Chereads / Getting Lucky / Chapter 6 - 6: Now What?

Chapter 6 - 6: Now What?

"It surprises me that these wolves are being so obvious, especially after what happened with Nyah in Las Vegas. We are supposed to avoid humans." Traven mused, as they sat on the couch wondering what the wolf sightings were all about. Neither of them were naive enough to believe it had nothing to do with them. After all, the wolves had been standing directly across the street from the hotel they were staying at, and had even waved back at Lucky. "My guess is that they are a local pack, who somehow got wind of our arrival. Maybe they are just making sure we aren't a threat."

"How did you know they weren't from your pack?" Lucky asked, "is it because all of your pack are the same color?"

"Yes, almost all of the wolves from Midnight Moon pack are black, with some variation from mates found outside the pack, and things like silver or gold stripes or patches. Not all packs are like that but most are. It's a way for us to identify each other, in battle, for example. There is variation, but most of the time the dominant color of wolves from a pack will be the same. Kind of like team uniforms." She laughed at the comparison.

"So, logically, it would seem that I was originally a Midnight Moon pack wolf." Lucky deduced.

"Yes, your wolf is pure black, no other colors. That is a Midnight Moon trait, without a doubt. Your parents were definitely werewolves from Midnight Moon." He gave her a sad smile, as angry as he was at his pack for turning on him he missed home. He missed his parents, his friends, and the forest that surrounded the secluded lands. Midnight Moon was a beautiful place. He was losing hope of ever setting foot there again.

Lucky struggled with her feelings about this, complex emotions dancing across her eyes. Her lineage complicated matters because she really wanted to visit this pack and find out what happened to her parents, to learn where she came from. But she didn't want to leave Traven, even for a moment. He kept her fear at bay, kept it from devouring her as she slowly accepted that she was free from the trauma she had endured for so long. Some day, maybe she would find the courage to go there, and maybe they could find a way to prove her mate's innocence.

"So these wolves are probably from a local pack. Should we go see their leader?" She suggested.

Traven laughed, "you mean the Alpha. We could do that, but first we would have to locate the Pack House, which likely won't be easy. It won't be in town, it's likely to be hidden away somewhere. We try to keep ourselves separate from humans but we do need to do things like buy groceries, gas, that sort of thing. So we just keep things on the down low and never let them see us in wolf form. We don't look like other wolves. The last thing we need is for humans to get paranoid and suspicious. They would probably start an investigation, which might spark conflict between humans and werewolves. Nobody wants to see that happen. Another problem is that a lot of innocent wild wolves could be hunted and killed out of fear, which would be a tragedy."

"Are there any humans who know about us?" There had to be. Nothing as incredible as the existence of werewolves could be kept secret from the whole world, she was sure of that.

"Very few, usually very high ranking government officials. People with a lot of power. The general public would freak out if they knew, leading to the scenarios I was talking about. That being said, there are a lot of werewolves in the military, voluntarily. Humans aren't bad, not all of them. They just have trouble accepting that something out there is more powerful than they are. They like being the apex predator? I don't know. We need to be careful about who we trust."Traven explained. 

Lucky considered what he was saying. "I think we should try to find the local pack, we need to let them know we are not a threat."

Traven facepalmed himself, rolling his eyes. "I am such an idiot. I've been on my own so long I forgot all about the fact that we can smell others of our kind. I smelled something strange while I was walking Flappy, I figured maybe someone had an exotic pet or something. But what I smelled were those wolves. And no doubt they smelled us, that's how they knew we were here. I smelled them when the cop was here too. You couldn't smell them?"

"I can smell everything. It's overwhelming at times." Lucky had gotten very good at tuning out, not paying attention to what was happening. It was a survival mechanism for her sanity. She now found that she had to do that with her wolf senses sometimes, to avoid sensory overload.

"Wait until you smell one of Flappy's famous farts. He can clear a room." Flappy grumbled, as if he felt betrayed by his owner. Lucky laughed, scratching the dog's head.

"Poor Flappy. You hurt his feelings." She smiled at the dog as if to apologize for Traven's comment. He gave a tail wag and lay down at her feet. "You know, I think I love this dog," she said.

"Like I said, wait until you smell one of his farts!" He looked at Flappy, "you woman stealing little mutt!" Lucky burst into laughter at the whole silly conversation. She couldn't believe that mere days ago she had been in that hell in Las Vegas. She shivered, thinking about it.

"Is something wrong?" Traven asked, his eyes filled with concern. Lucky stared into his eyes, looking for any hint of the power hungry lust she had seen in the eyes of so many other men. She couldn't find anything but genuine love and acceptance. She almost pinched herself, AGAIN, to make sure she wasn't dreaming, as that surreal feeling permeated her sense of security again.

How did she manage to run right in to a fairy tale? She had been to hell, and felt like she had escaped to heaven. She hoped against hope that it would stay this way. The three of them against the world.

"No, everything is right," she said softly, smiling shyly. "I just can't believe all the things that have happened to me. I mean I never knew I was a werewolf until I turned in to one in my room." She chuckled at the memory. "It hurt like a bitch but when I looked in the mirror, I'm telling you it's a miracle I didn't drop dead from a heart attack."

"I can't even imagine. In a pack, your first shift is a huge deal. It usually happens around your 18th birthday, but there is some variation. I got my wolf when I was 16. I suspected something was up. My skin had been feeling itchy for weeks, especially if I went out in the moonlight."

"How long ago did you leave your pack?"

"It's been four years. I had just turned 20, I still can't believe what happened. I still miss them." He looked sad. "Flappy was a puppy, and I was not going to leave him behind. I came back for him once they stopped searching for me. I hid by my house until my mom let him outside to potty, and then called him over and grabbed him and we ran. I couldn't risk talking to my parents. If the investigators could smell that I had been in the house, they could have gotten in serious trouble." Traven had masked his scent using mud and dead leaves, terrified that he would be found but unable to face life outside the pack alone.

"That sucks. But I'm glad you did run. I would be lost right now, I mean, I guess I would have probably gone back to the orphanage but now that I am older, it wouldn't make sense."

"I bet the Smiths would be so sad to hear you say that. From what you have told me they loved you like their own."

"They loved all of the kids who came through the orphanage."

"Came through," Traven said wisely. "How many of them stayed as long as you?"

"None, usually the babies got adopted quickly but sometimes even the older kids found homes. I figured people might have thought I was cursed or something, seeing as I was abandoned as a baby and then the first couple that tried to adopt me had that horrible tragedy." She looked at Traven suddenly, "are you saying they kept me there on purpose?" She remembered them telling her some day she would be adopted, too, but they had stopped telling her that when she started grade school. Most adoptions were babies, or much younger kids. Yet she hadn't been adopted. Could the Smiths have kept her there because they didn't want her to leave?

"Lucky, they probably considered you their daughter. This beautiful woman and her lack of confidence was astounding, until you thought about what the last year and a half of her life had been like. He growled, thinking about it.

"Did I say something?" She asked him, concerned at the growl.

"No, I was just thinking those bastards you disposed of didn't deserve such quick, painless deaths." He growled again. "Easy, Miles," he said to his wolf.

"I agree. When I got through everyone but the two that had kidnapped me I considered taking a bit of time. After all, no one knew about the game and no one knew who was up there. All I really wanted was to escape, though."

"So what should we do?" Traven asked. "Should we sniff out the other wolves?"

"Maybe we should go to a more remote area and wait, see if they find us. I don't think they had bad intentions. Is there any risk of them knowing who you are and telling your pack?" She remembered the way one of them had given her a wave with his paw, and had seemed to be smiling.

"There is always that risk, but it's not likely. Packs tend not to interfere with one another's affairs. But if my Alpha sent word out, you never know. My pack was located near Flagstaff. It's not really that far away. I think if they wanted to find me that badly they could have by now. They either think I'm long gone, or that I went feral from not being with my pack." He smiled. "Flappy helped me a lot with that. I had to take care of him, I couldn't just let myself go. And now I am starting to see it all happened for a reason."

Lucky felt the same way. Deep down she hoped they could find a way to clear Traven's name and make peace with the pack. She wanted to know who she had been born to, and why they had left. Had they been exiled like Traven? Had they been caught in Las Vegas, leaving her alone? She would always wonder these things, until she had answers.

Meeting some more werewolves seemed like a good start in unraveling the mysteries of her life, and she felt a sense of purpose, as though she was being guided down a path by forces greater than herself.

"How about we get ready to go out and take Flappy to a place where he can run, and see what happens?" She suggested, and Traven agreed. But before either of them could say another word, Flappy growled, and started barking at the door again.

Sure enough, once again, there was a knock.