros. Current affiliation: Oriens.



Montifer Montag, former guard of Arcadio, now consiliarius of the same. Suffers from heterochromia. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Mildred Traugott, very good friend of Crásico… Now praetor of Lugrum. Current affiliation: Asians.

Ópiter Moxoto, fleet captain. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Cornelio Gayo, praefectus classis. Current affiliation: Asians.

Dandorio Moxoto, fleet captain. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Agrícola Ivette Auspex, wife of Arcadio, imprisoned in Afriki for being behind terrorist attacks. Affiliated with Oriens.b

Cynther Nazly Luw, wife of Philipart, a cunning woman… Current affiliation: Afriki.

Palas Moxoto, adoptive daughter of Dandorio, woman in charge of Afriki's supplies. Current affiliation: Afriki.



Alavak father, father of Alavak, and close to Frituk. (Murdered).

Alavak son, son of Alavak, close to Frituk's daughter. (Enslaved).

Frituk, judge of the Aramos, father of Lisak. (Murdered).

Lisak, daughter of Frituk, close to Alavak son. (Murdered).



F, contact of the Arkonios in the viceroyalty of Gatia. Current affiliation: Unknown.

Phrónkos Ferdinándos Erbinide, syntagma viceroyal. Current affiliation: Bizanus.

Krígeros Óthōn Adolphides, strategos viceroyal. Current affiliation: Bizanus.

Nóïos Ádēlos Matphridides, strategos viceroyal. Current affiliation: Bizanus.


Residents in Afriki:

Nefarius, man in charge of terrorist attacks in Afriki. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Agatón Sirius, bastard son of Philipart. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Rusha, daughter of Ariamiro, suffers from heterochromia, future wife of Agatón. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Tarvel, son of Arcadio and Ivette. (A baby).

Moxoto Fayruz, future wife of Axio. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Najat bin Hakim, director of the main hospital in Tartena. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Jabr and Walim, assistants to Najat. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Fuso Lia, wife of Geganio, treated as if she were his daughter. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Axio Moxoto, the youngest of the Moxoto. Current affiliation: Afriki.

Sila, slave of the Cynther. Current affiliation: Afriki.


Residents in Oriens:

Nobilior Laelia, wife of Cneo Nobilior. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Tinio Auspex, father of Ivette, wealthy man, landowner. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Leafar Agrícola, father of Arcadio, impoverished by poor money management. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Auspex Clodi Merga, wife of Tinio, and mother of Ivette. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Agrícola Amariana Larius, wife of Leafar, and mother of Arcadio. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Albo Arriano, the oldest and most veteran member of Druso's pack. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Morrel Blacas, man wounded in the war. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Yurio, guard of the dungeon at the Auspex fortress. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Lupus Didia, nurse of Hamlia, adoptive mother of María and wife of Druso. Current affiliation: Oriens.

María Lupus, parents killed in the war, adopted by Druso Lupus and Lupus Didia. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Mildred, nurse of Hamlia. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Director of the Hamlia hospital, a serene man, close to Fortimbrio. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Moxoto Cyra, wife of Ópiter, pregnant. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Sebyla Inerio: Sister of Baldwinus. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Cacio Céler, director of the main hospital of Raecum. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Carnifex Ferox, executioner in charge of executions in Raecum. Current affiliation: Oriens.

Diedo Kutorio, head of the Hamlia guard. Current affiliation: Oriens.


Residents in Asians:

Mazhira Asiático, brother of Urso. Current affiliation: Asians.

Leno, guard of the Curia Yiretia. Current affiliation: Asians.


Residents/Close to Polarucia:

Requilo and Franmundo, tribal leaders from the Regio Inexplorata. Current affiliation: Unknown.

Azura Asiática, the adored daughter of Urso Asiático, a total beauty. Current affiliation: Unknown.

Caixario, eunuch in service to Urso and Azura Asiático. Current affiliation: Unknown.



Casio Máximo, one of the basileus of the Arkonio Empire who started the tribal wars.

Eva and Lilith, daughters of Urso Asiático.

Toribius Xenovius, former monsignor in charge of the church of Anko.

Alter Cynther, son of Philipart and Nazly. Died at five years old from a fever.

Wyatt, former consiliarius of Arcadio.

Alí bin Zayd, one of the soldiers under Geganio.

Urso Asiático, former marchio of Polarucia.

Cneo Longino, former praefectus of Bintus.

Lino Victorinus, former magister militum and basileus of the Arkonio Empire.





Defensorship of Afriki (to frame dedication to defense):

Curia Cornificia, located in Anko.

Anko, capital of the region of Afriki, located in the northeast of it, south of Fiore.

Afriki, Africa in Latin, inspired by the "Diocesis Africae" of the Roman Empire during the 4th century.

Jatany, wall under Afriki's control. In our world: built and located in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula.

Moenia, wall under Afriki's control. In our world: built from Al Uqaylah (Libya) to 'Eoj wahs (southern Libya).

Cynther Residence, located in the capital of Afriki, Anko.

Port Fiore, the main port of the Afriki region, located in the northeast of it.

Cirveste, a city located in the southeast of Afriki, bordering the Maros.

Iberitica Peninsula, in our world: the Iberian Peninsula.

Central church, the main church of Anko.

Tartena, a region established by the Arkonios. In our world: covers half of Seville, in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula.

Daro Kingdom, territory federated to the Defensorship of Afriki.


Principality of Oriens (title used to frame respect for traditional institutions):

Raecum, capital of Oriens, located in the northeast of it.

Curia Nat, located in Raecum.

Port Catega, the main port of Oriens, located in the north of it.

Nilus, in our world: the Nile River.

Fort Auspex, built by the Auspex family, ceded to the Agrícola.

Dungeon, dungeon located in the underground of the Fortaleza Auspex.

Circe, a city located in the southwest of Oriens.

Hamlia, a city located in the south of Oriens.

Karatázar, a city located in the southeast of Oriens.

Nirmun, a city located in the northeast of Oriens, bordering the Ireológico Wall.

Blaze forest, a forest located in the south of Oriens, in Daro territory.

Nashka valley, located in the northeast of the III Campamento.

III Provisional camp, set up by Lino Victorinus in the Bosque Blaze during the tribal wars.

Maro Kingdom, territory federated to the Principality of Oriens.


Dominion of Asians (title framing Crásico's ambition):

Asians, in our world: from Israel to Armenia. And from Beykoz (Turkey) to Basrah in Iran.

Lugrum, capital of Asians, located in the center of the region.

Península Araquia, in our world: the Arabian Peninsula.

Curia Yiretia, located in Lugrum.

Ireólogo, wall under Asians' control. In our world, it covers the entire border between Egypt and Israel.

Seguno, a city bordering the Aramos, located in the southeast of Asians.

Marca Polarucia, located in the northeast of Asians.

Regio Inexplorta, in our world: Azerbaijan, Georgia, and all of northern Iran.

Aramo Settlement, located southeast of Seguno, in the Araquia Peninsula.

Bintus, a city located in the northwest of Asians.

Chiro Island, in our world, the island of Cyprus.

Port Anky, the main port of Asians, located in the southwest of it.

Araquia territory, a piece of the Araquia Peninsula appropriated by Asians without any prior treaty.



Viceroyalty of Comest, one of the viceroyalties located in the Iberian Peninsula.

Herzof, an island belonging to the Viceroyalty of Itulis, located north of Fiore.

Sura Passage, under the control of the Viceroyalty of Bizanus. What is known in our world as Istanbul or Constantinople.

Viceroyalty of Gatia, covering what in our world: the north of France and all of England.

Viceroyalty of Bizanus, covering what in our world: all of Greece.

Italka Península, in our world: the Italic Peninsula.

Viceroyalty Itulis, covering what in our world: all of Italy and surrounding northern regions.

Sikilga island, in our world: the island of Sicily.

Saracuna, inspired by the city of our world, Syracuse. In this story, it refers to a region founded by the Arkonios in the southern part of Sikilga.

Port Salurio, located in the south of Saracuna, built by the Arkonios.




Curia: Designated space for the Senate's meeting.

Nintu: Entity worshipped by the Arkonios.

Magister Militum: "Master of the soldiers." A Roman rank for the highest military leader of a region/province. In this story, it was used for the supreme military leader of the entire Empire. Used by Crásico.

Basileus: Both emperor and king in Greek. Used by Arcadio, Lino, and Casio.

Magister Militum per Occidentem: "Master of the soldiers of the west." Used for a limited time by Philipart.

Magister Militum per Orientem: "Master of the soldiers of the east." Used for a limited time by Crásico.

Consiliarius: "Counselor" in Latin. Used by Wyatt.

Darios: Currency used in the Empire.

Praefectus: Depending on the period, it could be used for governors of Roman provinces. In this story, it has the same function. Used in Afriki and Oriens.

Legio: "Legion" in Latin, used by the Arkonios.

Dictator: "Dictator." A temporary six-month office used by the Romans, where the consul was granted absolute power over the army and politics. Used only in times of emergency. In this story, it has the same function. Used for a limited time by Philipart.

Basilissa: Feminine form of "Basileus." Used by Ivette.

Marchio: "Marquis" in Latin. Used by Urso.

Magister Asians: "Master of Asians" in Latin. Was to be used by Urso.

Arkonio: Title and nationality of the Empire in this story.

Praetor: In the context of the story, this term is used in Asians to refer to governors after Crásico's titular reform.

Cónsul: In the context of the story, this term refers to a person in charge of a legion.

General: In the context of the story, this term refers to a person in charge of two consuls.

Crier: A public employee responsible for announcing news aloud.

Imperator: "Emperor" in Latin. Used in Afriki by Philipart.

Princeps: "Prince" is a Latin word that means "first" or "leader". Used in Oriens by Arcadio by the Senatus.

Protection Corps: Group created by Kazet Noman, focused on defending the border with Oriens.

Tribal wars: Term used to refer to the military conflicts between the Arkonios and the border tribes (508–572).

Monsignor: Title granted to certain ecclesiastics.

Magister Defensionis Moenium: Master defender of Moenia.

Magister Defensionosis Ireologo: Master defender of Ireológico.

Pax: "Peace" in Latin.

Magister Meus: "My master" in Latin.

Daros: Name given to a series of tribes located south of Oriens.

Aramos: Name given to a series of tribes located in the Araquia Peninsula.

Maros: Name given to a series of tribes located southwest of Afriki.

Captain: In the context of the story, used to refer to the person in charge of the entire fleet in Afriki and Oriens.

Magister Peditum: During the Roman period, it was the supreme commander of the army's infantry. In this story, it has the same meaning. Used in Asians.

Magister Equitum: During the Roman period, it was the supreme commander of the cavalry. In this story, it has the same meaning. Used in Asians.

Dominus: "Lord" in Latin. Used by Crásico.

Praefectus classis: During the Roman period, it was the commander in charge of a naval fleet. In this story, it has the same meaning. Used in Asians.

Prince: Although in general, the heir to the throne is called this in the story, it is also used to refer to the man in charge of the Principality: Arcadio.

Imperium Proconsular: During the Roman period, it referred to the governor of provinces, particularly those with a military presence. In this story, it is almost the same, except that it has more military power.

Tribunicia Potestas: During the Roman period, it was the office that concentrated legislative and protective powers for the plebe. In this story, it retains the same meaning.

Compatriot: Used to refer to someone from the same nation.

Judge: In the context of the story, it refers to a monarchy-like figure, where the judge received a mandate from a tribal council, among other duties, for a limited time. (Inspired by the governing system of the Tervingii).

Legion: A group of 5,500 soldiers. Term used by the viceroyalties.

Syntagma: "Captain of the regiment" in the Greek phalanx, responsible for specific tactical units. In the context of this story, it refers to the person in control of 5,000 soldiers. Used by the viceroyalties of Bizanus.

Strategos: "General" term used by the Athenians. In the context of this story, it refers to the person in command of two syntagma, hence 10,000 soldiers. Used by the viceroyalties of Bizanus.

Eunuch: Castrated man, depending on the place (in our world), could serve a king or be used in harems. In the context of this story, it refers to someone who serves high-ranking individuals.

Crarios: One of the tribes inhabiting the Regio Inexplorata.

Director: The man in charge of a city's or region's hospital.

Parishioners: People belonging to a specific parish.

Magnus: "Great" in Latin.

Defensor: Title of the highest authority of the Defensorship of Afriki, Philipart.




VI Cóxona: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.II Blasón: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.I Blesseda: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.II Raymonda: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.III Augera: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.IV Arnauda: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.V Gilberta: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.VI Gastona: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.VII Joberta: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.VIII Ragera: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.IX Armengola: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.X Garniera: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.IX Skiro: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.VII Carge: Under Nevio Pérsico's command. EO.VIII Laerta: Under Crásico's command. EO.III Christus: Previously under Crásico's command. XX.I Laponia: Under Druso Lupus' command. EO.


XII Jearo: Previously under Urso Asiático's command. XX.VIII Kriksa: Previously under Cneo Longino's command. IXX.

XX = Annihilated in battle.

DD = Disbanded with dishonor.

EO = In operations.

F = Merged.

IXX = Seriously affected.

Author's note: I apologize for any spelling, grammatical, and concordance errors you may have encountered throughout volumes one and two. I assure you that I am working on fixing them and publishing them as soon as possible. Stay tuned for a future remaster of volume 1!

For communication between the Daros and the Arkonios, the Lombard language is used (called differently in this story) – Chapter XI.

And for the Aramos, the Arkonios use Latin (called differently in this story) – Chapter XVIII.