Lucky felt awkward for a minute, as she faced Traven on the bed. It was hard not to think about all of the other times, but she was not going to let it stop her. She was free, damn it. She would be free in every way she could.
Pushing her bad memories away, she reached for Traven. The past was quickly forgotten as they explored each other. He touched her as though she was a precious, delicate flower. He touched her everywhere but the one place she wanted him to, driving her to the brink of madness.
Lucky moaned, "please," and he moved his hand between her legs, a place that was slick with the evidence that she wanted this. He stroked her tiny pleasure spot, slowly moving his finger in a circular motion. Lucky felt something building in her stomach, and her legs began to tense. He stopped, earning a moan of protest from Lucky, but it quickly turned to moans of pleasure as his tongue found her center.
The pressure building in her exploded, and she screamed his name as her whole body shook with the intensity of her orgasm. It kept coming, wave after wave of ecstasy, as he moved himself to her opening and entered her for the first time.
"You feel so fucking good." He looked into her eyes, loving the smile and the flushed look her cheeks bore.
"This is amazing," she kept her eyes glued to his as he pushed into her, slowly at first, until he couldn't hold back any longer. As he released into her he leaned forward and sank his elongated canines into her neck. For a few seconds the pain was blinding but then it turned into the opposite, surprising her with a second intense orgasm. She found his neck and marked him back, and he shuddered with pleasure as it extended his release to a length he never thought possible.
They licked each other where the marks were, to heal them. For a few minutes they didn't speak, clinging to each other like their lives depended on it.
"Wow," Lucky finally managed to say in a breathy voice. She was so glad she had put her fears aside and done this.
She had been so afraid it would trigger memories of other times she had been underneath someone. She had been afraid she was damaged forever, that she would never allow this, that she would be cold and frigid, unable to get past the immensity of her trauma.
This was her real first time, and she loved it. She loved him. Crazy as it might seem, in a matter of days she could not imagine a life without Traven. She would be lost, incomplete without knowing he was hers. She was overcome with gratitude for the recent turn of events in her life. Grateful for Nyah, who was overjoyed that the mate bond was now completely locked in place.
"What are you smiling about?" She heard his voice in her head! She tried to tell him in words, but realized she didn't have to. She felt what he felt, and he felt what she felt. What flowed between them was love, a simple and humble feeling, both of them thanking the Moon Goddess for this gift.
"So will you always be able to hear my thoughts?" She tried it out. He heard her!
"Only if you let me. If you don't want me to, which honestly is fine and won't offend me, you just put up a mental block. It should come naturally. You will be able to put it in place effortlessly, and it will stay until you want to mind link." He explained it, and she quickly realized it worked exactly as he said. They practiced mind linking for a while.
"This is so fucking cool," she linked to him. He sent her back a smiling emoji. "Really? We can do that?" She sent him a laughing emoji, and they both, naturally, laughed.
Her stomach chose that moment to remind her that she was hungry, by growling almost as loud as Nyah when she was pissed. They decided to go out and find some place to eat. Lucky put on a pair of jeans and a green T-shirt and ran a brush through her long, now tangled hair. She applied a bit of lip gloss and mascara, checking her reflection. There, that was better!
She stared at herself in the mirror, barely recognizing the eyes that looked back at her. Bright green, full of life, not the tired dead eyes she was used to. She felt beautiful. She slipped on a pair of sandals and joined Traven, who was explaining to a sad looking Flappy that they would bring him back a special treat. The dog seemed to know they were going to leave without him, and he didn't like it. He stood stubbornly in front of the door, refusing to budge.
"We could say he is an emotional support animal. You never know, some places don't mind, as long as the dog behaves, or we could always sit on the patio some place." Lucky couldn't stand the puppy dog eyes, holding her hand to her chest.
"Well he needs to learn to be by himself, surely we can't always take him everywhere." Traven looked at his best friend, sighed, and grabbed the leash and the harness. Flappy and Lucky both looked relieved. She knew if they left him alone in a strange place the guilt would prevent her from doing anything but worry about him.
The three of them strolled across the street towards an area with several restaurants. Finding one with a patio, Lucky explained to the manager that she sometimes had severe panic attacks, embarrassing her in public. She told her that the presence of the dog kept her from having an attack. It was not far from the truth.
The manager was not immune to the charms of a plump yellow lab with a perfect set of puppy dog eyes, and Flappy was a performer at heart. She agreed to let them enjoy dinner on the patio, all three of them.
"That dog could charm the evil out of the devil himself," the manager told them, as they took their seats.
"He knows exactly what he's doing," Traven told her, shaking his head as Flappy rewarded her attention with an adorable head tilt and a soft "woof."
"He said thank you." Lucky translated. They ordered their dinners, Lucky got a steak, so did Flappy. Traven opted for a cheeseburger. Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice.
"Well I'll be a monkey's uncle, I know that dog, I surely do," a voice from the patio door exclaimed. Lucky and Traven both looked up, surprised to see the police officer they had talked to earlier, now wearing jeans and a Star Trek T-Shirt. Lucky suppressed a giggle, this guy looked nothing like a police officer.
"Well, hello again," Lucky smiled. "Seen any more abnormally large wildlife in the area?"
"My flabbers are gasted," he replied, taking a cigarette out of his back pocket and lighting it. Lucky and Traven both cracked up at his statement. The officer smiled, as though he had gotten the desired reaction.
"Flabbers.....gasted....." Lucky couldn't breathe. "I'm going to pee my pants!"
"Well ma'am, I'm happy I was able to amuse you."
"Lucky. My name is Lucky," she told him. "Can we buy you a drink since you are off duty?"
"I don't see why not, I would love a Blue Moon Pale Ale," he agreed, and Lucky summoned the waitress who quickly brought the drink. He pulled up a seat at the table. "I'm actually glad to run in to you again."
"Why, have there been more wolf sightings near the hotel?" Traven asked, slightly alarmed but hiding it well. His question was followed by a pregnant silence. A silence that was not far from birthing the truth and all that would be unleashed at its entry into the world.
"Actually, I should be asking you two that question," he said pointedly, looking directly at Lucky and then Traven. At that moment, Lucky realized this cop was a werewolf, and from the smell of it, he was from Desert Moon! Suddenly she was the one with gasted flabbers!
"What do you mean?" Traven asked, no longer able to hide his unease. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
"He means, he knows what we are," Lucky said evenly, not looking away from the officer's gaze. The look on the officer's face confirmed it. His face broke into a warm smile as he looked at the two young werewolves in front of him.
"Indeed, I do. I know a lot about what you are. Don't be afraid, your secret is safe with me. I came to ask you for a favor."