The beat of Saphira's wings reverberated in Eragon's chest, beating in tandem with his heart. His hand reached out, drawing Brisingr from its sheath, the blade hissing as it slid free. A spell came flowing from his lips, one that would bind the sword to his hand. Other spells slipped out, the mantra familiar, wards popping into existence around Eragon and Saphira. Time seamed to slow down, the passage dripping like wax from a still burning candle. He steeled his mind, closing off all around him save for Saphira, their bond protection from the outside world.
Ahead of him, he heard Thorn let out a roar in challenge, but as the Rider's approached each other did they veer off, and Eragon knew that his brother wished to speak. He could see Murtagh sat upon Thorns back, Zar'roc in hand. His brother's face had not changed at all during the years, Murtagh's features still handsome, his dark brown hair flowing around a familiar face. He could see gray eyes wide in surprise as he peered at Eragon.
"Eragon! Brother! Your alive!" Murtagh yelled from Thorns back.
"Murtagh!" Eragon yelled back. "Despite everything, I am glad to know that you still live as well."
His brothers face tightened, as though the reminder woke something in him. "As much as I would love to stay and talk, brother, I need that egg."
"See," Eragon said, "That's a problem, because I need the egg as well."
Murtagh shook his head, and Eragon could see both flashes of anger as well as sadness in his brother's visage. "You don't understand, Eragon, what will happen if I don't get that egg."
"I'm sorry, Murtagh," Eragon replied, "I truly am. For leaving and not telling anyone, to not being here when you needed me most. And I'm sorry that you will have to go back empty handed."
The two dragons were circling each other, close enough for their riders to talk. They growled lowly at one other, but he could sense a hint of reluctance in both. Saphira and Thorn had been friendly enough when Murtagh and Eragon had last met, and each used to be respectful of the other. Now though, Eragon knew they would fight, simply because their Rider's had no choice but to as well.
Murtagh laughed, "You don't see it, Eragon, but you cannot beat me. Not as I am now. Not after all that was done to me, and all that I hold."
In that instance, Eragon knew Murtagh had Eldunarí with him. How many though, remained a mystery. Saphira, Eragon whispered in his mind.
I know, she replied.
"Talking, it seems, will solve nothing," Eragon said, "We are both bound. I don't want to do this brother, and I don't think you do either."
Murtagh shook his head, "We will have time enough when I capture you and Saphira. Time enough to talk of the past."
"But you are right," Murtagh continued, raising Zar'roc up, "On both accounts."
Thorn twisted, as if to snap at Saphira, but the sapphire dragon had already rolled out of the way, moving to Thorns other side. Saphira lunged out at Thorn's side, moving away only when a flash of blade appeared.
Thorn beat his wings, driving himself higher into the air to gain the advantage. Saphira, though, was always the better flyer, for she followed and rose higher than the red dragon, claws raking out against Thorns scales.
Blood flowed, Saphira's claws cutting through both flesh and wards, and Eragon heard Murtagh and Thorn cry out together. The two dragons kept circling each other, each trying to gain on the other. Eventually Thorn lashed out, his foreleg catching against Saphira's chest.
Eragon held in his own cry as the pain raked down his chest, blocking a blow from Murtagh. The rider was strong, far stronger than he had any right to be. There blades clanged together quickly, blows ringing out. They were separated when Saphira kicked at Thorn, forcing the Dragon away as her blow landed on his side.
Eragon saw as Thorn's wounds closed, and Eragon quickly healed Saphira's own. The spell sapped at his strength, but Eragon pressed on. He held on tight as the Dragon's collided again, Saphira's teeth scrapping against Thorn's neck as she lunged. He kicked her away, both dragon's wings beating hard against the air as they tried to stay aloft.
Of the two, Saphira was the bigger, which was surprising, but Thorn's own blows held the power of the Eldunarí, replenishing whatever strength he lost. Reaching down inside himself, Eragon channeled energy into Saphira, as well as healing her own wounds again. He briefly considered dipping into Brisingr's energy, but waited instead. The fighting continued, each time ending the same. Blood would fall to the ground below, and neither dragon could find purchase over the other.
Eragon knew then, that this would end with their defeat, if only because Murtagh held more power. Once more the dragons came together, clashing violently against once another. Thorn scored a hit against Saphira, his claws tearing her flesh down one Foreleg, but Saphira twisted around in the air, faster than any other dragon could. Her teeth latched on to the end of Thorn's tail, and she bit down hard.
Thorn cried out, as did Murtagh again. He could see the anger in his brother's eyes, and Eragon blocked a blow from Murtagh, parrying his brother's blade to the side. He flicked his wrist, and Brisingr moved swiftly, the edge biting into Murtagh's shoulder. Thorn roared in response, but instead backed away. Eragon saw then, that Saphira had bitten off the tip of Thorn's tail. Blood was falling fast from the wound before it slowed, Murtagh's mouth moving as he closed the wound as best he could.
He could feel Saphira tiring, but he knew she would never retreat. Eragon reached out, intending the take hold of the power inside Brisingr before a mind softly brushed against his own. He threw up his walls tighter in his mind, thinking that it was either his brother or a magician. The mind remained, softly pressing against his own, and the familiarity of it made him open his own.
The hatchling, its Eldunarí still secured in the bag on Saphira's saddle, reached out with its mind, pressing deeply into his own.
Images and feelings flashed out at Eragon. He saw blood, felt pain then sadness, and saw the flow of a river. He understood immediately, opening his mind to the dragon. Energy flowed through him, revitalizing him at once, he immediately channeled most of it to Saphira, easing her aches. He used some to heal her wounds, and he made to thank the dragon, thinking it would retreat again, its task complete. Instead, it lingered, and Eragon could feel its anger building. He saw a flash of Saphira in its mind, felt the comfort that she had so often offered the hatchling returned.
As Saphira and Thorn came together he could feel the hatchling channel its energy into Saphira. Thorn's head struck out, but Saphira twisted to the side, her teeth digging into Thorn's neck. Thorn tried to at first twist away, but she held fast, so instead his legs kicked out to push her way. Saphira though, angled her body away before her one of her claws dug into thorns chest, while the other crashed against his wing, pinning it to Thorns side.
Eragon knew then that she was trying to drive them to the ground, and he readied his spell. She beat her wings against the air as she tried to stay up, but the weight of two dragon's was too much for her. Thorn squirmed in her grip, trying to free himself, but Saphira's claws were dug in too tightly. He could hear Murtagh screaming, his blade singing in the air, but he was too far away from Saphira to hit her.
They fell then, slowly at first but gaining speed. Saphira's wings slowed them some, but each time her wings would rise they would fall further, only to slow as they came crashing down against the air. As they neared the ground, Eragon let the spell lose, slowing their fall further. The weight though, of two dragons drained him quickly, only to be replenished by the hatchling. He knew that the hatchling could not support them forever, so he touched the stone in Brisingr, drawing from its massive store.
The second the energy flowed from the stone did they nearly stop dead in the air, the two dragon's lurching. Saphira held tight, and Eragon slowly let the spell bring them down. They were close, Eragon realized, only just above the trees when he cast his spell. The energy was draining rapidly from the stone, and as they touched down Eragon quickly noted that nearly a third of the energy that was once there was gone. Saphira pinned Thorn to the ground, and Eragon quickly unstrapped his legs from the saddle.
He spied Murtagh doing the same, and once his brother had his legs free did he see Murtagh raise his hand, a spell flying from his palm straight towards Saphira. The red spell bounced off the wards surrounding her, draining some energy from Eragon. Once more the hatchling gave him energy, a steady flow both into him and Saphira.
His brother jumped down as best he could from Thorn, twisted as the dragon was as he struggled against Saphira. Murtagh made to raise his sword against her, but Eragon jumped in front, parrying the blow away.
Anger shown on Murtagh's face as he raised his sword, ready to strike.
"Concede, Murtagh, and Saphira will let Thorn go." Eragon said, and he heard Saphira growl in response, her teeth digging into Thorn's neck. Thorn's head tried to twist again, using the ground as leverage, but Saphira bit in deeper, stopping the dragon.
"I cannot, Eragon. I swore that I would retrieve egg, or die trying," Murtagh spoke, his words heavy upon his lips. His face was still twisted in rage, and Eragon blocked a blow from his brother. His brother's strength and speed had been enhanced, far past any human riders. But Eragon's own strength was great, and he flashed his blade out, striking at Murtagh.
The blow drove Murtagh back, before his brother lunged forward again. The riders' dueled, red and blue blades meeting together in a shower of sparks only to glance off each other. For long few minutes did they duel, no clear winner in sight. Murtagh eventually managed to flash his blade across Eragon's left arm, drawing blood, but Eragon twisted even as the blade bit into his flesh. His own came down, scoring a deep cut against Murtagh's shoulder, the blade hitting bone briefly before Eragon drew it away.
Pain flashed out on Murtagh's face, and his brother dove in again. The red blade of Zar'roc cut across Eragon's body, but Eragon ducked under it, coming up as it passed and scoring at hit against his brother's side. Neither brother tired, both of them having their energy replenished by Eldunarí. Murtagh's blade raked across Eragon's thigh. The blade drew away from him, but Eragon's hand shot out, slapping the flat side of the blade hard. It pushed Murtagh forward and down as the weight of the sword dipped, and Eragon's own blade struck at Murtagh's wrist. He twisted his hand at the last second, the flat part of his own sword striking hard against Murtagh's wrist.
He heard the sound of bone breaking, and Zar'roc fell from Murtagh's grip. His brother lashed out with a punch, but Eragon deflected the blow with his free hand, his sword following behind him. His blade stropped at his brother's throat, the edge drawing a thin line of blood.
Speaking loudly, Eragon said, "Dead."
His brothers face clouded in pain and rage flashed surprise, and Eragon saw understanding creeping in as well.
"Dead," his brother repeated low to himself. Murtagh was silent, as though the word required him to ponder its very meaning. Eragon did not say anything else, hoping that his plan would work.
"I concede," Murtagh said finally, in the ancient language. "You win. Now please, let Thorn go."
"Swear you won't attack, or give chase," Eragon said.
Murtagh shrugged his shoulders, seemingly unconcerned that Eragon still held Brisingr to his neck. "I cannot swear that, but I can say that I have failed in my mission to hunt the egg."
Eragon nodded, slowly withdrawing Brisingr. He kept the blade in his hand, and he also stepped onto Zar'roc's blade, preventing Murtagh from picking it up. "Saphira," Eragon said, mostly to his brother's benefit.
Saphira withdrew her teeth, blood flowing from the wound. She quickly pulled her claws out of Thorn's chest as well as his side, and the dragon cried out in pain. She jumped back incase Thorn lashed out, but the dragon remained still, breathing deeply.
Murtagh looked at Eragon imploringly, "Go," Eragon said, nodding his head towards Thorn.
Murtagh took off to his dragon's side, and both him and Saphira gave each other a wide berth. Saphira settled next to him, and when he made to heal her wounds she said, wait till they leave.
Eragon nodded, watching the other dragon and Rider. Murtagh's palm glowed as he healed Thorn, red magic flowing down and into the wounds. Eragon remained still, waiting until Murtagh was complete. When he was, Murtagh nodded his head, stepping back as Thorn stood.
It was tense moment as the dragons peered at each other, but neither growled nor made any move to resume their fight.
"Murtagh, Thorn." Eragon said, his words quiet.
Murtagh nodded as though he understood, before climbing up Thorn's side and settling into the saddle. His brother glanced down at the blade beneath Eragon's feet, the silent question clear.
Reaching down, Eragon grasped the blade, holding it in his hands. He inspected it for a moment before coming to a decision. Holding it out, he whispered, "Gánga." He watched as the blade floated over to Murtagh slowly, the metal of the red blade catching the low fading light of the sun. Murtagh griped the blade as it neared him, and Eragon released the spell.
Neither said another word to each other as Thorn spread his wings, launching into the sky. They watched them fly away for a moment, before Eragon turned to Saphira. He began to heal her wounds, speaking softly as he did, "You fought most beautifully, Saphira."
She hummed at him, her tongue glancing against his cheek. You fought most ferociously as well, Eragon.
Her wounds healed, Eragon felt then the hatchlings mind slowly recede from there's. The purple dragon was exhausted, its energy nearly completely drained. As his mind faded back into the stone, they both whispered their thanks, their minds expressing their gratitude towards the hatchling.
If he understood, Eragon didn't know.
After turning back to make sure Thorn and Murtagh didn't return, Eragon jumped into Saphira's saddle, holding on tight as she launched herself into the air.
They searched for the elves through the forest, Saphira flying lower than before. Both of them were scanning the trees, trying to spy the swift elves. On they flew, and Eragon was impressed how far the elves had travelled. It wasn't until they were almost upon Furnost once more did Eragon realize that they had returned to the previous clearing they used as camp. Saphira aligned softly on the ground, and Eragon watched as the elves sprang up around them, crowding Saphira.
They were all speaking at once, but Eragon paid them no mind, merely unstrapping his legs, and leaping from the saddle. As he landed on the ground he stumbled, strong hands gripping his arms. He looked up to see Arya gazing at him, concern lacing her features. Waving her off, Eragon said, "I'm alright."
The elf withdrew her hands, but Eragon could still feel the lingering heat on his arms. Rubbing them slightly, Eragon looked up as Glenwing spoke.
"Eragon-elda, Saphira-elda, we are glad you are safe," the elf spoke, bowing. Eragon nodded and thanked the elf. Fäolin expression was blank, but when Eragon glanced at him the elf nodded slightly. Saphira laid her bulk down, her head resting on the grass.
"Are either of you hurt?" asked Arya, her gaze flying first over Saphira then over Eragon.
Eragon shook his head, "No, I healed the worst of it right after out battle, then the rest as we flew to catch up."
She nodded at him, but her gaze remained for a few more seconds before turning away.
"Where's Brom?" Eragon asked, glancing around the clearing. Three horses remained, grazing about the ground. Jeod was gone, but Eragon was unsurprised.
"When we ran during your battle, Brom took Hefring on his horse, but they headed in a different direction then us."
Nodding, Eragon asked, "Do you have it?"
Saphira's head came up, turning to Arya. The elf reached down and picked up a leather bag before she reached her hand inside. Her hand came out slowly, revealing the green egg. The elf presented the egg to Eragon, but he tilted his head to Saphira first.
Arya nodded, turning as Saphira bent her head forward. She peered at the egg with one eye for a moment, before turning to gently sniff it. Giving it a quick lick with her tongue, Saphira laid back down, her eyes still tracking the egg. She hummed, the sound bouncing around the glade, drawing smiles from the elves. Eragon patted her on the snout, feeling the joy flowing through her.
His own face held a smile as he reached out, taking the egg from Arya. She seemed saddened a moment as he did, but her face resumed its previous bearing. The egg was heavy in his hand, the outside of egg warm but feeling as though it was made of stone. Taking the finger of his glove in his mouth, Eragon removed his hand before he spat out the glove. He rubbed the Gedwëy ignasia on his palm with his fingers before gently placing it against the egg.
The mark buzzed in his hand, and he could feel the young dragon's emotions roll through him. "Its deeply confused," Eragon said, "It will not hatch now, not even for its Rider. It needs time to understand its new surroundings."
"I thought much the same," Arya said, "when I felt it earlier with my mind."
It'll take a while, Saphira said, her gaze flicked to Eragon before returning to the egg, It's been a while since I've seen you hold an egg. Always was a strange sight, knowing that I was once that small in your hand.
He could see Arya understand what Saphira had said, "You ferried eggs before?"
Eragon nodded, "Briefly. Many Rider's handle eggs. But Rider's aren't the only ones who ferried eggs. Eventually, if the dragon liked the person carrying the egg well enough, they would lower their guard and allow them to feel what they feel."
He saw Arya's right hand stroke the egg slowly, her fingers dancing over the veins of the green stone. After a moment she withdrew, and Eragon walked over to the saddle bags. Holding the egg for a moment in one hand, he pulled out a small leather bag, similar to the one that previously held the egg. The insides were lined with a fine cloth, soft and meant to keep heat inside. The bag also held many wards, cast long ago over it by Riders before Eragon.
He gently placed the egg in the bag and sealed it inside. He cast a few more wards over for good measure. "So," Eragon said, "we got the egg."
"We have," Arya said. She smiled briefly at the notion, before her face once more became serious. "But we still need to get it back to the Varden."
Eragon sat down beside Saphira's head, leaning up against the side of her, the egg cradled gently in his arms. He stroked her scales slowly as he replied, "Yes, we do. And Brom took off with the thief to parts unknown. Jeod also disappeared, but I don't think he's in trouble."
Fäolin spoke, his voice carefully neutral, "Do we return to the Varden at once, or do we wait for Brom?"
The elf addressed the group, but his eyes were carefully on Eragon. "Brom would want us to return right away. Getting out of the Empire is the best move we have right now."
Arya stated, "I agree. Eragon will fly with the egg, and we will travel by horse and cloak."
"Aye," Eragon agreed, "but we will do as we did before. Saphira and I will not leave you out here in the Empire, not with Murtagh so close at hand. We bested him and Thorn, but I will not have him attack you without us there."
She seemed a mind to argue, but Glenwing added, "If Eragon and Saphira are here, then the red rider is less likely to attack us."
Arya sighed, and he could see that she still did not agree completely. "Fine," Arya said, "but we leave immediately."
She turned to Saphira, her face concern, "if you can, Saphira. We don't want to push you if you need rest."
Saphira snorted, a plume of smoke escaping her nostrils. I have plenty of energy to spare, especially if it means we can get the egg somewhere safe, far from the oath-breaker.
Arya and the other elves moved quickly, saddling the horses and climbing up on to them. Saphira stood, and Eragon leapt up her back. He opened the bag containing the Eldunarí, carefully making sure the elves did not see it, before storing the bag containing the egg inside. It was an odd thing, knowing that there was a dragon egg next to the hatchling Eldunarí, even if they were both covered by leather.
The sun had set already, and Eragon could feel the exhaustion creeping up in him. His energy had mostly been replenished by the purple Eldunarí, as had Saphira's, but he knew that they both needed actual rest. The elves must have been similarly tired, but they said nothing. After a quick nod to Arya, Eragon said, "Let's go."
Saphira took off, her wings beating hard against the air to rise above the tree line. As they left so too did the elves, the horses eager after resting so long.
By the time they reached the entrance to the Varden, the whole group nearly collapsed in exhaustion. The horses were panting heavily, and even Saphira's head was dipped low after she landed. The elves had ridden hard the past two days, only stopping long enough for the horses to gain some small measure of rest. From what Saphira and Eragon could tell during the journey, no one had followed them.
Arya led the way into the tunnel, a werelight floating over head and casting a soft emerald glow. Saphira followed behind the elves, and Eragon ran a hand over his face as the dragon entered the tunnel. They were greeted by a company of Soldiers, no doubt warned of their arrival by the few scouts Eragon had spotted. They must have had a magician with them, for Saphira could outpace any birds of communication that the Varden often employed.
Standing in front of the group of soldiers was Ajihad, his face set, though Eragon could spot a hint of smile on the leader's lips. Arya stopped their group in front of the dark-skinned warrior, and Ajihad raised his hand in welcome. "It is good to see you all. I'm heartened to know that you returned to us unscathed. Please, let us retire inside."
Eragon wanted nothing more than to sleep, curled up into Saphira's side. The thought of lying against her warm belly was tempting, but he knew the leader deserved to be briefed on their mission. Ajihad signaled to the group of soldiers and they turned as one, leading the elves and dragon down the path towards Tronjheim. The hooves of the horses were loud in cave, the animals dragging their feet as they made their way forward.
Not long after did they exit the cave to one of the dwarven cities four gates, the griffin statues standing tall before them. Eragon could see two people standing next to the left statue, and a smaller one standing far away from the pair. As they approached did Eragon realize the pair were the twins, and the other was Orik. The dwarf was bouncing lightly on his feet, his weight swinging back and forth as he eagerly waited for their arrival.
The twins bowed as Ajihad passed, but their blank gazes were locked on to the Dragon Rider. Ignoring them, Eragon greeting Orik as they passed, who fell instep beside Saphira.
"Orik my friend!" Eragon exclaimed, reaching down as far as he could from the saddle. They briefly grasped hands, Eragon's arm straining from the distance. The dwarf was tiny compared to Saphira, and Eragon had to pull himself back up into the saddle so that he didn't fall atop Orik.
"Eragon, Saphira, it does me heart well to see you both unharmed," the dwarf said, his hand gently patting Saphira's side. She turned her head towards Orik as they walked, blinking her gem eyes before turning back.
They made small talk as they entered the city, Orik mostly speaking of his duties to the king. The dwarf even included Saphira in many of the conversations, and Eragon was glad to know that some dwarfs respected dragons. The elves had left their horses with a few of the stable hands at the entrance to the city, and Eragon jumped down from Saphira's back, walking on the other side of Orik.
The company of soldiers were dismissed by Ajihad after they entered the area in which the Varden conducted much of its business, and Ajihad led the rest of the group to the council chambers. Nasuada and Jörmundur stood outside the chamber as they approached, opening the grand doors as Ajihad stepped inside.
The quickly found their seats, and Eragon could see that even the elves had sat next to Arya, exhausting lining their faces. As Eragon sat, he tried not to slump in the chair, watching as Saphira settled down next to the table. She had her eyes trained upon the group, and he could feel that call of sleep in her as well.
Ajihad had taken in their faces, his eyebrows drawn in concern, "I know that you all must be tired, but please, tell us what you can. Long have we waited for word, and I confess that I worry that both Brom and Jeod are not among you."
Arya had taken up the tale, telling the Varden leader of their journey. She spun the tale better than Eragon could have ever tried to, her honey coated words causing his mind to drift. Several times did he have to rub his face, pushing as he could the sleep from his bones. He saw Ajihad's concern deepen as Arya told him of Hefring, of how the thief had already left the city of Furnost.
When Arya spoke of how Brom warned them of the thief's flight did the Varden leader interrupt her, "How did Brom know?"
Arya shook her head, the frustration clear, "We don't know. But neither did we have time to ask. Saphira and Eragon gave chase, and it was good that they did. They spotted the thief as he exited, and guided us to him."
She paused then, turning to Eragon. When he made no move to speak did she continue, "It was then that we heard a roar sound from Urû'baen."
Ajihad's eyes showed his surprise, he gestured for the elf to go on. "Murtagh flew at us, his speed great. Saphira and Eragon fought him, telling us to run with the egg. We did, and it wasn't until then that Brom broke off from us, taking the thief with him. We know not where he went.."
The leader turned to Eragon, his eyes roaming his features, "You fought your brother then?"
Eragon nodded, crossing his arms on the table. "We did fight, yes. Saphira and Thorn clashed in the sky before she was able to drive them down to the ground. Murtagh and I fought then, but I managed to defeat him."
He could see the elves watching him, their expressions tight. He never told them of what happened during, and they weren't inclined to ask during the trek back to the Varden. Ajihad spoke quietly, his words carefully considered, "Are they dead?"
Shaking his head, Eragon glanced at Saphira. She was watching him speak, and blinked at him at his gaze. "No, I did not kill my Brother."
Ajihad's face hardened. "Why? You say you defeated him. Why let them live?"
Frustration welled inside Eragon, both at the Leader and the situation at hand. "I will not kill my brother. Not when they serve the mad king unwillingly."
"You would let them live? Continue to harass us and allow them to fight at Galbatorix's side? You could have struck a mighty blow, one as grand as the egg you retrieved."
Eragon turned his eyes briefly to Arya, but he did not know what he was looking for from her. His tone grew forceful, "If it comes down to it, both Saphira and I will do what we must. Saphira is the only other dragon left, not counting the mad beast that sits in waiting at Galbatorix's side. Shruikan cannot be saved, and I will not damn the dragon race further. Even if we have the egg, we do not know if it will hatch anytime soon, or if it will ever hatch."
Arya nodded her head, but her voice was strained. "The egg has spent the past century surrounded by the magic of the mad king. We do not know how the dragon inside fairs."
Ajihad sighed, but seemed to concede the matter of the red dragon. "You managed to do what most cannot, so I will not fault you in your decision. So long as you remember your duty."
The man ran a hand briefly over his face, his features drawn. It was Nasuada who spoke up, her face set as she contemplated the matter. "The egg will not hatch then?"
Eragon shrugged, but it was Saphira who answered, her mind touching all those in the room, The dragon is confused, concerned over where it is. Too much has happened quickly around it. We must give the young one some time to learn of their surroundings in order to allay its fears. It will hatch when it deems it necessary, not a moment before.
Jörmundur scowled, but his face lightened after a moment. "You are more knowledgeable than us in such matters," the man uttered, "But still. It would be great news for the Varden if we could have the egg hatch quickly."
Ajihad asked, "Will you know when the dragon is ready?"
Eragon nodded. "Aye. The elves will know too, after a fashion. Once the small one learns that it is safe with us, it will allow those who know how to contact it."
"Very well," Ajihad said. Eragon watched as the man debated something silently, before asking, "May we see it? The egg, I mean."
Eragon nodded, standing. He moved towards Saphira and opened the saddle bag, his hand sliding against the leather as he reached inside. He could feel the Eldunarí press into the back of his hand as he grabbed the egg. After making sure the bag was secured again did Eragon walk back towards the table, the egg cradled gently in his hand. He placed the bag on the table, drawing open the drawstrings that sealed the bag. He muttered under his breath as he did; relaxing the wards that protected the egg.
He withdrew the emerald egg, watching as those gathered gazed upon it, their faces displaying the awe that Eragon knew was on his own face. He passed the egg to his left across the table to Fäolin, who grabbed the egg gently from him. The elf ran his hands over the egg, deep in thought, before passing it to Glenwing next to him. The elf did the same, whispering a few words before giving the egg over to Arya.
He watched Arya's emerald eyes gaze at the green egg, their colors slightly different shades of each other. She held the egg for longer than the other elves, as though reluctant to part with it. Eragon did not know if she was drawn to the egg, or to the knowledge that it was the last egg in existence. After a full minute did she pass the egg to Nasuada next to her.
Nasuada gazed at the egg in amazement, her hands trembling as he held it. Joy was shining in her features, as she said, "Its heavier than I expected. It almost looks like stone."
Eragon nodded, "Inside is a full grown hatchling, waiting to emerge. Dragons are born ready for the outside world, only given up by their brood mother to Rider's when they are ready to be bonded. The egg is quite tough, you know."
He turned to Saphira, smiling gently, "I did drop Saphira's egg the first time I held it." He could see the others surprise at his revelation, and he briefly saw Arya and Glenwing frown at him.
The dragon snorted, turning her head away from him, Why I still hatched for you, I do not know. You are still as clumsy then as you are now.
He laughed, "I love you too, Saphira."
She did not respond, but he could feel her love flow gently through their bond.
Nasuada, after running her hand once more over the egg, passed it to her father. Ajihad held in firmly, large hands cradling the egg between them. He stared at the egg his face serious. "Long have we waited to have this in hand, and now that we do, I can scarcely believe it. My predecessors strove hard to gain such an advantage over the mad king, and now that I hold their hope in my hands I do not wish to give it up."
Ajihad sighed greatly, handing the egg to Jörmundur next to him. The old soldier grasped the egg, his features drawn in tight. He handled it for a moment before shaking his head, moving to give it to Orik seated next to him.
Before the dwarf took it he turned to Saphira, his gaze intent on the dragon. Saphira said nothing, merely watching as the dwarf turned back and took hold of the egg. The green egg was large in his hands, and Eragon couldn't make out the dwarf's emotions, hidden as they were behind his great beard.
Once more the dwarf glanced at Saphira before saying, "I think I might be the first dwarf to ever hold a dragon egg."
Saphira, her eyes still tracking the egg, Perhaps, dwarf. But I should think of no one better among your kin to hold such a treasure.
The dwarf bowed his head to Saphira, gently reaching over and handing the egg back to Eragon, "You honor me, great dragon. Long have our kind been at each other's throats, but I hope that after this we might be able to overcome our forefather's bloody history."
Saphira turned her head, looking out at the others before speaking, With this hatchling, I feel the fate of all us shall forever be changed.